chapter fourteen ~ being at home

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three days later

sam woke up early that morning to pack up her things and get to the airport after she was ready to head out she realized only one person was up


max was an early riser and when she got down the old creaky stair as quietly as those stairs would allow she bumped into him

"heading out already," he asked looking her up and down sams hair was still pulled back into a bun from sleeping but she was wearing a nice blue button-up with a black skater skirt

"yeah my plane goes out at 8;30 and I want to pick up breakfast fon my way" Sam admitted max just smiled and gave her a small paper bag

"its breakfast for xasnder but I can make him another one before he has to head out it's very good," Max told her what was in the warm bag

"thank you, its been really nice staying with you guys and if I didn't want to get to see my family so despite I would rebook my flight to later" sam thanked him and pulled on her black heels the boots she normally wore were hard to get on and off not great for customs.

"It's 6:30 walking through these parts isn't the safest let me call you a cab and you can make some coffee before you head out" Max looked confused and grabbed his phone and typed the numbers into the phone then got in line with the company

"yeah thanks," Sam walked into the kitchen to make to cup of coffee putting a small drop of milk into the travel cup then two spoons full of sugar when max came up behind her

"they'll be here in twenty minutes." max stood beside her then stopped for a second, "I ask you this because I feel like you can keep a secret is that okay"

"Yeah, shoot" Sam smiled she could keep a secret.

"if you say liked your best friends little sister and had been dating her for almost a year under his nose then she wanted to start telling people but you where scared that he would kill you what would you do," Max asked

"My God are you dating Xanders sister." sam asked

"yes I know she's three years younger then I and I know he's my best friend but when she kissed me that night after her ex-broke her heart I wasn't thinking about that then one kiss turned into several then dates then making out in the back seat of my car." Max expand

"don't tell me you when all the way with his little sister" Sam gasped

"no I didn't I'm not like that okay, just how do I tell him"

"first ask him about how he would feel if that happened then think of a way to tell him based on that response, and maybe don't mentions the making out in your car he trusts you make him see that your the best choice for his little sister Maia is 16 and your 18 your going to have to fight that point and try to do it in a crowded places he hates to draw attention to him self." sam told him then hugged max when they heard a car honk "all the luck to you see yo soon" sam then walked out into the moring a couple hours sam was finaly home or at least at the airport where sam saw her boys after hugging screaming and making alot of loud nosies they headed back to the house where they speant the day playing video games then whent out to dinner or tryed to pick where they were going to dinner

after about tweanty minuets of agurmest about what to eat they finally got to kelasys to eat there normal like always the nigth was chill and normal sam even told them all about having a boyfriend and they asurder her they would kick his ass if he ever messed up.

storys where told about there travels and where they were heading next paris for a couple weeks for fashion weeks mostly for Sam then around diffent types of france. then they were to Ireland for Sam to see her parents before they came home for the Christmas dinner everyone and their parents got together to have a huge dinner and stuff like that.

tim had brough his new girl home. Lexi was from a huge family and didnt seem to mide the way they acted around each other the way tim would kiss sams head if he won the game or how sam jumped on his back if she was exsided

lexi before her and tim headed to get her home pulled sam aside

"hey um its not that i jelouse or anything but ive been burnd before, Tim swears that your like his sister but, " she looked very nersie

"trust me were practicly sibling it nothing we just do werid stuff out of habit, im dating someone else," sam asurder her with a soft smile, compard to sam lexi looked like a young girl, with her two pig tales soft pink lipstick and cute pink dress. not to metion sam had a bigger chest size and was created to be beautiful to acttract men to a trap before the project was destoryed,

but to Lexi she just kept thinking about the unrivaled beatuity sam had the beautiful curves that sam possessed and her blue eye the only with Sam was at a loss was the green whites of her eyes.

after a couple minutes Lexi and tim were on there why to lexi's home.

"lexi you okay you look a little shaken" Tim asked the normally chatty girl who for the past couple of minutes sat very quietly

"its just I know Sam is like your sister but the woman it a walking magzie cover. and I'm just human." lexi sighed tim pulled over to the side of the road and turn to look at her

"you know why sam looks like that she was created in a lab by evil men who created her to test projetcs on and suduse men, sam is in her opinion a freak," Tim pushed Lexi hair out of her eyes "we all have are flaws lex, don't worry about sams prefectshons"


Woo I'm done


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