A Beneficial Friendship {Mont...

By montgomerydelacruz16

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I watched him from across the room. He had a soft smile toying at the ends of his lips while he looked down a... More

Cast and Characters
Authors Note
Authors Note 2
Twelve (Flashback Chapter)
Authors Note
Authors Note - Season 3 Opinions
Twenty (Flashback Chapter)
Authors Note - Season 4


4K 72 45
By montgomerydelacruz16

I walked into the party arms linked with Jessica. My number one plan for the night was to get drunk. I usually liked to be in control of myself but I didn't want to tonight. I didn't like the sense of emptiness that I was feeling and I liked even less not understanding why I was feeling this way. I wasn't in love with him for fucks sake, so what did it matter? Maybe I had formed some sort of territorial entitlement over Monty and hadn't realized it until he was gone. I did lose my virginity to him and I had been his main hookup for three years now.  Jessica drug me through the house while she searched for Justin. Lucky for me, we found him in the kitchen so I was able to grab myself a beer. "What's up, Evie?" Justin said while giving me a half hug after greeting Jess with a ton of obnoxious kisses. "Oh ya know, the usual. Getting fucked up." I responded after returning the hug. "Evie getting shit faced? I've been waiting to see that for years." He joked, drawing the attention of some of the other guys in the kitchen. "You don't do that though, Eve. Is everything alright?" Zach asked while walking over to us. He was always one of the more caring ones in our group of friends. I gave him the best smile I could muster, followed by a thumbs up. I took a few gulps of my beer and muttered that I was going outside to smoke once the conversation took a turn away from the topic of me drinking. As soon as I inhaled my cigarette I heard a mock gag behind me. I turned around and was met with the joking eyes of Hannah. "Oh shut up, you know we all smoke when we're drinking every once and awhile." I said with a small smile while she made her way towards me. "I know, I know. Just trying to lighten your mood. You've seen off all day." She said with a concerned look on her face while taking a seat next to me. "I'm fine. I don't understand why everyone thinks there's something wrong with me." I muttered unconvincingly. She gave me a look and I knew that I was caught. She knew I was upset about something and wasn't gonna stop bugging me until I caved and told her. "Fine. Maybe it's possible that Monty said something to me last night that kinda got under my skin." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Maybe it wasn't the full truth, but it was a start. She started laughing but quickly apologized whenever I gave her a dirty look. "I'm sorry, it's just, when have you ever cared what Monty has to say?" She spoke up after a second of silence. "It was just that what he said was hurtful but also true." "Well... what did he say?" She asked. I chugged the rest of my beer and tossed it in the trash next to us. I shifted in my seat a little bit and took a deep breath. I didn't want to have to repeat it but I was the one who brought it up. "He pretty much said that no guys have feelings for me and only use me for my looks because I'm a bitch. I mean, that's basically the slow and skinny of it." I mumbled. It was more embarrassing telling someone he said that to me than when he actually said it to me. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Eve, you're great. You're beautiful, smart, talented, a great friend, and a good person. You're the only person who intimidates Montgomery and he tries to play it off that you're just crazy and a bitch. Who cares what he has to say? And at the end of the day, you and I both know that he would be lost without you. He relies on you for a lot and you made him what he is today." I knew that she was right but I couldn't help but to feel like he was too. Monty wanted me in his life still, that much was clear, but what if other guys hated me and have told him as much? "I created the monster that is Montgomery De La Cruz and now it's back firing on me." I chuckled under my breath. "You created a sexy monster though, I'll give you that much." She laughed, causing me to break out into my own fit of giggles. After a minute, I grabbed her by her arm and drug her inside, ready to join the party.

After socializing with everyone for awhile I made my way back into the kitchen and made another mix drink. I decided after this one I was going to switch back to beer. I allowed the Jack and coke mixture to warm my throat and insides as I took a couple of big gulps. I looked around and saw Jessica and Sherri dancing in the middle of the living room, along with some other cheerleaders on our squad and some guys. I smiled at the sight and decided to join them after chugging down the rest of my drink. I made my way over to my friends and and we all have each other bright smiles and squeeled at soon as I reached them. We all danced and laughed to the beat of the rap music playing over the speakers. The bass beating so hard the floors were shaking under our feet. As I held my friends' hands, swayed my hips to music, and laughed with pure joy; I wondered why I had even been sad earlier. Sure, things were different in my life now since I didn't have my usual friend with benefits, which had become more of a comfort thing for me than anything, but I did still have my best friends'. I also knew that if I called Monty randomly  even if it was in the middle of the night, that he would be there for me. We'd been close for too long and had only become closer as the years went on. He was a good friend and I couldn't blame him for deciding to be with someone he had real feelings for. I was actually really proud of him for being in his first relationship and calling things off with me because that meant that he was going to be loyal. Maybe it was me coming to my senses, maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe a combination of both but I decided that I was going  to cut Monty a break and stop acting weird towards him. The decision had barely been made in my mind whenever I saw him for the first time since I'd arrived at the party. He looked handsome. He had a plain black v neck t shirt on and over that, one of his signature flannels. His skinny jeans fit just  right and his clothes were tight enough that I could make out his muscles flexing underneath them. His hair was in its usual perfected style and I knew that if I got close enough, I would be able to see the specks of green in his light brown eyes and the mess of freckles that were delicately placed on his cheeks and his nose. For someone who was always so angry and tough and honestly a huge bully, he had a very innocent and cute looking face. Typically this night would end with Monty and I hooking up and probably going home together too but I knew that tonight, I would be flying solo. Sherri was standing next to him and she looked genuinely happy as she gently leaned into his chest. A strange feeling I had never felt before washed through me but I quickly pushed it aside, not wanting to admit what I was pretty sure it was. I still could t take my eyes off of him no matter how hard I tried. I watched him from across the room. He had a soft smile toying at the ends of his lips while he looked down at her and played with her hair. She made him happy in a way I never could. His usually hard features were soft and caring; he looked beautiful and peaceful. I felt slightly empty ever since he told me that our little deal was off. I didn't even remember a time anymore that he wasn't my go to guy. Whether for a hook up or just someone to talk to. I had to let him go though. I was just his old friend Evie now, nothing more. We locked eyes from across the room and after a moment he mouthed the words that I knew were coming. "Are we good?" I sent a nod and a soft smile his way, earning the same in return. I turned and walked off, feeling something shift in me. Montgomery De La Cruz had left a mark on my heart.

                  evielicious: When you go to the beach hungover after a night of partying 🤘🏼

hannahisabaker: Look at you hot stuff 😻

jessdavischeer: Ooooh guuurl, can I get them digits?

emostandall: Only you could look that hot hungover 😵 

presidentmarcus: How about you show us a little more skin, girl? I hear you look good under there 😜

pompomsherri: You're so pretty, girly! I'd love for you to come to Monty's while I'm there so we can get closer!

number22jefferyatkins: Photo creds mami 😘✌🏼

alltheladieswantbryce: Damn baby, when you gonna let me slide in that? And pompomsherri you must be forgetting that up until yesterday Monty has fucked the shit out of Evie just about daily for years 👏🏼😂

montyismyname: Best friend lookin good as always 🙃 alltheladieswantbryce don't ever say shit like that ever again. I don't want u talking about Evie and I don't want u talking shit to my girlfriend. Back the fuck off of both of them

alltheladieswantbryce: So we're just all gonna ignore the fact that Evie showed up covered in hickeys the same day you asked Sherri to be your girlfriend montyismyname ? Obviously you had to get it in one more time before you couldn't anymore lol. Not my business though 🐸☕️

pompomsherri: He's not wrong montyismyname ....

ryanshaverslays: Oh who cares? Monty fucks Evie, Evie fucks Monty, that's nothing new. Are they anymore though? No. Sherri randomly winning him over out of nowhere isn't gonna ruin their friendship though, I can promise you that 💁🏼

courtneycrimsonlovesyou: To be respectful of their new found relationship, Evie should no longer be in the picture at all. She's just the trashy fuck buddy while sweet Sherri is the classy girlfriend.

montyismyname: If it's really this big of a deal to y'all, yeah me and Evie fucked the night before I asked Sherri out. But Evie didn't know until after so she kicked me out. pompomsherri if u want me away from Evie then fine but I'm not gonna let anyone say stuff about her that's not true 

evielicious: Wow montyismyname , good to know our friendship means nothing to you. pompomsherri, if you'd like to talk about things, I'm more than open to the idea. alltheladieswantbryce , don't ever let me hear my name come out of your foul mouth ever again, you disgust me. presidentmarcus , you will never get a girl saying things like that. courtneycrimsonlovesyou , your opinion is irrelevant to me because I know that you're just jealous that it wasn't your face that I was sitting on 😜 And to everyone else, thank you!!

                                                                        Comments disabled...

I tossed my phone to the side upset and lit a cigarette. I couldn't believe people were saying those kind of things about me and I was even more shocked that Monty was so quick to drop our friendship for a girl that he'd only been dating for a day. I had never had an issue with Sherri. We were on the cheer team together and although we weren't close, we were friendly. I had no intentions of messing around with Montgomery while they were together so it hurt my feelings that people though otherwise. People assumed that just because I had sex with Monty all the time that I was whore but truth be told, I had only ever been with him and one other guy. When my best friend was meeting my needs, why would I need to go out and get any from anyone else? I looked down at the t shirt I was wearing and realized it was one of Monty's baseball shirts that he'd left at my house. I decided that I was going to bring all of his clothes to school with me the next day if he really wanted to wipe his hands clean of me that bad. I pulled out my phone and texted him, letting him know my plan. Rolling my eyes in the process at what he had made his name in my phone.

Me: I'm getting all of your clothes together and I'll bring them to school with me tomorrow. Even though I find it ridiculous that you're ending our friendship of several years over something stupid, I'll help you speed the process along.

Monty makes me scream 😜: Come on Eve. U know I love u but I've got a girl now. Ur still my best friend but if she's not comfortable with us being close anymore then I've gotta respect her

Me: K. I'll bring all of your belongings tomorrow ✌🏼

Monty makes me scream 😜: Evelyn...

Me: No, don't "Evelyn" me. I just need one favor of you and then you don't ever have to have anything to do with me again.

Monty makes me scream 😜: What is it princess?

Me: Bring all of my stuff with you tomorrow too.

Monty makes me scream 😜: Oh... ok

Me: 👌🏼

The next day I walked into school with bags full of Montgomery's stuff. I didn't realize how much of his stuff was at my house until I was trying to get it all out. Clothes of all kinds, shoes, pictures, baseball bats and gloves, extra pair of contacts, extra pair of glasses, his spare toothbrush, cologne, hair trimmers, and school stuff. As I was walking towards our group of friends', I made eye contact with him and by the look on his face, he knew that the stuff I was struggling to carry was his. He met me half way and took the bags from me before looking inside. "Seriously, Evelyn? Even all of our pictures?" He asked with a hurt tone to his voice. "Yup. Where's my stuff?" I asked while looking behind him at our friends' to see if any of them had my stuff. "I didn't bring any of it. You're not gonna act like this." He said. I glared and scoffed at him before walking past him and towards Sherri. "You see that I brought him all of his stuff and tried to get mine and he refused. So, no more blaming me for shit." I said before walking off. Sherri opened up her mouth to talk but I ignored her. She might've been saying something nice but I didn't care. I was too irritated with Monty to care about anything else. Usually whenever we'd get in little fights like this, we'd be hostile with each other all day and then have insanely awesome makeup sex that night. I knew that wasn't going to be the case this time though. I grunted as I sat down in my chair in communications class. Why was he being so difficult? Just bring me my shit and be done with it. Now he's holding my stuff hostage for what? He made it clear that we can't be friends anymore because Sherri isn't comfortable with it so why does he want my things? Is he like oddly sniffing my panties or something? I started to get really mad whenever the thought crossed my mind that he was giving my stuff to Sherri. Surely he wouldn't do that. I opened up my purse to grab my phone and I saw all of the pictures that I had tried to return to Monty. He clearly snuck them back into my purse whenever I wasn't paying attention. I slowly started flipping through the pictures and I couldn't help but to feel sad. We were so close. I was closer to him than anyone else in my life. Partly because I had lost my virginity to him and we continued frequently having sex for years. I was honestly surprised that we'd never messed up and I hadn't gotten pregnant. That would just be the icing to top off this shit cake now. Now that he had a girlfriend and didn't want to be friends anymore, that's when our worst nightmare was gonna come true. "You know y'all are secretly in love with each other, right?" Justin said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I rolled my eyes at him and shoved the pictures back into my purse. "Neither one of us have any feelings remotely close to being romantic. Hate to burst your bubble though." I responded, causing him to laugh. "As Jess always says, you and Monty are end game." "End game? What does that even mean?" I asked with a laugh. "According to her, it means that's who you're gonna end up with in the end." He told me with a shrug of his shoulders. I laughed again and shook my head. Jessica and her weird sayings. "I can for certain say that Monty and I will never be end game." "You keep telling yourself that, Eve. I'll remember this conversation at yalls wedding."

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