NCIS Los Angeles one shots

By F1icker

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NCIS Los Angeles is my ultimate fave TV show and I have so many ideas for stories so here they all are... More

"He loved you"
Authors note
Let's love the broken ones
The Papers
What do you want? A/N
Trust comes from saving a life
How to save a life

Wedding gone wrong

983 9 0
By F1icker

Finally, a new chapter. Sorry for the long wait.

Im struggling for ideas so please if you can send me a prompt that I can work from.

Are these chapters too short?

Lemme know what you think.




???'s POV

"Any objections?" the vicar asked looking around and presuming the answer was no. When the guests remained silent he spoke once again, "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"This is our time to move," I whispered to my allies. "They're all distracted right now so I want you to go in shoot him and run away. Absolutely nothing can go wrong." A chorus of nods confirmed the fact they were ready. "Go go go go go."

Deeks' POV

I smiled as the vicar said "You may kiss the bride." I grabbed Kensi by her waist and pulled her in for the kiss. She smiled and kissed me back. (A/N Omg I cringed so much writing this. Ahhhh save me plz) The moment was bliss, but it instantly inverted.

Even through the kiss, I felt the bullets embedded themselves into me. I fell backwards as my chest seared with an excruciating pain that felt like a roaring fire burning my insides. However, I didn't scream. I've learnt from past experiences that noise doesn't help the pain. I slumped to the ground, my hand clutching the wounds to stop the bleeding as best as I could. I looked up and saw chaos, complete chaos everywhere. Callen and Sam were trying to get Eric and Nell to ID the shooter they had already killed. Hetty was yelling at Bates and my mum was running around like a headless chicken occasionally glancing towards me. I heard a noise, someone was calling my name.

I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes. I was met by the frightened teary eyes of my girlfriend, no wife. "Deeks....." she whispered pressing one hand on my wound and the other clasped my hand. "Hang in there, for me please" By now, tears were streaming down her face, it broke my heart.

"Don't worry princess," my voice came out in a raspy, strained cry. "I'll be fine, don't fret over me, keep yourself safe." With that, I closed my eyes and my world was painted in a pitch black darkness that I could only hope I would awaken from sometime in the near future.

Kensi's POV

I stared down at Deeks as he slowly faded away into unconsciousness. Tears poured down my face like waterfalls. I looked up to see the paramedics running towards me. "Miss, how long has he been unconscious for?" someone asked.

"He just fell asleep." I whispered with no emotion in my voice.

"Well that's alright then, I'm sure he'll be fine. We just need to get him to the ambulance and then to the hospital. Would you like to ride with him?" some lady asked in a comforting voice.

"Yes please." I mumbled.

"Okay Miss, we need to go now. My name's Daphne and I will be looking after him when we get to the hospital, I'll keep you up to date with any changes as soon as I hear about them." Daphne replied.

I didn't say anything just followed her into the ambulance and sat down next to Deeks' head staring deep into his eyes.

A few minutes passed and we eventually arrived at the hospital where the doctor asked me to wait in the waiting room. I objected at first but eventually let in. I sat down on one of the seats that no one liked. It was silent for a while before the door opened and I looked up to see Callen and Sam come in.

"Kens......." Callen whispered.

"Don't say it." I hissed.

"Say what?" Sam asked confused.

"Don't you dare tell me that it'll be ok. You know as well as me that he might not be ok." I spoke with venom in my voice.

Callen and Sam looked at me with sadness evident in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry Kens, we should've noticed the shooter, but weren't on guard. We had no idea that something like this would happen." Sam said.

I don't know what came over me but something broke inside of me and I burst into a fit of tears. My eyes let out waterfalls that flooded down my face. Callen and Sam stared at me for a second, confused maybe before Callen enveloped me in a warm hug. I just cried into his shirt for a while before speaking. "I just want him to be okay. I already miss him so much. Without Deeks I feel so broken and lost. I don't know what to do."

"Shh Kens, everything will be fine eventually." Callen whispered rubbing my back comfortingly. I didn't even decide to say that Callen's assumption may not be correct, I was too tired and sad to care any more.

There was silence in the compact room except for the occasional noise from my trembling body. It was Sam who eventually sliced through the quiet like a knife in a slice of cake.

"Nell just got back to me. She and Eric have an ID on the shooter." He said. "His name's David Gregory."

I froze, my eyes grew wide. Deeks had mentioned that name before.

"Kens, do you recognise that name?" Sam asked seeing my facial expressions change dramatically.

"Yes." I whispered. "Deeks mentioned his name before. He's an associate of his father."

"What, as in the father that he nearly killed?" Callen asked, slightly confused.

"Yes." I hissed. "And Deeks may be in real danger now, his father is not someone that we want to be on the wrong side of."

"Kens, don't worry, we'll do anything to protect him." Sam said.

"Well you haven't done a very good job so far." I spat instantly regretting it. "Sorry."

"We know you're upset Kens, its fine." Callen reasoned.

I was about to reply but the door opened and in came a doctor.

"Family of Mr Deeks?" she asked

"That's us." Sam said.

(A/N I'm no doctor so please bear with me and don't rage at me if get something wrong, thanks)

"Well, one of the bullets hit and tore through a major artery causing some internal bleeding which was rather hard to sow up but we were successful eventually. Another bullet was lodged in between two ribs and we had to break a rib to dislodge it which is not that bad but will take a while to heal as it had to be completely snapped. One of the other bullets collapsed one of his lungs which we had to reinflate, we have him on a ventilator so won't know if the lung is correctly repaired until we wake him up. Finally, the last bullet penetrated a muscle in his arm which will just have to heal naturally, we can't do anything about it. Overall, he will be fine in a while but we need to keep him in a medical induced coma to nullify most of the pain he would feel if we let him wake up naturally." The doctor reported. "I'm Doctor Hunter and I will send Daphne to notify you of any updates we get."

"Can we see him?" I asked in a small voice.

"Yes, but remember he's not awake." Doctor Hunter reminded them. With that, she left the room and in came Daphne.

"Kens, we'll come and see him later, you go first." Callen instructed.

"I'll show you to his room Miss." Daphne smiled.

I followed Daphne out of the room and into the corridor, we then went into the elevator and walked down the corridor into Deeks' room.

Deeks' POV

I could see nothing. Absolutely nothing whatsoever. Where am I? Where's Kensi? What happened to our wedding?

I tried to pry my eyes open and managed to see a sliver of the real world. But everything was grey. I opened my eyes wider, the world still painted in a thick layer or teal paint. Then, I heard a voice. Kensi.

"Please come back to me baby," she whispered whilst clutching my hand and tears flowing from her eyes. "I can't live without you."

This destroyed me. The sight of my wife, my best friend, my partner, so broken.

I tried to speak, to tell her I was fine but no matter how hard I tried to comfort her, no words came out. I just stared out at Kensi as she stared deep into my eyes.

I'm coming back Kens, just wait for me.


I won't be long.

I'm never far away.

I'll always be with you.

In your heart.

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