The Little Hound {WWE Fanfic}

By allmylifeofrock

27.1K 378 79

She was still very young, but still, got the golden chance, and her dreams came true. She thought everything... More

Chapter One. Good Looking Evil.
Chapter Two. Teasing.
Chapter Three. Kick Some Ass.
Chapter Four. Date?
Chapter Five. Friend Or Enemy?
Chapter Seven. Brotherhood.
Chapter Eight. Flying.
Chapter Nine. Crazy.
Chapter Ten. Attention.
Chapter Eleven. One Year.
Twelve. Gentle.
Thirteen. Sides.
Fourteen. Some Fun.
Fifteen. Go Crazy.
Sixteen. Moods.
Seventeen. Understand Me.
Eighteen. The One.
Nineteen. Girlfriend.
Twenty. Broken.
Twenty One. Lost.
Twenty Two. Tomboy.
Twenty Three. Breakdown.
Twenty Four. Wonderwall.
Twenty Five. Replacing.
Twenty Six. Choices.
Twenty Seven. Mistakes.
Twenty Eight. Bittersweet.
Twenty Nine. Hate?
Thirty. Tears.
Thirty One. Mother.
Thirty Two. Broken Bones.
Thirty Three. Dazed and Confused.
Thirty Four. Back in Black.
Thirty Five. Family.

Chapter Six. Protection.

1K 11 8
By allmylifeofrock

"We fight all the time, You and I... That's alright, we're the same soul." - U2

Closing the door, I looked around the room for a few seconds and sighed, before walking over to my bag, getting some fresh clothes and heading to the bathroom. I was done, and after blow drying my hair and making a side braid, I put some make up on, slipped on a Star Wars shirt, a high waisted shorts and black Chuck Taylors.

"I'm such a nerd." I sighed, looking at my reflection on the mirror. "Whatever."

Checking my phone, I realized that AJ was probably with Punk, so I didn't even bother to call her, because she wouldn't answer me and then would end up texting me a while later. So I sat down on my bed to wait, but I was so tired that I ended up laying down, hugging my pillow and closing my eyes. I noticed a different smell on it, and it wasn't my perfume, but it was good, so I didn't bother. "I can't sleep, God..." I whispered to myself, but I couldn't help it.

"Lacey..." I heard a quick whisper and sat up. "Sorry, the door was open, and you didn't answer when I knocked..."

"Oh..." I yawned, before chuckling. "It's no problem. I just didn't sleep much last night. Well, let's go?"

"I wouldn't sleep if I had Dean in my room, as well." He chuckled, before nodding. "Sure, let's go."

I chuckled at what he said and reached for my wallet, but he held my hand.

"No, missy, I'm paying today." He smiled.

"Hm..." I looked at his hand on mine... Kind of awkward. "Alright, then." I forced a smile, letting go of my wallet and my cellphone as well.

Still holding my hand, he opened the door, waited for me to walk out, locked the door and put the keys inside his pocket. "Did they call ya'?"

"No. And I left my phone. By the way, can you text AJ and let them know I'm with you? Otherwise, they'll freak out if they try to call me and get no answer."

"Sure, no problem." He smiled, while we waited for the elevator. "So, where would ya' like to go?"

"Well, anywhere for me is good, honestly. I just don't like..." I stopped for a while, trying to think any kind of food that I didn't like, but couldn't come up with anything, so I shook my head and laughed. "Damn, there's nothing that I don't like. I'd eat anything."

"That's great." He chuckled. "I checked for Irish food around, but found nothing, so what about... Italian?"

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded with a smile, and we stepped into the elevator.

Sheamus grabbed his phone, I think it was to text Punk, and meanwhile I checked myself in the mirror again. Hell, I was really a nerd with this Star Wars shirt, but fuck it, I love this shirt.

"So, you like Star Wars?" He asked, and I turned around to look at him, smiling a bit.

"Yeah, since I was like... 10 or something. My father gave me this game and I knew everything from the first three movies, before even watching it. I fell in love, honestly." I chuckled, and he smiled.

"I'm not sure, but I think I've watched one or two? And not the whole thing, to be honest." He shrugged.

"No. Way!" I rose a brow. "Really?" I asked, and he nodded yes. "Well, then mark my words, fella, I'm making you watch all of the movies."

"Sounds great, if you watch with me, tho." He winked.

"Deal! Tonight the four of us order pizza and watch the first one. Alright?"

"Alright." He chuckled. "Who's your fav character? So I know who I'd pay more attention to."

"Pay attention to everyone, you'll need your own favorite, but my favorite is Obi-Wan, I'm pretty sure. Even tho I love Anakin with my life, honestly. Ugh, I love all of them!"

"Okay, okay." He laughed, as the elevator's door opened again.

We got to his car, and it didn't take long before we reached the Italian Restaurant he was talking about. It was awesome, all fancy and stuff, the food was perfect, but I couldn't even have some wine. I really hated being so young, sometimes.

But Sheamus was a sweetheart; he wouldn't stop making me laugh as we talked about tons of random shit.

Then, when we were finished, he drove us to the hotel and we sat down outside AJ's room to wait for her and Punk. We had our backs rested against the wall, laughing as he told me about the first time that Punk took him to see a Punk Rock show.

"I'm not kidding, they were weird!" He shook his head.

"Hey!" I stopped, slapping his arm playfully. "Don't talk like that about my people! I might dress nerdy, but I'm just as punk as Punk himself." I laughed. "Besides, a Guns n' Roses concert wouldn't really be that different, you'll have to agree with me."

"Certainly not. I mean, all of those fangirls screaming... Damn, I can hear it already!" He laughed softly.

"Way louder than your fangirls." I poked his ribs and laughed.

"Much louder." He laughed as well, before taking a deep breath. "Alright, enough. My stomach hurts, already."

"Mine too." I took a deep breath as well, then shook my head. "Those two are taking way to long, don't you think?"

"Last time he texted, he said they were already driving back."

"And we were." It was Punk's voice, down the hallway, and both of us looked at him, walking towards us, holding AJ's hand.

"I thought someone had kidnapped you two, man." I laughed, standing up.

"Nah. Just fans. Asking for pics and stuff." AJ chuckled. "So, how was your day?" She asked, as she opened the door.

"It was great. We had Italian for lunch." Sheamus smiled, as we got inside the room.

"Wow, that sounds fun." Punk looked at me with a smirk. "And what are the plans now?"

"Spend time with my best friends, but of course!" I wrapped my arms around his.

"Oh, that's good to hear." AJ smirked. "Then, what are we gonna do, missy?"

"Star Wars. Shea over here said he had never watched all of the episodes, so we're making a marathon."

"Great!" Punk chuckled, before looking over at Sheamus. "Today, friend, you are joining the Jedis."

"It'll be a pleasure, master." Sheamus bowed playfully, and we all laughed.

While Punk and Shea went out to buy pizza and all, me and AJ had to fix the room and put the movie on. But instead, we laid down to wait.

"So, tell me, what did you guys do?" She asked, playing with my hair.

"Just lunch. Then we came back, sat down and waited for you and Punk." I shrugged. "Did you see Seth or Roman?"

"Not really." She rose a brow. "What did you do this time?"

"Nothing! I just left my cellphone in my room. They must be worried if they tried calling."

"They're gonna kill you. Want to go back there and call them?"

"I better do that."

"I'm going with you." She said.

We rushed to my room to see 5 lost calls and tons of texts from Seth, Roman, and even one from Dean.

Ambrose: Sorry, okay? Can you call back or at least reply the texts?

"I think you better call them..." AJ arched an eyebrow and I sighed, nodding yes and calling Seth back. He answered within seconds.

"Hey! What happened? We've been calling and texting and yo-" Seth was talking like crazy, quickly, without taking stops to breath, so I had to cut him off.

"Seth! Calm down. I'm okay! I just forgot my cellphone in my room, that's all."

"I thought you were mad and us. I'm sorry Lacey, we-"

"It's okay, Seth, I'm not mad."

"Okay, thanks." He took a deep breath. "Who's with you right now?" He asked, changing his tone.

"AJ... Why?" I replied, while AJ rose a brow at me.

"Where's Sheamus?"

"With Punk. Getting stuff for us to eat. Why all these questions right now?"

"Nothing, we were just worried. We'll be there in 15, okay?"

"No need. I'll watch movies with them."

"With them who?"

"AJ, Punk and Sheamus." I replied, calmly.

"Fine. But as soon as we arrive the hotel, you're coming with us."

"C'mon, Seth, what's that now. I'm not a kid."

"It doesn't matter." He sighed. "We're just taking care of you. Good movie. See you in a while."

"Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too." And then line went dead.

"What the hell is happening?" AJ laughed. "They think Sheamus will kidnap you or something?"

"I don't even know." I laughed. "They're just crazy. And overprotective."

"I can see." She shook her head, linking arms with me. "Let's go then, the guys must be waiting."

I locked my room and we skipped to hers; Sheamus and Punk already waiting and fixing the room.

"Didn't we give you two a mission?" Punk rose a brow.

"We had to go get Lacey's cellphone before The Shield stormed into the room." AJ laughed.

"What? Why?" He asked, putting the movie on and going to his place.

"Cause I ended up in a bit of a fight with them early today and left my cellphone in my room the whole afternoon."


"'Cause Dean didn't leave her alone and put Seth and Roman against her." Sheamus completed, sitting down as well.

"Nevermind this, okay?" I sighed. "They're just jealous, and Dean's being his idiotic self, as always." I sat down in the middle of Shea and Punk and sighed.

"But what did they say?" Sheamus asked, passing me some popcorn.

"That as soon as they arrive the hotel, they're picking me up."

"They're overreacting, y'know that." Punk rolled his eyes. "What Sheamus could possibly do? And I am here too, hello?!"

"Hey, mister, do you know that you're just as overprotective as them, right? Remember the Dolph thing? Yeah? I do. They just want to take care of her." AJ shrugged, and I nodded yes.

"Yeah, you're right." Punk sighed.

"As if I'm going to hurt her." Shea rolled his eyes.

"It's not personal, tho. If I didn't know Lacey before they met her, it would go exactly like that. The Dolph thing? Well, me, Seth and Roman were always around when he had the storyline with AJ." Punk shrugged.

"Poor Dolph. You guys scared him." I laughed.

"Well, I don't get scared that easily." Shea smirked, and I chuckled, blushing slightly.

"Now that we all know what's going on, can we pay attention to the movie?" AJ laughed.

"You're right." I chuckled.

Six chapters already yay <3 anyone got any ships yet? xD what about the friendships? I'm very fond of every friendship Lacey has, specially how she is with Seth :D this is the first time he's one of the main characters, and I'm loving it! :D how about you guys?

Please comment and vote, means a lot <3

{originally published mar 11, 2016}

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