Arc of The Brotherhood

By Wrench007

90.8K 642 477

(Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Fallout.) What if Jaune was presumed dead during a mission against a white F... More

Weapons and Armor Pt. 1
Weapons and Armor Pt. 2
A New Adventure
Changes in Remnant
The Truth is Revealed
Bad Things Happen to Good People
Defense of Beacon
Calm Before the Storm

Word Spreads Quickly

10.2K 84 59
By Wrench007

Third POV
It didn't take long for news of the new military to reach the city of Vale. Faunas in the city had learned of this group and were inspired to be more of themselves. They let their Faunas parts show for the world to see but they didn't care since they backed the Brotherhood of Steel. Several even started carrying the Brotherhood Flag that were taken as pictures during the start of the colonization effort. Several people posted different images of both the soldiers and their flag and equipment. This spread like wildfire on social media as well as the standard media. It didn't take long for Beacon students, as well as students all across Remnant, to find out about this. A certain black haired Cat Faunas is checking it now.

Blake POV
I had finished checking the website on my scroll as I smiled, seeing that humans and Faunas were finally getting along. I continued to scroll through the posts on the website. I then came across a live video feed of the new Chapter Master has been selected. I clicked on it and the video showed a reporter explaining what was going on and was about to say who it was until they stepped onto the stage. I went wide eyed as I saw my father up on stage. He was talking about the things the Brotherhood did for them, how they helped defeat the Grimm Hordes on the island, even how they've done so much for them. He even said that he was offered the Chapter Master title that he accepted with honor. Two knights came and stood next to him as they saluted the crowd and they were soon followed by two Steel colored Grimm with Black Eyes instead their normal look. Both were Beuwolves that had been given true armor and domesticated so that they were ready to fight for the people. As my father ended his speech, he urged Faunas around Remnant to not be afraid of their heritage and let it show.

Ghira: Don't be afraid of who you are, embrace it and you will know no fear. You will have the strength to keep going if you never surrender and believe in not only yourself, but those around you. You are strong alone, but together you can be great. Never fight alone because everyone needs someone beside them.

I smiled as my father left the stage and was followed by the two knight and the two Grimm as the reporter was shown again.

Reporter: There you have it folks, the chieftain of the village we are currently standing in is now the Chapter Master of the Menagerie Chapter. How will things turn out now that the Brotherhood of Steel is the official military power of Menagerie, only one way to find. Time in next time.

As the footage cut out, I grabbed some stuff from the room and was about to exit when Yang burst through the door.

Yang: Blake, did you see the broadcast?!

Blake: Yeah, I did. It's really great to see that humans and Faunas are finally able to cooperate now that the Brotherhood is here.

Yang: I know, right, but Cardin is extremely pissed that the group is helping the Faunas so much. He keeps saying that their probably nothing but terrorists but no one believes him in the slightest.

Blake: Finally people are standing up to the bastard. He's getting what he deserves.

Yang: I know, no one's ever stood up to him since... since Jaune.

Her head hung low as she said it. I, too, felt sadness wash over me as I remembered the events that transpired four months ago.

Blake: I know Yang, we all miss him, but there's nothing we can do about it. What happens in the past stays in the past, and we can't change it.

Yang: We still should have done something. Anything really.

Blake: Wed probably be in the same boat as him right now.

Yang: Anyways, where are you going?

Blake: I'm going to see my dad, the new Chapter Master.

Yang: That's why he looked so familiar! Anyways, good luck out there.

I smiled and hugged her goodbye before heading towards the bullhead to head to Menagerie. It was the start of summer break and I was going to see my family for the first time in a long time.

Jaune POV
I was standing guard at the Chapter Master's house since I was a newly promoted knight captain. I had to take things a hell of a lot more seriously since I'm now a squad captain. My shift was almost up when an old friend came to visit. I bet she didn't even recognize me under the armor.

Blake: Hey, uh, do you think you could please step aside I'd like to see my dad.

Jaune: Name?

Blake: Blake Belladonna.

Jaune: Alright, head on through.

Blake: Thanks.

With that, she walked up to the entrance of her house and used the door knocker. That thing was loud as hell. After a few minutes, Kali came to the door.

Blake: Hey mom.

Kali didn't have room for words as she hugged her daughter.

Kali: It's good to see you again, Blake.

Blake: It's good to see you too, mom.

After they let go of each other my shift had just ended and I was now to report to patrolling the inside of the house, if you could even call it that without your mind being blown at the size of it.

Third POV
Blake, Kali and Ghira were in the living room with two of the guards, Jaune being one of them and a knight as the other. The three of them were catching up on what's been happening while Blake was gone at Beacon while she talked about her adventures, including the incident of what happened to the young Arc. She was one of the many that were hit hard from what happened at a Extremist White Fang Base. They had destroyed their own base to kill off two of the best hunters and huntress teams in training. They only succeeded in killing one. Jaune got up and started walking away to go on patrol as Blake was curious as to who he was. To her he seemed familiar somehow, but couldn't put her finger on it. To him, though, he knew her and was hoping to make sure she never found out. His shift soon ended as he went to look at the sunset as he felt that someone was behind him.

Jaune POV
I was looking out at the sunset, remembering the good times I had at Beacon when I had a feeling that someone was behind me. When I turned around, I saw Blake. I waited for her to talk and what she said surprised me.

Blake: Is that really you under there?

Jaune: ...

Blake: Don't you dare try to lie to me either.

Jaune: 'sigh' Guess I could never really hide anything from you, could I Blake?

Blake: No, you really couldn't. Why did you keep this a secret for so long, why didn't you tell us?!

Jaune: I thought that if everyone thought that I was dead, then they would learn to let go, learn to move on. Guess I was wrong, though, wasn't I?

Blake: They need to know this, you know that right?

Jaune: I know but I'm not ready to face them yet. Not yet, they still haven't learned when to let go of the past and move forward. Once they've learned that, then I'll show who I really am.

When I said that, Blake knew that once I had my mind set on something, I wasn't going to change it.

Blake: 'sigh' Fine, but you have one month, got it, one month. If they haven't learned by then, than you have to show them who you really are, got it?

Jaune: Deal.

We then shook on it to make it official.

Blake: Oh, one more thing before I go, could you take off you're helmet?

Jaune: Huh, sure, I don't see why not.

I took off my helmet to show my face. I had a scar that went from the corner of my left eye to the corner of my mouth.

Jaune: I don't see what the point of this wa... mph!!!

I didn't finish my sentence as Blake had just kissed me. She just freaking kissed me! My brain was trying to process what had just happened, and just like that, she was gone. I had placed my helmet on at that point but you could see steam coming off it. I then felt a large hand on my shoulder as I soon paled when I saw Ghira. The thing was, he said something that shocked me even more.

Ghira: It looks like my daughter has chosen who she wants in the future.

I was barely able to compensate what was happening as I soon passed out. Things were going to be really hectic from this point on.

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