His Other One

By starlily1

44.6K 3.1K 315

Follow Taylor as she maneuvers in a new world where vampires inhabit, secret roams and danger is never far be... More

edit notice, check for cast update
1|Blue Eyes And a vist
2| The Blue Pact And A Scare
3|Silent forest And The Encounters
5|Rites And A vision
6|The Fake Queen And A Maid
7|The Portraits And A History
8|Two Seasons And A Kill
9|Lupines And Black Horses
10|Fae Magic And A Dying King
11|A Sad love Story And A Cabal
12|The Blossom Key And A Grand Ball
13|The Dead Assasin And A Banquet
14|A Peculiar Memory And A Cause for Alarm
15| Nine days And All Kinds Of Hunger
16|The Charge and A Good Laugh
17|A Hunting and A Prize
18|A clash of answers
19| Olanda And Her Faerie
20|The Request And An Interrogation
21| The Outburst and A Garden
22|Olivia's Plea And The Dungeon
23| An Exchange And A Consumation

4|Emese And A Revelation

2.1K 145 9
By starlily1

It took Taylor more than a moment to process the words she just heard. Did he say husband to be? Her husband to be?
"Your expression says it all. But you look like you need food and rest more than lengthy explanations at the moment" Marius replied with a careless shrug.
"I have a husband to be?" Taylor couldn't think past that.
"The faster you get on my horse the sooner you get answers my lady" Taylor looked at the monstrously large horse skeptically,
"Ion doesn't bite unnecessary" Marius remarked when he caught her look. He patted the snorting beast lovingly.
"When is it necessary?" Taylor wanted to know
"When you annoy me with trivial questions. Get on"
Marius commanded, extending his hands to her. Taylor gripped it and gasped as she was bodily lifted and flung on the rack of the horse, settling behind the rider.

"Hope you don't get motion dizzy" he threw at her from his shoulder and before she could ask what he meant, the horse reared with a loud neigh, its forelegs in air, in a show Taylor found both unnecessary and purposely deadly.
Taylor screamed in terror and hugged Marius like her life depended on it....which it truly did.

Taylor prayed fervently as the horse eat grounds in leaps and bolts. She didn't let go of Marius and didn't open her eyes either, for fear she would see her death sooner than she anticipated.
Taylor had never ridden a horse before and from movies, thought it would be really cool. It felt nothing like cool and everything like torture. She wanted to barf, and the only thing holding it in was the thought of retribution. No one liked to be puked on

"You can open your eyes now My lady, we are near the castle grounds" Marius had slowed the horse to a gentle gallop.

Taylor did and before her was a medieval looking structure not unlike what she saw in movies. Encircled in fog and mystery was a dark, large and majestic castle.

And it looked totally deserted and forlorn. Well kept but gloomy. Yet hauntingly beautiful. Like forgotten fine wine.

They galloped through a stretch of barren lands where nothing stirred.
"Marius!" A figure that had been lurking in the shadow greeted them as they reached what Taylor guessed as the stables, judging from the soft horse sounds. It was a young beautiful man, tall and graceful in a ninja kind of garb Taylor was not familiar with.
"Andrei" Marius called back

"Your presence is needed at the court of lilies. Irina is at it again" Andrei continued after a strange hand gesture of a salute.
Marius stopped his horse and jumped down.
"And none of the guards could contain her?" Marius asked darkly as he gave his horse a soothing rubdown. Then helped a still dazed Taylor to the ground and had to steady her before her sway landed her on the floor.

"You know Irina. They won't touch her with a 10 foot pole."Andrei replied peevishly, then turning to Taylor he said "pardon my manners my lady . I am Andrei Duville of Ardelean Scarlett guard"
"Would you all please stop calling me my lady!" Taylor pleaded in exasperation, it was like everyone had decided to call her what they wanted. First it was the fire fly she wasn't ready to agree was an actual fairy, calling her mirea, now these two with my Lady. Making her feel like an extra in a fairytale gone wrong!

Marius and Andrei shared a look that passed a message only they understood.
"Take her to the north wing. Emese would take it from there." Marius ordered Andrei, then turning to Taylor who looked more lost than overwhelmed.
"Duties call my fair lady, I find myself aggrieved to be away from your presence, but I have a most difficult creature to appease, Andrei will see you to your next destination."
He bowed like a perfect nobleman and walked away in the opposite direction shrouded in darkness.
"This way, my lady" Andrei prodded, then led the way in sure steps of someone who had taken the route constantly.
Taylor was tired, cold and miserable. Not knowing her fate was a bummer, coupled with getting slapped by surprises at every corner, she was simply drained, physically and emotionally.

She followed the quiet man down a pathway that led to a maze of corridors lighted by simmering torches hanging from strategic places.

During the silent work, Taylor didn't glimpse any other life apart from theirs, only flaming touches and stone walls.

They finally stopped at a wooden door, well lighted from behind, old yet beautiful.

"Go in. Emese is waiting" with a little bow that Taylor had begun to see as ridiculous, he left merging into the many shadows of the empty corridor.
Taylor heaved a weary sigh. In such a short time, she had been talked to by a weird insect, pursued by a Frankenstein animal and found out she had a husband to be. Now, she was weary to enter the room for fear of another unwanted surprises.
"You may come in young lady" the feminine voice rang from within the closed door.
Taylor let out a startled gasp. Was she being watched?
Taylor pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside timidly.

She had entered into another world of exquisiteness. Decked in blue and gold, the large room looked fit for a Queen. A totally original and breath taking canopy bed sat in all its glory at the end of the room. The blue and gold curtains and furniture's were antique like and charming. In the middle of the ceiling hanged a beautifully carved chandelier and under it stood a tall, elegantly beautiful woman.

Taylor couldn't guess her age. Though she looked young, there was an air about her that argued otherwise. The woman looked like one of the Renaissance paintings she enjoyed looking at, at the museum. Pale, delicate and breath taking.

"I am Emese. You must be Samantha Mc'leory" she finally broke the silence. She had on a Mona Lisa look as she gave Taylor a once over.
"Yes. I am Samantha "

"You look exhausted. But I have instructions to prepare you for your marriage rites"
Taylor's heart skipped two beats
"I am not getting married" she gaped at the woman now looking at her like she had grown a pair of horns.
"What do you mean you're not getting married Samantha?" She queried, an eyebrow raised gracefully.

"I am not! I just turned 18! I don't even have a boyfriend! I haven't even had my first kiss yet! And I am definitely not going to get married to some stranger!"
Emese watched her quietly during and after the outburst. Then she chuckled. Chuckled! Taylor was mad, she wanted to just turn back and leave...if only she knew where to.

"Samantha, what did you think you were given the blue flowers for? Why are you here?"
"Because of some pact my family has with vampires....i think? That's ridiculous isn't it? Vampires are just romantic nonsense that sells books. Any way I am here because of my family not to get married to a stranger"

"Hmm" was Emese thoughtful reply
"Poor child. Your ignorance amuse me but I see I have works on my hands" she turned away and went to sit on the bed. She patted the space beside her.

"Come sit. What you are about to learn would require strengths you don't have" She gave a smile that wasn't a smile. Somehow, Taylor sensed that Emese could never give a full smile. She walked towards the woman and sat rigidly.

Taylor never saw it coming. Emese moved in impossible speed and in a blink of an eye, Taylor was hanging from the wall, pinned by Emese at an unnatural angle. It happened in a speed that couldn't determine if they flew or materialized halfway up the wall above the bed. Emese hazel eyes faded to snow white, totally matching her eyeballs, transforming her features in a surreal manner.

Taylor watched in transfixed horror as she bared her teeth in a snarl, revealing long, pointed fangs. Emese rolled her tongue around the strange dentition as her eyes changed back to their normal hazel colour.
"Dont faint" she admonished simply as she released Taylor, letting the soft bed cushion her fall. Emese landed on the floor a second later, catlike and unruffled.
Taylor watched her. Dazed. Petrified. And amazed.
She pinched herself, just in case. Nope, she hadn't dreamt or imagined the whole thing. The woman had lifted her like a rag doll, pinned her to the wall above and showed her fangs. And the way her eyes changed....

"If you want further proof that we are not romantic nonsense, I can hasten my feeding time to now" she leaned towards Taylor suggestively.
"No!" startled, she jumped from the bed and away from the other woman. "I take it back!" She pronounced then in a softer tone pleaded ;
"Just give me a second to process"
"Take your time" Emese replied cheerfully with her Mona Lisa smile.

Vampires are real.
Emese is a vampire.
Vampires are keeping me hostage.
Vampires are not made up.
Holy Crap! I am so dead.

"Are you going to kill me?" Taylor blurted.
"You're more useful to us alive than dead Samantha"
"Why am I truly here. You didn't take me from my family to get married, did you? There must be many girls willing to marry vampires...I think. I don't want to get married" especially to a vampire!
"Stay calm. You will get your answers. That's why Emese is here. Now, you ask why you are truly here? To marry Anghel Illiescu of Ardelean. Are you trying to empty your sockets?" She remarked, referring to the other girl's comically large eyes. Then continued;

"Anghel is a second generation vampire, begotten of king Szilard Vladimir Illiescu of Ardelean and a mortal bride. As a Dhampir, he is mandated to mate with only mortals and that is where your family comes in Samantha. Your family has, is and will forever provide brides for Ardeleanian dhampirs till they seize to exist or by omission"

"I thought dhampir is a term for vampire hunters?" Taylor had done her homework.

"That is silly. Vampires don't kill their kind, unlike you mortals. Dhampirs are simply begotten sons. The stories recorded about dahmpirs are fabrications of fearful human minds to create for themselves saviors. And many foolish mortals have come forth claiming to be dhampirs and hunters. They didn't last. Any other question?"

"Why can't Dhampirs marry other vampires?" Taylor wanted to know.

"To fully understand our world would take more time than you have. But to simplify it. Female vampires, either sired or begotten are sterile. First generation vampires are becoming extinct, Dhampirs and their kinds are the only hope to preserve our legacy, to survive in an ever changing world. Simply put, your children are our future. And you got lucky, Anghel is your generation mate . You're not getting married to an old soul."

"What if I refuse to be a baby making factory for vampires?" Taylor didn't know what she felt more, anger or repulsion.
"You can't. You are under an oath of loyalty and can only be broken at the cost of your soul"

This quietened Taylor for a length of time. She worked hard at processing the information, imagining her fear filled life married to a vampire.
"If you have contemplated enough we can begin the wedding rites now"


"Yes now."

"What's the hurry?!"

"What's the wait?"

"B..but, a wedding? I haven't even seen the groom yet! I don't have a dress and am sure wedding takes a lot of time and energy to prepare. We can't just up and marry now?!" Taylor stammered, alarmed.
Emese lips tugged at the sides, but her muscles won the struggle and kept the coming smile at bay.
"Here, all you need is both party's blood and a circle of elders to get married"
"You are not draining my blood!" Taylor objected standing up and looking as fierce as she could manage
"A needle prick wouldn't kill you, Samantha. Its to bind you and your mate together."

"A mate I haven't even met before" Taylor grumbled bitterly.

"Oh but you have. Anghel picked you himself. He could have picked the both of you though, its not uncommon for vampires to have more than one mate, it beats odds that way"
"He picked me?"
"Yes, he gave you the binding flowers himself. Always up to one antic or the other, never listens to Emese, that child"
Taylors heart dropped to her stomach.
Blue Eyes is Anghel?
For the love of carrots she was getting married to Blue Eyes!
"Nothing should surprise you anymore now Samantha, your eyes seriously can't get larger than it is"

"I want a wedding dress"

"What?" now it was Emese turn to widen her eyes in shock, which she quickly corrected,
"Or a veil. A dress with a veil if a wedding dress is too much" Taylor pressed.
"You don't need it. You are not getting married in a church"
"A veil or am not getting married." Taylor hoped the woman didn't see her desperation, she wanted this to work out. Anghel can't see her before the wedding. There is no telling what drama that would entail!

"Fine." Then she grumbled "Mortals never cease to amaze"

"Thank you." Taylor beamed. Samantha was right, Blue eyes would notice she was not the one he choose. No matter the make up or hairstyle, she could never be Samantha. If she survived after their impromptu wedding, he would have no choice but to stick with her. Taylor ignored the pang in her chest. Blue eyes must have really like Samantha, to keep him coming every year for 10 years, now he would be utterly disappointed he ended up with the other one .

You did good Taylor. She told herself dejectedly. Samantha won't like this dreary dark place full of surprises, she would pine away for her fulfilling life in Canada for the rest of her life. She on the other hand had nothing to pine for except for the family she left behind.
A tear slipped from her eyes without her consent. She never said goodbye!

"Oh come on. Its not that bad. You would get used to this place. Your predecessors did"
Taylor sniffed, but was unable to contain the waterfall. She wept. For the normal life she would never have, for the love she couldn't receive from her parents, for the sister she hated at the moment and most of all, for her pathetic childhood. She never got to enjoy life like she wanted.

Emese watched the sobbing girl quietly, waiting out her tears. She saw the pain of loss, understood the pain. She was once her.

Emese let her sleep the night off after all. Taylor had cried herself to sleep, refusing to be comforted by the beauty all around her. The next morning she felt a lot better but still Morose.
Emese appeared early in the morning with a truckload of instructions at hand. The wedding rites had started and all was ready except the bride. Taylor had her bath, surprised to see the bathroom was modern. Perhaps the only modern thing about the castle so far.

She watched her reflection in the ornate mirror.

Emese had given her a red gown. Old fashioned but functional. Not what she envisioned wearing to her wedding but it was better than nothing.

She gathered the heavy red cotton veil around her head and pinned it to the up do Emese helped her fix.

All she had to do was survive this day; get married and her aim would be accomplished. Anghel would have to live with the pain of disappointment. Emese said dhampirs were bounded by law to protect their brides and never harm them. Taylor asked to quell her fear of retribution when Anghel finds out she duped him.

She had no makeup on. Emese didn't even vie towards that notion . She was pissed enough she had to find veils that Taylor couldn't even ask for another thing. Dressed and face covered by the veil, she emerged from the room ready to get married, to a certain blue eyed vampire Prince who had no idea who she really was.

I am sorry for the long wait. I changed environment and I didn't have access to my internet. Problem solved now. So I'll be updating twice as I promised next week.
Pls dont forget to vote and share. Still working on my casts.....

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