Quicksilver (X-men) One shots

By vrededromer

87.6K 1.6K 400

A selection of one shots about our favorite fast X-men, with emphasis on Dadneto, and other family relationsh... More

The Big Secret
A Big Day
A New Mutant
He left again
Experiment Part 1
Experiment Part 2
Experiment Part 3
Family Ties
Father's day
Where's Peter?
The Argument
Growing Up
Finding out (An alternative Scenario)
Return of the Stepfather
The Road Trip
Meet the Brother


1.7K 39 5
By vrededromer

It was only 4 months after Peter's Stepdad left when he first noticed the change in his hair color. He was brushing his teeth in the morning in front of the bathroom mirror, when he saw a streak of almost silver hair between his normally light brown waves. Over the next few days more silver streaks appeared in his hair, and people started to notice. This of course led to endless amounts of teasing, and it didn't take long for Peter to pick up a pair of scissors and planned to cut off all of his hair.

'Peter! Put the scissors down right this instant!' Marya yelled as she walked by the open door of the bathroom, and saw Peter standing in front of the mirror, hair in his one hand, scissors in the other. She rushed over to him. 'What are you doing love?'

Peter sighed and looked down at his feet. 'My hair is turning white, and people are making fun of it. I wanted to cut it off so people wouldn't see the white anymore...'

Marya ran her hand through his hair, examining the color. Her heart started to beat faster as she realized Peter's hair was indeed turning white.

'Why is it happening, mom?'

Marya looked at him with a smile. 'I don't know sweetheart, but I do know that cutting it off is not the answer. So please put the scissors down, and go do your homework.

'Okay...' Peter mumbled before handing over the scissors, and walking to his room.

Marya sighed. She had always known about the powers Peter and Wanda's father had. He had both hated and relished in them. She had been astonished as well as scared. They had both expected the powers to be genetic, long before it was proven so, and had always dreaded the day her children would start showing signs of unusual abilities. The change in Peter's hair color was likely just the beginning of an incredibly difficult time for him.

It was the next day about 10 minutes after 3 when Marya heard a thump against the front door. She looked up from the forms and bills on the kitchen table and walked to the front door. When she opened the door, she found Peter, shaking by her feet. His hands where shaking so fast she could not see them, and Marya gasped.

'Peter, honey, what happened to you?' She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him. She could feel him starting to relax, and his vibrating slowed. His quick shakes turned into shocking shoulders and she could hear him sob. 'Sweetie, please tell me what's wrong?'

Peter sniffled. 'Jack and his friends were picking on me after school, I didn't want it to turn it into a fight, so I started to run. And then before I knew it, I was here. I-I don't understand what happened... I-I'm afraid.' He looked up at her. 'Mom, what is happening to me?'

And so she told him. Told him about his father, and his extraordinary powers. She told him that he was likely developing special powers of his own. He was still scared, she knew he was. She understood it, too. She would have been afraid too, as anyone would be.

'But how?'

Of course he would ask that. But she couldn't answer that question. His father wouldn't be able to either. She didn't think anyone really could answer how the mutations came to be like this.

'Mom... I'm scared...' He finally spoke.

Marya nodded. 'I understand sweetheart. But don't worry. It doesn't matter to me, I still love you the same. You are still my little Pietro.'

Peter smiled and hid his face in his mom's shirt. 'I love you mom.'

'I love you too, darling.'

Peter looked up at his mom. 'Wait, is Wanda going to have powers too?'

Marya laughed. 'I think she will.'

'What kind of Powers do you think she'll have?' Peter asked, as he looked up at his mom with his big brown eyes.

'I don't know. As far as I know, you can never predict it. All I know is that no matter what happens, I will still love her.'

Peter smiled and hid his face in his mom's shirt again. They stayed there on the floor in the hallway for a while, until Peter felt better.

It didn't take long for Wanda to start showing signs of strange new powers. When she was mad red sparks appeared around her, and things would start flying, or were blown away. Peter started to realize that he was faster than anyone thought possible, and his speeds made him stronger. They tried to contain their powers, learning how to control them through practice, but had to be careful not to be seen. Their mom had made it really clear that the world was usually afraid of what they could not understand. Their powers were something they wouldn't be likely to accept.

The nights his mom had to work, and a babysitter kept an eye on him and his sisters, Peter was often found in his mother's room, looking at the phot of his father. He finally knew some things about his dad, but he still didn't know what he had been like, or why he left. Most evenings he ended up wondering where his father would be, and if he actually loved them. He wanted to know his father. Wanted to talk to someone who truly understood what he was going through and could help him figure out what to do with these weird powers of his. Maybe his father knew how it was that he had them or knew why. It was on one of those nights that Peter promised himself that he would one day find his father. He could never have predicted what the future would hold for him, and what person his father would be when he finally found him.

Peter was pulled out of his thoughts when he a car door slam outside. He smiled as he started running towards the door. The sound of the car door could only mean that mom had come back home.

'Well hello Marya!' Peter heard a dark voice from behind the door and he froze in his track; one foot still on the last step, the other only an inch away from the floor. Peter ran towards the door and opened it. His eyes quickly found his mom leaning back against the car, her path blocked by George; his ex-stepfather.

'Leave me alone, George!'

'I don't think so. You and your stupid lawyer made me loose the court case, and now every month you steal my money. I'm here to get it back. I'm not paying anything so you can raise your stupid brats.'

Marya's eyes were full of hatred, and her voice laced with venom. 'One of those so called brats is your daughter, George. That's the only reason you are paying me.'

'I don't care! I want my money back.'

'I don't have it. You really think I can afford to just have money lying around. Now leave, before somebody warns the cops.'

George got angry and wrapped his hand around Marya's neck. Soon she was gasping for air as he yelled to give him the money.

Peter didn't take the time to think, he started running as fast he could and collided with George, who let go of Marya, startled by the sudden impact. They fell to the ground a few yards away from the car. Peter was on his feet quickly, but George just sat on the grass staring at Peter in amazement.

'Peter!' Marya called from the front door, and before George could even get back onto his feet, Peter was standing beside his mom inside the house. She locked the door behind him as soon as his feet had hit the hallway floor. She was leaning against the door, her breathing quick and her eyes closed.

'Are you okay, mom?' Peter asked carefully.

She opened her eyes and quickly wrapped him in a hug. 'Yes, Pietro. I am okay. Thank you.'

They never spoke about that accident ever again to anyone. Immediately after the incident Marya called the police stating that her ex-husband had shown up at the front door seeming delirious, and probably had been drinking too much. She knew George had been mostly sober, but she had smelled the alcohol on his breath. The police would have no trouble believing her, and it was the perfect cover up for the story George would tell them about the silver haired child who had knocked him over, and seemed to run at inhuman speed.

George never showed up again after that, but Marya was always on her guard, worrying about Peter's safety, knowing that George had witnessed him using his powers.

A/N So I started writing this chapter ages ago and finally had an idea to finish it. I know it's not my best writing (especially the ending) but now that I finally had the vibe for it again, I wanted to post it.

I'm not sure how many more of these one shots I can come up with anymore, so this might turn out to be one of the last ones I post in this book. If this turns out to be the end of these one shots, I want to thank you all again for reading them and for your support. I hope you all enjoyed them.

Love you all.

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