Experiment Part 3

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Peter woke up at 3 in the morning when screams of terror cut through the eerie silence of the base. He jumped, startled by the sound and whipped his head around trying to figure out who was taken. Beside him he saw Jean sleeping on her cot. Isabelle's cell was too dark to see, and so far he had only been able to hear Ororo talk since her cell was across the hall.

'It's not me Pete. They haven't taken me yet.'

Peter let out a sigh of relief. 'What about Isabel? I can't see her...'

'She's alright.' She said. 'Sleeping, it seems.'

Peter nodded. 'Good.'

He heard Ororo sigh loudly. 'Peter, we have to get out of here. If these people don't break us, the constant fear of the experiments will. The guy in the cell next to me, he's been here for 2 years he says.' She sighed again, but this time she sounded defeated. 'Do you think they'll get us out of here, Peter?'

Before Peter could answer he heard a scoff coming from Jean's cell. 'Have you met his dad, Storm. He'll break through the center of the earth to save him. The only real question is how long it will take.'

Peter sighed and leaned back against the wall, hoping it would be soon.

As the plane flew closer toward the base, Wanda was pretty sure she could feel Peter coming closer. She had always been able to feel the presence of his powers. But now, his presence felt weaker.

'What's wrong, Wanda?' Erik asked as he saw his daughter's face distort with worry.

She shook her head slightly. 'I can't feel him, not like I usually do.'

Erik looked confused. 'What do you mean?'

'Ever since our powers came in, I have been able to feel the presence of Peter's powers. First only up close, but as we grew older I was able to feel him over longer distances. But now, I should be close enough to feel him, but I don't feel him like I should.'

'Striker has this technology which can block out a mutant's power.' Raven stated from the copilot's seat.

Scott sighed. 'It's some kind of electric field if they activate it and your inside, you can't use your powers at all. It's scary, you get so used to your powers and sometimes you wished you didn't have them. But once you are put in danger and you can't rely on that once thing that might help you, it is terrifying.'

Wanda shivered. She knew that her powers had terrified her when growing up. Peter had been afraid of his powers as well, when they had just come in. He would randomly start shaking so fast, or would run into the wall out of nowhere because his legs would suddenly start moving. He didn't understand any of it, and it scared him to death. But after all these years he had really come to enjoy his powers, and she knew it would terrify him not being able to rely on them.

'How much longer till we get there?' She asked in the general direction of the cockpit, not really caring who would answer.

'About 15 minutes' Hank answered. 'Once we're there we'll have to get started quickly to keep the element of surprise. We don't want the few people working at this hour to call in help.'

Erik took a deep breath, and looked down at his hand in surprise when he felt someone squeeze it. He knew it had to be Wanda, taken that she was sitting at that side of him, but the gesture of affection both surprised him, as well as fill him with warmth. She still had some resentment towards him -having inherited much more of his own talent to hold grudges than Peter did- and rarely showed affection to him. Erik gently squeezed her hand in return, assuming it was more a gesture of nervousness than pure affection.

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