Bullied by o2l (featuring mag...

By kayleeisthename725

126K 2.9K 645


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14

Bullied by o2l (featuring magcon boys)

20.6K 210 14
By kayleeisthename725

Kylie's POV:

"Wake up slut!" yelled Ricky. I imediately popped up. Great just great, its bad enough i have to see the guys at school but now they are all invading my home too. Let me introduce myself, my name is Kylie Lawley. As you may have guessed, my brother is Kian Lawley. You guys are probably thinking, "That's so cool!" or, "You are so lucky!" But having Kian as a brother is hell. Him and the rest of o2l bully me. I don't just mean like call you names bully me i mean physically abuse me. I'm talking daily beatings bully me. Yes i live with my mom but she randomly leaves to run away with her new boyfriends all the time. Whenever my mom runs off i have to go stay in the o2l house with Kian and all the guys besides Trever because he's to young i guess. So anyway where was i? Oh yeah waking up. "What? Where's my mom?" I asked frantically. Kian smirked and replied, "Bitch ran away again, told me to take care of you, she seemed serious this time, i don't think she'll be coming back." "Yeah right," i scoffed, "She always comes back." Sam smiled and said, "Well if she doesn't you'll get to live with us!" I told them to get out so i could get ready for school. Once they left i let the tears flow, i mean what if my mom didnt come back? I would be stuck getting abused all the time without someone to protect me. Sure i could tell the cops but i could never turn in my blood brother. I grabbed some clothes for the day and headed to my bathroom. I had grabbed a pair of dark wash ripped Hollister shorts and a white muscle tank with the words, "Cant You Not," on it. I got dressed washed my face and put on some makeup to cover my puffy eyes from crying and my scars and bruises from years of abuse. I swiped on some eyeliner and brushed on my mascara. I put my dark brown hair in a messy bun. I pulled on my white Converse and put on my gray sweater. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs, i couldn't wait for another sunny day in hell.

(A/N) Hey guys I'm Kaylee and this is my first fanfiction. Sorry if this sucked but its my first time:) i plan to update a lot so please leave me some comments telling me what you think<3

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