Sharing a dorm with him...

By callmeshorty

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Sharing a dorm with him...
the mark..
do you have a euro or a doller or watever the you call it
fine looking chap
shaving cream..
on my knees !!


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By callmeshorty

"same time tomorrow" i heard ashton shout to the boys when they were leaving.tonight didnt go exactly as id planned i only wanted to mess with ashton not get a stupid f*cking mark on my kneck.

"hows your kneck" Ash questioned sypatheticly. "well my choices are either be the that got 'nates mark' her first day hear or be the freak that wears scarfs in the scortching Calafornia heat" i mumbeled back. Ash chuckled and lay down on my bed beside me "why did you do it"he questioned he almost sounded hurt."what do you mean" i asked innocently. "you know what i mean Ariana,  why did you make out with Nate" well i cant just say to make you jelous because that would be wierd im a weirdo. "for some fun i guess" play it cool ariana just play it cool. Ashto nodded probably not eleiveing my excuse. After a few minutes of awkward silence ashton spoke up. "so ari will you be jumping around in your panties all the time or,,," Ashton winked. "only if your lucky" i winked back ad he grinned contently."You wanna watch a movie" random.."ok what one" please dont say horror please dont say horror..."horror of course" damn it !! "noo ashton they scare me lets watch somthing else pleeeeeeease" i bet its gunna e like saw or somthing. "nope were watching horror anyway i can protect you" he pulled me in by my waist and turned the movie on.

"ahhh holy be the jesus who creates these movies" i hopped onto ashton when this creepy ass thing hops off a wardrobe. we have been watching this movie for  half hour and the one time i look up the scariest shit has to happen ..typical.. "i could get use to this position miss moore" ashton chuckled settling his hands either side of my waist then i realise that i was straddling him with both hands on his chest and my face shoved into his kneck. trust me i didnt do it purposly i was just scared and jumped if i could have prevented landing like this i would did kinda feel nice having his hand on my waist but being stubborn i still pulled away. "aww you could have styed i was enjoying that" boys.. " well i wasnt you little perv..." ashton chuckled "maybe you will like this position" he jumped on top of me holding his wwait up with his arms either side of me. "ash remove yourslf before i knee you where the sun down shine" i glared up at him and he cringed at my threat.

"fine fine im removing myself but only because i want kids when im older" ashton grumbled hoping into his own bed. sfter that the exhaustion of my first day took over and I was out like a light

"is she dead or..?" "maybe we should call for help"  "nahh ill just pour a bucket of water over her" this is all I could hear for 20 minutes untill I shotup at the sound of a tap running. "im up im up jeez calm your boobs" everyone chuckled. "why are ALL of you hear watching me sleep its like really creep yano" I glared at them all. "nice hair sleeping beauty" ash commented I cant really say thw same about him because he was working the just woke up look pretty well. "its breakfast time silly WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR KNECK" tiff shouted. "oh look at the time I better get a shower" nate chuckled while I pounced off the bed and into the bathroom. "you cant hide in there all day arianna we will be discussing this" this is ashtons fault I bet he invited them in just to embaress me.

I got out of the shower got dressed did my hair and we all headed for breakfast "your looking damn fine in those lwggings today ari" todd winked little perv..."yup and your looking like a poor excuse for the opposite sex" I retorded taking him down a notch. tiff kept giving me that whole 'shame on you' look for the whole of breakfast to which I replyed with a regretful and apologetic look. "tiff I kinda need you to come shopping with me today" I pleaded with my puppy dog eyes. " can I say no to them eyes" she tried to hide the grin but it didnt work very well.

"oh well well if it isnt nates new little toy to do" some bimbo pushed tiff and stood infront of me staring me up and town. "take a pic it will last longer barbie" the 3 girls looked like somthing out of mean girls it was quite amusing. " id rather not break my lense" pathetic comebacks tut tut "oh are we useing first grade comebacks now..get out of my way bimbo" *raises voice 10 octives higher* " and B.T.W your only supose to wear pink on wednsdays" and with that I returned to my normal voice popped a fry into my mouth grapped tiff and walked off. "that...was ....amazing" tiff apoke through her hysterics of laughter. I just winked at her and we headed for the taxi. "who is she anyway" I queationed "you wouldnt beleive me if I told you" tiff started laughing again. "her first name is actually regina but dont freak out to much coz her second name isnt george its prescott" I couldnt contain my laughter her name really shouldnt have amused me that much but it did.

"sooo what we buying" tiff queationed "beach wear" I stated shyly tiff smirked at me and dragged me to her favourite store.

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