Kia Story

By Queen_Kalia

126 0 0

Kia is a 17 year old Senior in high School living with her mother, stepdad and 6 year old sister. Her life wa... More

Part 1 Normal
Part 3 Sex
Part 4 Pregnant
Part 5 Hidding The Belly
Part 6 Telling Mom Im pregnant
Part 7 Finding James
Part 8 Having my baby
Part 9 Home with KaLoni
Part 10 Little Sister Birthday
Part 11 Living with James

Part 2 Meeting James

17 0 0
By Queen_Kalia

                My mom was cooking baked chicken, stuffed potatoes and greens. I loved when she 

made food like this. She knew that was my favorite. I was upstairs when I heard my mom asking

 for me to come downstair. I was upstairs on face-time with my best friend. She starting talking

 about that light-skin boy she was flirting with today at school. You know us girls, always down

 for a little tea. When I came downstairs to see what she wanted my mom asked me to go to the

 store on the corner because she needed butter for the potatoes. Dam I honestly didn't feel like

 walking no where. I was in leggings and a tank top with pink slides on. Those were my 

comfortable outfit, something I always put on when I get home from school and just be chilling

 with my best friend. 

Mom: "Kia we need butter baby, please go to the store"

Kia: "all right i'll go"

        I only went because I got the type of mom that give you money for the items she need and

 she give you money for you to get something. It's like she pay you, to go to the store. So I went

 upstairs and got my headphones and head to the store. I stayed on the phone with my best 

friend on the phone the whole way there. I didn't want to just be walking down the street bored

 because sometimes that can be awkward. As always it's thugs in front of the store doing 

nothing like they always do. I hate walking pass they ass every time I want something from the 

store. Like dam, you not the security guard, so take your ass home. That shit is annoying having

 to ask them to move.  But I notice it was one that I never seen before and he stood out. I mean in

 a good way. I couldn't help but notice his sexy ass. I was whispering on face-time with my best 

friend about him. I turned the camera around to show her his face and this bitch phone went 

died. While I was waiting behind this older lady to buy her beer, I will look at him when he not 

looking at me, but when he look at me, thats when I turn my head. You know what I mean ladies.

 I gave him a smile as I walked out the store, he smiled back. I notice his white teeth and waves

 before anything. When I start walking back to the house , he followed. I looked back to get 

another look at him but he was right there so I stop walking. At first I was think; this dude better

 not try to kidnap me. But I stopped to hear him talk.  He was a smooth talker and easy on the 

eyes. He seem like the type to have hella girlfriends in different places. He walked on the side of 

me asking me hella questions I didn't want to answer to but it's was okay because he sexy. He 

was 24 but I didn't mind because he was the same height as me and looked like a high school 

student.  I told him I was 17, he didn't give a dam about me being 17. Dude nowadays date any 

pretty female they can get their hands on , and I was okay with his age so it all worked out. I gave

 him my number and he gave me his number. 

                 When I got to the house he called me, and we started talking about each other past. 

James wasn't just anybody, he was 5'8 like me, chocolate smooth skin, light brown eyes and he

 must had money because he was driving a car worth 50,000. I guess selling dope was something

 that worked well for him. Not all niggas I know, that drive nice cars like him and sell weed at the

 same time. He was on the phone with me the whole night, telling me about his lifestyle. We will 

talk on the phone all day, everyday. He told me how he have a job but sell weed as a side hustle, 

which is something I understand because you can't never have enough money in America. When

 I went to school I'll be texting him in every class. Telling him all about Mr. Ay fat ass and how I 

cant stand his class.  After school I'll call him and talk my whole walk home while i'm also 

walking home with my best friend. It start getting to the point where my best friend was getting 

mad that I spent all my time on the phone and not talking to her.  I didn't want her to feel like i'm

 putting a nigga before her because that wasn't my intentions. I start think she was getting 

jealous for a little because she use to me being the lonely one, but now that I finally start talking 

to someone, she want to start acting funny. By acting funny, she will not speak to me when i get 

on the phone with James. Me and James only been talking on the phone for 1 month and my 

best friend don't like him. She don't like the idea of me talking to him without nobody know 

about him.  I told her about him but I didn't tell her about his crazy thug lifestyle because it 

wasn't her business. He told me to keep us a secret and don't let anyone know about us talking 

because he can get in trouble. I knew he could get in trouble for talking to a minor, so when I told

 my best friend about him, I said the little things, about how we meet, his name and where he 

from but I never mentioned his age or what he do for a living. 

           Me and my best friend always hanging out none stop , nothing will get in the way of us

 hanging out, thats my bitch , I will just be on the phone with James. The look on her phone 

when I say James is calling tell me that she don't want me to answer the phone but I do anyway. 

He knew when to call because I told him everything like a dumbass.  When you been friends with

 someone for a long time, you know how they act when they're mad. I told her that I can't tell my

 mom about James because she will want to meet him and that's something I can't let happen. 

My mom is smart and she will look at him and guess that he is from the streets. The niggas at my

 school look more hood then him but thats my opinion. He will call me in the morning right 

before i get dress from getting out the shower before school but I'll hide the conversation from

 my parents. He was a freak too, he will ask me to send naked pictures from the shower to his

 phone. What type of bitch he think I am, i'm never dumb enough to send nudes to a nigga 

phone, thats how you get caught up and your pictures end up on somebody porn site. Nope , 

couldn't do that. He didn't mind sending dicks pictures, he sent them every morning saying

 goodmorning sexy. 

                 He will be texting me during class and sometimes the teacher will ask to keep my phone

 until class over. No one but my best friend knew about him at this point. My mom will always 

ask me who I'm on the phone with day and night but I just smile and say someone special . She 

knew then that I was talking about a boy. My mom wasn't in my business a lot as long as I didn't 

come home telling her i'm pregnant or moving out.  Every time she seen me on the phone with 

him she will say hi someone special, that always make me laugh. My mom didn't know nothing 

about James and thats how I wanted to keep it. The thing that made me worried was the fact my

 mom think I'm talking to a boy at school. I assume she thought James was from my school.  The

 last thing she'll expect is for me to be talking to a 24 year old man. Good thing I had a lock on my

 phone, I wouldn't even tell my best friend about the dick pictures he be sending because she 

will think we fucking. What your mom don't know, wouldn't hurt her.  

                        Things with me and James start going well very fast. It has only been 4 months of us

 talking everyday and sending pictures. James told me that I need to start hanging out with him

 and I was down. He texted me saying that he wanted to see me Saturday. I told my mom that I 

was spend a night at my best friend house. Even though my best friend wasn't feeling me 

hanging out with James, she still lied to my mom for me, by telling her I'm spending a night at 

her house. See this is why I loved her, I told you she be having my back and always there for me. I

 meet James at the store we meet from and he pulled up in a 2017 Dodge Charger RT cherry red

 with white and black seats on the outside. This was a nice as car, I had to say. He gave me a hug

 and grab my ass a little. We wasn't having sex yet but we will kiss and lay under each other 

watching tv. James had his own place and kept it looking nice. I told him It was only 4 months 

and I didn't want to have sex with him that early. 

                  I wonder what type of job he has but I never ask because I knew he was a drug dealer. I 

thought I was the shit fucking with him. I had the finest nigga on the block. Nobody can stop my

 shine, not my parent , best friend or any other girl. We start hanging out every Saturday and I 

will tell my best friend to lie for me and she will do it for me. I was doing this for 6 months every

 Saturday. He was buying me food and bring it to school and I will share it with my best friend. 

When he pulled up my best friend will say hi but only to be nice, knowing dam well she didn't

 like him. This was the only time they will see each other, and they had a short conversation

 when they first meet, but it was just hi and bye.  I can see it in her face that she didn't want me 

talking to him but she didn't know him like I did. James was a sweet person, he go all out his 

way for people and they don't do the same for him. He had a hard life growing up, his mom was 

a crackhead and she didn't want him when he turned 7 so she gave him up for adoption. It was 8

 months now that me and James has been seeing each other and keeping us a secret. Things

 start moving fast with me and James. My best friend didn't like the fact I go to his house she will

 tell me that all the time. James said she will say that shit.  My best friend  will always tell me to 

keep it fun in the open. I just thought maybe she was getting jealous and wanted what I got but 

that wasn't true. She was right, I put my feelings into James which is something I should've 

never done.  

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