A Star Wars Rebels Story... (...

By SWR1463

23.9K 331 88

The Crew of the "GHOST" have not yet formed. Ezra is still a loose cannon on the streets of Lothal and the re... More

Just Another Day...
Why Him?
More Trouble...
The Force
The Truth (Warning: Explicit Content!)
Conflict (Warning: Explicite Content!)
The Way of the Light
A Troublesome Past
New Beginnings
The Stolen TIE
Death and Taxes
Prison Break
Enemies All Around Me
It's More Complicated Than It Seems...
The Escape of The Cadets
A Chilly Night (Warning: Explicit Content!)
Double Trouble
The Unknown Knowledge
The Ironic day part 1
The Journey of Two
What do Smugglers get?
A Tower of Trouble part 1
A Tower of Trouble part 2
Finding Kanan
One's Rescue Is Another's Demise
New Dirrection in 2018?

The Ironic Day part 2

375 10 3
By SWR1463


I climbed out of the basement trying to hide a smile. I tapped a few buttons of my gauntlet and watched as a hologram came out of Zeebo's head displaying tons of information. Troop movements; schematics for new imperial technologies; fighter formations and deployments; and details for a five year plan for the entire outer rim. It was then when Kanan made the call to rescue Zeebo and take him to Fulcrum.

After stealing an Imperial Tank and ramming through a small Imperial Blockade to get out of the city. We were pursued by another tank and two speeders. Kanan dealt with the troopers that were riding the speeders while I continued to pilot the tank. Chopper and Hera took down the tank that was pursuing us and Zeb shot Agent Callus off of the roof of the tank we stole.

"Alright! Now lets pull this thing over..." Kanan started to say before being interrupted by Hera.

"Nope! Going to have to be a scoop job! Enemy fighters are in hot pursuit." Hera remarked.

Kanan and Ezra got Zeebo to the roof. Ezra hesitated briefly before asking me if I was ready.

"Setting this thing to auto-pilot. Now it will run till it is out of fuel." I said smugly.

Ezra jumped onto the roof first and then helped me up afterwards. He was such a gentleman.

We heard a grunt and then the fire of a few laser bolts coming from the end of the ship. It was Agent Callus! Figures that Zeb would not do his job completely and almost get us killed. Kanan protected us while we boarded and Ezra made sure that I got on board before he did.

Hera began to take off and Kanan force jumped aboard after deflecting a few more laser bolts from Agent Callus. Kanan held his head a little.

"What is it Kanan?" Ezra asked.

"I sense the inquisitor is following us." Kanan said coldly before he got up and ran to his battle station.

Me and Ezra got Zeebo to the common area before Hera called for me to man the forward cannons. As I started to head that way the ship shook violently. I heard Ezra fall so I turned to check on him. I overheard a conversation form between Zeebo and Ezra. Zeebo said something in Rydonian and Ezra asked me to translate.

"He says he knows what happened to your parents!" I said in shock.

"I already know what happened to my parents! There dead! So Go!" He said. His voice full of rage and pain. I new that to talk to Ezra more we would have to survive this encounter so I turned and ran to the forward cannons. I felt bad for leaving him there but he also needed time to calm down so it seemed.

After a long and stressful fight we were able to escape thanks to Zeebo fixing our navigation computer because Chopper was downed in the fight. While in hyperspace me and Hera got to work on repairing Chopper. Zeebo looked as if he was really stoned. He swayed from side to side. Drool escaping his lips and dripping down his face. Eventually Zeebo mumbled something in his native tongue. I translated because it was important.

"What did he just say?" Kanan asked.

"He says the Empire can track the 'Ghost' I said worriedly.

"But that's impossible! No ship can be tracked through hyperspace!" Zeb announced loud and proud because he finally knew something useful.

Just then Zeebo's head twitched and out came a projection of an object that looked like a tracker. Zeebo explained that the tracker was developed to follow ships through hyperspace to their destinations.

"Hera... could they have tagged us with one of those?" Kanan asked.

"I don't know..." Hera replied in a nervous tone.

Hera put the last piece in place and reactivated Chopper. Chopper spun around and made a lot of noise like he was some master at combat before Hera was able to calm him down and get him to scan the ship for the Imperial Tracker.

We waited a while before Hera called us all into the cockpit.

"Well..." Hera began, "We were tagged, but the good news is that the tracker is actually on the hull of the 'Phantom'." She remarked grinningly.

Kanan seemed to be thinking about something.

"What is it love?" Hera asked.

"I have a plan." Kanan replied.

"If you could modify the hyperspace coordinates..." He started.

"Which I could..." Hera asked a little annoyed by him doubting my abilities as a pilot.

"Then me and Ezra could take the 'Phantom' and lead the Empire away from you guys and to the old Clone Base on that asteroid." Kanan finished.

"What! Are you crazy! Detaching in hyperspace is super dangerous!" Sabine exclaimed.

"Yeah love, why not just dump the 'Phantom' and let the Empire chase after their tracker?" Hera suggested.

"Because there is something else in play here!" Kanan spouted.

"Back on Lothal I sensed it. The Inquisitor has picked up our trail so as long as Me and Ezra remain on this ship we are endangering ours and Zeebo's escape." Kanan answered quickly, almost running out of breath.

Ezra finally spoke up.

"So I have to go to this asteroid filled with nasties... as a favor to Zeebo?" Ezra questioned.

"As a favor to all of us." Kanan answered in a more calm manor.

Kanan and Ezra went and boarded the 'Phantom'. Me and Hera said our good-byes to our lovers and watched as they detached and were slung out of hyperspace.


The whole ship shook and spun as we exited hyperspace. I began to feel queasy and nearly threw up before Kanan regained control of the 'Phantom'.

"That was the easy part." Kanan said after laughing a little at his success.

We flew towards the darkness of the old clone base. I was scared and I admitted that to Kanan.

"I will let you in on a little secret Ezra. Everyone is scared of something, but admitting it like you just did makes you braver than most." Kanan said smoothly.

We continued to fly right into the dark hangar. Kanan landed the craft.

"I will get the tracker. You go make some new friends." Kanan said.

He got the tracker, but I was struggling to connect. I was blocked somehow by some random emotion. Kanan jumped down to help but it figures that he was less than proficient at this one force ability.

"Ezra! You need to let go Ezra! What are you afraid of!? Them!" Kanan spouted.

"No!" I replied trying to hold back my tears.

"Then what!" Kanan demanded.

"I'm... I'm afraid... I'm afraid of knowing the truth!" I yelled trying to hold back the tears.

"I'm sorry Zeebo. I'm so sorry..." I said aloud and echoed through the force.

I was stunned. My emotional block was gone. I was one with the force. I could sense Kanan's amazement as I began to influence all the Bandarks in the cave to listen to me and not to attack me or Kanan. Kanan motioned for me to sit and meditate with him. I followed his instructions never once breaking my connection with the force. Soon there was another noise, another voice.

"Look Sir! They're right... here?" A trooper said.

Me and Kanan raised our arms and the bandarks began to attack and kill off the troopers. The Inquisitor was unfazed by our indirect assault.

"This was your plan?" the Inquisitor laughed.

"To lure us here and let these creatures do your bidding?" the Inquisitor added while grinning evilly.

"Yeah, well how do you think it's going?" Kanan asked trying to sound confident.

"Pathetically." the Inquisitor answered while slicing down an attacking bandark without breaking stride.

Kanan advanced and soon the two were in a heated lightsaber duel. They fought while I focused on controlling the bandarks to finish off the remaining troopers. I felt Kanan go unconcious.

"Kanan!" I yelled as I ran to his aid.

I used the force to pick up Kanan's lightsaber to defend my master. The Inquisitor only smirked and used the force to pry it from my hand and into his own. I backed up in fear as he approached me with the intent to kill. I felt pain and I began to feel hate for this Inquisitor.

"Get back!" I snapped.

"Good! Good!" the Inquisitor taunted.

"Give into your hate!" He continued.

"The darkside is too strong for you boy. Even now it is swallowing you up."

"No..." I said softly.

"Your master will die."

"No." I said a little bit louder.

"Your friends will die and everything you care about and have fought for will come to an end."

I felt so much rage. He was baiting me to do something.

'I will give you something to be afraid of.' I thought in a sinister manor.

I reached deep into the force not caring what side I was tapping into.

"NO!" I yelled out in agony.

Rocks began to float all around me and the largest of all the bandarks emerged from the darkest depths under my control. Fueled by hate and enabled by the force I gave it the command to kill the Inquisitor. I felt his fear as he drew back for higher ground trying to avoid the fight. After the beast began its assault I fell unconscious. My hate and anger dissipated into the force as I felt regret for acting on my emotions. I felt Kanan trying to probe my mind to see if I was okay. I gave in and woke up.

"Kanan... what's going on... I feel so cold." I remarked.

"I know, I know... Let's get out of here." Kanan said before throwing me over his shoulder for I was too weak to walk.

We left the asteroid behind and shot down the Imperial shuttle they had so they could not follow us.

After that me and Kanan floated in space for a while waiting for Hera to come back with the 'Ghost' after she dropped off Zeebo to Fulcrum. Kanan and I sat across from one another for a long time without saying a word. He finally broke the silence and told me the story of how I saved us from certain death.

"I saved us?" I questioned Kanan not remembering anything about what happened earlier.

"You did." Kanan replied gently.

"But I don't remember it." I told Kanan worried that I was going insane.

Kanan sighed.

"That's probably for the better." Kanan said.

Another couple minutes of silence went by before Kanan spoke again.

"When you open yourself up to the force people your age become vulnerable to the darkside." Kanan said.

"Your abilities are growing faster than I thought and I did not prepare you. I am sorry." Kanan added after pausing for a little more silence.

After me and Kanan's short conversation we regrouped with the rest of team. As I was climbing out of the Phantom, Hera practically ran over to me to tell me something but I was so shaken by what had happened that I just looked down and walked right past everyone to go to me and Zeb's room shared room. I laid down on my bunk, covered up and tried to go to sleep. No goodnight to Sabine or the rest of the crew, and I completely avoided eating dinner. No matter how many sheets I threw on myself I still felt cold. Sabine passed by my room and heard me shivering. She opened the door, even though I me and Zeb had a lock on it, and walked over to my bunk. She crawled up into my bed, slipped under my sheets and wrapped herself around me. I opened my eyes and saw Sabine's staring right at me. She was worried about me. I did not need the force to tell me. I saw it in her eyes. I pulled her close to me and we held each other. I began to feel warm again.

"Thank you Sabine, but you know Zeb is not going to like you being in here with me." I whispered into her ear.

She did not answer. Instead, she snuggled up even closer than before.

"Goodnight Sabine." I said to her.

"Jate-ca ner cyar'ika (*Goodnight my sweetheart*)."

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