indian and wolves

By Shadowdusk01

458 2 1

indians and wolves - the pack In this story wolves and indians work together to get what they need some time... More

indian and wolves
new migration
hunters and warriors
lesson of life
Time to say goodbye

the beginning

50 0 0
By Shadowdusk01

•The beginning

•Its early spring the snow is melting and calves bear cubs are learning from their elders flowers are coming up and hunting is becoming easier for the wolves. The tribe is looking for a new chief to take over the land. Himbuin never had a son or daughter zonlineus is looking for a strong leader who will also marry her. Shinda comes back in the tribe and looks at the tribe. Dakota walks up to her and sits down ‘’the tribe looks great shinda.’’ He says looking at her worried face. Shinda looks at Dakota and licks his face ‘’can you go with the wolves and get some food where low.’’ she says getting up waging her tail. ‘’even jax?’’ he asks getting up. ‘’yes he is the best at the field.’’ shinda say walking away Dakota gathers the wolves to hunt. ‘’shinda wants us to hunt jax you have the field.’’ he says to the pack.

•The beginning

•Shinda hears zonlineus crying in a teepee. She walks over and pokes her head in and see her holding Himbuin necklace she walks in the teepee nervously. Zonlineus see shinda ‘’oh shinda.’’ she cries. Shinda lays down and rests her head on zonlineus lap. She strokes her head. Shinda has a flash back of her trying to save Himbuin. She feels guilt in her heart again. Shinda gets up and licks the tears off of zonlineus face. She walks out of the teepee. She shakes her pelts and goes for a walk she thinks about himbuin. She stops and sees an all white eagle on a tree. She walks closer to it not believing her eyes. It calls to her and flies right by her head. She ducks and watches she follows it in to the woods. She stops right a tribe the eagle sits at the edge of the tree calling to me.

•The beginning

•I look at the tribe then the eagle. He calls at me one more time and then I see a big wolf coming up the mountain straight to me I cowers and look at the eagle I lower my head and wait for the wolf to meet up with me. He is bigger then me he shows his teeth. ‘’who are you?’’ he growls at me ‘’I am shinda from the red wolf pack.’’ she says nervously  he stops and looks at me for a while. ‘’oh you must be here for the chiefs son.’’ he says almost wagging his tail. ‘’Um sure, yes!’’ she corrects her self. ‘’ok well follow me.’’ he says cocking his head. The eagle flies off and shinda follows the alpha the other wolves watch shinda closely. They walk up to the chief who has 2 sons standing next to him. They look at me closely until they figure out who I am the chiefs older son grabs my necklace. ‘’ah shinda.’’ says the chief.

•The beginning

•He looks at his son ‘’I bet she is here telling us to meet zonlineus.’’ he tells his oldest son. He is a handsome man who looks like he would led a tribe very well. Shinda looks at them confused. ‘’Ok shinda thanks for the notice.’’ the alpha male says looking at me. I walk out of the woods still confused. The eagle is waiting for me in the woods. It calls to shinda and dives at her head and ruffs her fur shinda bark and wags her tail and she follows it to the tribe meadow. As she gets back the eagle pitches it self in a tree. Tracks meets up with her ‘’where did you go?’’ he asks her licking her face. ‘’I will tell you later.’’ she says running back to the tribe. Every one is eating or making quilts or clothes. The hunters skin the elk the wolves caught. Shinda looks for zonlineus she goes in her teepee but she isn't here. She then see her talking to the chief shinda went and saw. Zonlineus calls shinda over. ‘’is this the wolf you saw?’’ she says a little happy. ‘’yes shinda.’’ he says smiling at shinda. Jax watches shinda then the chief ‘’ok shinda you may go.’’ she says smiling shinda walks over to jax. ‘’who is that?’’ he asks shinda.

•The beginning

•‘’The chief of the mountain tribe.’’ she says nudging jax’s back he watches as she walks away. Angel comes in the tribe with a rabbit. She drops it next to shinda ‘’great go to the hunters for skinning.’’ shinda says angel walk over to hunters and drops the rabbit meat. ‘’good work girl.’’ says one of the hunter. Angel runs over to shinda and tackles her to the ground and nibbles her ear. Shinda wags her tail and nips angels face. Tracks and Dakota watch soon Jax comes over and watches them play. They wag their tails and sit down shinda hears the eagle in the distance. She wiggles out of angels reach and she gets up and listens. Her ears twitch and she follows the sound they look at her confused. She catches a glimpse of the eagles white feathers she runs in the woods and see it in a tree. ‘’shinda?’’ tracks asks following her. She stop and looks at him and then the eagle. ‘’what are you doing?’’ he says looking in the tree.

•The beginning

•‘’the eagle I was following it.’’ she says looking at the white beautiful bird. ‘’what?!’’ he cocks his head and gives her a concerned look. ‘’The white eagle in the tree.’’ she says jumping at the tree. ‘’shinda there is no white eagle.’’ he says looking at the tree. ‘’what?’’ she looks at the tree again nothing is there. ‘’but – but I say it.’’ she stutters nervously looking crazy. ‘’Are you feeling ok shinda.’’ he sits down watching her ‘’I am fine I saw it!’’ she growls a little tracks looks at her weirdly. She shows her teeth and runs past him. The others watch confused as shinda runs up the mountain in a dark forest. The eagle sits in the tree. ‘’why did you make me look crazy!’’ she growls at the bird. It sits there and calls to her and looks around. ‘’ugh!’’ she growls and walks to the salmon run. She sees a fox dipping his head in the water trying to get a fish. Shinda walks in the river and grabs a salmon right away.

•The beginning

•The fox watches in envy ‘’how on earth do you catch so good.’’ he says in a shocked voice. Shinda picks her head out of the water and shakes her head. ‘’easy.’’ she says weakly the fox walks slowly next to shinda. ‘’can you teach me?’’ he says pinning his heads down lowering his head. The eagle watches me closely. ‘’sure I guess.’’ she says looking in the water. ‘’first you need to be in the middle of the river.’’ The fox stands in the middle next to her. He sees the red salmon move between his paws. ‘’then slowly dip your head in the water.’’ the fox gets ready ‘’then open your mouth wide and as soon as you feel the water get fast get ready to bite down.’’ she says moving out of the way. The fox dips his head in the water and grabs one by its fin and it slips he jumps through the water and grabs it again. His teeth kill it quickly and he throws it on the shore.

•The beginning

•She could tell he was a young fox just learning to hunt. His fur was still fluffy he was just blowing his coat for his adult fur. Shinda looks at the young fox eat his salmon. He bites some off for her and brings it to her as she lays on the warm rocks. ‘’thanks but its your.’’ shinda says pushing it with her nose. ‘’you helped me you get some to please eat it.’’ he says licking his jaws filled with red blood. Shinda smiles at the young fox and she eats the salmon he gave her. ‘’what’s your name?’’ shinda asks licking her lips. ‘’paws yours?’’ he asks laying across from shinda. ‘’I am shinda.’’ she says laying her head in between her paws. He smiles ‘’what a nice name.’’ he says licking his paws. ‘’you to its lovely.’’ shinda says feeling the warm sun on her fur. ‘’thanks its kind of embarrassing.’’ he laughs shinda looks up at him.

•The beginning

•‘’no I think it fits you.’’ shinda says getting up yawning. ‘’thanks shinda.’’ he smiles and gets up. ‘’I must go but I hope I see you again.’’ he says scratching behind his ear. ‘’you maybe I will see you around here again.’’ shinda says looking at the river. ‘’thanks again for teaching me.’’ he says nuzzling her leg and he walks across the river. Shinda smiles and walks back to the tribe. The eagle flies through the woods back to the tribe. Shinda walks back in the tribe and its nearly dark. She goes in the wolves teepee and sleeps. Soon she wakes up to tracks snuggling up against her licking her ear. She falls asleep again the morning she wakes up to the smell or cooking elk. She tries not to wake tracks up. She slowly gets up and walks out of the teepee. She sees jax and angel nuzzling in the meadow. She looks at them shocked.

•The beginning

•Shinda sits down watching then Dakota walks behind her and sits down. ‘’yeah I think he is going to ask angel to be his mate.’’ he says tiredly shinda looks at him surprised at what he just said. ‘’really!’’ she says looking at them disappear in the woods. Dakota looks at shinda surprised ‘’didn’t you know they had a thing for each other.’’ he asks looking out to the meadow. ‘’no not at all.’’ shinda says laying down. ‘’when did they start liking each other?’’ she asks still surprised. Tracks walks over to them ‘’shinda they liked each other like a month after he came.’’ tracks says laying next to shinda. ‘’oh I guess I never noticed.’’ she says sighing. Shinda sees jax's walking alone as angel walks in the teepee shinda catches up with jax. ‘’hey jax.’’ jax slows down and looks at shinda. ‘’yeah?’’ he asks as shinda slows him down.

•The beginning

•‘’do you want to go for a run.’’ shinda asks waging her tail. He wags is curled tail ‘’sure!’’ he barks shinda sees the eagle fly right in the tree next to them. She smiles and follows the eagle in to a big field jax runs full speed with shinda. There mouths are open and the eagle is leading shinda to a pretty mountain with a water fall falling from it. Jax stops and looks at the pretty site. Shinda smiles at the eagle who is gone after a second. They walk to the water and dip their heads in the water fall which is very warm. Jax smiles at shinda for a while shinda looks at him confused. He dips his head in the water and splashes her face. They bark and play in the warm field barking yelping and running. They both lay in the shade panting. ‘’so you and angel huh.’’ shinda says waging her tail.

•The beginning

•He gets a little embarrassed ‘’um what do you mean.’’ he says hiding his face behind his paws. ‘’are you guys mates.’’ she asks still panting. ‘’not yet.’’ he says not looking at shinda in the eyes. ‘’jax?’’ shinda asks he looks at shinda green eyes. ‘’I don’t think she wants to be my mate.’’ he says nervously.  Shinda gets up and walks around jax twice getting a good look. ‘‘yeah that’s not it.’’ she laughs and lays down. ‘’thanks shinda but I am nervous to ask.’’ he says licking her ear once. ‘’don’t worry about it she will say yes.’’ shinda says and they both walk back. Shinda looks at the eagle. ‘’what are you looking at?’’ jax asks looking at the sky walking back. ‘’the oh never mind.’’ she stops her self annoyed. ‘’Shinda.’’ jax says stopping her from walking. ‘’You wont believe me.’’ she says lowing her head. ‘’try me.’’ he barks

•The beginning

•Shinda stops and looks at the eagle who flies down on a tree next to her. ‘’I think this eagle spirit is watching me.’’ she says closing her eyes pinning her ears down. ‘’where?’’ he says cocking his head ‘’there on the branch.’’ she barks the eagle calls to her. ‘’what does it look like.’’ he says interested with amusement. ‘’its all white with blue eyes.’’ she says embarrassed. ‘’well I believe you can see it because your not crazy.’’ he says laughing she sits down ‘’maybe it’s a spirit.’’ he says looking around. She looks at him surprised ‘’maybe its himbuin!’’ she says looking back but the eagle is gone. ‘’he is gone.’’ she says jax wags his tail and nudges shinda’s face. They walk back jax walks in the teepee with angel. Dakota meets up with shinda. ‘’how did it go?’’ he asks they both sit next to each other.

•The beginning

•‘’great!’’ she says nudging Dakota's face and she walks in the teepee and sees tracks sleeping she curls up next to him licking his face he smiles and falls asleep. She cuddles him close to her they both fall asleep. The next day shinda walks to zonlineus and she is picking flowers with the younger kids. ‘’hey girl going hunting?’’ zonlineus ask smiling with a flower in her long pretty hair. Shinda wags her tail and walks in the woods. She sees a rabbit she gets low and pounces it runs and before it can go in the hole It dug Dakota grabs it ‘’nice.’’ shinda says grabbing the rabbit. ‘’how can you hunt if you cant smell?’’ he asks teasing her. ‘’I know where they are at the times.’’ she says proudly with the rabbit in her mouth. She runs up the hill and drops the rabbit in the hunters hands and runs back down past Dakota.

•The beginning

•‘’come to the river with me.’’ she barks running in the field Dakota follows her to the river she dips her head in the water and grabs a fish. Dakota watches amazed how fast she grabbed one she throws it on the rocks and Dakota watches it for her. ‘’your turn Dakota.’’ she says walking out of the water bushing against his fur. He smiles and tries to show off he goes in the river and looks in the river he grabs one and shows it to shinda. It slaps him in the face and jumps back in the river. Shinda rolls on her back and starts laughing. Dakota growls but smiles a little ‘’let me show you how its done.’’ she smirk and jumps in the river and grabs two at the same time. He looks at her in envy ‘’wow.’’ he says with a big smile on his face. She throws the fish at him.

•The beginning

•Shinda and Dakota bring the fish back to the tribe tracks gives Dakota an annoyed look as they walk back to the tribe. Dakota ignores him and they drop the fish to the wives to cook. Dakota goes and tracks walks over to shinda. ‘’hey can we go on a walk?’’ he asks smiling shinda looks around its nearly dark. ‘’its getting dark let try tomorrow?’’ he pins his ears down sadly and walks away. Shinda goes in the teepee she can see the fire from the teepee which warms her heart helping her fall asleep to the sound of story tellers and children laughing. Shinda wakes up and walks out of the teepee and sees a little girl trying to play with the big kids but they keep yelling at her and pushing her. Shinda knows she can not growl or show her teeth at them to guard the girl.

•The beginning

•She will get in trouble a lot so she walks over to the little girl and tries to play with her puppy bowing and baking licking her face. The little girl laughs and chases shinda. She is too small to run fast so shinda is slow. ‘’come here puppy!’’ the little girl shouts and grabs shinda’s ears and face. Shinda tries to put up with it even know it bothers her. ‘’ok sunny that’s enough.’’ says a older girl she had pretty brown eyes and long black hair that was in a nice braid and a eagle feather in her hair. Sunny the little girl walks back to her mother. ‘’hi girl.’’ she says petting shinda's nice soft fur coat. She looks in to shinda's eyes and something weird happens. Tracks walks up to shinda and touches her with his nose. ‘’is it time for our walk?’’ he asks waging his tail. The girl gets a shocked look on her face. ‘’yeah I have a great place to.’’ shinda say leading tracks in the woods.

•The beginning

•She watches them disappear in the woods shinda walks to the mountains to see sweetie and rex. The eagle is close behind flying above them. Shinda runs to the hot springs and sees sweetie looking around. ‘’hey sweetie.’’ shinda calls out as tracks follows sweetie stops looking and gets really happy. ‘’oh shinda we missed you!’’ she says licking shinda's fur. ‘’who is this?’’ sweetie says a little worried ‘’this is tracks.’’ shinda says nuzzling his face. ‘’oh your mate!’’ she says licking his fur in a greeting way. ‘’no I mean um not yet.’’ shinda gets nervous and looks at tracks who is kind of embarrassed. ‘’oh well rex will be back with the pups.’’ she says wagging her tail fast. ‘’you had pups!?’’ shinda says wagging her tail. ‘’yes there about 5 months now.’’ she says tracks looks around bored. ‘’ladies stop your scaring  the boy.’’ rex says walking down the hill along with the 3 puppies.

•The beginning

•Tracks smiles at shinda and the puppies run over to them and start sniffing them and wagging their tails. ‘’hi who are you?’’ says the one dark brown pup. ‘’yes who are you?’’ says the little dusty white pup. ‘’Are you moms friends?’’ says the tan little pup with a dark face. Shinda smiles and looks at sweetie she nips the pups ear softly. ‘’yes this is shinda and her mate.’’ says rex wagging his tail. The pups watch the two older wolves ‘’your pups are so cute!’’ shinda says licking the tan pups head. The pup growls and shakes his head smiling. Tracks sees how happy shinda gets seeing the pups. Tracks licks shinda's ear and nuzzles her face. The pups nip shinda’s legs until sweetie grabs him by its neck skin and pins him on the ground and growls. Shinda pins her ears back. Sweetie lets her pup go and he yelps and runs back in the den.

•The beginning

•It gets super quiet until the eagle flies in the tree across shinda. Shinda licks sweetie and rex on the shoulder ‘’well nice to see you again.’’ she says quietly and walks to the river. Tracks looks at sweetie and rex ‘’nice to meet you.’’ he says following shinda. Shinda doesn’t say a word ‘’they were nice.’’ tracks says trying to stop the awkwardness. She looks over at him and keeps walking they reach the river and shinda lays down on the rocks. Tracks licks shinda's ear ‘’are you ok?’’ he asks laying next to her. ‘’yeah I am fine.’’ she says quietly. It gets really quiet and shinda’s green bright eyes turn dark. Track gets up and walks in the water its dark out and he cant see any fish. He dips is head in the water and pulls it out quickly yelping as a crawfish grabs his face. He flings it off and shinda starts laughing. He smiles and shakes his wet fur all over by shinda. She lays under him and nips his nose softly laying on her back. Tracks stands over her and looks in her eyes.

•The beginning

•Shinda licks his face and paws his chest. He smiles and lays on top of her and nips her face. They both laugh and continue to play. They soon head back to the tribe they get to the meadow and shinda freezes her fur stands up and she gets super low in the tall grass. Tracks copies her and smells the air he smells a rabbit. He doesn’t know were it is but shinda is crawling closer and closer. She soon jumps out of the grass and grabs one rabbit and tracks slides through the mud and grabs the second one. He yelps pulling his leg ‘’are you ok? Shinda says with the rabbit in her mouth. ‘’yeah I am fine.’’ he gets up and grabs the rabbit and limps over to shinda. He leans up against her to help his leg.

•The beginning

•With mud and blood on their muzzles shinda drops off the rabbit and same as tracks. Both tired they go in to their teepee and snuggle up falling asleep. The next morning shinda wake up and sees zonlineus picking flowers with little kids. Shinda walks over to her ‘’hey girl.’’ she says petting her soft fur. ‘’thanks to you I am getting married to redwing.’’ she says a little upset to say but still happy. Shinda looks at her confused ‘’you cant marry some one else.’’ she barks shinda doesn’t under stand ‘’thanks you.’’ she kisses her head and leaves. The older girl walks over to shinda ‘’I know I don’t understand why she has to remarry.’’ the girl says to shinda. Shinda looks at the girl shocked. ‘’can you hear me?’’ shinda says quietly the girl smiles ‘’yes I don’t know how or why but I can understand wolves.’’ she says shinda looks at her kind of scared.

•The beginning

•Angel walks over to shinda and smiles at the girl. ‘’angel she can hear us talk.’’ she says quietly angel laughs in disbelief shinda growls ‘’no really ask her a question.’’ shinda says angel walks closer to the girl. ‘’what is you name?’’ angel asks there is a long pause. ‘’did you say something.’’ the girl says confused. ‘’what answer her before I look like am idiot.’’ shinda says sitting down. ‘’shinda I can’t hear her only you.’’ she says looking at angel. ‘’what did she say?’’ the girl asks shinda looks at angel then shinda. ‘’what is your name?’’ shinda says for angel. ‘’Cally, my name is cally.’’ she says looking at angel. Angel looks shocked ‘’she can hear you?” she says licking shinda's side. Shinda looks in to her blue eyes. Cally smiles and looks at shinda. ‘’shinda do you want to go rabbit hunting with me before the wedding?’’ she asks grabbing her bow.

•The beginning

•Shinda barks and wags her tail and the two walk out of the tribe in to the foggy meadow. Shinda and cally watch baby calves play in the meadow and baby birds begin to fly. Soon they spot two rabbits cally pulls back her bow and gets ready. She breathes in and out and hits one rabbit. The bow is so quiet the other one not that far away didn’t hear against the wind. She gets ready and hits the other one shinda runs over to them. Cally gets on her knees and strokes its fur and starts to sing quietly. ‘’ raise the body fast and loud, take its soul out of the cold, to the light out of sight, to live a peaceful life.’’ she stops singing and picks it up and does the same thing to the other one and they head up the meadow. Shinda looks at cally confused. Shinda licks cally’s hand she smiles. They soon find more 3 more.

•The beginning

•Shinda looks at cally wanting to hunt them. She nods and smiles shinda gets ready and she grabs two and tracks comes out of no where and grabs the 3rd one. Cally smiles shinda kills them and lays their bodies down and licks their faces. Cally laughs and shinda and tracks brings them to her. ‘’hello tracks.’’ she smiles petting his face. ‘’cally I want to show you this place.’’ she says tracks looks at her confused. ‘’ok lets go before the wedding. Shinda leads then to the river and shinda sees the fox. ‘’hello old friend.’’ shinda smiles at the fox. ‘’hello shinda nice to see you.’’ he smiles and grabs a salmon and takes it over to shinda. ‘’here for you.’’ paws says cally smiles at the fox. ‘’thank you paws.’’ she says licking his ear. Tracks watches shinda and lays next to cally.

•The beginning

•Shinda and the fox walk in to the river and about 2 minutes they both grab a fish then another then another. Cally grabs one with her bare hands tracks tries but he doesn’t know how. The fox walks over to cally and sniffs her hand. ‘’hey buddy.’’ she says to paws. ‘’its ok paws she is very nice.’’ shinda says paws walks closer and cally pets his head. He lays next to cally loving the nice rub behind the ear. Himbuin’s spirit grabs a salmon and drops it on shinda's head. Shinda barks and smiles at him.  Tracks still trying to grab a fish looks at shinda and smiles. Shinda licks his face and starts to play with him in the water. ‘’ok guys the wedding we have to get the food back.’’ cally says with the fox on her lap cozy sleeping on her. The fox gets up and yawn and walks t shinda. 

•The beginning

•He licks shinda’s face two times ‘’nice to see you again shinda.’’ paws grabbing his two fish. Shinda nuzzles his face quickly ‘’you to see you soon.’’ she says and they all leave the river. They get back to the tribe with 5 rabbits and 6 red salmon. Zonlineus is getting ready she has a pretty caribou skin dress shinda grabs a white big flower and gives it to zonlineus. ‘’thank you honey.’’ she puts the flower in her hair. Dakota walks over to shinda and nudges her nicely. ‘’hey.’’ he says sitting by her shinda looks in his eyes and smiles. ‘’did you hear the news.’’ he says happy shinda looks confused ‘’about what?’’ she asks he smiles at her ‘’ jax and angel are mates and are planning to have pups.’’ she says spinning around waging his tail. ‘’what I mean really!?’’ she says a little worried. He looks at her surprised on her reaction. ‘’that’s great.’’ she says looking still worried.

•The beginning

•Before Dakota can talk redwing and his tribe get here. Before they knew it the wedding was starting. It was a tradition that the wife getting married picks one of her wolves and the chef getting married picked one of his wolves to lay by them and to give then the necklaces for chief and his wife. Zonlineus looks at shinda and tells her to come. Shinda walks over to her and lays down next to her. Redwing picks his wolf who is a big grey wolf with black markings. Shinda and patch feather the male wolf grab the necklaces carefully zonlineus bows down so shinda can put it around her. Same with redwing. Every one smiles and watches. The wolves would need to switch places to show the combined of the two patch feather walks past shinda and smiles at her. Shinda smiles back and she sits by redwing.

•The beginning

•Redwing pets shinda’s soft black fur. The willow tree blows softly letting pink little flowers dance in the warm air. Shaman walks over in the middle of them ‘’I now gather you all to see this man and women join to one.’’ she says and redwing and zonlineus grab each others hands and smile at each other. ‘’they will lead hard battles together and fight hard fights but they will lead this tribe to happiness.’’ she says soon every one was dancing and singing around the fire to celebrate the new cheif for zonlineus. Shinda sits alone on a hill watching every one tracks walks over to shinda and sits down. She smiles and looks at him. He licks her face and nuzzles her ‘’I love you shinda.’’ he says she smiles and looks away for a second. He licks her nose so she will look at him ‘’shinda will you be my mate?’’ he asks 

•The beginning

•Shinda looks at him shocked but happy he pins his ears back waiting for a responds. She licks his face a lot and nuzzles him ‘’of course I will tracks.’’ she says wagging her tail he nuzzles her face wagging his tail. He smiles and they play in the nice night cool spring air. Fireflies light up the woods like stars. The night is filled with love happiness and song.

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