change : thiam

By thiamsbitchh

140K 4.5K 3.8K

Two people. Two different lives, two different mindsets. These two people, Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar, both... More



6.8K 253 90
By thiamsbitchh

• 6 •
Looking inward for an answer,
I am weakened by the task,
A darkness just envelops me,
Yet for help I'll never ask.

• 6 •

Liam sat, opposite to a small desk covered in multiple neatly stacked papers and several pens.
Behind the desk sat a woman, whose posture was almost admirable. She looked humble, wearing a black dress and her glossy brunette hair was presented in a tight bun.

There were three small plants around the room, each one lush and green, most likely to try to keep each 'client' feeling calm, Liam thought, as well as two white clocks on opposite sides of the room. Both ticking as if a bomb was set to explode at any given second.

"Good afternoon, Liam. As you may know my name is Mrs Emeral and I my job is to help you. But before I am able to do so iyou have to answer a few simple questions. Are you okay with that?" Mrs Emeral asked, her tone sounded as if it was programmed to constantly sound caring.

She shuffled the papers that were placed in front of her and looked up at Liam waiting for a response.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine." He spoke soundly.

"Okay, to begin can you please tell me what you have been feeling lately?"

"Um- okay where do I start. I get angry a lot. Mostly when other students wind me up. I've also been feeling anxious and depressed, I don't know why. But the one thing that's been bothering me the most is how alone I feel all of the time." Liam spoke shakily.

Sharing his personal feelings with some stranger was something that Liam was vey weary about.

"Lonely, how? You seem to have quite a lot friends and it says here that you were captain of the lacrosse team. What happened to that?"
She asked, pointing towards the papers that lay in front of her.

"Lonely in the sense that no matter how many people are around you, or how many 'friends' you think you have, you still believe that no one truely cares.. if that makes sense." He stuttered.

"And lately I've been skipping school a lot, so my coach gave that role to another student, Nolan."

"How do you feel about the coach allowing another student to become captain?" She continued.

"I don't really care. He'd be better at handling the responsibilities of what comes with being the captain than I ever have done."

"I see here that your girlfriend, Hayden has died recently. Do you believe that these feelings are a sort of coping method that your mind had created to distract you from loosing someone that you loved?"

"I don't know, it's kind of yes and no."

"Yes and no? Do you mind explaining these thoughts."
Mrs Emeral seemed focus, assessing each answer that Liam had thoroughly. He felt as if he needed to chose the right answer even if there isn't one to begin with.

"Well, yes because of course I miss here and it's sad how she died a distraction would seem reasonable, but no because I was feeling those emotions a lot, even when she was still alive. I just never really spoke about it I guess. "

Liam sat through the rest of the session, his nerves lessening after each question, until he was almost comfortable with being there. Still slightly nervous, he tapped the arm of the padded wooden chair that constantly, waiting patiently for his dismissal.

Instead she sat, her small hands typing into her computers keyboard.
"I'll just be a moment." She assured, noticing the nervous look on Liams face.
He wondered what it was like to have a job that involves listening to random people's problems all day and trying to be the one to help them.

A rumble sound began when a slip of paper exited the printer which was placed awkwardly towards the left side of the room, beside one of the plants.
Mrs Emeral then proceeded to walk towards the printer and collect the piece of paper, returning back to her desk, her attention returned Liam.

Sliding the piece of paper across the desk to Liam, she spoke,
"This is a letter to your parents, stating that I've recommended regular sessions with me once a week. It also has a prescription for antidepressants, which you'll need to take until I have seen that our sessions have succeeded."
"Hopefully, I'll see you next week Liam." She smiled and gestured thoughtfully towards the door.

"Thank you.." he replied showing gratitude towards her efforts.
Although he was thankful for the help that he was going to receive, but he couldn't help but feel out of place, as if it wasn't meant to be this way.
He thought to himself he shouldn't of let it get this bad in the first place, he's never been so careless to let his own life fall apart.

He took the piece of paper from the desk and exited the building, meeting his mother out the front of the Therapists clinic.

Liam felt sick in his stomach, he was now officially mentally ill. He knew how society treated people suffering from mental illnesses, as if something is really wrong with them and they need to be treated a lot differently than everyone else. He didn't want anyone to know of his sessions.

He sat in the car beside his mother, not saying a word.
"How was it sweetheart?" She asked sincerely.

Liam didn't reply to her question, instead he handed her the piece of paper and politely asked,
"Can we please just go home?"

"Oh Liam." She spoke after reading the words that were written on the page. A look a sympathy swept her face, contrasting with the look of disappointment in her eyes.
"Please." He repeated.

"We have to get you medication first, or do you want me to drop you home now?" She asked sincerely.
Liam nodded.

They drive silently, Liam looked back through the side view mirror.
It felt as though they were driving away from the life that Liam used to live and are entering the life of a different person. 

Once Liam arrived home, he stood outside of his house and watched his mother drive away again, then proceeded to walk into his bedroom throwing himself onto his bed and closing his eyes.
He attempted to block out the thought of his life and replace it with sleep.

A loud banging sound interrupted Liams sleep, someone was knocking on the front door.
"Come in!!" Liam yelled expecting it to be his mother. However there was no response.

In a huff Liam collected himself and began to walk down the wooden stairs and towards the front door.
He looked outside of the window expecting to see his mothers car parked in the driveway but he noticed that there was no car.

His heart skipped a beat and a sudden urge of
anxiety swept over his body.
Twisting the door knob, he pulled it open revealing a beaten and bruised Theo Raeken.

"Expecting someone" Theo asked while smiling through the pain.

This makes me sad poor Liam bby.
I'm going to start taking my time with each part and do them properly bc I've basically rushed the last two.
OH anD THeO wIlL be a REguLaR ChaRaCtEr fRoM NOw On!!!!¡¡¡¡

Thank u for reading!
If you want to, vote and I'll be updating tomorrow :)

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