Ginger and Rocky meet Wallace...

By AdventureGirl5

11.3K 69 256

Ginger, Rocky, and the rest of the chickens are back with Kali! And she's finally taking them to meet Wallace... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

2.2K 10 59
By AdventureGirl5

The gang came into the back area of the house near the garage where it had been turned into a giant bread factory. The chickens were astonished while Kali and the twins wandered around, looking for the inventor and his dog. 

"This place is amazing!" Nobby remarked. 

"I'll say, why back in my RAF days bread was the most valuable source of food they served us" Fowler recalled.

"Hello?" Ann called out. 

"Is anybody home?" Brock added. The place was very busy but with no one around. 

"Maybe they're off on holiday" Babs suggested. 

"Would you shut up about that stupid holiday stuff?!" Bunty yelled, rather angry and annoyed with Babs. 

"Wallace, Gromit, it's me" Kali called out. 

The group then saw someone carrying large stacks of bread over to the counter, who at the moment they couldn't see his face. But soon after the stacks were put down, that someone was revealed to be the one-and-only faithful Gromit himself. 

"Gromit!" Kali gasped in happiness, to see her friend who felt like her dog too since they've been through so much together.

"Kali, is that you?" Gromit smiled as he and Kali came over to each other and hugged. 

"Ah, it's good to see you again lass" The kindhearted beagle said to her. 

"Nice to see you too, old chap" The eleven-year-old replied while she continued to hug the beagle. 

"Hi Gromit!" The Twins smiled and greeted the mute dog, patting him on the head. 

"Brock, Ann, I didn't expect to see you guys here" Gromit was surprised but glad to see the twins again also. 

"Oh, and who are these guys?" Gromit turned to see the chickens. 

"These are my friends, the ones I was telling you about" Kali told Gromit while the chickens smiled and waved. 

Brock then gave Gromit the morning newspaper. 

"Thanks" Gromit said while he opened it up to read the headlines. Kali poked her head over Gromit's shoulder to read with him, when they saw something disturbing on the front page. 

"Oh my!" Gromit gasped slightly. 

"What?!" Everybody else gathered around to get a look at what was so surprising. 

"12th bread baker?!-" Brock started. 

"Found murdered?!-" Ann added. 

"What's a serial killer?" The chickens asked. 

Gromit and Kali looked at each other nervously before they both gulped. Gromit quickly grew worried, since he and Wallace were now bakers and could possibly be a likely target. Just then the gang heard an alarm clock go off upstairs, but Wallace was still asleep. 

"Wallace is sleeping on the job again" Kali told the others, giving a playful smile while looking up at the ceiling. 

"I got this" Gromit told her while he went over to get a water balloon and tied it to the windmill. After a few seconds Gromit hit the side of the windmill and the water balloon fell through an open window splattering straight on Wallace's face, waking him up.

"Oh! I was just coming down lad" Wallace called out. 

"Sure" Kali gave that playful smirk while Gromit brought more bread out of the oven then pulled a lever. 

"Be with you guys in a jiffy!" The cheese-loving inventor called out, sliding down a slide while getting ready in the process. 

"I got it Gromit!" Kali told the silent beagle. Just like old times she went to press a button to help Wallace get ready while he slid down. 

"Tally-Ho!" The inventor called out while Gromit went to go load more bread in the van. 

"Can we push a button?" The chicks asked. 

"Be my guest" Kali told them, until the chicks started randomly pressing buttons which caused the eleven-year-old to panic slightly for a moment as the slide was about to send Wallace straight into the dough mix. 

"Ah! Not that button" Kali giggled to the chicks before she pressed another button, sending Wallace down another slide in a different direction. 

"Thanks lass!" Wallace said to Kali. "Anytime" The adventure girl saluted. 

Wallace soon came down to ground level in front of everyone, all dressed up and ready for the day. "A perfect entry lad" Wallace told Gromit about his morning wake-up call. 

"Hello, Wallace" Kali smiled as she came over to her uncle figure.

"My dear Kali, how you've grown" Wallace smiled back to Kali as they hugged each other tight. They were both happy to be reunited with each other, since the last time Kali saw the duo she was eight. 

"Good to see you again, Wallace" The twins smiled to the eccentric inventor. 

"Ah glad to see that the gang's all here" Wallace patted the twins on the head with a chuckle.

Wallace then turned to see the chickens. 

"Oh, are these the valiant chickens you've been telling me so much about?" Wallace asked Kali while he leaned down slightly to the group of plucky birds. 

"They sure are. Wallace, Gromit, i'd like you to meet Ginger, Rocky, Babs, Mac, Bunty, Fowler, Nobby, and this is Ricky and Etta" Kali introduced her chicken friends to the dynamic duo. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, isn't it Gromit" Wallace turned to his dog while they both shook hands with the chickens. 

"Hi" Babs smiled. "Hello" Mac waved shyly. 

"Nice to meet you" Nobby greeted. "What's up?" Bunty gave a slight nod. 

"It's an honor to meet you soldiers. Back in my RAF days we always called the new members we met soldier" Fowler saluted to Wallace and Gromit. 

"Good to know" Gromit replied. 

"Heavens above, Kali! You weren't kidding, these chickens really can talk" Wallace was a bit surprised on how these chickens could speak English dialogue. 

"Just like how dogs can drive cars" Ann commented on how Gromit could drive a car, even though he's a dog. Everyone then chuckled to that statement. 

"Well you're more than welcome to sleep inside during your stay" Wallace told the chickens. 

"Yeah, you can stay with me and the twins in the guest room" Kali added. 

"Thank you, you're very kind Mr Wallace" said Ginger. 

"Yeah really, we're much obliged" Rocky added. Since the chickens have never been allowed inside a human's house before, besides Kali's whenever they visited her. 

Just then everyone turned to see that the chicks were roughhousing, climbing all over Gromit. "Hey, whoa! Take it easy there" Gromit said, trying to be careful not to step on them. 

"Alright kids, let Mr Gromit have his space" Ginger calmly but sternly told her chicks. 

"No that's alright, really Ginger, I'm okay" Gromit insisted, while he seemed to be really good with the chicks. And the chicks really liked Gromit. 

"Wahoo, get along little doggy!" Nobby then came over, getting on Gromit's back, wanting to ride on him like a horse. The beagle rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Ever think about settling down, meeting someone?... starting a family?" Kali playfully teased the intelligent beagle. 

"Now don't you start" Gromit growled at her in annoyance.

"We were just about to start our delivery run for the day, why don't you all join us" Wallace offered. 

Kali, the twins, and the chickens agreed to come along with the duo and help them with the bread delivery run. They all piled into the van and drove out, beginning their route for today. While on the road, the chicks had gotten into the back of the van and started eating the supply of bread. 

"Kids, stop eating the bread please" Kali told them, which they listened to her.

"Nobby, you too" Ginger added, not even looking in the back but knowing her brother was there. 

"What!? I'm not eating any bread!" Nobby muffled his words since his mouth was full, with bread crumbs all over his beak. The twins then laughed. 

"So, how's school going for you?" Wallace asked Kali. 

"It's going good. I got an A+ on my school essay project, I got to interview pets in the neighborhood and some zoo animals. I call my project "Creature Comforts" Kali explained.

"And I got a new book on pirates" Brock said, before asking Kali "Do you think we'll ever meet pirates someday?" 

"I'm sure we will" Kali told him, before looking down at her crystal that hung on a chain around her neck. Which she kept tucked away in her shirt. 

"How's that breakfast coming on?" Wallace asked Gromit. Gromit then pressed a button to a built in toaster right under the radio. 

"Well done, lad" Wallace took the toast and put it on a plate. "Very well done" Wallace took a bite of the toast. 

"Thanks chuck!" He patted his dog on the head, ruining his baker hat, but Gromit blew it back up. 

"Oh, Oh dear. Look at this lads" Wallace said as everyone looked at the newspaper. "Another baker, battered with his own rolling pin" Wallace remarked. 

"Do you think this could be the work of a possible criminal mastermind?" Mac asked. 

"It sure looks that way" Bunty replied. "Yeah" Rocky added. 

"Look on the bright side, I suppose it means more business for you two" Babs told Wallace and Gromit while knitting. 

"Quite right my fine feathered friend" Wallace agreed. Kali then laughed nervously while she soon turned to Ginger, who gave her that look of concern for Wallace and Gromit. 

The gang soon turned their bread run into a race to see how fast they could deliver. 

"We're on a roll, lads!" Wallace said. 

"Nice shot!" Ginger told Rocky, who threw a loaf of bread directly into a door mail-slot. 

"I never miss" Rocky boasted. 

"On your left!" Ann shouted to her twin brother. Brock then threw a loaf of bread out to the left, straight into a mailbox. 

"On your right!" Brock shouted to his twin sister and Ann did the same. 

"Good days work, guys" Wallace beamed. "We're bang on... target" Wallace got distracted as a slightly stout woman in a white dress rode by over the hill on her bike with a poodle in the basket. Wallace seemed to recognized this woman. 

"Hello, anybody home? Wallace?" Ann waved her hand in front of his face. The eccentric inventor then snapped out of his trance. 

"Gromit, guys, did you see who that was?" Wallace asked the others before they all looked out the window to see the woman in distress. 

"She's in trouble!" Wallace quickly turned the van around with a sharp screech. "Whoa!" the chickens were thrown to one side when the van made the sharp turn around, since they weren't wearing seat belts.

The van zoomed down the hill, quickly catching up to the stout lady and her poodle. The woman was trying to stop her bike, but the brakes weren't working.  

"Here Gromit, take the wheel!" Wallace literally gave his dog the steering wheel. 

"What the!?-" Kali exclaimed while Wallace got on the outside of the van and jumped over to the bike, positioning himself in front of it. 

"Don't fret, madam" Wallace assured the woman before he told Gromit to throw him tea cakes to put between his knees to try and brake the bike. It didn't work as the bike continued to speed down the hill. 

"I should have tried the granary roads" Wallace stated.  

The gang came down the hill and drove straight through the zoo. Everyone gasped as Wallace and the others were about to fall into the crocodile pit. But Kali and Gromit quickly jumped into action. With Wallace hanging over the edge by his legs, grabbing the woman by her leg, Kali held onto a long, thick, stretchy rope for Gromit to dive down into the crocodile's mouth and saved the poodle. It was kinda like bungee-jumping. They all climbed out of the crocodile pit, with Kali and Gromit more worn out since they did all the hard work. 

"Oh dear, are you alright miss? Madam?" Wallace asked, offering his hand to help the bulky woman out of the pit. 

"Oh, I do apologies" The woman straightened out her blonde hair. 

"It's an honor to be of help" Wallace said as the twins and chickens got out of the van and rushed over to Kali. 

The chickens quietly looked to Kali in concern if she was okay, because they couldn't talk in front of this woman in the white dress, who was a stranger to them. Kali nodded to the chickens giving them a gesture that she was okay and they smiled in relief.

"I must get those brakes in check" The Woman with blonde hair explained before Kali, Gromit, and the others had a look at the woman's bike. 

"We're so grateful, aren't we Fluffles? Fluffles" The woman gently nudged her dog with her leg and the poodle went up to Wallace, licking his face. 

"Oh, what a lovely little doggie" Wallace said while Kali, Gromit, and others tested the bike brakes. They looked at each other, slightly confused. 

"They look fine to me" Mac whispered to the others about the brakes. 

"Indeed, why i'd say this whole bike is in perfect shape" Fowler quietly agreed. This left the gang all with a little suspicion.

"Wallace, who is this fruitcake?" The twins asked, a little confused at who this woman was. 

"My name's Piella, Piella Bakewell" The woman held out her hand, introducing herself. 

"Oh, I know who you are miss-" Wallace started while he shook hands with the blonde haired woman. "Light as a feather you're the bake-o-lite girl" Wallace waved his hands slightly, doing a little twirl. It sounded like he had seen Piella in an advertisement before, which was the case. 

"Oh, that's me" Piella giggled.  

"I'm Wallace, i'm in bread myself" The inventor chuckled. 

"Oh, really?" Piella asked. Gromit and Kali then rolled their eyes again. 

Kali and the others noticed Piella's poor poodle, Fluffles was left clearly shaken by the ordeal she just went through, unlike her owner. Which grew to more suspicion for the human kids and the adult chickens. 

"Uh, Hi" The chicks whispered quietly enough for Piella not to hear them as they approached the timid poodle. 

"Um, Hello" Fluffles kindly greeted the chicks, a little nervously. 

"You don't look so good" Etta noticed this poor poodle seemed very frightened. 

"Yeah, are you okay?" Ricky asked, as he and his sister sensed something was wrong with Fluffles. 

"Oh i'm fine, really. Just a little too much excitement for one day" Fluffles denied, while still seeming a little shaken. Kali noticed and this really left her and the others confused.

It had become awkwardly silent between Wallace and Piella's conversation. 

"Are you still ballooning?" Wallace then asked Piella. 

"I do beg your pardon?" Piella slightly gasped, thinking Wallace meant something else. 

Kali then quietly whispered something to her siblings which made all three of them start to snicker. 

"Oh no, no, no, I mean the bake-o-lite balloon. Do you still fly it?" Wallace corrected.  

"Oh I see. No, not anymore" Piella sighed with a frown. Kali and the twins then cleared their throats, signaling Wallace that it was time for them to go. 

"Well back to the grind, as it were. Goodbye Ms. Bakewell" Wallace waved.

"Oh i'd rather say Au revoir" Piella said as she quickly took her bike away from Kali, Gromit, and the others. 

"Oui oui madame and Bon appetit" Wallace chuckled as he and Piella started to flirt with each other, which really annoyed the rest of the gang. 

"Ulgh" Brock gagged while he saw Piella flickering her eyelashes at Wallace. 

"That was really weird" Kali, Gromit, and the others thought about Piella after they left. The gang soon finished the rest of their bread delivery route and headed back home. 

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