I Will Always Find You

By justusnerds

23.8K 930 376

This is the final chapter of the Being Miss Mills trilogy. I highly recommend you read that one first and the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

1K 40 15
By justusnerds

Storybrooke (Emma and Regina's mansion)

A small shock of electricity seemed to emanate from inside her heart and traveled outward. A part of her that had felt cold for so long was now growing warmer.

Emma? Can you hear me?

Her breath hitched in her throat. Her eyes widened in shock. A feeling grew inside, a feeling that she had felt not so long ago. Before they had been separated months ago, the feeling that linked their souls together.

Please Emma, hear me. I can feel you my love. I'm here.

"Regina?" A disbelieving croak escaped thin and pale lips.

YES! Emma! Can you hear me?

Her jaw fell open again, she couldn't speak. Is that really you Regina?

Yes, it's me! Oh my dear sweet Emma!

Oh my God! Please be real! Please don't let me be losing my mind! Emma stood up and began to pace back and forth in front of the bed.

It's real Emma, it's definitely real. I'm inside you like before when we were under the curse. Can't you feel me inside you?

Emma closed her eyes and felt deep inside her, and there she was. Emma felt her soul and her love just like before. It really was Regina.

Oh Regina! I thought you were dead! How did this happen?

I don't know dear, I thought I was dying too. I felt the pain in my body starting to fade away and then I blacked out. Then this feeling of grief, this overwhelming grief jarred me awake. And then I could see through your eyes. I could feel your pain. I wish I could hold you right now my love and make everything better.

I wish I could hold you too babe. But I'm so happy that you're alive. Well, mostly anyway. Emma looked at Regina's body lying lifeless on their bed.

Oh my, look at me! I'm a mess! Wait, you put my bleeding corpse on our bed?

I guess, I was teleporting and you just kind of wound up there. What's the big deal?

'What's the big deal?' There is a dead body bleeding on my bed!

But it's your dead body!

I don't care! It is still a corpse! Now I'm going to have to throw all the bedding out and get a new mattress!

This is what we're talking about right now? The bed? Not the fact that you're back from the dead and living in my brain again?

Well, at least there is plenty of room in here.


Ugh, look at me. I look horrendous.

Emma was aware that she had been looking at Regina's lifeless body lying in front of them. She remembered that Regina was using Emma's eyes to see.

You are the most beautiful human being that has ever lived Regina. You could never be anything else to me.

Regina felt the love radiating inside Emma and it comforted her. I still look a mess. We need to clean this up, first let's repair that wound. Emma nodded and waved her hand over the body and the magic glowed from her hand. The hole in her abdomen sealed and the blood disappeared

And what on Earth am I wearing? Blue jeans and a t shirt? What in the world is a 'Guns and Roses'? Emma snorted in response.

Only the greatest rock band in the world!

Don't tell me I had your taste in music too? If I have damaged my ear drums listening to that noise Miss Swan...

You liked it. Emma teased.

And look at my hair!

I think it's sexy babe.

Well, maybe I will keep it that way when I get back in my body. Emma felt the humor inside her. For you. Now let's cast a suspension spell on the body. It will preserve my body so it doesn't decompose. It's the same spell I used on Daniel. Let me take control of your magic.

You got it babe. Emma felt the power emanating from her and found it odd that it was working without her control. It was as if she was a zombie and moving inside a bowl of pudding.

Okay now that that is taken care of, we will take it to my crypt to keep it safe.

Emma nodded in agreement. And after that there is someone I want you to meet.

Regina felt Emma's excitement and happiness building inside.

It's time to introduce you to our daughter.


Storybrooke (Mills family crypt)

I look so creepy in that thing. Regina's body lay in a glass casket on a stone slab in her vault. It is very surreal to see one's body lying in state like this.

You don't look creepy. You look like you do when you're sleeping. In our bed.

Are you actually thinking about sex with me as we both look at my 'almost corpse'?

What? No! That would be disgusting! I'm just saying that you look cute when you're sleeping, and it kind of looks like that right now!

It's obviously a genetic defect, you Charming's getting hot over women in glass coffins.

I'm not getting hot! Ugh whatever. I know what you're doing Regina. Emma felt Regina getting nervous.

What are you babbling about Miss Swan?

You're stalling.

Stalling? Regina scoffed, but Emma knew she had hit the mark. Stalling over what? I have no idea what you are talking about.

You're stalling because you are afraid to see our daughter.

I-I'm not afraid. Emma wished she could hug her lover right then.

Regina, I get it. This is a big moment and you feel guilty about not being there for her birth.

Emma could feel the melancholy coming off Regina. What if she doesn't like me? The mayor said in a small voice.

Regina, she's two months old. The only thing she doesn't like is a dirty diaper! She is going to love her mommy!

I'm just scared Emma. I wanted to be there.

I know baby, I know. But you're here now, well mostly. You feel like you missed out but you didn't. Jeanie Maria doesn't even remember you not being there.

But I remember Emma. I know I wasn't there.

It wasn't your fault babe. It was fucking August, and we're going to make that asshole pay soon enough. And about you not being there at the birth? Henry and David were regular Spielbergs with all the filming they did! Trust me, you are going to get up close and personal with everything that went down. Now that I think about it, it might be more Tarantino than Spielberg with all the blood and gore.

Regina gave off a slightly amused feeling. Oh my, that is a little more than I want to see.

Regina, it doesn't matter that you weren't there for the first two months. You're going to be here now for her first steps, her first words, birthdays. Everything. You won't miss one single minute from now on. I promise you that babe.

Thank you Emma. I love you.

Love you too babe. Now let's get to Zelena's and see Jeanie Maria.

Storybrooke (Zelena's house)

Zelena watched as the white smoke cleared in her living room to reveal the tall blonde in skinny jeans and a red leather jacket. "Something wrong with the doorbell Miss Swan?" Zelena questioned with a raised eyebrow. She scrutinized Emma's face. "You're smiling. That's new, does that mean you have news about my sister?"

"I found her Zelena!" Emma blurted out with a smile.

Zelena's green eyes bugged out. "Where is she?"

"Um, here." Emma shrugged and pointed to her own heart.

Zelena gave her a furrowed brow of confusion. "Have you been drinking? What the hell does that mean?" Zelena mimicked Emma's gesture, then as if a light when on in her head she formed an 'o' with her mouth. "She's inside you like last time?" Emma nodded her head while she laughed. Zelena rushed over and enveloped her in a hug. "How did this happen?" She asked as she pulled away from the embrace.

"When I found her in Seattle, August was there and he nearly killed her." Emma started to explain.

Zelena scowled. "That fucking tree boy, I'll make toothpicks out of him before I'm through."

Tell her to get in line.

"Regina says not if she gets to him first." Emma smirked. "After I thought she died, I heard her inside me. I came back with her body and now we're here."

"Her body? That didn't happen last time." Zelena cocked an eyebrow.

"Does that mean something?" Emma wondered.

"I'm not sure." Zelena said quietly, but then she waved her hands in dismissal and smiled. "Whatever, I'm just glad you're alive sis!"

Okay, I want to see my daughter now.

"She wants to see Jeannie Maria." Emma smiled while her eyes got watery.

Zelena's eyes mirrored the blonde's and she found a lump in her throat. "Of course." Her voice cracked slightly. "Come on, she's napping."


Looking down into the crib at the sleeping child, Regina knew that she had not seen a more beautiful little girl in her entire life. Her daughter was perfect, she was not sure whether or not she was an actual angel.

Emma, she's so beautiful.

I know babe, I know.

Regina's vision grew watery for a moment as Emma blinked away tears of joy. She looks just like you Emma. Regina saw the chubby cheeks and the thin lips that reminded her of her lover.

No, she has your hair and eyes. And I know she is going to be as sassy as her mother.

And probably as stubborn as her mother.

Emma reached down to pick her up and pulled the sleeping bundle into her arms. The baby stirred and opened her eyes slowly. Regina was able to see the dark brown eyes of her daughter and felt the love swell inside her. Henry would always be her son and she would love him with all her heart. But now she held a child that was her's, this baby had a part of her inside her. It was something that she never thought she would ever have.

To keep her mother from controlling her life or the life of her children, Regina had taken a potion that kept her from bearing children. Yet here she was looking into the eyes of a child she had helped create with the power of true love. This was their baby, both her's and Emma's.

Thank you Emma.

Emma felt confused. For what?

For her.

As I recall, you had a hand in her conception too madam mayor. Well, a hand and a tongue! Emma felt Regina's amusement.

I'm being serious Emma. You saved me. The dark path I was going down would have destroyed me if you hadn't come into my life. I fought it at first, but you changed me Emma. Thanks to you I have her, and I will be eternally grateful.

We'll see how grateful you are when she's 16 years old and screaming at us because we won't let her stay out late.

You are such an idiot.

Yeah, but I'm your idiot.

I love you Emma Swan.

I love you Regina Mills.

Just then a small hand reached up to touch Emma's chin with soft, tiny fingers. Emma's lips curled into a smile.

Emma! I can feel her touching you! I can feel our baby!

I'm glad babe!

I'm never leaving this child alone again. I'm never leaving you again.

I'm not letting either of you out of my sight.

Zelena cleared her throat. "Henry is right. This whole telepathy thing is very rude. You've been standing there in silence for 10 minutes now and now I'm bored."

Henry. Where is Henry? Regina felt Emma's nervousness spike in intensity just then. Miss Swan, where is our son?

Ummm. Transylvania?


A/N: My gift to you guys! A little Swanqueen reunion (sort of). I know you guys have been getting anxious about them getting back together, so here they are, back together (kind of)! 

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