Internet Friends | Harvey Mil...

By relevantmills

93.5K 2.1K 1.2K

[ social media book ] ** warning, contains curse words ** " sometimes the people that are thousands of miles... More

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t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
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t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
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s e v e n t e e n
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t w e n t y f o u r
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t w e n t y s i x
t w e n t y s e v e n
authors note pls read if u luv me
face claim change again oop

e l e v e n

3K 77 10
By relevantmills

harvey pov

the butterflies had now arrived. we were standing in the airport waiting for charly's arrival and i was growing extremely nervous.
she was due to land any minute now.
i stood anxiously staring at the gate waiting for her arrival.

all of a sudden, people started flooding into the arrivals lounge. i look around to see if i could see her but all i could see was the faces of others.
i had been waiting for this moment for months and i just wanted it to happen. i honestly couldn't wait to have her in my arms.

" harvey !! " i hear someone shout and the butterflies fly faster.
i whip my head and see charly running full speed towards me. i don't hesitate, i just run and wrap my arms around her, tight.
she jumps and wraps her legs around my torso and we stand there not even caring what the people around us thought. this was our moment and no one was going to ruin it.
" i can't believe you're here " i whisper gently in her ear.
" me neither " she says.

eventually we do pull away and i put her down.
" when charly told me about this internet thing i wasn't too sure but that was one of the cutest things i've ever seen " her mum says and i laugh.
" where next ? " charly says, " i wanna really get a feel for britain you know "
a smile forms on my face and i allow a light laugh to escape from my lips.
" well if we go outside you can touch the ground and really get a feel for britain "
she giggles but then picks up her bags and we start walking towards the exit.

her mum allowed charly to come to my house for a bit so we could make the most of the time we have together.
" wait charly, how long are you actually staying?? " i ask as i realise that she actually never said.
" i may or may not have convinced her to stay a month "
my eyes widen, " for real ? "
" yea boi "
this is going to be the best month ever.

hello !!
i'm sorry for not updating in a few days.
my nan hasn't been very well at all so i was caught up in worrying about her  but i wanted to update to make you guys happy and to try and take my mind off of everything.
so hello.
i have to sing a solo infront of my drama class today and you know that would be all fine and dandy but one problem, i can't sing.
i was never planning on singing because i HATE it.
and i get all nervous and ejekxjejeh.
if someone wants to come and do it for me that'd be great.
- amelia

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