mellifluous | poetry

By chocolatetragedies

733 87 9

rhyming words that I mean with all my heart; before my heart gets torn apart. © OCTOBER 2017 - TBA More

mellifluous; poetry
day and night; one
dreams; two
bike rides; three
terrors; five
rain; six
cold; seven
factions; eight
broken universes; nine
handkerchiefs; ten
artists; eleven
paper hearts; twelve
midnight at dawn; thirteen
familiar names; fourteen
in my blood; fifteen
nervous; sixteen
fallin all in you; seventeen
almost; eighteen
take me to the ball game; nineteen
wishes; twenty
parts of you; twenty-one
pluto; twenty-two
writing; twenty-three
run; twenty-four
untouchable; twenty-five
twelve in the morning; twenty-six
sleep; twenty-seven
home; twenty-eight
senses; twenty-nine
you; thirty
calamities; thirty-one
honey; thirty-two
dying stars; thirty-three
lego houses; thirty-four

trying; four

44 6 0
By chocolatetragedies

i see you with your friends,
laughing along to what one of them says, not having a care in your little world

but you do not see that i'm trying to save you
to change you from the horrible fate you were putting your future in

i didn't want you to become a monster hidden under soft, beautiful flesh.

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