Hetalia Oneshots [REQUESTS CL...

By beingawesome

17.1K 447 186

What the title says. Requests will be taken! (Please note that there may not always be happy endings) [REQU... More

An Eventful Date ~Romano
You Belong to Me ~Spain
Theme Park Thrills ~America
~Bad Touch Trio
Detention-Saver ~ England
~Norway I
~Prussia I


918 23 17
By beingawesome

"ARGHH! AMERICA, YOU IDIOT!" Philippines was beside herself with anger, as she desperately sent her arms flailing in an attempt to find a desk, or anything of the sort that she could hold on to.

Thing was, Philippines couldn't see. It tended to happen to people who were robbed of their glasses. In this case, the robber was a glasses-wearing idiot himself, so Philippines couldn't help but expect some form of empathy from him. Of course, this was America. Empathy really wasn't his style.

'When I get my hands on you', she thought darkly as she groped around blindly, 'You'll have wished you never crossed me...'

Philippines was normally a very calm and composed person. She tended to stay collected in the most dire of situations, and although her history was short, compared to the others, it was still quite...interesting. If 'interesting' was the correct word to describe being fought over around a hundred million times, then yes, her history was interesting.

Even then, she couldn't help getting, for a word, pissed at America every time he did something...which was basically most of the time. In fact, it happened to be so at every world meeting. America definitely had something against her!

She nearly cried out in joy when she finally managed to locate something rather hard: the wall. Slowly and carefully, she inched her way out of the meeting room, where everyone thought it would be funny to leave her in. It wasn't funny.

Not at all.

"Crap." She cursed once she was out. She had no idea where to go.

'Let's calm down and think.' She told herself. 'Calm down...'

'Try to remember how you got in...Straight in the lobby towards the elevator which was on the...right? After that, you turned towards the  right...no, left. You walked straight and then...took a right. Then you went straight. I hope.'

According to her very coherent thoughts, she was supposed to go straight, then take a left. Easier said than done.

As she slowly made her way down the hall, by feeling up the wall (not like that!), she bumped into someone. Fortunately for her and her pride, the impact didn't cause her to fall down. The other person, however, did.  

"Are you okay?!" She shouted by accident. Not being able to see seemed to tamper with her other senses. "Person?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine...Philippines? What are you doing?"

"Artie!" She nearly cried with joy, as she flung herself towards the sound of his voice. "You're here!"

"No I'm not, Philippines. I'm actually in Neverland visiting Tinker Bell, and Hook. When I think about it...I haven't visited them in quite a while." The last part ended in a murmur.

How weird! He acted as though all of them were real!

Philippines was elated, although someone else, such as Iceland or, she blushed, Sweden, would have been more preferable. No matter! A way out, was a way out!"

"Could you walk me out?" She asked hopefully in his direction. "I can't really see right now, since America took my glasses."

"That bloody idiot never knows when to stop." Britain muttered, before sighing. "As much as I hate to say it, Philippines, I can only walk you some of the way. France and I have a lot to chat about."

She tried not to shiver at the sudden dark tone he took on when he mentioned France, and nodded.

"Very well then. Shall we?"

She found it was much easier to walk with someone's help, than by trying herself. Especially since the aforementioned person was bloody Britain who was the most gentlemanly person to brace the Earth. 

About halfway, he left her awkwardly, not having been used to doing things half-way.

"I apologize again." He said sincerely. "To go to the lobby, you'll have to go down in the elevator. It's on the right. Goodbye."

That being said he left.

On the bright side, Philippines managed to find the elevator, no problem. The problem, however, happened at which button she was supposed to press.


She jammed a button towards the bottom, thinking that it was 0. It was isolated from the rest of them anyways. Luckily, her guess was correct and she made it down to the lobby.

'Freedom!' She wanted to cry, sobbing. 'Freedom, at last!'

However, that would be extremely embarrassing. She would be publicly humiliated. She covered up her emotions using a version of Iceland's very well-reputed poker face.

As she began walking towards where she hoped the door was (it was a very bright fuzz in her hazy vision), she bumped into someone again. And this time, she fell down.


The stranger said nothing, until he helped her up gently. "S'rry."

Her eyes widened, and she strongly willed herself not to blush. "It's alright. I can't really see anything anyways."

"Wh' 's th't?" Sweden asked her, 'In curiosity' she hoped.

"Oh, well...America took my glasses, that tanga."

"H're. I n'rm'lly wouldn't b't y'u can h've th'm."

She blinked in surprise, as something cool was placed securely on her face. Sweden's glasses.

The glasses didn't really help; she could make out some figures at least, but her vision wasn't perfect.

"Thank you." She smiled shyly, which was unlike herself. "Wouldn't you need it?"

She could only make out his piercing blue eyes, as he said. "N'. I c'n see j'st f'ne."

"Oh, okay. When should I return them to you?"

"Y'u don't h've t'." The grunt followed. "Ke'p it."

She tried not to squeal at the thought. She got to keep his glasses!

"Alright then, thank you!"

"L't m' w'lk y'u t' th' ro'd."

He got her a cab, and made sure she was safely secure in her seat. Before he closed the door, however, he leaned closed a faintly murmured, "B' s'fe."

She couldn't keep the goofy grin off her face until she reached her hotel, where she rushed into her room and screamed into her pillow for a good two minutes...

...after she put on her spare glasses, of course.


I hope you liked it! Next up, I believe, is Prussia, as requested by donutellasenpaii.

On another note, my exams are FINALLY DONE! I so freakin' excited right now, but I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do with my life for the next two months.

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