Uncovered (Harry Styles)

By imagineharoldstyles

32.1K 658 46

As humans, we are all so oblivious to all of the cruelty and horror simultaneously occurring in the world. We... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

458 14 3
By imagineharoldstyles


Maeve's P.O.V.

I couldn't figure out why the hell Harry had said those vile things to me. My head was spinning and confusion seeped through my veins. This just didn't add up.

The love of my life told me that I was good for nothing to say the least. He made me feel like I was the scum of the Earth. Why did he say those things?

I walked out of the kitchen and headed for the front door so I could get a hold of Ed. I've been missing many crucial answers to the many questions swarming though my head and I believe Ed has those answers. I've been pushing off visiting him in the hospital for quite some time now solely because I was afraid.

I was afraid of what he'd say to me. I don't know why but I just couldn't bring myself to trudge over to the hospital and speak with him. But now I had no choice. I needed to.

Ed was the only person I could really talk to and feel comfortable around since Harry's disappearance. Ed was the light in my life during this dark time. He'd give me answers and maybe just maybe he would have an answer to Harry's actions.


"Maeve," Ed said warmly followed by a smile. "I'm so glad you could visit." He continued as a nurse removed a pair of rubber gloves from her hands and discarded them into a waste bin. Blood covered the gloves and I instantly felt queasy. I assumed my wide eyed stare at the rubber gloves the nurse had on made Ed tell that I was uncomfortable. "She just needed to check on my wound it's no big deal. Come sit." He said and I carefully sat down in the chair by his bedside thankful that he had changed the subject.

Seeing Ed again gave me a surge of life. The dark deep constant hurt I've been feeling seemed to ease up on me once he said my name.

"How have you been Maeve?" He said politely while he leaned up to pull a tray table full of food towards his bed.

"Harry called me," I said hesitantly. He was just about to put a forkful of hospital food into his mouth but he stopped at my words. "He called me a few minutes ago and he told me that I was only good at getting drunk and high." I paused and Ed raised an eyebrow. I didn't tell him about my drug filled past which probably confused him more than Harry calling me. Before I spoke more about Harry's call I gave him a quick update about my past. Unlike everyone else who I told about my past he didn't judge me for it.

"So you said Harry called you?" He said and I nodded.

"He called from his cell phone and it sounded like him but he didn't seem like himself." I bit down on my lip and thought of the call I had gotten. "Something isn't right."

Ed concurred and shifted in his bed slightly. "Can you get me that folder over there?" I grabbed it off the table and handed it to him. He flipped open the folder and pulled out a sheet of paper with a photo of Harry on it. Accept it wasn't Harry.

Ed let out a heavy sigh and said, "Do you know who this is?"

I looked long and hard at the picture and said flatly, "Harry?"

"No," he said softly. "This man is named Charles Styles and he's our prime suspect on Harry's abduction." I soon felt dizzy and the urge to throw up. What was happening?

"Charles is Harry's twin brother and we have reason to believe that he is involved in Harry's abduction. I'm so sorry Maeve that I had to hide this from you for so long. I was informed not to share with anyone, not even you." Ed sighed and folded his hands across his chest. "We had to do some investigating and we had to dig deep into Harry's past. Do you know why he originally auditioned for XFactor?" Why was he asking me about Harry's audition?

"Harry told me he auditioned to make money to pay for Anne's medical bills, that's no surprise--"

"That is partially true," he spoke in a hushed voice. "Harry needed to pay off some drug debt as well..." His voice trailed off and my thoughts hit my body heavy and hard like a ton of bricks.

"What drug debt?" I said flatly.

"Harry's," he said after a short pause. "Harry battled similar demons as you did." I shook my head back and forth and tried to piece together the information I was being fed. If Harry actually was a former drug addict or is currently one why didn't he tell me? Me of all people would be understanding of drug abuse. Why did he feel like he needed to hide his past from me when I was so open with him about mine?

"I'm so confused," I said while running my fingers through my hair. Ed reached over and patted my knee reassuringly.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this Maeve but you deserve to know after all you've been through." In a desperate attempt to change the subject from my husbands drug habits I brought up this Charles man again.

"And Charles, what does he have to do with this?"

"Charles runs one of the largest drug rings in New York City and was deprived of payments from Harry. Harry owes him at least 10 grand in drug debt and I assume that his capture is because of this," he paused and skimmed through a few pages in the folder I had handed him. He pulled out a white sheet covered in handwriting which was barely legible might I add. "This," he said as he handed me the paper. "This is a statement we collected from Anne a few days ago," My eyes scanned over the paper and I tried to decipher the sloppily written words. "We needed to ask her about Charles and if she knew about him."

When asked about Charles Styles, Anne Styles replied:

"Charles is Harry's twin brother. I haven't seen him since the day Ron and I split back when the boys were first born. Ron and I were both too broke to afford divorce court so we went our seperate ways and each of us took a boy. I took Gemma as well. It was a stupid idea I suppose but both of us were too hard headed to handle things as adults. We may have been the age to be referred to as adults but we both were merely children. I figured the boys would meet again one day but if you're saying Charles had something to do with Harry's abduction I am not surprised to say the least."

I had to blink several times to register the words on the paper. This was a direct quotation from Anne. She knew about Charles but she didn't tell anyone, not even her own son. And Gemma, why didn't she spill either? Deceit was the word of the day and I was learning the definition firsthand.

Why do you believe that Charles is responsible for Harry's abduction? When asked Anne Styles replied:

"About two years ago I found a letter addressed to Harry from the address I knew Charles lived at with Ron. I was going to give it to Harry but everything was going so well in his life and I didn't want to put a damper on his mood. I opened the letter myself and Charles spilled how he hated his life and that it was not fair that Harry got to live like king. Ron apparently abused Charles and reading those words on the paper ripped out my heart. My own son, the son that I left in the dust. I don't know why I didn't fight for Charles. One more mouth to feed wasn't going to kill anyone but I let Ron take him. Charles wanted to seek revenge on Harry and show him what it was like to live like "the other half" like he said. I am just as responsible for this as Charles is because I'm the reason Charles ended up being a monster."

I handed Ed back the folder and tried to piece together my thoughts. Questions scrambled around my mind along with the answers to so many questions I've held onto for weeks now. Things seemed to be clicking but others were falling apart like my trust for Harry or maybe it was his trust or lack thereof trust in me.

I trusted Harry more than any person in the entire world but he didn't feel the same way about me. Harry told me nothing at all about his past. I wanted to learn about the dark places inside of his mind even when he didn't feel they were important enough to share. I wanted to breathe in every single detail of his life but he sealed it all up and hid it from me. He hid it like I hid my stash from him. He hollowed out a piece of his mind and hid all of his secrets in it.

Harry didn't trust me and if he didn't trust me why am I trusting him.

While I was drowning in my own mind Ed was on the phone. I don't know when the phone rang or who was on the other line but his eyes lit up when he spoke. I stared at him uneasily while he listened intently. A few "okay's" and "thank you's" later Ed hung up the phone and a huge smile grew across his face.

"Maeve they found him alive and well," he said gleefully. A large toothed grin grew upon his face and he reached for my hands. He squeezed them with his and spoke again, "Harry is okay."

For months I've longed for this moment but now I don't know how to feel. I'm happy that he's okay but I am crushed at the same damn time. After finding out all that I did just now and in the way that I did I felt like I barely knew Harry. Who even is Harry Styles because certainly I did not have the slightest idea of who he was when I said 'I do' at the alter. My head was pounding and my heart was sharing a similar rhythm and before I knew it an officer was in the hospital room to take me to Harry.

My rampage of emotions weren't calming down yet and I had a feeling this was just the calm before the storm.


I've decided that I'm going to make Chapter 35 the final chapter so we have two chapters left until the end. The Haeve reunion is coming up next chapter so stay tuned. (-:


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