A Game To Play

By Misz_Unique

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

246 2 2
By Misz_Unique


I stood still as his slowly walked away from me. Then he stopped and turned around me

“Oh by the way tell Strapz, I don’t need him no more. I just want you Reaper” He carried on walking till he could no longer been seen. Saying I was shocked would not even describe how I felt. I knew he was ruthless, but for some reason I believed he would never do this to me. My phone vibrated bringing me back down to Earth. I ignored the constant vibration in my pocket and walked to anyway my feet could walk to. The more I walked, the more I felt more emotions. The anger that was raging through my body was emotional. My fist clenched as I walked further down the road. My hoody wasn’t over my head so people could see my face. They could see the pure anger and quickly crossed the road as I approached them

I stood and watched him walk away from me then he stopped and turned to me. I walked into the shop looking to buy a drink or anything just to take my mind away from my thoughts.

“Please, don’t rob me” I looked at the man and kissed my teeth. I got my Coke and gave it to him and paid and walked out

“Excuse” I turned around to see a little boy tugging at my trouser

“Yes” He jumped a bit at my tone

“Sorry, you dropped your change” He stretched out his little hands towards me revealing my £4.

“Thank you” I took the money from him, to see him mother run towards him and pull him away

“Don’t talk to strangers.” She looked at me like I was scum of the Earth

“No mommy, I was just giving him his change” She sighed and walked off with him

“Bye” He shouted at me. I smiled and waved back at him and walked off. My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and knew if I ignored this call she would slap me as soon as the front door opened


“Shaun where the hell are you?” I sighed

“Don’t worry I’m on my way”

“That’s not the point. I’ve been texting you and you never replied to one. Not one. Look at the time” I looked down at my G-Shock.

“Its 11” She kissed her teeth

“I better see you in 10mins”

“Yh yh” I locked off before she could say anything and walked home.


“Shauney man you can get out of this” I laughed at Strapz. It was already 9am and we were already playing fifa. I paused the game and looked straight at him. Once I got home I had explained the whole situation.

“Remember what happened to Johnny when he tried?” He stayed silent for a while trying to recall


“Lool Guess no one bothered to tell you then. Gucci got him decapitated and burnt to crisp. I don’t think you understand how sick in the head he is and his right. The thing is, he uses his youngers and do his dirt so his never got clocked and he’ll never be stopped.” I sighed.

“We’ll find a way”

“NO we fucking won’t. Listen to me for once, his fucked in his head and his not going to stop. Just because you got out so fucking easily don’t mean I can. It’s me. I’m reaper. His beloved subject, he won’t let me go” I punched the wall out of frustration.

“Calm down”

“No I WON’T FUCKING CALM DOWN. I have no choice but to go back, I don’t want any harm going to mom. She means too much to let her go especially since I can actually do something to prevent it” The room filled with silence.

“Do what you need to do. I got your back init” I nodded at him and sat back down preparing to un-pause the game till mum called us down.

“Shauney, Junior come down I need to talk to you” We both came rushing down the stairs to see mom sitting down at the dining table. We slowly approached her.

“What’s wrong mum” Strapz spoke up. She looked at us and pushed a couple papers towards us.

“Look, I’m tired of you two just staying at home and doing nothing with your life”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t do nothing but sit on your lazy behinds and play fricking console” I sniggered a bit but her eyes instantly rolled over to me so I shut up.

“So I’m giving you options. Choice the college you want to go to. Decide by tomorrow or I will decide for you or pack your stuff and get out my house” With that she walked off leaving us with a pile of papers and forms on the table. I guess she really didn’t want us having to go back to the life we lived. We had both passed our GCSEs, Strapz’s mom ensured that no matter the business we got involved in where always attended school and did our best. But we never bothered to apply for a college. There was no point; I already predicted that I would have to leave college early to sort out business. I sighed and picked up any random form and read through it. If I had to go, then I might as well do the courses that enjoyed.

“What should we do?” I just had to give him the eye and kissed my teeth. Do I look like I want to be homeless, let alone have mum to disown me. Nahh I’m alright

“What do you think fool?” I picked up some of the papers and went through the colleges and the courses they were offering. He still looked baffed at me and I just kissed my teeth at him. I seriously believe that all the fucking he does has affected his brain. I threw a couple forms and booklets at him.

“Ohh” Was all the came out of him mouth. I didn’t even have the energy to reply. I picked up one of the booklets and read through. It seemed to be an alright school, good facilities and that. Throughout that night, we went through every booklet. By the time we had gone to bed, we had decided on a college that we were both pleased with.


My phone constant vibration bought me out of my sleep. I looked down at my phone screen, well more like trying to look down. I still had a lot of sleep in my eye, so just to open it was a mission. Once I saw who it was calling me, I felt some anger grew from within me as my sleep vanished


“Reaper, I need you to do a job for me”

“I’ll come down when I wake up” He chuckled

“No. You come down when I want you to. Not when you feel like coming down. Just know your place Reaper, don’t care if you are my best worker, might still need to teach you some manner” I could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke. It felt so powerful, just ruining my life for me.

“Kl, whatever, I’ll be there soon”

“Good, now say bye properly” I held the laughter from coming out of my mouth. Really? Who does it think he is? Then I remembered what he told me the other day, and then I remembered who he thought he was. He thought he was God; could take lives as he pleased.

“I’ll be there soon Gucci”

“Good boy”


I clenched my fist as I banged the special knock on his door. I knew it would piss him off, but I still did it. I’m not a serious person, the amount of trouble I get myself into.

“Reaper, you’re fully pissing me off” I smirked inside but making sure that my facial expression stayed blank. He kissed his teeth and walked back into his house.

“Look, I need you to give some coke to some man.” I nodded so it’s the usual job. He told me the rest of the details and I nodded as he gave me the coke. During this whole experience I learnt, the less ‘hood’ you look the better. So I came out in chino’s my white ralphy and white airforces. I tucked the coke into the front of my airforces, ensuring that my feet would crush it. I walked out my house not before turning back to Gucci and screwing him.

“Look Shauney, I see you as the little brother I never had. I don’t say it a lot but you know I got mad love for you. No homo, so don’t get it twisted. But I’ll also have your back, never think I don’t. The life we live is just so we can provide for ourselves init. A kid like me could have never gotten anything like this without this life. Don’t worry, no one will start on you, if they appreciate their life anyway. You ready?” He looked down at me. I was shaking in my tracksuit bottoms that were too small for me so it was tight on my body and it was stopping at my ankle. My umbro trainers that were ripped and sole of the shoe was slowly coming off the shoe. My white top, that had holes all over it. Then I looked at him. His clothes were clean and expensive. He wore clothes that you see people wear on TV and you always imagine wearing them. I nodded at him and he smiled at me.

“Come we go shopping. I ain’t going to allow you walk around road like this no more” At the sound of shopping, I got gassed and soon started walking with him.

I wiped the tear that had rolled down my eye. I looked down at the clothes I was wearing. It was clothes I had dreamed of wearing when I was younger, yet it’s not even the dirty money that had gotten it for me. It was my mum. She bought me all these clothes. I kissed my teeth as I tapped my oyster card and walked upstairs. I sat down, looking out the window lost in my thought, when I felt someone sit next to me. I looked at the person and kissed my teeth. As I stood up, she held onto my top

“Shaun, please don’t”

“Why not Chanice, when your breath smells of cum. Don’t piss me off, at least learn how to brush your teeth. You’re coming from some next man’s house init?” She looked away and I laughed then kissed my teeth

“Then you have the audacity to blame me for your lifestyle. Like you don’t see me now, but you’re still fucking next man. Some hoe” I knew my words affected her but I don’t care. You can’t blame me for opening your legs.

“Did you even know him?”

“Look yeah how I live my life has nothing to do with you. I just wanted to talk to you, no need for you to try get into my personal life” I burst out laughing

“So I take that as no as you tried to divert the topic. Even worse that what I thought. You’re loose Chanice. Is that how desperate you are for d*ck? You now fuck any man you moves to you. The old Chanice I knew had standards. You disgust me” I heard her gasp, so turned around to look at her. You need to see how wide her mouth was, that’s how you know she sucked d*ck for a living, her jaw had expanded

“Ayy, since your mouth is already open I’m sure someone will like to you suck their d*ck for them, since that what you’re best at doing” I spat at her as I moved to the front of the bus. I could hear people creasing behind me and just making comments like ‘She got parred’ ‘Ooo he put it on her’. I don’t care how harsh it was. She needs to learn, you can’t blame anyone for how you live. I don’t even know how me living her for her own protection is a reason for you to be a known sket. I get you might have needed comfort, but she could have gone to her mum, or even gone to church for comfort.  That got my thinking. This is the life I live, not the life I choice to be honest; I blame my old mum on how my life is. Time to move forward, she’s no longer in my life, so I can’t blame someone who no longer exists in my world if that even makes sense.  Living my life to please me and make Strapz’s mum proud of me. I want to show people, that I’m not just some hood boy. I thought about the courses I wanted to study for the remained of my journey.

I did my job and returned back to Gucci’s house. Whenever I was around him, it was as if the happiness/smile in me immediately vanishes. He must have noticed because he smirked at me then looked back to counting his money

“Look, there is no point holding grudges Reaper. Especially since we are going to be working with each other for a very long time” The way he stretched out long in his sentence gave me chills. I didn’t say nothing, I just waited to receive my cut of the profit then I could go. Hey, if I was going to have to do this job and work for him, I still want to get paid. He finally paid me and I left to go home.

As soon as my opened the door, I was expecting for the smell of home cooked food to hit my nose as soon as I stepped into the house. But there was nothing. I wanted to hear mum shout my name or Strapz to come running down the house or just someone to greet me. But I walked into an empty house. I didn’t know where anyone was at. I sighed as I took off my trainers and walked straight into the bathroom. As I went past Strapz room I could hear him passed on the bed. I chuckled as I gently closed his door and checked to see if mum was in as well. Loool Both of them had gone bed early. I just sighed as pulled the cover over her properly then kissed her forehead. I crept out her room and went back to my room. As I tidied up my room a bit a picture of my dad fell out from a box. Why was it here? I thought I left it back home. I just stared at the picture then tore it apart in rage. He left. There is no point acting like he was the best dad. Yes I understand circumstance were hard, but why leave me behind and never get in contact. So as far as I am concerned, my dad is dead. Gone. Buried 6 foot underground or even cremated. 

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