RLS*9* White Queen Red Queen

By HiddenInTheEpic

2.6K 136 31

Alyssa Carlos and Alexa Carlos twin sisters who love each other more than their own. Besides being twins they... More

Happy Family

Nightmare Only

1.7K 67 13
By HiddenInTheEpic

Alyssa's POV

" Alexa!! Alexa!!!" I called my twin who was mumbling something in dream and sweating like hell.

" Alexa, wake up." I called again. But in vain she was going out of hand. I took the glass from side table and poured some water on her face. She wake up at once with a shriek. I hugged her immediately patting her back.

" Nothing, it was nothing it was just a bad dream." I told her.

" It was so real, Alyssa. It felt so real. I can't believe it felt like this for the first time." She said while panting hard.

" It was just a dream, don't think about it." I gave her a glass of water.

" Thank you." She said and drank it in one go.

" What did you see by the way?" I asked her sitting beside her.

" I saw the same incident which I am seeing past 3 weeks. Alyssa, telling you something is there which I am thinking is wrong." She said and I sighed.

" It's just a dream." I argued.

" You won't understand, Alyssa." She told me.

" You tell me, Alexa. What have you seen exactly?" I asked.

" I explained that already to you, Alyssa." She said.

" I didn't get it. How can you feel it so real when it never happened with us?" I asked.

" You are trying to say that palace, that room, that couple are not real???" She asked.

" Maybe real maybe not. I don't know, Alexa." I said.

" Who are we, Alyssa?" She asked Suddenly. I was shocked. Then smiled.

" We are Alyssa Carlos and Alexa Carlos, daughters of Lima Carlos and Hugh Carlos." I said.

" I don't feel it's real."she said.

" I feel it is. Come on. Just for a dream you can't deny your existence." I tried to convince her.

" I am not denying anything but still I am feeling very weird." She said.

" Like how?" I asked.

" Like everything is in smog. Something we don't know." She said hesitantly. I sighed.

" Should we get an appointment with the psychiatrist again tomorrow?" I asked her.

" Yes, please. Call her. Inform her about this." She said.

" Alright, I will you go to sleep now. I will call her. Just relax. Nothing happened. I told you not to watch horror movies that much, see what have you done!!!" I said.

" It's nothing about horror movies, Alyssa. It's totally confusing." She said.

" Lay down now, stop thinking about anything." I make her lay down.

" Will you sleep beside me tonight?" She asked.

" Sure, let me switch off the lights first." I said.

" Don't make it totally dark." She requested.

" As you wish Sweetheart." I said and she giggled.

" Keep smiling my love. Never cry." I kissed her forehead.

" I will try, no promise though." She winked and we both laughed.

" Ssssssshhh, mom will wake up." She told me.

" Yeah like I care!!!" She said.

" I too don't. But still let's not disturb her." I said.

" She is cute though, but I can't accept her as my mother though she loves us a lot." She said.

" It's ok. But that doesn't mean we have to hurt her." I said.

" Yeah, I won't, don't worry. Let's sleep." She said and turned the other way pulled the blanket over me. " Turn off the light please." She said and I silently lay down beside her.

" Good night." She said.

" Good night." I replied.

Alexa's POV

" Hello, M'dear" the new psychiatrist addressed me cheerfully but I just nodded.

" I said hello, Ms.?" He said.

" Ms. Carlos." I said with a cold tone. " Hello." I said with a flat tone.

" Alright, how are you?" He asked and I looked at him weirdly.

" If I was alright I hadn't come here to visit you, had I?" I said.

" Very nice way to explain. Kinda like it." He said.

" Rubbish." I mumbled.

" Rubbish are good sometimes." He said. I gave him a cold stare and he just smiled sweetly.

" Let's help each other and listen to your problem, so that I can help you?" He said ignoring my glare.

" I don't need your help. I will go now." I said.

" Sure, tell your sister to come in. I will talk with her then." He said and I sat down glaring at him dangerously.

" I am Noah Ashton. You can say Dr. Ashton." He said smilingly. His smile is impressing. I calm down a bit. I heard this Ashton name somewhere but couldn't remember. Let it go for now.

" Don't try to flirt with my sister, I will kill you." I gritted.

" Woah!!! Calm down. I am a doctor not a Playboy." He smiled again and I realized he is very handsome if you remove his spectacles and give a touch up he will turn into a one hottie. I threw away that plan. I hate him anyway.

" I am Alexa. Alexa Carlos." I said and he looked at me.

" Very beautiful name for a beautiful woman like you." He said.

" Don't flirt come to the point." I said.

" Don't be this rude always. It's not good you know!?" He said.

" Dr. I am having nightmare shoots time to time like I am in smog can't figure it out which one is right and which one is not. I need you to tell me a permanent solution for this problem. If you can't I will have to appointment to other one." I said straight on his face.

" Like?" He asked. " What do you see exactly?"

" Uhhh...ok." I cleared my throat. " Well, everything started when I and Alyssa went to visit the national museum last summer." I said and he interrupt.

" Your sister?" He asked.

" What?" I asked back.

" Alyssa? Your sister?" He said and looked at me very professionally.

" Yes, my sister." I said.

" Ok, continue." He said and I started again while he noted some points.

" We started to see a lot of monarchy stuffs. I was like very amazed with those things, mesmerizing beauty. We saw a palace picture so real. We saw the king and queen's pictures. I felt like I have a strong connection with that palace. Like it was calling me and crying for me. It was pulling me towards it. I felt like it wants to show me something. Like it has been waiting for years for me for telling me the secret it is carrying. I feel like this picture is real there's a palace like that and I do have a strong relationship with the palace. Like it is so obvious. Like there are too many mysteries too many wicked trap too many lies and hatred laying there, but still I have to reach there cause it's my fate only and I can't deny my fate. It is going to be happened anyways." I finished. I looked at him and he didn't laugh out loud like the others. He listened very carefully.

" What kind of movies do you use to watch?" He asked.

" Most of the time horror and then sometimes romantic if Alyssa sees I see with her. Other than no." I said.

" Do you like books? I mean have you habit of reading?" He asked.

" Not much sometimes." I said.

" What kind of books do you read?" He asked.

" Don't have any specific choice I read everything." I said.

He again pointed some notes then he again turned to me.

" Do you like Fairy Tales?" He asked.

" Kind of but in childhood." I said.

" Ok, which one you liked the most?" He asked.

" Cinderella, I guess." I said.

" Ok, then does that palace have any similarities with Cinderella's?" He asked.

" No, not at all." I said.

" Well, Ms. It's just a matter of fact that you are thinking too much about your life." He said.

" Explain!!" He said.

" Have you got any shock in your childhood?" He asked.

" Like?" I asked.

" Losing someone close to your heart?" He asked.

" Yes, my mother. She died in a car accident." I said my eyes were hurting to cry but I locked them long back, she can't come back anyway. Why bother to shed tears!!!

" Hmm, what did your mother do?" He asked.

" She was an actress." I said remembering her.

" She loved you a lot?" He asked.

" Very much. She use to call me and Alyssa Princess. I felt like a princess like we do have a castle." I smiled.

" Something more about your mother?" He asked.

" She use to say one day I will be a queen. I use to believe that thing." I said.

" No worries every child does." He said and I sighed.

" Yeah." I said.

" Your dad married again?" He asked.

" Yes he did 3 years back." I replied.

" Does your new mom harass to you?" He asked.

" No, no. She is a very cute and sweet lady. She tried her best to take a place of my mom but I can't give her that. It might hurt her in the end." I said.

" You should get along with her. You know." He said.

" I am ok with myself." I said.

" I am giving you some points.
1. Your mother was very close to you she was gone and there were no one to hold you. You shut yourself down maybe you didn't cry at all you refuse to hold back.

2. Your new mom is a good person, you can see your mom in her but you are not ready to accept that. You are scared that she will leave you too.

3. Your heart still didn't accept the fact that your mother is no more. You haven't came out of the shock.

4. You still believe that you are a princess and you will be a Queen. Since your subconscious mind made a picture of royal life without you knowing you saw the palace matched with that picture and you got it so real. In reality there is nothing like that.

5. You need to open up and live for yourself. It seems like you only live for your sister not for yourself." He finished.

" No, solutions?!" I asked.

" Go on a family trip, spend time with your family. Specially your sister and Mom. It will help. I will give you some medicine take them regularly don't miss one. I will call you everyday and most importantly don't stress yourself out. Stop working like a workaholic." He said and gave me a prescription.

" Do you have my number?" I asked.

" No." He smiled.

" Then how will you call me?" I asked.

" You will call me soon. I know that. There is my number. He gave me his visiting card." I took it.

" Well, we will see." I said.

" Sure, Ms. Carlos. Take care." He said.

" Bye then. See you." I said.

" Hope you will call me soon." He said and smiled. I just came out of his cabin.

"How was the meeting?!" Alyssa asked at once I came out.

" Good." I said. I was thinking where have I heard the name Ashton!!!

" Alyssa, what did you told about your boss, what's his name?" I had a doubt I heard that Ashton name from her.

" My boss!!!! His name is Dean Ashton." She said. There you go. I was right.

" He has son?" I asked.

" Yes, but I never meet him. I heard he will join in his business soon." She said.

" His name?" I asked.

" I heard his name is Zion, Zion Ashton." She said and I sighed maybe they only have same surname

" Oh!!" I said.

" Why you do you ask Suddenly?" She asked.

" That new Psychiatrist, his name is Noah Ashton. I thought I heard that somewhere." I said and smiled at her.

" Yeah, he must be the same Noah Ashton." She said. "That's why Mr. Ashton suggested about him." She said.

" Means!?" I asked.

" He is sir's elder brother's son." She said.

" Wow!!! Don't they hold a biggest empire?" She asked.

" Yes, they do. His friend was your psychiatrist but she is in maternity leave now so she requested him to have a consultation with you I guess." She said.

" You are saying, he is not a psychiatrist professionally?" I asked.

" He is a businessman. Besides he has his medical certificate, he attended medical school." She said.

" Impressive." I commented.

" Yeah, quite." She said checking her phone. " Shit!!!" She said.

" What happened!!!" I asked.

" I need to reach office at once. You go home and take rest. Bye." She kissed my cheek and ran to the way of her office.

" Careful, don't run that way. Take breath. Bye." I shouted from behind. I smiled.

" Alone Ms. Carlos?" I heard the same voice from behind.

" Apparently yes. Going home now. Thank you though." I said and waved at him.

" I won't mind giving you a lift if you don't mind to having one from me!!!" He said.

" Impressive way to ask out." I laughed.

" Sure I have many ways." He winked and opened his car's door for me.

" Thank you." I said.

" You are welcome." He sat in his side and started the car.

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