Unfair Love - U&I sequel ⚣ YM

By tereselovlien

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Ⓐngels weren't creatures you'd mess around with. Everyone would know that - everyone who'd believe, that was... More

Chapter one: my first human
Chapter two: we just want to be friends
Chapter three: don't follow me
Chapter four: the temptation
Chapter five: angel on your shoulder
Chapter six: admiringly viewing
Chapter eight: don't mess with him
Chapter nine: teach me
Chapter ten: the harp
Chapter eleven: are you afraid of me?
Chapter twelve: I'm not gonna leave you
Chapter thirteen: I love you
Chapter fourteen: why does it have to be this way?
Chapter fifteen: can anybody hear me? (final chapter)
U&I prologue: Best Of Me

Chapter seven: silly boy

895 69 5
By tereselovlien


Ⓣhe raven-haired male walked side by side with his friend, Park Jimin. For the first time, he didn't feel annoyed by the other's presence, and rather just enjoyed it. He still didn't want to go home, but now it was already evening, and he had to get home so his parents wouldn't worry.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Yoongi," Jimin said sweetly, giving the other a hug.

Yoongi was about to protest and push him away, but surprisingly, he didn't feel like doing so. He actually didn't want to. "Yeah, thanks to you too."

"Wow, did Min Yoongi just thank me?" the blond boy teased, chuckling.

"Shut up Jimin," he muttered as he rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"See you tomorrow, yeah?"

Yoongi just nodded, and finally, the two males separated their ways, or so Yoongi thought.

When he entered his house, he saw his parents sitting in the lounge, watching the television.

"Where have you been?" his mother asked concerned. "I nearly called the police. You couldn't have called, or even just messaged us?"

Yoongi didn't meet her eyes. "Sorry mom," he apologised.

His father came up to him, giving him a warm hug. "Glad to see you're okay son. But don't do that again, yeah?"

He nodded back, wrapping his arms around the big build man and locked his fingers together. "Sorry dad," he whispered, pressing his face against the taller man's chest. "Everything alright?" he asked worriedly, as Yoongi refused to let them see his face.

"I gained a friend," he said randomly, looking back up in his father's eyes. "I have a friend."

Mr Min grinned proudly down at him. "Did you now? Wanna tell us about it?"

Yoongi nodded excitedly, and he sat between his parents, telling him all and everything he knew about Park Jimin, and what they've done together so far. He didn't expect himself to be talking so fondly of his classmate, but he did, and his parents were grinning widely and proudly at him.

"You seem fond of this boy," his dad smiled. "Could I ask you if you fancy this friend of yours? Does he make you feel happy and want to be with him all the time?"

Yoongi fell silent. He wasn't sure. Surely he started to like spending time with Jimin, but fancying him? As in love?

"It's okay son, no need to rush, I was just wondering," he comforted him as he rubbed his hand reassuringly.

"You hungry dear?" his mother spoke up as she jumped on her feet to the kitchen.

"I ate," he said, "but I'd like a glass of water. Thanks, mom." She brought back water for her son, and he tiredly yawned afterwards after a sip.

"Go to bed honey, you look awfully tired," she commented as she witnessed his yawn. Before he'd go to bed, he just wanted to feel his parents presence to end his day. He was still glued to his father's side, literally all curled up beside him whilst the man hangs his arm loosely on him, softly stroking him on his hair.

Yoongi looked up to his dad a lot. He was his hero; he was someone he wanted to become as an adult. He was so kind, so open-minded. So accepting. 

Just last year, Yoongi struggled with his identity. He was afraid to say anything honest to his parents, but his father had sensed something was wrong. He tried to ask him about it, and he'd reassured him he could tell him anything, and eventually, he did. He told him how he felt towards other people he found appearance's visually appealing, and eventually they found out together he was pansexual, something his family had accepted together. Though Yoongi was open to his family, he often found himself lying to other people about his sexuality, just to hide who he really was, out of fear.

Another yawn escaped him, and this time he got up to finally get some sleep. As he went upstairs, in the hallways, he met his biggest bully, the bully who made him feel at the bottom of the ocean every day, Min Seunggi.

"Hello baby brother," he grinned smugly. "Heard your little chat with mom and dad," he started, "how's it going with you and your faggot friend? Your crush?"

Yoongi stared down at the floor between them, not daring to meet his elder brother's eyes.

"Come on, you can tell me," he whispered, walking closer to the younger one. "Or do I have to beat you for you to realise?"

"Fine," Yoongi finally whispered, glancing at him just for a second. "We're...doing fine."

"Now that's it," his brother laughed nastily. "That wasn't so hard." He pretended to brush off some dust on Yoongi's chest, purposely doing it hard. "Do you want me to buy some condoms for you? I wouldn't want you to get lots of sexual diseases now, now would I?"

Yoongi scoffed slightly. Of course, he wanted to. He despised Yoongi. "No need," Yoongi said.

"Silly boy," Seunggi laughed. But he didn't bother wasting his time anymore as he just gave him one last glare before slamming his door shut to his own room, finally leaving Yoongi alone so he'd go and sleep in his own room.

As he curled up in his bed after changing into his pyjamas, he couldn't help but let some tear drops down as they hit his pillow. It wasn't necessarily just because of one thing, and it wasn't just from sadness, anger, and fear he felt whenever he ran into his brother, but also some slight happiness he felt from being with his parents, and Park Jimin.

Jimin roared with anger. His wings - that he had earned some years ago when he dived onto Earth to save an innocent human in a dangerous situation - broke loose out of his back, his powers literally blending with the wind, swirling around him as he was lifted up above the ground.

He kept his angered gaze onto the elder human, Min Seunggi, through the window, watching his every step around in his room. He was actually about to dive down, but someone was suddenly behind him, holding him tightly by his throat.

"Let me go Seokjin sunbaenim!" Jimin roared furiously. He tried to escape the elder's grip on him, but he failed. Even his wings were uncomfortable to fly with and stay in the air when the elder angel was behind him, purposely trying to calm him down.

"Calm down Jimin!" he yelled. "What are you going to do, huh? Kill that human?"

Jimin still tried to struggle free. "Have you seen what that flighty human as done to my human? To his own brother?" Jimin thundered. "He doesn't deserve the honour of living under our Father!" He managed to escape Seokjin's grip and dived down immediately, but Seokjin attacked him, and they both crashed onto the grass in the backyard like meteors.

"Jimin! This is not the time to be attacking a human! He's not yet been assigned an angel, and so doesn't know the value of life and nature. Do not blame the innocence of his mind! He will not understand, not yet. Be patient my Brother," the elder angel tried his best to change the heart of Jimin, though he had slightly calmed down.

His gaze wandered to the room of his human, the one and only he was going to protect with his life. "What if he's a danger to my human? What if it's life-threatening?" he asked tears in his eyes.

Seokjin flinched when he spotted the angel's wet eyes, and so hesitantly glanced around. "If it's between life and death, then, of course, do anything to protect your human's life. But read the situation right. Prevent at any cost to end a life. We do not have the right to kill one of mankind when it's not absolutely necessary. Only if you don't have any other choice," he explained his best. He stared the younger deeply in the eyes. "Do you understand?"

"I understand," he responded weakly.

Seokjin gave him one last nod before going back to heaven. It made Jimin wonder a bit. He came to realise he was being watched from above, about what he'd do with his human and how he'd help him, and it made him slightly feel like a child again. 

But then again, he would've ended the life of Min Seunggi if he wasn't stopped. Just thinking of how the boy treated his human made his blood boil, but he managed to calm down when he saw the peaceful look on Min Yoongi's face when he slept, not knowing his only friend, and angel, was watching over him. 

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