
By Linxi00

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A mischievous girl who gets into trouble all the time.Then she meets a furious guy in her new school. complet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pay Attention!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not an update!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's note
Authors note!
Chapter 26 ( last chapter)

Chapter 16

97 27 49
By Linxi00

( Yu na's pov)

"What!?? What do you mean??" I  got up.

"Yes I'd like to postpone the date of our deal..." Jiyeon sat on the edge of my  table.

"Why? And get your filthy butt off my table!!" I  pulled my  table and Jiyeon held me  from my  collar pulling me over the table.

"Listen bitch! If I want I can change the date because I'M! the one who started  it so deal with it!" she pushed me to my seat and left.

I was confused!

What's wrong with her?? Till when are we going to keep this stupid deal!?

Taehyung entered the class and he gave me a blank expression.

"Jiyeon told m.."
"I know! We had a deal and now she's postponing the date and I'm going to kiss the janitor because of you!! Because you like Jiyeon than me!!!" I yelled at Taehyung praying that he wouldn't admit it and he just stared at me in the same way.

"......quit that look! You are freaking me out........." 

He sat next to me.

"Ok look... I knew about the deal from the beginning..."

"What the heck!! Really??"
"Yap and I'm not gonna select any of you so you both can be our janitors girlfriends."
"Taehyung! Please be serious! I can't lose to Jiyeon! I'll do anything.. no not anything... I'll.."
"Nah too late I already decided"

I rested my head on my table.

"..... ok then at least I'm not getting that title alone.  But why did Jiyeon postponed the date?? I'm sure she's up to something!"

Taehyung's phone vibrated and he took it to his hand checking the screen.

"I'm sure she's  planning something evil and..... hey!  Tae! You ok!??" I held his hand.
His face turned pale as he looked at the screen.

"What Is it?? What's wrong?" I peaked at his phone but he quickly pushed me back.

"It's nothing... just a silly messege... I.. need to go now " he got up but I blocked his way.

"No! Something is really wrong! Why can't you tell me!!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Out of my way! Now!!"
"No! Not until yo..! Woah!!" He pushed me really hard and I almost fell but someone hold me.

"What the heck is wrong with you Taehyung! She could have injured!"

Jimin?? I looked up and yes I'm right.

Taehyung walked away with out even looking at us.

"You ok?" Jimin helped me to get up.
"Yap... Gumawo Jimin..."
"Don't mention it.." he smiled sweetly.  He's totally different from Taehyung... so calm, sweet and... whatever.

"Come on let's take a walk" he pulled my hand and I went out with him.

"Do you like Taehyung?" Jimin asked me.
"What?? No....?"
Jimin smiled. 
"Your really cute Yu na"
"Excuse me?!" I can't believe he said that! And I couldn't stop blushing.

"Are you blushing?"
"No!! Never! w.... why should I..." I tooked away and Jimin chuckled.

"Ash! I hate it when you chuckle like that!!" I smacked his back.

"What?? Stop  lying! Every one loves it and I know you do to"

".....well I'm correct..you really have a mental problem."

"Yah! Your so rude Yu na!"
"I know right?...... today my Omma and Appa is coming here..and I can't wait to see them!"

And as the school ended I ran home and get ready to meet my parents at airport.


( Taehyung's pov )

I rubbed my forehead while looking at the phone screen. What is he up to?
I blowed smoke clouds to the air.

Smoking isn't the best way to relax. But I couldn't think of anything but getting my self more and more lost inside the room full of smoke.

And I couldn't stop thinking about that day. I'll never be able to erase those haunted memories.

"No Taehyung nothing matters to me right now. If I want something I'll get it somehow. If I feel like killing  I'll kill someone, it doesn't matter who's going to die it can be anyone... it can be you... even Hyejin.." 

Phone rang dragging me back to the reality.

"An unknown number?"


(Yu na's pov)

"Really!!! You wanna meet him!??" I yelled at Omma  and she smiled.

"Yes. Please invite him for dinner"

Alright first of all. MY OMMA'S  INSANE! how can I invited a dork like Taehyung to a dinner!! And even we had an argument  in the morning!

"Please Omma! You guys just came here and why can't we have our dinner as a family? I mean only three of us?"

"Come on we should meet your  boyfriend " Appa sat beside Omma.
"He's not my boyfriend!!!"
"That's what I first told to my parents after I met your dad!"
Omma chuckled.

"Wha!... seriously!! Ash alright! I'll invite him! And he's! Not! My! Boyfriend!!"

I don't know how they got to know about Taehyung! They came to this country three hours  ago! And they already know everything  about my friends even though I didn't spill a word about them. Parents are mysterious creatures! They know about everything!!

I came out from our new home and walked to Taehyung's place. I missed my little apartment but my parents forced me to live with them so I had to let go of it.

Our new home is quite big and some what far away from Tae's place.

As I reached his place I saw the  door at the entrance was opened so I went in very silently. I wanted to scared him and take the revenge for treating me badly yesterday!

I tiptoped to his bed room and I heard his voice.

"Leave her alone! She knows nothing about this! I swear! "

I peaked inside. Who is he talking to??

"Listen! I! Ah! Shit!!" he throwed this phone across the room and kicked the table infront of him making all the glass bottles placed on it break in to pieces!

And he continued messing his room!
"Taehyung!!" I ran to him. I grabbed his shirt and tried turn him to me.

"Come on Taehyung!! Control your self!!" I shouted and  hit his shoulder really hard, eventually
he turned to me slowly and his look freaked me out! He looked terrible!

And his palms are bleeding. This idiot must have kept  his hands on the shattered glass.

He gazed at me while panting rapidly.

"Alright! Now come out from that mess and Woah! What the!!"

Taehyung pulled me for a hug. He placed his chin on my shoulder  and lifted me up from the ground.  He swag me side to side and I my cheeks were heating up because of this stupid behaviour!!

"Tae! This is weird.. put me down"
"Hmm! I feel so good when I squeeze  someone"

"....ok...and don't keep your bloody palms on my new cloths"  I said.

"Aren't you gonna hug me back?"
"Nope and let me go!"
"If you don't want any bloody hand prints on your clothes you better hug me back"

"......wow ....  you got me this time" I said in an annoyed voice and wrapped my hands around him hugging him back.

"Ok that's enough!" I pulled my self back and looked at the messed room.
"Why did you came here anyway?" Taehyung asked.

"I'll tell you.. but first we have to get rid of these wounds and clean this room"
"I'm fine, just scratches. No need to do anything"
"No Taehyung! We need to bandage them."
"Ash no it's.."


"This is a bad! idea!!"
"I know! But I have no choice!! Please be very polite infront of my parents! They are high class people, unlike me!"

"But I haven't been polite for years!! Even I can't remember what polite means!"

"Don't be ridiculous! Now smile!" I opened the door.

"Omma! Appa!" I said loudly and Omma came to welcome us.

"Oh Yu na! you guys are late.... oh! Is this!?"

"Anyeonghasaeyo!" Taehyung bowed.
"Anyeonghasaeyo! You must be Kim Taehyung " Omma bowed back.

"Yes! And come in Tae.." I led him to the dining table.

Appa was busy reading a newspaper and he didn't even saw us.

"Appa.. this is Kim Taehyung " I introduced Taehyung and Appa got up.

"Anyeongh Taehyung. Come on let's have dinner"

Taehyung sat next to me and Omma and Appa sat on the other side.

"What happened to your hands Taehyung?" Omma noticed the bandages as Taehyung kept his hands on the table.

"Well... I fell on shattered glass..."
"Oh! That's horrible! Will you be able to manage your chopsticks? Tell me if you need help... Yu na you can help him right? "

I rolled my eyes at Omma.
Why is she so concerned?? She never cares about me like this!

"Don't worry Mrs...umm"
"Park.. that's our surname" I whispered.

"Mrs Park.." Taehyung completed his sentence.

We all started eating but I saw Taehyung having a hard time with his chopsticks.

"Yah.." I pushed my chair closer to him.
"Let me help you"

"You gonna feed me?"

"Yes.... but not because I cared about you! Only because i want  to make a good image about me in my parents mind." I said in a low voice.

Taehyung smirked.
"Just like I thought"

I took my chopsticks and I feed him noodles then I noticed Omma and Appa whispering and smiling at each other.

"Yah! Don't miss understand!! He can't eat you guys can see that too right!?? Quit giggling around will you!!" I lost my politeness and yelled at my parents.

"Aw keep going. Sorry for the disturbance "

Ash! My parents are acting like kids!

"So Taehyung... do you live with your parents?" Omma sat near me handing me a glass of water as we finished our dinner.

"No I live alone"
"Where are your parents... are they busy with their work?"
"No well... my mom died when I was seven and my dad.... hmm no idea.. probably dead"

I choked my water.

What the heck is he saying!?

Omma and Appa looked at each other.

"Haha! Nice one Taehyung!! Your improving your joking skills!!" I patted his back hardly.

"Ow! I'm not joking! If you did that one more time! I'll tell your parents that you slept with me!"

Omg! The room filled with dead silence. I startled at Taehyung jaw dropped!!

"Oops did I just said it?... my bad" he smirked at me!

Omma and Appa turned to me. Oh God! I'm so dead!!!

"Oh! You must go home Taehyung! Oh boy it's late!! Come on! Ppalli!"  I pushed Taehyung out of the house.

"Oh!! Umm thanks for the dinner Mr and Mrs Park!" Taehyung said and my parents smiled slightly.

I dragged him alone the road.

"Yah!" Taehyung pulled his hand.
I turned to him and folded my arms.

"What have you done Taehyung!!!"

"What? I was just kidding!"
"Is this some kinda joke to you! My parents will kill me!! How can I go back home!??"

"Don't go back. Let's go to my place" he hold my hand.

"Ah! Jinja!!" I slapped his arm.

Taehyung gazed at me.

"Look I'm felt tired of being polite so I broke the monotony"

"But! You could have done it in a different way!!"

"Oh really but too late I guess"

He smirked and walked away.

"I'll take my revenge Taehyung!!"
I shouted.

"You should. And if you didn't I won't be able to forgive my self " he said even without turning.

I narrowed my eyes. He's acting weird again.


( Narrator's pov )

"We warned you. Come back to us or..."

Taehyung stood silently.

"I'm not kidding Taehyung. You have four hours if not I'll ruin her life "

"You cant"

"Ofcause I can.. think about it"

Foot steps vanished leaving Taehyung in his empty room.

"Why should I protect her?"


The more you love, the less you burn away!

Enjoy the chapter and vote and comment if you like! ❤

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