Hayley Leblancs Diary->a brat...

By collabs_for_brats

11.4K 370 39

Hayley Leblanc tells her life story in her diary while hitting some bumps on the way More

Dear Diary||01
Maybe i should be gone too||02
Am i drowning||03
End it all||04
Notes To Annie||05
Ending it all?||06
Love? nah||07
The worst day of there life....||08
How Dare She||09
Why would she do such a thing?!||10
The impossible became possible||12
Friends For Support||13
Is it her fault?||14
Bright Lights||15
Loving Can||16
But no going back right?||17
Sleep Deprived||18
When will she get out of here?!||19
A Let Down ||20
They will just go back to normal life......||21
Therapy Session||22
Think positive and positive things will happen||23
Curly Hair.||24
What can you say about therapy...||25
Pro and Cons||26
"Positive thoughts Positive thoughts"||27
Back To Hell||29
Back to the Beginning||31
Its fun they said||32
Goodbye Diary...||33
not fine. but better||Prologue

I Hate Today

257 8 0
By collabs_for_brats

today was one of the worst days of my life and defiantly the Leblanc's too and if they aren't trying to remember it neither am I. Caleb deserves the upmost honor and love respect the family and their privacy. I'm not going to write about Hayley's emotions and feelings on this day. It's way to personally and i feel like I'm overstepping a boundary by writing about emotions I don't even know what she felt like. I'm going to be out celebrating life the best I can today, honoring Caleb and praising God for letting me get to be able to know him for this short time. Please do the same. Would Caleb really want anyone to be siting their sad naw that's not the Caleb I grew to love. We are the bratayley fandom, we stick by bratayley through thick and thin we are strong and heck if the bratayley's are still celebrating life and smiling we can do the same. I love Caleb Logan Leblanc with all my heart I'm honestly crying my eyes out at 2 am but that's okay it's okay to cry sometimes. Tomorrow I'm going to try and get Taco Bell and wear the heck out of purple.

love you forever and always Caleb

-Eve S

not going to be online to day I'll be off celebrating life

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