Goodbye Diary...||33

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HEY GUYS ITS goofgirlfanfics i feel like I haven't been on here in a long while

That's because I haven't

Anyways I'm back!!!

Let's get into this book!


A few months later...

Hey diary. I'm back and a lot has changed!!!! IM SO HAPPY! That's right you heard me I'm happy and better than ever. The past few months have been great for me. After my last page we finally decided to go home,I went back to therapy and it actually helped,Alexa and I are best friends again!,and most importantly I got the boy of my dreams. Ryan. He asked me out after I got back and I said yes he makes me the happiest when I'm sad.
My family has been pretty good we try to celebrate life every day.

Third Person POV

"Hayley! Time for the school! The bus will be here in a couple minutes!" Hayley's mom yells. Hayley then grabs her diary and her book bag and goes down the stairs with a smile on her face."someone is happy today?" Hayley's mom says "she's excited to see her boyfriend" Annie says "she sees him everyday" Hayley's mom says "today is our 1 month" Hayley replies "aww" Annie says. Hayley starts to blush and giggle. *beep beep!* The bus pulls up and Hayley runs out the door.

20 minutes later

The bus arrives to the school and Hayley gets up and bolts out the bus and sees Ryan she runs up to him and gives him a hug "happy 1 month!!" Hayley tells him "happy 1 month babe!" Ryan says to her. They then hold hands as they walk in the school.

7 hours later

Hayley arrives home from a great day of school and her mom is cleaning and putting things into boxes. "Hey sweetie if you don't got any homework could you please go put things you don't want into boxes we will keep them for when your adult and want to look at these things" Hayley's mom asks her "I don't got any homework so I'll get to it!" Hayley says

Hayley goes up stairs and starts putting things in boxes

She pulls out her diary and stares at it and opens it up and began writing..

I had always used my diary as a safety blanket but I don't need to because I have Ryan,Alexa,my family,and Caleb..... in my heart.
I want to thank you for being my safety blanket throughout the years when I was depressed and sad.
I wrote out everything I felt in this diary but now..
I can just express it
So for now I would like to say goodbye to you..

Hayley looks through her diary one more time and puts it in the box

"Goodbye diary" she says to herself.


End of Hayley LeBlancs Diary!

A prologue chapter is coming soon...

Thank You All!!! For tuning in for this book!

And if you need anything hmu we will be here.


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