Eric's space adventures

By dylanrenz1993

146 12 4

What happens when a boy named Eric Get abducted by aliens and gos on a out of this world adventure. More

Part 1 Abducted
Part 2 Friends
Part 3 Training and feelings
Part 4 Danger
Part 5 Destination unknown
Part 6 Unknown Dangers
Part 7 Village of Felines
Part 8 Bandits of brittle cave
Part 9 The Prison
Part 10 Goodbye Friend
Part 11 The Desert of Burgon 3
Part 12 Arthur
Part 13 Help
Part 14 Tavoni Vs Gwen
Part 15 Bounty hunter Guild
Part 16 First day of training
Part 17 three years later
Part 18 the search begins
Part 19 the great escape
Part 20 The Final battle with Falcon
Part 21 Time to relax
Part 22 A unwelcomed surprise
Part 23 Love blossoms
Part 24 Return to Giega 12
Part 25 The things you have to do
Part 26 A new friend
Part 27 The hunt for Mr.sandiaga
Part 28 Eric's new love
Part 29 Rose's power
Part 30 Young love
Part 31 The Dream
Part 32 The Ruins
Part 33 Back To Space
Part 34 Return to the bounty hunters guild
Part 35 Tavoni's funeral
Part 36 betrayal
Part 37 lockdown
Part 38 Lord Varin
Part 39 Rescue Eric
Part 40 Eric vs Lord Varin
Part 41 Destination Earth
Part 42 Ellen's insanity
Part 43 Goodbye Ellen
Part 44 Earth
Part 45 Gwen's Story
Part 46 An unexpected arrival
Part 47 goodbye Clara
Part 48 The Final Battle part 1
Part 50 Aftermath

Part 49 The Final Battle part 2

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By dylanrenz1993

Eric woke up In a white void and looked around.

Where am I. Eric thought to himself

Eric looked around.

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric Yelled

Let's see the last thing I remember doing Is jumping Into the orbs mouth and nothing am I dead. Eric Thought to himself

Clara appeared In front of him and Eric looked shocked.

Mom I thought you died. Eric Said

I did son I am only her ghost sent here to help you. Clara Said

Oh well how am I going to destroy the orb before It devours the universe. Eric Said

You have to make It to the center and destroy Its core only that will kill It. Clara Said

And what about me I'm I going to die If I do this. Eric Said

I don't know son you my or my not. Clara Said

Oh well If It will save everyone then I'm willing to take the risk. Eric Said

Clara smiled and pointed to a door.

Then go threw the door It's the only way. Clara Said

Eric nodded and ran over to the door and opened It and went threw.

Abby Gwen and Tony looked shocked.

I can't believe he did that what was he thinking. Gwen Said

I don't know but I just hope It works and he survives. Abby Said

The Orb swing one of It tentacles at Abby but she dodged.

Shit we've got to stop this thing like right now. Abby Said

Yeah but how are we supposed to If are attacks don't fucking do anything to It. Gwen Said

I don't know but we've got to find a way for Eric. Abby Said

And what are we gonna tell poor Rose she'll be heartbroken to hear about what happened to Eric. Gwen Said

We can't worry about that right now. Abby Said

Abby ran up and tried to kick the orb put It did nothing.

Eric walked In a room to see Falcon and Arthur standing there.

Shit what are you two doing here. Eric Said

We were created by the orb to protect It from the likes of you. Fo Falcon Said

Oh so you two aren't the real Falcon and Arthur ? Eric Asked Them

How could we be there dead you idiot now prepare to die. Fo Arthur Said

Fo Falcon ran at Eric but Eric sliced him In half making him disappear shocking Arthur.

How did you beat him so fast ? Fo Arthur Asked Eric

Well he was only as strong as Falcon was when I beat him so I'm alot stronger now obviously. Eric Said

Fo Arthur chuckled.

Well I won't go down as easy. Fo Arthur Said

Fo Arthur ran at Eric and punched him and Eric went back a few feet.

That almost hurt a little. Eric Said

Fo Arthur looked shocked.

H...How Is this possible. Fo Arthur Said

Eric supercut Fo Arthur and he flew In the air and landed on the ground and Eric teleported next to him and picked him up.

Any last words. Eric Said

Fuck you. Fo Arthur Said

Eric put his fist threw Fo Arthur's chest and he disappeared and a door appeared and Eric ran up and walked threw It.

What's next. Eric thought to himself

Eric saw Jackie and tavoni and looked shocked.

Are you two like Falcon and Arthur ? Eric Asked Them

Do you mean where we created by the orb ? Jackie Asked Eric

Eric nodded.

We have no idea If we were or weren't created by It. Tavoni Said

Eric looked down.

Then I can't trust either of you. Eric Said

What do you mean I thought you loved us. Jackie Said

I loved the real Jackie and Tavoni and I don't know If your them or not. Eric Said

How dare you say that to us you bastard. Tavoni Said

Eric looked shocked.

Tavoni would never talk to me like that your aren't Tavoni at all you bitch. Eric Said

Tavoni smirked. 

Good job you figured It out now I'm gonna kill you. Fo Tavoni Said

Fo Tavoni ran at Eric and grabbed him and started choking him.

Die you bastard. Fo Tavoni Said

I can't breath. Eric thought to himself

Just the a hand went threw Fo Tavoni and she screamed and disappeared.

Did Jackie do that. Eric thought to himself 

Eric looked up to see Jackie looking at him.

Are you the real Jackie ? Eric Asked Jackie

Yeah I think so now. Jackie Said

So are you gonna help me then ? Eric Asked Jackie

Jackie nodded and helped Eric up and they walked over to the door and opened In and went threw.

Rose and Greg were sitting In the ship when they heard guards screaming outside.

What's going on. Rose Said

I don't know but Eric told us to stay put. Greg Said

Come on let's go help. Rose Said

Greg sighed. 

Fine let's go. Greg Said

Rose smiled and they walked off the ship to see guards running to ships to escape.

Why are they fleeing did we win. Rose Said

I don't think so since no one's come back yet. Greg Said

Rose and Greg walked In the throne room to see Gwen Abby and Tony fighting a giant red orb with a face and tentacles.

What the hell's going on. Rose said

I don't know but It don't look good. Greg Said

Greg and Rose ran next to gwen and she looked at them.

WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TWO HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gwen Yelled


Gwen sighed.

I shot Lord Varin and he fell Into that orb and that fucking thing was born and Eric jumped at It and got swallowed and Is probably dead. Gwen Said

Rose started to cry.

N...NO THAT'S FUCKIN INPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Rose Yelled

Rose's eyes turned red and she laughed.

I'm going to fucking kill that thing. It Said

Shit now we have to things to dead with. Abby Said

Eric and Jackie where walking down a hall.

How close are we ? Eric Asked Jackie

I think we're pretty close. Jackie Said

They walked up to the door and opened It to see the org with Lord Varin channeled to the wall Lord Varin looked up at Eric

How did you get here ? Lord Varin Asked Eric

That's none of your business father. Eric Said

Well are you here to mock me I don't care If you are. Lord Varin Said

No I'm here to destroy the core. Eric Said

Lord Varin looked shocked.

You are unchain me so I can help. Lord Varin Said

Why should I after what you have done. Eric Said

Please son let me redeem myself. Lord Varin Said

Eric sighed.

Fine but don't try anything funny. Eric Said

Eric unchanged Lord Varin.

Thank you now let's end this. Lord Varin Said

Eric Jackie and Lord Varin walked up to the Core.

How are we supposed to destroy this thing. Eric Said

Clara appeared again.

you have to throw yourself Into the core and use yourself fose to destroy It. Clara Said

Really I thought you said I may survive this. Eric Said

You may be able to like I said I don't know. Clara Said

What about me. Lord Varin Said

Clara looked at Lord Varin.

I suppose you could do It Instead of Eric but you probably won't survive your life force Isn't as strong as Erics.

I'll still do It If It will end this and I get to be with you my love. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin looked at Eric.

Son I'm sorry of everything I've done I know I've never been a good person and I just wanted you to know that. Lord Varin Said

Eric hugged Lord Varin,

Thanks dad. Eric Said

Lord Varin sighed and walked over to the core.

Well here I come Clara. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin jumped Into the core and everything started shaking.

Eric I'll be gone when you wake from this I just wanted you to know that I still love you. jackie Said

Eric started to cry and kissed Jackie and then everything went white.

Wait something's happening to the Orb It's shaking. Abby Said

Yeah I think Eric did It whatever he did. Gwen Said

I well fuck everyone's skulls. It Said

Gwen smacked It In the head and It turned back Into Rose.

Where am I what's happening to the orb. Rose Said

It's about to blow. Tony Said

Greg grabbed Rose and hid behind some rubble and the Orb exploded Into smoke.

Is It over finally. Gwen Said

I think It Is. Abby Said

The smoke cleared and there was no sign of Eric.

Where the hell Is Eric. Gwen Said

Gwen Abby Rose Greg and Tony looked around but couldn't find him.

He has to be here somewhere. Gwen Said

Well maybe he you know. Abby Said

Gwen glared at Abby.

Hell no he's not dead he has to be here somewhere. Gwen Said

Just then the whole planet started to shake.

Guys I think the planet's gonna blow we have to get out of here right now. Tony Said

No I won't leave Eric. Gwen Said

Abby slapped Gwen.

Come on Gwen he's dead and we have to get out of here or will die to do you think that's what Eric would have wanted. Abby Said

Gwen started to cry.

No. Gwen Said

Then let's get out of here. Abby Said

Abby ran over to Rose.

Rose I'm sorry but we have to leave the planets going to explode and we have to get out of here right now. Abby Said

Rose started to cry again.

I won't leave without him he's my dad. Rose Said

Abby sighed and hit Rose in the head and knocked her out and picked her up and looked at Greg.

You coming or am I going to have to knock you out too. Abby Said

No let's just get out of here. Greg Said

Everyone ran to the ship and started It and flew off then Gwen looked out the window to see the planet blow up.

Sorry my love I hope you're In a better place now. Gwen Said

                                                                     END OF CHAPTER  


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