Take My Hand (A Jon Bon Jovi...

Par TWDJoviGirl

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Hey. My name is Sandra Grace Callaghan but most people just call me Sandy. The story I'm about to tell you... Plus

Take my Hand
Chapter 1 - The Gig
Chapter 2 - PA
Chapter 3 - Totally Fine
Chapter 4 - Business?
Chapter 5 - The JBJ effect
Chapter 6 - So Far, So Good
Chapter 7 - Distracted
Chapter 8 - Almost
Chapter 9 - It's a date
Chapter 10 - Easier Said Than Done
Chapter 11 - Faith
Chapter 12 - Diane
Chapter 13 - Pizza, Beer & Cigarettes
Chapter 14 - This Is It
Chapter 15 - New Beginnings
Chapter 16 - 9 Months Later
Chapter 17 - The Kings Head
Chapter 18 - Thanks Grandpa.
Chapter 19 - Confused and A Bit Horny
Chapter 20 - Shenanigans
Chapter 21 - Stress Relief
Chapter 22 - Now Boarding
Chapter 23 - Australia
Chapter 25 - Fate
Chapter 26 - With Fries?
Chapter 27 - Relations
Chapter 28 - Models and Caviar
Chapter 29 - Head Over Heels
Chapter 30 - Dog Snogged
Chapter 31 - Home
Chapter 32 - Stupid Things
Chapter 33 - Tensions Rising
Chapter 34 - Kiwi
Chapter 35 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 36 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 37 - Too much to ask?
Chapter 38 - Always
Chapter 39 - Chinese?
Chapter 40 - Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Chapter 41 - Mr. & Mrs. Environmentally Friendly
Chapter 42 - Get Used To It.
Chapter 43 - Sex God.
Chapter 44 - Jersey Boys
Chapter 45 - Just Act Normal
Chapter 46 - Cravings
Chapter 47 - Why?
Chapter 48 - The Copacabana
Chapter 49 - Just As Friends
Chapter 50 - That's Not Fair
Chapter 51 - Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 52 - S.A.S
Chapter 53 - Damned
Chapter 54 - Déjà Vu
Chapter 55 - Here I Go Again
Chapter 56 - Dog Fight
Chapter 57 - Ben Gates
Chapter 58 - The Heart Wants
Chapter 59 - Endgame
Chapter 60 - Pretty Woman
Chapter 61 - The Wimp and The Brit
Chapter 62 - The New Arrival
Chapter 63 - Artistic Expression
Chapter 64 - A Bite Out of Reality
Chapter 65 - Breaking News
Chapter 66 - The Afterlife
Chapter 67 - The Reunion
Chapter 68 - I Got The Girl
Chapter 69 - Forever

Chapter 24 - First Class

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Par TWDJoviGirl

London, October 18th 1987

There were people everywhere. I had almost forgotten how busy airports could be. I scanned the crowds for a sign that would take me to the private area where Jon would be getting off the plane. Of course, he couldn't just get off where normal people do, he would be bombarded.

I won't lie, I was a little nervous. What if he came back and he had changed his mind about me? What if he had slept with someone else? What if he got a girlfriend whilst he was out there? I was panicking a little, but I pushed that panic down and let the excitement of seeing him fill my body.

It had been 2 long lonely months of not seeing him, and only hearing his voice on the other end of the phone. I couldn't wait to finally see him. I wondered if he had changed much in the time we had been apart. I finally spotted the sign for the VIP lounge and headed towards it.

The crowds slowly dispersed and I felt a little out of my league as I walked toward the VIP area. There were a lot of people in suits staring at me, probably wondering what the hell some chick with an AC/DC shirt and a leather jacket was doing walking through the VIP lounge.

"Excuse me ma'am can I see your pass please?" I whipped my head around to see a man, smartly dressed in a waistcoat staring at me.

"I'm sorry?"

"Do you have a pass to be here?" He questioned again – he obviously worked here. He looked down his nose at me and scanned my body up and down. He looked disgusted. Well sorry I'm not a smartly dressed human being with so much money I don't know what to do with it.

"Uh, no..." I said, looking around to try and see where the gates the passengers get off at where. "I'm just picking up my..." I had that problem again. I didn't really know what to call Jon. My friend? Boyfriend? Lover? Guy from my poster? "Friend. Do you know where they come out?"

"Well, I'm sorry ma'am but you can't be here if you don't have a pass" He completely disregarded my question and went straight to telling me I couldn't be there.

"Okay, but can you just tell me where they will come out so I can wait for him please" I said, and the guy started to put his arm round me to shoo me out the room.

"I'm sorry ma'am that classified information, only for VIP members only to know" He continued to try and move me out the room, but I didn't want to go until I knew where Jon would be coming out.

"Well, that's a stupid rule. I'm picking up my friend, I need to know where he's coming out" I started to get a little angry at this guys constant attempts to move me away.

"Well, you can wait for him in the main airport" He stated, putting his arm round me again to try and ferry me out the room. I looked around the room, and all the posh people in suits were staring at us. I was probably making a scene.

"Ma'am you need to leave now" He said sternly. I knew that no matter what I said, he wouldn't let me stay and I couldn't exactly shout to the whole airport that I was picking up Jon Bon Jovi. Even if I told him he probably wouldn't believe me. I sighed, nodded my head in defeat and began walking out of the room.

"It's okay, she's with me" I stopped as soon as I heard that familiar voice and turned around in the stewards arms. He had changed a lot since I last saw him, his beard had grown a lot and his hair was longer, those blonde highlights fading slightly. But I didn't care what he looked like. He was back.

The smile that was plastered on my face must have been contagious because his smile grew. I couldn't control my feet because before I knew it I was running towards him. He set his guitar and suitcase down so I could jump into his arms. Mine hooked around his neck and he buried his face into my neck, his facial hair ticking me but that didn't matter.

I took in the scent of his musty aftershave, oh how I had missed that. I could hear a satisfied sigh come from him as he nuzzled his way in further. "I missed you" I whispered the only words I could think of saying in that moment.

"I missed you too" He whispered back, giving me a kiss on the neck, making me giggle and squirm in his arms. We had only been reunited for seconds and he was already making me squirm.

I pulled away from him slightly and looked into those Jersey Blues. "Save that for later" I said softly, winking at him which made him laugh. His hands went down to my hips and his eyes kept glancing down to my lips. It had been far too long since I had kissed him and I didn't want to waste any more time.

As I leant up to kiss him, Jon pulled away slightly looking in another direction. At first I thought that he didn't want to kiss me but when I looked to where he was looking I saw a smug little man with a camera scurrying away. I didn't know why people were so inclined to take pictures of celebrities and their personal lives whenever something new happened.

"Shit," Jon sighed. "Let's just go" And with that he picked up his guitar and suitcase and began to walk out of the VIP longue with me by his side.

It was in that moment when I sort of understood what it would be like to be Jon Bon Jovi's girlfriend. Everyone would want to know who I am. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that. I smiled at him, his mood obviously dampened by the unexpected visitor we had, and walked next to him as he escorted me out of the lounge.

I smiled smugly at the steward who simply said. "Travel safely" with a fake little smile.

"Arsehole" I muttered once we were beyond hearing distance.

Jon laughed down at me. "Getting yourself in trouble again I see, Miss Callaghan" God, I had missed how he says my name like that.

"Well, it's not everyday that you have to pick someone up for the VIP lounge. I'm not exactly dressed for photos" I giggled and he laughed slightly but then his face dropped. Good one Sandy.

"So, don't tell anyone that you don't already know your name" He muttered as we walked through the building out into the carpark, getting looks from people as they slowly realised who he was.

"Why?" I questioned. Was he ashamed to be with me or something?

"Because you've been spotted with me." He grumbled a little but I don't think he meant to. I could tell he was just frustrated. "Everyone's just gonna assume that everything about you is public business. I don't want them all over you and your family." He sighed. He made it sound like it was his fault that it would happen, but he couldn't help being famous. It was just who he was.

"I wouldn't care," I stated as we walked through the carpark. "If that is what comes with being with you then I don't care"

"You don't understand, Sandy. I don't want people poking around in your business and knowing everything about you like they do with me." He countered as we walked towards my mini that stood out against all the other black cars. I could understand that he didn't want people doing that to me, but if we were going to be together it will happen one day anyway. Maybe he just didn't want us to be together.

I unlocked the car, Jon going straight for the passenger side, not even asking to drive. I could tell he was a little wound up about the whole thing. "I wouldn't care-"

"I just want you to be mine." He breathed as soon as the doors were shut. My heart started racing, I didn't know what to say. There was me thinking that after two months he would have changed his mind about me, but I guess distance makes the heart grow fonder.

His face soften and he fiddled with his fingers in his palms "I don't want people knowing the things that only I should know about you." I couldn't stop the smile that spread its way onto my face as we sat in that car. "I want it to be just us for a little while longer. Just you and me. Just Jon and Sandy." I loved the sound of our names together. "If they find out who you are, all chance of peace just goes straight out the window... and we'll never get that chance again."

He stared at me desperately with those gorgeous Jersey blues of his. I couldn't believe he was saying this. Ever since I first laid eyes on him I knew I wanted him, and now it was just starting to sink in how much he really wanted me to. I don't think I believed it at first but it that moment I did. Jon Bon Jovi wanted me and would do anything to make it stay that way. "So just don't tell anyone your name, please."

"Alright... I won't tell anyone." I smiled, only just managing to spit the words out. He smiled back at me before I put the key in the ignition and started the car up.


As soon as the door clicked shut we could hear him. As soon as Baxter's brown and white droopy face came round the corner, Jon and I crouched down to greet him. Jon laughed a little when he completely bypassed me and went straight for him.

I wont lie, I was a little jealous. My dog loved Jon more than he did me and Jon doesn't even live here. I looked down to them and Baxter was crying with excitement as Jon scratched him in all his favourite places.

"Not jealous are you?" Jon smirked as I hung my coat over the banister and Baxter ran off to get a toy.

"No, not at all. He probably just missed you is all" I stated. We both knew I was lying, but I wasn't going to admit it. Jon shook his head laughing as he stood up.

"Honey is that you?" I rolled my eyes as I heard my mum from the other room. I really didn't want to do the whole meet and greet thing again because I knew that she would just say something stupid and embarrass me.

"Yeah, we're back! Going upstairs now! Goodnight!" I yelled back as I grabbed Jon's hand and stared dragging him up the stairs.

"Oh wait" I didn't even look behind me but I could tell she was standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching us. It was times like these when I wished that I was richer so I didn't have to live with my parents.

She said something else but I was not listening and carried on leading Jon down to my room. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I walked down the hall in front of him. I couldn't wait to be alone with him again.

We were halfway down the hall when I felt a hand turn me around. I whipped around and Jon's hands went straight to my face, pulling my lips to his. It took me by surprise for a second but I soon melted into him. I guess, he just couldn't wait to kiss me.

It had been a long time since I had kissed him and he tasted better than I remembered. But maybe that was just my mind playing tricks on me because I hadn't seen him in a while. My hands hooked around his neck and I played with his hair that had gotten a lot darker and longer in the 2 months we had been apart.

My heart was racing and electricity was running through my veins as we stood there in the hall, kissing. Things started to get heated when his hands started moving over my body, going from my butt up to my boob.

I knew what he was thinking and I was thinking it to, but we couldn't do that in the hallway – my parents were home. I pulled away for a second and he whimpered slightly. He looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes which I found adorable.

"Let's go to my bedroom" I whispered. He chuckled a little as I turned around to open my door.

"Yeah, I forgot about your room" He mumbled. I rolled my eyes, typical Jon, always forgetting things in the heat of the moment. As soon as my bedroom door was shut his lips were on mine again. I guess he really was just desperate for me.

He pushed me up against my door, forming a cage around me so I wouldn't be able escape, not that I would want to. He parted his lips from mine and started peppering kisses along my jaw line and down my neck, his newly growing facial hair tickling my skin, but I didn't care.

"Won't lie, thought you would be too tired for sex" I just managed to breathe out as he continued kissing my neck.

He scoffed against me, his breaths making me shiver. "You've gotta be jokin'," He pulled his head up from my neck and looked at my face. "I've spent the past 2 months with 5 guys, no women, and you teasing me on the phone every week and you think I'm gonna pass up the opportunity to fuck you?"

I gulped. I still didn't think I was used to him talking like that to me. In fact I don't think I will ever get used to him talking like that to me. His hands that were on my hips went down to my butt and he picked me up, making me squeal. He twirled me around and threw me on the bed gently.

"Jon, my parents are downstairs" I giggled quietly as I moved further up the bed and he came to join me, his knees going either side of my hips as he straddled me.

"Just be quiet then" He mumbled as his lips went back to mine. Little did he know it was rather hard to stay quiet when you had Jon Bon Jovi on top of you, doing things to your body that you didn't think were humanly possible.

He pulled away from me after a while and sat up on his knees, to strip off his jacket and shirt. I couldn't help but gawk at him. I swear that every time he leaves he gets more and more muscular. "Oh no" Jon droned once he had finished taking off his shirt.

I sat up on my elbows to look at him. "What?"

"That guy is back again" He gestured to my wall and I turned my head to see my giant poster of him stuck on the wall.

"What? I couldn't bare not seeing your face every day" I shrugged and he just laughed at me.

He contemplated it for a second but then shook his head. "Nope, he's gotta go" He jumped up and walked along the bed, pulling the poster down from wall. He hopped off the bed and walked over to the corner of the room and stuffed my poster in the bin.

"Hey!" I shrieked. "My mum paid good money for that!"

He just smirked at me and came back to the bed, crawling back up to me. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and stared into my eyes with those gorgeous Jersey blues. "Yeah, but now you've got me" He spoke softly. I couldn't help but blush and I bit my lip to contain my pathetic smile. I guess he was right, why did I need a poster when I had the real thing?

He smiled down at me, his eyes flicking all over my face. He shook his head a little in disbelief. "How are you so beautiful?" He whispered.

I couldn't help but giggle. He always found a way to be cheesy in these sorts of moments. Although it was annoying at times, it was one of the things I loved about him. I rolled my eyes at him and giggled again. "Just, shut up and kiss me already" I scoffed, my hand going to the back of his neck, pulling him towards me.


London, October 19th 1987

When my eyes fluttered open I was greeted by some baby blues staring back at me. I couldn't help but smile, I had missed waking up to his face. "Morning" I mumbled as I stretched out my muscles. "You're up first" I giggled slightly as usually I was the one staring at him whilst he slept.

"Guess I'm just excited to finally be going home" He beamed as I came to lie next to him, staring into those beautiful orbs. I nodded my head with understanding, 16 months is a long time to be away from home.

"And I'm excited to be coming with you" I smiled, leaning over to give him a quick peck on the lips. "Speaking of which, I should probably finish packing up my clothes." I stated, pulling the cover off of me and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

I reached down and picked up my bra and shirt that had been chucked aimlessly across the room the night before. I put them on and got up, going over to my dresser to put on a clean pair of underwear. "Sandy..."

"Mm hmm" I replied, feeling his eyes burn into me as I bent over to pull the new underwear on.

"Are you... Seeing anyone else?" He questioned.

I scoffed and turned around to face him. I thought he was joking but he was deadly serious. Why would I want anyone else when the man of my dreams is laying right in front of me? "Of course I'm not!" I giggled, walking back over to the bed and sitting on it.

It suddenly occurred to me why he was asking me this. Oh god, what if he was trying to tell me there was someone else? "Are you?" I replied, fiddling with the bed sheet.

"No..." I sighed a little sigh of relief when he said that. "I don't want to see anyone else..."

My heart started pounding. I think I knew where this was going but I wasn't sure. "What are you saying?" I asked, looking up to him, trying my best conceal the growing smile on my face because I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up. He shuffled a little from where he was lying and kept glancing from the sheets to my face.

"I want you to be my girlfriend" I froze. I never thought I would be hearing those words from him. I had imagined myself in this position many times over but never thought it would actually happen to me. Jon Bon Jovi just asked me to be his girlfriend! I couldn't speak. All I wanted to do was scream and shout but I was glued to that one spot on the bed, just staring at him.

He started to blush and shuffled a bit, looking down to his hands. "Y'know if-if you want to of course" He added. That was when I realised I hadn't actually said anything and had left him waiting for a reply for a few long seconds.

I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was when he was all flustered, but also at the fact that he just asked me to be his. "Of course I want to be" I replied, not able to control the huge ear to ear smile that was on my face.

Jon looked up at me with a relieved look on his face and sat up, getting a little closer to me. "I thought you'd never ask" I giggled and he laughed slightly as I leant into him. His hand went to the back of my neck and we both smiled into the kiss.

For some reason, that kiss felt different to all the others we had shared. It was slow, soft, smooth, passionate. It was like the first kiss we ever had. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was now Jon Bon Jovi's girlfriend!

When he finally needed to pull away for air, he just stared at me for a while and I stared back at him. He was now my boyfriend! Jon Bon Jovi is MY BOYFRIEND! I admit it was weird saying that in my head. It felt so natural yet unnatural at the same time.

Never in a million years did I think this sexy, loveable, adorable hunk of a man would be mine. Yet here I was, sitting in my own bed with him in front of me, being able to call him my boyfriend.

"Right, we should probably get ready to leave" I mumbled after a moment of silence.

He sighed, but still had a big fat smile on his face. "You're right"


Jon helped me gather all the rest of my clothes that I needed to pack. And when I say help, what he really did was go through all my underwear, telling me which ones he thought I would look sexy in and threw them in the suitcase. It took a little longer than it usually would with his 'help' but I finally got everything packed and then we went down stairs to say goodbye to my parents.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright with just them for a month?" I questioned, looking down to Baxter who was sat on the floor next to me.

"For the fifth time honey, we'll be fine" Mum reassured me, bringing me into another smothering hug. I could tell she was getting emotional. I hadn't been away from home for this long since I went on holiday with my friends to Cornwall. I know Cornwall seems like a boring place, but it was all we could afford at the time.

Baxter was sat at my feet, crying. I could tell he knew something was up. I crouched down to his level and gave him a pat on the head. "Awe, it's okay boy. I'll be back before you know it" I mumbled to him, giving him a quick hug and he returned the love by giving me a rather slobbery kiss on the cheek.

I giggled as I got up and caught a glimpse of Jon carrying my suitcase, which he insisted on taking, down the stairs. When he plopped it by the door he came to join me in saying goodbye. "Well, it's been real nice to see you guys again" He smiled, a little out of breath from carrying the suitcase down the stairs – all those pizzas had got to him.

"Oh, Jon sweetheart it's been a pleasure" My mum started and then engulfed him in a hug which he had no choice but to take. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed she hadn't known him long and she was already acting like he was a member of the family. Well, I guess now he sort of was, but they didn't know that.

I rolled my eyes as she finished off her little speech about how nice it was to see him again and finally let him go. He took it all his stride though, laughing away with her. I suppose he had probably had weirder people trying to hug him after all these years of being famous.

Once he was released from her grip he turned to my dad. "Ed, it's been a pleasure" He offered his hand out to my dad who eagerly took it and shook the singers hand.

"Nice to see you Jon. You take care of her now" Dad stated, shaking Jon's hand. Oh god, he's going full protective dad mode.

"Dad..." I droned. I had told him many times that he didn't need to do put on the whole protective front but I guess he just didn't get it.

"I will" Jon chuckled nervously, looking down at the ground for a split second before letting go of his hand. Once he had said goodbye, we all just stood there in silence for a moment until Jon turned to me. "I'll go and put our bags in the taxi" He smiled and I nodded.

"See you soon and thanks again for letting me stay" He waved to my parents one last time before heading out the door with our bags, Baxter trotting along behind him, to the where the taxi was waiting for us outside.

"Well, I'd better be going then" I said after a second of just standing there.

"Have a great time Kid" Dad smiled, bringing me into a hug. I must admit, it did feel a little weird going away from home for such a long time, but I knew I would love ever minute of it with Jon.

"Bye Honey" Mum engulfed me in yet another hug after he had let me go. "And don't forget to use protection, especially as you're not serious about it yet" I cringed and pulled away straight away.

"Oh God, Mum!" I shrieked, making her and dad laugh a little. I don't know whether I was more put off at the fact that my mum was giving me sex advice or the fact that she was assuming we still weren't a thing. "He asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"Oh, thank god" Mum breathed and pulled me into another hug. Why was she being so huggy today? "I thought he was never going to ask" She said in my ear.

"Me either" I mumbled as she pulled away from me.

"Congrats kid" Dad smiled as I inched closer to the door, just itching to actually leave before I got pulled into even more organ threatening hugs.

"Okay, I'm leaving now" I said, more to myself than anyone else as I pulled the door open and headed out. I didn't hear the door close which meant that Mum and Dad were watching me as we left. I went down the steps to where Jon had just finished putting the bags in the boot, Baxter sitting by his heel.

"Ready?" He smiled at me as he made his way to me, giving me a peck on the lips. I could almost hear my mum doing a little weep of joy for me.

"Yeah" I beamed, making my way to the taxi but stopped when I noticed Baxter still sitting there. "Bax, you gotta go back home, Buddy" He trotted towards the house a little but then looked back at us with that sad puppy dog face of his. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Baxter, go home" I said sternly, pointing to the house where mum and dad where calling him from the front door but he wasn't budging.

"Baxter, go inside Bud" Jon laughed a little, coaxing him in. He looked at us both and then just sighed, finally giving in and walking back up the steps.

"That is so unfair" I whined as I turned to get in the taxi. I couldn't believe that my dog would listen to him and not me. "I swear you are his new favourite person. He just loves you"

Jon laughed as he climbed in after me, waving to my parents out the window as we pulled away. "Yeah, well, I guess I'm just extremely loveable" He joked, sitting back in the seat and swinging his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. Indeed he was.


I didn't particularly like going on airplanes, what with the noise and the pressure that makes your head go funny, but this time was different. I was going on a plane with Jon, and I was going home with him. That meant that we had to wait in the VIP longue. I felt a little out of place again and everyone was staring, but I don't know whether it was because of what I was wearing or because of the man I was standing next to.

People were still staring as we walked on through to the plane, going straight to first class which was an absolute first for me – the only other time I had ever been on a plane, my family could only afford economy. Jon just took it all in his stride though, he was used to all this.

"You okay?" He questioned as we sat down, obviously noticing I was a little quiet. People were still getting ready for take off, putting their luggage away and the cabin crew kept doing all their safety checks which I couldn't help but feel a little paranoid about even though I knew it was completely normal.

"Yeah," I breathed, telling myself that there was nothing to worry about. "Just, never been in first class before" I smiled, getting comfy in my seat.

He laughed slightly and put his hand on top of mine. "You'll get used to it" He smiled at me. I couldn't help but feel like he was thinking about the future, like this wasn't going to be the first and last time I would be flying with him. For the first time since we'd been seeing each other, I could actually see a future with Jon. He was my boyfriend after all.

Even though the flight was 8 hours, it didn't seem like that long. We both slept for a bit and then we ate the complimentary dinner that comes with long haul flights that I didn't even realise you got. But apparently in first class, that's a thing so I wasn't complaining – I love food.

The rest of the time we just spent chatting about the tour and all the places he wanted to take me when we got there. It sounded as though he was just as excited as I was. I wasn't just going to Jon's house, I was going to America - One of the greatest countries in the world. And going there with the guy I have feelings for was even better.

Jon held my hand as we left the plane. It still took me by surprise a little when he did that. Although we did get looks from some people, he still held my hand and talked away to me like no one was there. He held my hand as we walked to get our bags. He held my hand as we got our bags. He held my hand as we walked out onto the streets of New York. Granted, we weren't directly in the city but I was actually in America.

I had dreamt about this a lot as a child, but never in a million years did I ever think I was going to be here. Yellow cabs were driving by, some of them going round and round, just waiting to hailed. I was too immersed in my surroundings to realise that Jon had let go of my hand to help the cab driver with our bags. I hadn't even realised he had hailed one of them.

He laughed at my awe as he pulled me into the taxi behind him. When we first pulled away I almost forgot that Americans drive on the opposite side of the road to us, but once I settled, I went back to staring out of the window. I could see the skyline of New York City slowly pass us by as we drove.

I looked at clock that was on the dashboard in the taxi. 12:27. I had almost forgotten that there was a 5 hour difference between here and home. "Do you think we could see some of New York Today?" I questioned, excited by the fact that I had 5 more hours in the day to see things.

"No," Jon chuckled, shaking his head. "I wanna go home. We've got plenty of time for sightseenin', don't worry darlin'" His hand came to rest on mine again, and he smiled at me before I went back to looking out the window.

New York looked magnificent. Even as it disappeared into the horizon and we started going into a tunnel. Jon was explaining to me about how we were driving underneath The Hudson River, which I had heard so much about, but I wasn't really listening. Everything was so new. Once he caught on that I hadn't really heard a word of what he had been saying, he just smiled at me and took my hand again.

We passed through a few cities and towns, Jon did tell me the names of them all but I couldn't remember. I hadn't heard of most of them. The taxi stopped when we pulled up next to an apartment building. Opening the door, the first thing that hit me was the smell of the sea. I hadn't been to the sea in years.

The salty breeze ran through my hair and I could hear the seagulls up above me, flying beneath the clouds. After he had gotten our bags out, Jon thanked and paid the taxi driver before it pulled away again. I looked to him and he pointed down the road.

"Welcome to Sayreville" He smiled. It was weird hearing him say it. I had thought about what it would be like to come to Jon Bon Jovi's home town a lot,  but I never thought I would actually be here.

"'Bout a mile that way is the beach. We'll have to go when the sun comes out" He chuckled, making me smile. I did a little twirl to gather my surroundings. There weren't a lot of people around, it seemed like a pretty quiet place and from what I've seen so far, a nice place to grow up in. It certainly was a change from the rolling fields of Shere.

I tried to take my suitcase, but Jon got there first, obviously. He only grinned at me when I tried to argue and started into the building, forcing me to follow because I didn't want to be left outside, alone in this new place.

Jon lived on the third floor. The closer we got to his apartment, the more embarrassed he seemed to get. When we got to the door, he hesitated for a moment before putting the bags down to pull out his key.

"It's kinda small." He sighed. "Sorry about that" He glanced at me quickly but frowned a little. "And it might be a bit... stuffy," He added. "I haven't been home in a while"

"Jon, it'll be fine" I assured him with a smile which he returned as he put the key into the lock. I couldn't help but feel excited, this was going to be my home for the next 4 weeks.

"Well, here it is" He sighed, pushing open the door and for the first time I got to see into the personal life of Jon Bon Jovi.



Sorry it took me ages to write this chapter. I just started university so I've had alot on my plate recently.  Also had a major case of writers block, but lucky for me I have great friends to help me with that xD

So Sandy is finally in New Jersey!! YAAYYY! 


Sorry, just had a mad fangirl five seconds.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, 




Until the next Chapter, 

- Ems 


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