Music To Your Ears-Naruto Fan...

By Baekmuffin101

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Music To Your Ears-Naruto Fanfiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

chapter 8

644 25 5
By Baekmuffin101

After my talk to Kurenai I walk into room where we are meant to be in and holy mother of god it was crowded like hell. I see them look towards me and I kind of feel intimidated a bit. Some speak loudly about me.

“Looks like she’ll fail for sure,” a mist ninja tells his teammates.

“She is so girly probably weak as hell.”

“Oh she is cute too bad her face won’t be like that for long.”

“Pft why is she a ninja, the world is becoming more stupid by the minute.” Gr! I walk to the front and glared at the last guy.

“Hey! You don’t go saying that to a girl lke me kay! I’m a stong ninja! Respect me!” I lectured him angrily and he laughs at me.

“You 3 or something? You can’t speak for shit,” the last guy chuckles. That’s it! I run towards him and I felt myself being picked up, I look to see it was Kiba. I tried to get out of his grip but I was too damn short! I glare at Kiba.

“Let me at them! I’ll tear them apart before they can say peanuts!” I growled and Kiba sweat dropped.

“Seriously peanuts?” he asks me and I nod.

“Peanuts are awesome, they are so yummy oh wait peaches are better. I change it to peaches!” I ranted to no one in particular. “What? Was it something I said?” I asked anyone and Kiba sighs dragging me along the floor towards the team. I grab the floor as hard as I could and he growls. “Stop! I haven’t finished my fight yet let me finish it!”

“Stop being so difficult Yumi! You’re making a scene!” he growls at me and I sulk in defeat. I pointed to the group.

“You better watch your backs this isn’t over ok mmmmmm!” I speak to the team and I place my fingers to my eyes and then to theirs but Kiba’s hand was on my mouth… okay then. I licked his hand and he let go quickly wiping it away in disgust.

“H-ello Yu-mi,” I turned to see Hinata and Shino away in a corner… yeah that’s just normal I guess.

“Hey Hina-chan! You ready for the exams?” I asked her and she became red.

“Chan?” she wondered. Oh so that was it.

“Yeah come on we can be close friends! And we can go have fun after these exams and oh we can invite Naru-chan too and wait what’s wrong Hina-chan? What you’re falling backwards… okay she fainted… uh was it something I said?” I asked my two teammates and they shrugged. I placed Hinata on the side fanning her face wait oh my why was I stupid for! I said Naruto and she freaked out because she likes him oh I am so stupid.

“Sasuke where have you been?” I hear an irritating voice. I turn my head to see it was an Ino from my other lazy annoying team of mine. Sasuke looked pissed; pfft I’d be pissed if a couple of people like that were looking at me. Sakura was in rage.

“HEY YOU PORKER BACK OFF HIS MINE!” Sakura angrily told Ino. Ino then ranged great another thing to tick me off, I looked to the team and see they were perving on Ino… ew what bad taste in girls. Not that I have anything against Ino it is just she is so damn annoying and girly for my liking.

“Miss forehead they let you in. Still got those big frown lines on your billboard brow,” Ino retaliated back.


“Oh it’s you guys. I knew this was going to be a drag but I didn’t know it was going to be this lame,” Shikamaru spoke lazily. Hinata came to and I pulled her up from the ground.

“You okay Hina-chan?” I asked her and she nodded shyly. We all headed to the others who were making so much noise.

“Well, well what do you know, it looks like the whole gang is here together again,” Kiba spoke smoothly pft more like an ass or jerkface.

“H-I Na-rut-o,” I hear Hinata speak softly but Naruto gave her a weird look, which I glared at him for. Doesn’t he realise that she likes him wow I knew he wasn’t the brightest kid but come on it is sooo obvious it’s killing me.

“So you are here too man such a drag,” Shikamaru speaks so bored like. I hugged him.

“Aw come on Shika-chan! You know that can’t be true,” I pouted at him and he turned a little away from me and am I seeing a tint of red… hmm I think I am.

“Aren’t you all noisy?” I hear a voice and we all turn to see a teenage guy with grey hair with glasses on. I can’t help but suspect him like I shouldn’t trust him at all. I must be tired I guess since it is the chunin exams.

“Who are you,” Ino asked the grey haired boy and the boy smirked and bowed.

“Oh where are my manners my name is Kabuto. Just saying you are all loud and are making enemies easily. Just look around you,” he goes to us. We all look around to see others glaring at us… pft like that is going to scare me.

“Are the exams hard?” Shikamaru asked Kabuto and I sighed knowing he was just as lazy as always.

“Oh yes it is but I’m used to it.”

“Oh how many times you been here?” Naruto chimed into the conversation.

“Oh well… 7 times,” Kabuto replies shyly. What 7 times great I am dead goodbye ramen, ill miss you heaps I anime cried which Sakura looked at me weirdly. I glared and she squealed and looked away, yeah that’s right! Then I just walk away from the group and sit at a corner. Kabuto… I don’t understand why I sense he is bad? Is it just me being crazy or am I sick and the sickness is helping me?

‘No you are not sick.’ I froze who was that? I looked to my right and then to my left and nothing I see nothing.

“Okay I know I’m crazy,” I mutter to myself.

‘No you are not and don’t look around because you can’t see me like that.’ I stay dumbfounded and spoke mentally.

‘Who are you and why can’t I see you?’ I asked the stranger and he sighs.

‘Well first of all I’m a tailed beast and I’m sealed inside you since birth and you wouldn’t know how you got me since you were an idiot baby like all of them. So not freak out about it but I’m the 10 tailed beast and I’m half wolf and half unicorn which means I can fly and so can you.’

‘Wait how can I trust you? I heard tailed beasts are dangerous and what the hell you talking about? There are only 9 beasts so I don’t believe you. Oh and wait I can fly? Wow so cool! Do you by chance know my parents for a while?’

‘Well yeah you could say that I mean your grandmother from your dad side, I was sealed inside her and then she died when you were like a week old. I was then chosen to be sealed inside you but even though I was sealed again I didn’t care anymore. We tailed beasts are not meant to be angry and mean to humans but to protect them. But since humans cared about power they were afraid of us and wanted our power soon we attacked them and then we were sealed. I’m sorry for bragging but before I let you go, do not trust Kabuto at all, he smells someone familiar, don’t worry you won’t know or maybe you will not sure. Go the test is going to start.’

Then he left and I walked to the group. I have the ten tails but he is really nice and not mean like others say. And I must keep it a secret and no one else needs to know. Kiba sees me and smiles.

“Hey Yumi pick a number and get ready for the test, do well,” he cheered and I nod taking out a number. I realised I sat next to Gaara, damn the hotness from him is radiating in the air!

(Test time)

Okay so I got to answer 9 questions and then after the time runs out we get the tenth question… seems easy enough. Wait did I say easy I meant what the fuck am I reading? These are not questions for a genin, so I don’t understand. The ten tails sighed.

‘I know the answers but you’re meant to cheat without getting noticed. I’ll tell you the answers for the nine.’

‘Hey ten tails um do you have a name?’

‘No but I don’t mind that I don’t have a name.’

‘I mind! I am going to name you… are you male or female?’

‘You can’t tell? Fine I’m male and nothing weird or pet like.’ Hm what name can be good?

‘Oh how about Ichigo, you like that? It has the meaning of number one in it or maybe Zero but that sound weak.’

‘Ichigo sounds fine milady, it is a name I shall be called for now on.’ I smile and we work on the test. I finished the nine questions and I look to see Gaara cheating with some jutsu which had a flying eye… weird but weird is always something hot people have. I look to see Hinata finished, Shino done and Kiba finishing up. I look to see team 10 are fine but then team 7… Naruto is going to fail he isn’t cut out for tests with intelligence. Ibiki I found out his name stops us.

“Okay now you don’t have to do the tenth question because if you do and get it wrong, you will no longer be able to take the exams again,” he tells us and many freeze and start panicking and I was one of them. Should I get out? “But if you want out then your whole team leaves as well.” Well shit.

‘Don’t worry milady, just stay in the exams and besides you have me for help.’

‘Aw thanks Ichigo! Okay I trust you on this.’

‘Yeah, yeah.’ Many others left and until the last team leaves it made some stay.

“Okay the tenth and final question is… you all pass,” he tells us and everyone freaks out. Oh that’s what he was doing I see what he was doing. Smart I’d say must be an expert with the mind. Oh my god Gaara is still here and he is hotter than ever… oh no I’m getting SakuIno syndrome. After everyone arguing the window broke and a woman appears there.

“No time to rest because it’s the next test so let’s go,” she said happily and I heard Ibiki mutter to her.

“You’re early Anko, again.” I giggle, must be someone who’s similar to Naruto.

We were at the next exam and this time we had to find the opposite scroll to your own and go to the tower, while bored as hell waiting for the exams to start I look to the ninja competing and I don’t know why but I can’t help but glance at a certain ninja woman. She had long black hair and a Asian hat, and oh my god her tongue is so long! It sent shivers but I held my fear back and stared at her using her tongue to give the new protractor named Anko her Kunai.

‘Milady I wouldn’t go trying to get close to that grass ninja.’ Hm?

‘Why you say that Ichigo?’

‘I sense a very familiar sent towards this ninja and that person is bad full stop. Stay away from them.’ Okay I got to stay away from both Kabuto and Grass ninja woman but before I looked away I saw the grass ninja stare at team even hungrily.

‘Sorry Ichigo but I don’t think that can be possible, I think I would have to help my other team, especially how the grass ninja stares at Sasuke the most.’

‘Fine but becareful, if you can’t win against her then run got it?’

‘Yeah, yeah I know.’ I walk to the gate 16 with the three and waited until it was time.

“Woohoo there is no way we can lose, we are awesome at survival!” Kiba cheered and I smiled but frowned, how am I going to help Kiba, Hinata and Shino while needing to help team seven? Hope luck comes in those doors. *ting*

“Alright you maggots the second part of the exams has begun!” Anko roared and we all sprint into the forest. Not even five minutes and there was an explosion. I jumped out of the way and looked around finding no one. What here is everyone? All I see is smoke! I ran towards the smoke but then I was kicked back into the middle. Someone is here and I can’t do anything without seeing who it is. I had an idea even though it isn’t the ninja ideal way but.

“KIBA! HINA CHAN! SHINO! HELP ME!” I screamed and I heard them.

“YUMI WHERE ARE YOU?!” I heard Kiba yell. I look around and only smoke is around me… great.

“I DON’T KNOW BUT IT IS ALL SMOKY HERE-AHHHH!” I screamed when I felt someone grab me from behind and bound my arms behind me and gagged me. What the fuck rapist! This is illegal!

‘Milady calm down you know that is not what is happening. My senses are not working in this smoke so we have to just see how things go.’ Fine. I hear a guy smirk and then I was placed on the guys shoulder, wait purple clothes and grey hair… Kabuto.

“Kabuto you asshole let me go!” I growled struggling but he just chuckled.

“Why Yumi? Why would I do that if you are wanted by my lord. What my lord wants my lord gets,” he tells me and he runs off in a direction.

“KIBA HINATA SHINO HELP ME IT IS KAB-!” I didn’t get time to finish my sentence and black out there and then.

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