The Stilinski Demigod

By Melbourne2013

107K 2K 293

When you thought of Stiles Stilinski, you usually thought of someone pale, skinny, and sarcastic. Heck even h... More

Arriving and visitors?
We need to talk
Meeting Them
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Yet another A/N

1 Year Ago: Welcome to Camp Half Blood

13.5K 268 99
By Melbourne2013

1 Year Ago

Ever since Stiles was possessed by the nogistune, he felt as if there was a hole in his life. He felt like there was something missing. As he was walking to Coach Finstock's he received a message from his best friend Scott telling him there was a pack meeting tonight. All day I had felt off, more than usual.

However, as soon as I got a message from Scott, I felt ecstatic because there was no pack meeting that I had been invited to in a year. I made it to class just before the bell rang and Coach Finstock said nothing. After school, I went home to get ready for the pack meeting. My dad texted me saying he will not be home until later and not to wait up. I got ready for the pack meeting and realized I only had 20 minutes to get there. The drive from my house to Derek's was only 10 minutes. Therefore, I had time to get there early for the first time. Once he arrived, he walked into the loft not bothering to knock. He looked up and saw everyone's grim faces.

"Stiles we need to talk", said Scott. "Sure what's up guys. Is there a new threat"? I asked

"Stiles, there is no easy way to put this but you're out of the pack".

"W-What?" I stuttered. As he repeated himself, I felt my heart breaking. "Let's face it Stiles, you're human. You're a huge liability". I looked up at him with anger. "If you're going to kick me out at least give me the real reason. I can smell your lies a mile away pup." Even with anger my sarcasm wouldn't quit.

They all looked at me shocked because of my sudden change in emotions. However, it did not faze Jackson. "Ok the real reason as to why we're kicking you out is because you killed Allison". Sadness filled the room as he spoke her name.

"You know I was possessed by the nogistune. That wasn't me." Scott looked at me with regret. "It was Stiles. All of it was you. And I can't look at you anymore knowing you killed the first girl I ever loved."

I clenched my hands in anger. Why did he have to go there?

"Fine". I stated unclenching my hands and removing all emotion for my face. "I'll leave". They all looked at me shocked once again.

I turned around not looking back at any of them and walked out. I got in Roscoe and drove back home. Before I realized what I was doing, I had two bags filled with clothes and a pouch with money. I had no idea where I was going to go. Anywhere but here was perfect.

I heard the front door opened and grabbed my bat. Once I heard the key I put it down and went to go greet my dad as well as tell him the bad news. I had my bags in my hand as I walked down the steps.

"Dad, I can't stay here, in Beacon Hills, any longer". My dad sighed and motioned for me to sit with him. "Stiles, I've been keeping the truth from you for way to long." I looked at him to continue. "Stiles you're a demigod."

"I'm sorry I'm what"? "I'm not your father Stiles. Your real father is Poseidon". I looked at him in disbelief. "Poseidon. As in the king of the seas Poseidon"? He nodded and coughed before telling me the story. Of course, I had a few question and inputs to put in. For some reason, my dad did not look upset at my remarks, he looked...sad.

-Time Skip-

"So you're telling me that my real father is Poseidon. I am a demi- god, and I need to go to this Camp Half Blood before monsters start to attack me because now they can smell me"?

"I know I should've told you before, but I was afraid you would leave before your time. I understand how selfish it was of me to have held you back". I looked at him in shock and said, "No I'm glad you told me now, because I need to leave now. After what happened".

He looked at me in question. "What happened"? "Long story short, I was kicked out of the pack." "Why? I thought you were close with the pack". "Yeah well, being close means nothing if you were possessed by an evil spirit and human". "They said that?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded my head. "How do I get to this, camp?"

"I have to call your brother Percy and his friend Grover. They'll pick you up and take you back with them to camp". He went into the kitchen to call them. I sat and really thought about what had happened just an hour before I got here.

Scott, my best friend/ brother who is the alpha of the pack, kicked me out. All because I was possessed. However, they do not know how it felt. To be trapped inside of your own mind, literally. The nogistune made me do things, see things, that I did not want or need in my life. Because of that, they threw me out like trash.

I know I am not strong, or smart. I cannot do half of the things that they can. I constantly need protection. I knew it would happen eventually but I did not want to believe it. Now I was leaving. In addition, I would be leaving them all behind. I could finally start over.

My da- Noah came back into the room with a solemn look on his face and said, "They'll be here in the next hour. You should pack all of your things; those two bags won't be enough."

I looked at him with a sad but relived expression. "Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I'll forget you, I'll visit whenever I can. Besides, just because you are not my father by blood, you still are like a dad to me. I still love you."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Come here son." While grabbing me and pulling me into a big hug. I let go and went upstairs to grab my other things. I picked up a picture of Noah and me smiling while I was in his Sheriff jacket and three more of us. As I was leaving, I saw a picture of the pack and me, along with Scott and me in a picture with just the two of us.

I turned them flat and walked out of the room. Walking down the hall, I looked at all of the pictures and smiled at the fond memories. Just then, the doorbell rang. I waited at the bottom of the steps as Noah opened the door. Two teenaged boys stood there. One had Sea green eyes, and jet-black hair. I could see the resemblance between the two of us. Another one with crutches, he was African American with short cropped hair and a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you I'm Percy, I'm also your brother". Said the one with the green eyes. "I'm Grover and I'm basically your protector". The African American one told me with an even bigger smile than before. "I think we're going to get along great". Percy told me with a mischievous smile and I returned one. "Let's go then huh"? I asked the pair. They nodded and walked outside.

I looked to Noah and hugged him while saying goodbye. Walking outside I expected to see a car but instead I saw a huge dog. I looked up at it shocked. "This is Mrs. O'Leary. "Percy told me with a smile. "She's our ride'. He continued. They both jumped on the dog and looked at me expectantly.

I smiled back and said, "Let's go". The ride there was not very long. Maybe 10, 20 minutes at most. Once we arrived, I saw the big sign that said, 'Camp Half Blood'.

We walked in and I immediately noticed people in armor and others climbing up walls with fire in them. I looked back at Percy and Grover and looked back at everyone who seemed to be doing their normal thing.

I knew I would fit in here.


A/N: Please vote and leave comments, I need all of the constructive criticism I can get. Make sure you share the story!!

I know the book seems cliche or whatever but even if it is, then it just is. I hope y'all enjoy. In this book Allison will stay dead but Jackson and Isaac will still be here.

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