Eric's space adventures

By dylanrenz1993

119 12 4

What happens when a boy named Eric Get abducted by aliens and gos on a out of this world adventure. More

Part 1 Abducted
Part 2 Friends
Part 3 Training and feelings
Part 4 Danger
Part 5 Destination unknown
Part 6 Unknown Dangers
Part 7 Village of Felines
Part 8 Bandits of brittle cave
Part 9 The Prison
Part 10 Goodbye Friend
Part 11 The Desert of Burgon 3
Part 12 Arthur
Part 13 Help
Part 14 Tavoni Vs Gwen
Part 15 Bounty hunter Guild
Part 16 First day of training
Part 17 three years later
Part 18 the search begins
Part 19 the great escape
Part 20 The Final battle with Falcon
Part 21 Time to relax
Part 22 A unwelcomed surprise
Part 23 Love blossoms
Part 24 Return to Giega 12
Part 25 The things you have to do
Part 26 A new friend
Part 27 The hunt for Mr.sandiaga
Part 28 Eric's new love
Part 29 Rose's power
Part 30 Young love
Part 31 The Dream
Part 32 The Ruins
Part 33 Back To Space
Part 34 Return to the bounty hunters guild
Part 35 Tavoni's funeral
Part 36 betrayal
Part 37 lockdown
Part 38 Lord Varin
Part 39 Rescue Eric
Part 40 Eric vs Lord Varin
Part 41 Destination Earth
Part 42 Ellen's insanity
Part 43 Goodbye Ellen
Part 44 Earth
Part 45 Gwen's Story
Part 46 An unexpected arrival
Part 47 goodbye Clara
Part 49 The Final Battle part 2
Part 50 Aftermath

Part 48 The Final Battle part 1

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By dylanrenz1993

Lord Varin's ship landed In a space port and Lord Varin got out with guards holding Clara's hands and dragging her.

Where are you taking me and why Is It so hot ? Clara Asked Lord Varin

So full of questions I always liked that about you Clara all will be answered In dew time. Lord Varin Said

Clara looked down and sighed.

I almost wish I never meet you In that dinner but then I would never of had Eric. Clara Said

Ahhh don't worry about our son he will be joining us In a few days I imagined that's If he cares about your life at all. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin and his guards dragged Cara Into a room with a giant glowing orb and Clara's eyes went wide.

What Is that thing ? Clara Asked Lord Varin

It's the thing that created the universe and It's part of my plan. Lord Varin Said

What Is your plan ? Clara Asked Lord Varin

Clara like I said I will be answered In dew time now stop talking and get some rest. Lord Varin Said

Go to hell. Clara Said

Trust me I was In hell until I found you again my love. Lord Varin Said

Clara's sighed.

I'm not your lover at least not anymore. Clara Said

Lord Varin chuckled.

You'll reconsider what you just said eventually. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin chand Clara to a thrown and put a crown on her head.

                                                             TIMESKIP AND IN ERIC'S SPACESHIP       

Eric was sitting In the planning room with everyone.

So I think I'll take on my father by myself. Eric Said

Eric pointed to Gwen and Abby. 

You two will take care of Lord Varin's guards. Eric Said

Eric pointed at Tony.

And you will save my mother got It. Eric Said

Rose and Greg raised there hands.

Yes. Eric Said

What about me and Greg ? Rose Asked Eric

I want you two to stay and guard the ship. Eric Said

Rose sighed and Greg growld.

But I want to fight. Rose Said

Yeah me too. Greg Said

Sorry but your both kids and I want you too stay safe. Eric Said

Fine we'll guard the ship but we won't like It right Greg. Rose Said

Greg nodded

Ok then since everyone's know what they got to do let's get ready we will be there In a few hours. Eric Said

Sir yes sir. Gwen Said

Yeah whatever. Abby Said

Everyone walked out of the planning room and Eric stopped Abby and Tony.

I saw you two together In my room a few days ago. Eric Said

Yeah why do you care. Abby Said

Listen Abby we could die today and I don't want there to be bad blood between us can we put the past where It belongs. Eric Said

Eric put his hand out for Abby to shack and Abby sighed and took It.

Fine where friends but that's all since I'm with Tony now. Abby Said

Deal and I'm sorry about the whole Gwen thing. Eric Said

No problem but I'm gonna take my man and have a little fun before we go to war. Abby Said

Abby and Tony walked to Abby new room and closed the door and Gwen hugged Eric from behind.

I think me and you should have a little fun too. Gwen Said

Sound good to me. Eric Said

Eric and Abby walked to there room and closed the door leaving Rose and Greg there.

What kind of fun are they have I want It too. Rose Said

Greg blused.

Yeah don't bring that up until where both older. Greg Said

What are you talking wait are they having you know what ? Rose Asked Greg

Greg nodded and Rose blushed.

Ummm wanna go play checkers or read comics or something ? Rose Asked Greg

Sure. Greg Said

Rose and Greg walked to there room.


The ship landed next to Lord Varin's ship and Eric Gwen Abby and Tony walked out to see guards with guns aimed at them.

Make a wrong move and I'll kill you. A Guard Said

Everyone put there hands up and the Guard walked over and took their guns and put hand coffees on them.

Where the two kids ? A Guard Asked Eric

I left them on earth so you guys couldn't get them. Eric lied

The Guard started and Eric for a few seconds then walked away and they were dragged to the throne room to see a giant glowing orb.

What Is that. Abby Said

I don't know but I don't like It. Gwen Said

They were put In front of Lord Varin and a chained up Clara.

Hello son nice to see you joined the party now to get on with the show. Lord Varin Said

What are you talking about ? Eric Asked Lord Varin

before I say anything guards take the two femials to the prison cells.

Ok sir. A Guard Said

The Guards took Abby and Gwen away.

Where are they taking them ? Eric Asked Lord Varin

Oh don't worry they are being well taken care off I can assure you that. Lord Varin Said

 I swear If they are hurt I'll kill you myself. Eric Said

Well that being so let's get ready for the ceremony. Lord Varin Said

What Ceremony ? Eric Asked Lord Varin

Well you see I'm gonna sacrifice you took become a god and have Cara as my Queen. Lord Varin Said

Eric's eyes went wide.

Wait why do you have to sacrifice me ? Eric Asked Lord Varin

Well you see I needed someone with immense power and your It kiddo. Lord Varin Said

Eric looked down and looked back up and broke his hand coffees shocking Lord Varin.

I'm gonna break every damn bone In your body father. Eric Said

Lord Varin chuckled.

Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin charged at Eric.

I ain't holding back anymore son. Lord Varin Said

Rose peeked out of the closet to see two guards looking around there room.

Are they still there. Greg whispered

Yeah I don't think they are gonna leave anytime soon Rose Said

Did you hear something. A Guard Said

No. The Other Guard Said

Huh must have been hearing things. The Guard Said

Greg flung the door open and aimed his gun at one of the guards.

Move and I'll fucking kill you. Greg Said

One of the guards chuckled.

What's so funny ? Greg Asked The Guard

That you think your little gun Is going to hurt us. The Guard Said

The Guard started walking over and Greg shot and killed him shocking the other guard.

P...Please don't kill me. The Guard Said

Don't do anything funny and I won't. Greg Said

Rose walked over and tide the guard up and threw him in the closet and closed It.

Come on we have to make sure there are no other guards In the ship. Greg Said

Ok. Rose Said

Rose and Greg cheeked the rest of the ship and saw no one and sat at the table and waited.

Eric was thrown against the wall and picked up.

Ha this Is too easy. Lord Varin Said

Fuck you. Eric Said

Lord Varin kneed Eric In the gut and threw him on the ground and kicked him.

Ready to give up yet. Lord Varin Said

Never I won't let you win. Eric Said

Then I'll just kill your mother. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin started walking over to Clara

Wait don't do It I'll do what you want. Eric Said

Good now let's get this over with Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin walked over and picked up Eric and walked over to the giant glowing orb.

Now all I have to do Is say the words and wake up the orb so It will give me the powers of a god. Lord Varin Said

Just then Lord Varin was shot In the back and he dropped Eric.

Who has the gall to do that to me. Lord Vairn Said

Lord Vain turned to see Gwen Abby and Clara.

How did you get away from my guards. Lord Varin Said

Well let's just say your guards are In a better place now. Abby Said

Well whatever you three won't stop me anyways. Lord Vairn Said

Wanna bet. Gwen Said

Gwen charged her gun and shot Lord Vain and he Fell Into the org.

NOOOOOOOO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord Varin Yelled

Abby ran over and grabbed Eric and the orb turned red.

AHHHHHHHHHH NO THE ORB IS CONSUMING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord Varin Yelled

Well that's what you get for being an ass. Abby Said

The orb grew eyes and tentacles and roared at them.

Well shit what do we do now. Abby Said

I don't know where all going to die here. Cara Said

Eric stood up and looked at the orb. 

Fuck that I'm gonna kill that thing. Eric Said

What how that thing created the universe. Clara Said

I don't know but I'll find a way. Eric Said

one of the orbs tentacles grabbed Clara.

MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric Yelled Eric ran over and tried to punch to orb but In deflected the attack.

Shit I can't hurt It. Eric Said

Gwen tried to shoot It but It absorbed the bullets.

Shit nothing's working. Gwen Said

There has to be a way. Abby Said

The orb lifted Clara above Its mouth. 

NOOOO MOM!!!!!!!! Eric Yelled

The Orb let go of Clara and swallowed her.

MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric Yelled

Eric started to cry.

T...That's It I'm going to fucking kill this thing. Eric Said

Eric tried to kick It to no avail then Abby tried to punch It.

It's like no one can hurt It from the outside. Abby Said

From the outside that's It I know how to kill this thing. Eric Siad

Wait you aren't going to do what I think your going to do are you. Abby Said

Yes I'm going to let It eat me so I can kill It from the Inside. Eric Said

Abby and Gwen's eyes went wide then Tony ran In with a gun.

What's going on guys. Tony Said

Gwen and Abby looked at Tony.

Tony ware where you ? Gwen Asked Tony

Sorry I got stuck fighting a bunch of guards. Tony Said

Now's my chance. Eric Said

Abby and Gwen looked to see Eric jump at the orb.

ERIC NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abby and Gwen Yelled

Eric jumped Into It's mouth.

                                                                          END OF CHAPTER            

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