Not So Little Secrets

By BrittanaTillWeXO

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Brittana Fic. G!P Brittany switches high schools and instantly takes a liking to head cheerleader Santana Lop... More

Chapter One: Who Are You?!
Chapter Two: Questions & Games
Chapter Three: Figuring Things Out
Chapter Five: First Time For Everything
Chapter Six: Unclear About A lot
Chapter Seven: Misunderstandings & Not So Little Secrets Pt. 1
Chapter Eight: Change Of Directions
Chapter Nine: Adjusting To New Life
Chapter Ten: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Eleven: Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
Chapter Twelve: Misunderstandings & Not So Little Secrets Pt. 2
Chapter Thirteen: It's A Family Reunion
Chapter Fourteen: All The First
Chapter Fifteen: To Take A Chance Or To Not Take A Chance
Chapter Sixteen: Something Old, Something New... Questions & Games Pt. 2
Chapter Seventeen: Going For It
Chapter Eighteen: Opinions That Don't Matter
Chapter Nineteen: Just Getting Started
Chapter Twenty: When One Door Closes...
Chapter Twenty-One: One Big Step After Another
Chapter Twenty-Two: Moving On Up...
Chapter Twenty-Three: 365 Days
Chapter Twenty-Four: Brittana Baby, More Maybe
Chapter Twenty-Five: Things Change
Chapter Twenty-Six: All About Brittany
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Truth Hurts
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Fuck Your Feelings... Kinda
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Something Old, Something New... Questions & Games Pt. 3
Chapter Thirty: Creating New Lives
Chapter Thirty-One: Bed Rest
Chapter Thirty-Two: Definitely Not Piss
Chapter Thirty-Three: Not One... But Two
Chapter Thirty-Four: Going Through The Motions
Chapter Thirty-Five: Stakes Are High... Even For Old People
Chapter Thirty-Six: Mrs. & Mrs. Lopez-Pierce (Part 1)

Chapter Four: Date Night

3K 72 4
By BrittanaTillWeXO

Santana's POV:

So I'm getting ready for my date with Britt and I'm nervous as hell. Britt told me earlier to dress casual, so I got on a short sleeve black v neck, some light blue skinny jeans, black converse with my hair down and a little bit of jewelry. As I check myself in the mirror my 8 year old brother walks by my room.

"Mario come here" I call him.

"Hey San" he says plopping onto my bed.

"I got a date tonight, and I need to look pretty. So how do I look?" I ask him as I do a turn to him.

"Ugh! Cooties." He says as he jumps off my bed and leaves my room. I laugh because I knew that would be his reaction, he's in that "all girls are gross stage" of his life.

"Whatever" I shout to him.

"Don't pay him no mind mija. Estás preciosa mija." Says my Papi.

"Gracias papi" I say.

"By the way, your date is here. So dont be too long." He says.

"No le asustes papi" I shout to him as he laughs while walking out of my room and down the stairs. I need to hurry before he scares her off.


Brittany's POV:

As I walk up to Santana's door, I take a deep breath and check over myself. I got on a red buttoned up flannel over a white T-shirt, light blue skinny jeans with a hole in my right knee, Black timbs (no it's not cold but timbs go with any and everything.), my light blue jean jacket and my hair is in a pony tail under my black Nike ball cap. If there is anything wrong then it's too late now, I knock on the door and step in after this guy who I assume is Santana's father opens the door and let's me in.

"She should be ready, I'll go let her know you're here." He says as he heads upstairs.

I just wait with my hands in my pockets for a few minutes until he comes back down. On his way down the stairs I hear Santana shout to him and I giggle a bit.

"What's so funny" he ask as he takes a seat while offering me a seat.

"Um, nothing sir. I just overheard what Santana said to you on your way down the stairs about you not scaring me off." I say as I take a seat on the long couch. He looks at me before speaking.

"So you speak Spanish. That's already a plus in my book. My wife is always on me about not speaking my 1st language in front of those who don't speak it because it's rude." He says and I just nod knowing that this is the calm before the storm.

"So, you're taking my baby girl out huh? Well let me just tell you. When it comes to my family I don't play. But when it comes to my daughter, my ONLY daughter, I will go threw hell and high-water to insure that there where be hell to pay and a lesson learned for the asshole who caused the pain". He says looking me straight in the eyes just as Santana walks in the living room. We stand and before anyone can move he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"So Brittany, do we have an understanding about you making sure my daughter stays in good hands?" He ask tightening his grip on my shoulder.

"Yes sir". I say and he let's go of my shoulder and pats my back before he walks out the room letting Santana know her curfew will only be extended an extra 2hrs only for tonight.

"Hey you, you look pretty damn good for casual." I say as I walk up to her.

"Thanks but you don't look so bad yourself." She says as she hugs me.

"You ready to go" i ask her, to which she nods.

"So where are we going." She ask as we step outside while she locks up. Walking up to the car I open the passenger door for her to get In and she thanks me when she does. When I get in the driver side and buckle up she speaks.

"How are you driving at 16?" She ask just as I pull onto the road. "I have my permit, but this is Mike's car he let me use." I tell her.

"I thought for sure I was gonna be driving or we would be walking." She says as she grabs my free hand off the armrest and places it in her lap.

"What would you have thought of that? Me taking you out on a date but needing to barrow your car to get us there?" I ask and get my answer when I see her giggling and mumble out "your right" under her breath.

"So again what are we doing tonight?" She ask.

"Nothing over the top, I remembered you telling me some things you liked to do and wanted to so, that's what we're going to do." I answer with a vague answer just as we pull up to to the Carnival.

"Oh my god Britt" she says squeezing my right hand.

"Remember you once told me how you and your father would would go to the Carnival once every year when it came to town? Well look what just so happens to be in town tonight." I say as we walk threw the entrance gate.

After about 2hrs of playing games and winning prizes, Santana and I decide to get on the ferris wheel. The guy managing the ferris wheel is holding our prizes in his section until we finish our ride. While riding, the ride stops at the top for a little bit.

"So how are you liking the date so far?" I ask pulling her closer to me and putting my arm around her shoulder. She leans on me with her head in my neck and her hand on my thigh. The ride starts going again.

"So far so good. This is already the best date I've been on and the night isn't even over yet." She says while smiling with her eyes closed. I smile to myself.

"Well the ride is, so we gotta get up." I say before kissing her on the forehead and helping her step out first.

After we get our things we head to the car. After we get the huge teddy bears in the backseat and the little teddy bears and other small prizes in the trunk, we get in and take off to the next part of the date.

"You know what I just thought?" She ask and continues after I throw her a quick glance before looking back at the road.

"Earlier tonight at my house, my dad was kind of easy on you." She says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask her.

"I don't know, it's just, not like him. He must like you, I mean extra 2hrs on my curfew, you were still there when I came down and I didnt hear a rant going on." She says in astonishment.

"Actually he did rant and got his point across which is why I think he left the room the way he did. It was like he said what he wanted me to hear and he felt that I understood. Which I did." I say as I pull into the drive-in movie theater and pic a spot to park and watch the movie.

"Your just pulling out all the stops tonight aren't you?" She says smiling at me.

"Well, you know, first date has to be the best date. Its the one that counts the most right? It's the one that leads to the possibility of a second date. If this date goes bad, there's more then likely not gonna be another one." I say.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask her as the movie gets ready to start.

"Not yet, I'm still full from the food at the Carnival." She says and I nod in agreement.

"I know exactly what you mean." I quietly say as the movie just started.

When the movie goes off Santana and I get some food and head to the last part of the date which is only about 5mins from here so we get there pretty quick. After I park the car Santana and I walk up this little pathway to the top of a hill. After I sit down on the blanket I help Santana down to sit in between my legs. When she does, I wrap my arms around her with my face in her neck.

"Are you cold?" I ask after feeling her shiver.

"Yeah, it's a little cold out here". She says while rubbing her arms.

"Here take my jacket" I say while removing my jacket and holding it open for her to put her arms in. When she finally has the jacket on she leans back against me and I go back into my previous position.

"I didn't think you knew of this place. But I am so glad that you brought me here". She says looking up at the night's sky. I place one final kiss on her neck before lifting my head and also watching the sky.

"You know...there is only 1 area like this in Lima. It used to be my safe haven for anytime I had a problem, I haven't been back there since I was about 13. None the less, it was always quite, cool, it was a place to think, and it was a nice view of the city. I loved it...I still do. But i always heard that this little spot just outside of Lima, is said to have the best view and I wanted to see for myself, with you." I say before asking her opinion on the location and its view.

"I think I would have to agree, this view is bigger and better. It still gives the same vibe as Lima's spot tho." I nod in agreement.

"I think the one in Lima, is a bit better because of how small it is. In the afternoon, the sun is setting and thats a great view in general. But when it's night time and you look at the car lights as they move, building lights, street lights, traffic lights...along with the stars in the sky. It just lights up the entire view." I say before turning to a gazing Santana. I smile before looking back at the view of the city.

When the date ended I drove us back to Santana's house. After bringing all the prizes and Teddy Bears into her house, we step back outside where we are currently standing on her porch, holding hands.

"I think it's safe to say, that this was by far the best date I've ever been on." She says, smiling while stepping closer and wrapping her arms around my shoulders and putting her face in my neck. I instinctively follow suit, but put my arms around her hips.

"Would it be too much to ask you to be my girlfriend?" I hear her giggle and say no before pressing her lips to my neck.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" I ask with some nervousness.

"Yes Britt, I will be your girlfriend". She says smiling with those damn dimples on full display.

I smile while using my right hand to move some hair out of her face and placing it behind her left ear. Leaning in and kissing her, i cup some of her face and the back of her neck as she moves her hands to go around my midsection.

"It's getting late, so i should probably go now." I suggest while leaning my forehead against hers.

"Yeah you're probably right, but call me when you get home okay?"

I nod and kiss her goodnight one final time before watching her walk inside. Once I'm back in the car, I head home to end this night on a great note with a call to Santana and then a good sleep.

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