Handcuffs Are So Juvenile

By DarkestNight

122K 3.8K 679

Tracy Marcus was a delinquent. And a really good criminal. Every night, she'd be chased by annoyed police, do... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

11.5K 337 42
By DarkestNight

Chapter Six

   I glared up at him as he yanked my arms towards the door. Me? In a small, enclosed space, such as a jail cell? No, thank you! I am proud to say that I have never set foot inside one of those cages. I jerked my arm away and shoved him aside, elbowing him in the gut. He grunted, but quickly regained his footing and dashed after me. Since my hands were cuffed behind my back, it was a bit difficult to run out of the back door. It was my usual escape route.

   "Dammit, stupid handcuffs!" I hissed under my breath. There wasn't enough time for my to take them off, at least not yet. I could practically see the smile on Carter's face if he had heard that. I didn't make it past the fence when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, and the weight of a man pushed against my back, causing me to fall underneath him. I twisted and struggled, trying to get away from him. He merely smirked in triumph.

   "Why don't you just make this easier for both of us and stop resisting?" he suggested arrogantly. I let out a breath of laughter.

   "Ha! Like that's ever going to happen," I scoffed, "Hear me on this, Logan Carter,"

   He raised an eyebrow, interested in what I was going to say. A small distraction, but a distraction all the same.

   "I will resist. No matter what, I will always resist,"

   With that, I kicked my legs under him and lifted him abruptly off of me. I turned, so my back was to him, then swung my conjoined fists at his face. It was quite difficult, since I couldn't move them as freely as I wished, but it served its purpose. The metal hit his soft face, and it caused him to jerk his face sideways and fall over, flat on his face. He slowly and shakily got to his feet again. I was already off, picking the lock as I was running. I looked over my shoulder and saw Carter sprinting after me. I gripped the handcuffs, opened them, and then let them fly. Carter held his arms up to shield his face, and cuffs clasped themselves around one of his wrists. I heard him growl in frustration, but he concentrated on catching me. Good luck with that.

   "Tracy Anne Marcus! I order you to-" he yelled, but I stopped and cut him off. He was panting a bit, but I hadn't even broken sweat yet.

   "You order me? Oh dear, Mister High-and-Mighty, who ever said I gave a damn?" I asked, mockingly.

   "Listen here, bitch, you're really pissing me off," he growled. I gasped dramatically.

   "You cursed!" I shrieked, pointing at him. He groaned, holding his head in the hand that wasn't attached to the handcuff.

   "I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do with you," he muttered. Suddenly, without warning, he lunged at me and grabbed my arms. I struggled, attempting to kick him where it hurts most, but he moved out of the way, as if anticipating my move.

   "Just get in the damn car," he snarled. He was absolutely furious; his eyes were ablaze. Oh, shit. He's seriously pissed. An idea formed in my head, so I complied without a fight. He was too angry to think. He shoved me in the back and climbed in the front, slamming the door with such force that the car swayed a bit.

   During the car ride, I could hear him mutter under his breath, saying things like "Such a bitch," and "Thinks she so amazing," and stuff like that. I snorted, then gasped loudly and pointed at some random car.

   "Oh my gosh!" I screamed, "It's a puppy!"

   Surprised by my outburst, Carter swerved abruptly, nearly crashing into another car. He pulled into a nearby parking lot and turned off the engine.

   "What the hell, Tracy? Don't do that while I'm driving!" I heard him shout, but I was already opening the door and scrambling out. You see, I had 'borrowed' a ring of keys from the guard at the police station the last time I was there, and I never exactly had opportunity to give them back. Well, I never had any intention to return them, anyways.

   "What the-? How the hell did you-" he kept cutting himself off, making him sound quite stupid. I turned around and flashed him a grin.

   "You forgot one important thing, Logan Carter," I called back, running onto the street. Cars screeched to a stop, trying to avoid hitting me. Drivers were yelling profanities at me and sticking their heads out of the windows.

   "And what may that be?" he yelled, pursuing me. It seems as if I'm being chased every single day. Hm, I must be getting a good work out.

   "I'm Tracy Marcus!" I laughed, then jumped onto the hood of a car. The drivers screamed and jerked the wheel around. I motioned for her to stop, but she was freaking out. I sighed and jumped on the roof of the car, hoping I don't cause her to crash. I leap off of the car and dodged a few others. Horns were honking and beeping. I'm so chaotic.

   "Get back here!" Carter's handsome face was red. I smirked and went over to a nearby gas station. I hijacked a random car and sped off, with Officer Carter panting behind me.

   "What is it this time?" Jake groaned. I tugged on his arm. It went limp, so I just dropped it back onto his bed. I yanked the blankets off of him. He jumped up and glared at me, shivering slightly from the coolness of his room. He always liked to freeze his room so he could huddle under layers and layers of quilts.

   "We need to get going, like, now!" I hissed through clenched teeth, "I'm in for it big time,"

   "Oh, god, okay, let's go," he ushered me to the open window I had climbed through. I slid down and gripped the edge of the window sill. I silently slithered down the wall, Jake following me with much more noise. When he was about two feet from the ground, his left foot missed and he fell to the ground, letting out a moan. I rolled my eyes and helped him up.

   "Clumsy," I muttered. He huffed and strode to the car.

   "So, what's going on?" he asked, once we both were in the car. I explained how I got arrested and ran off. He sighed, patting my head.

   "My dear Tracy, you are seriously screwed," he commented sadly.

   "As if I didn't already know that," I murmured, "I'm on the run. I'm a fugitive, now. Well, actually, I've always been one," I realized, a smile creeping onto my lips. Fugitive. I like the sound of that.

   "I'm coming with you," announced Jake. I stared at him.

   "You don't have to," I said, quickly. He smiled.

   "I want to," he replied. My smile grew larger, and I gave him a one-armed hug.

   "Okay, first stop is my house," I decided, "I need to get my bag,"

   He nodded, completely understanding the importance of my bag. We drove in silence for a while, until I stopped a block away from my house. I shut off the engine and got out, looking at Jake from the open window.

   "Stay here," I ordered quietly. He nodded again, and I slipped down the street at a slight jog. As I expected, two police cruisers were parked in my driveway. Sneaking to the side of my house, I pushed open my window and stepped inside.

   I grabbed my bag and started my hasty retreat, but suddenly, the door swung open, and in stepped Officer Powell, an older officer that I had encountered a few weeks ago.

   "You!" he yelled, and ran towards me. Unfortunately for him, he tripped on the leg of my nightstand and fell to the floor. I jumped out of the window and dashed for the car. Jake saw me, with four cops chasing after me, and started the car. The engine roared to life, and I hopped in the car. He floored the gas pedal, and we sped off. We heard gunshots going off, but no bullet hit the car.

   "Jeez, Tracy, couldn't you have just sneaked in?" Jake asked, driving ten miles over the speed limit.

   "I did!" I exclaimed, "But at that exact moment, they decided to search my room,"

   "What a coincidence," he commented. I nodded, then searched through my bag. I withdrew a small pistol and rolled down the window. I aimed up in the sky and fired.

   "Fuck off!" I yelled, then rolled the window back up. Jake let out a short laugh.

   "That was... interesting," he said, keeping his eyes on the road.

   "So... let's just go to a BP or something, this baby's low," I ordered, peering at the gas gauge.

   "Your wish is my command," he responded, making a sharp right turn. I rolled my eyes.

   "Just shut up and drive," I muttered. He chuckled and patted my head. I waved his hand away.

   We pulled up next to a gas pump. Jake got out and I handed him a credit car. Not mine, of course. Someone intelligently left their wallet on top of a chair in a restaurant, and they never seemed to think of cancelling their cards. Then again, they were filthy rich. I hacked into their bank account and saw that they weren't in any debt at all. Not to mention that they had eighty dollars in the wallet.

   It makes me wonder about some of the people in society today.

   I waited patiently in the car, while Jake filled the tank. I started to hum a random tune that I was making up as I went along, lost in thought.

   "What song is that?" I jumped when I realized that Jake was already behind the wheel again.

   "I was making it up," I replied.

   "Where to now?" he asked. Oh, I forgot where exactly we were going to go to now.

   "Uh... that is a very excellent question," I said, thinking of places we could go.

   "You don't know, do you?" he responded with a knowing look. I nodded sheepishly. He got out of the car and circled around, opening the door for me.

   "Then why don't we go ahead, buy some paint, switch licenses with another car, and get a map from the store?" he suggested. My mouth dropped. I hadn't thought of that. My face broke out into a grin.

   "Jake," I began, "You're a genius!"

   "I try to not let it show," We laughed as we walked into the small store. I scanned the rows of chips and sodas, looking for a map. We found some near the cash register. I opened it up and laid it flat against the counter.

   "Okay, so, why don't we just start off by staying at a hotel?" I suggested. Jake nodded. He trailed his finger along a tiny red road, finding the closest hotel to us.

   "We are here," he pointed to a small dot on the map, "And the nearest hotel is here," he pointed to another dot.

   "So the shortest distance would be along this road, and then up this way," I said, trailing the same road Jake had just pointed to. He nodded.

   "Well, we since we'll be going on a little road trip," I began, my  face lighting up, "we may need to get some... snacks for on-the-go?"

   Jake grinned, "I like the way you think."

   We spent the following ten minutes running up and down the aisles, grabbing bags of food that appeased us. With armfuls of bags, we swiftly paid for them and then walked back to the car. Shoving them into the trunk, we got back into the front and drove off, excited by what awaited us the next few days.

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