The Marrige By Law.

By Too_Slytherin_2_Care

146K 2.5K 1.1K

it's been eleven months since the war with the dark lord and Hogwarts was back in order, Hermione Granger wou... More

I'm head girl?
Marriage?! Law?!
I'm going to marry who?!
I hate you, I really do
That Bloody, Weasley
Weasley will pay.
The kiss.
Zabini? Why?
Zabini? why? (Part two)
I F*cking love you.
I F*cking love you. (Part two)
πŸ’š "Bite me."πŸ’š
(Competition Time!)
πŸ’šπŸ–€ "stay away from me" πŸ’šπŸ–€
πŸ’” "What I've done." πŸ’”
Watch out
"I love you"
It's really real
UPDATE: I'm back.

πŸ–€ "I kissed Malfoy"πŸ–€

6.5K 113 135
By Too_Slytherin_2_Care


The (POVS) are going to change a lot throughout this chapter XD

Draco's POV (earlier that evening) 

 I laid there in my rather uncomfortable bed staring at the cieling. How could I sleep? There are far too many things on my mind for me to even think about sleeping for example, 

Blaise and Pansy,

  his voice in my head constantly, 

The marriage law,

 and the fact that I have to marry a girl who hates me.

I was just about to drift off when I heard a faint sob, which turned into a loud scream, which turned into several loud screams. I hated listening to Granger scream, it only reminded me of the time I had stood by and watched her get tortured by my aunt. I put a hand through my hair not caring about the impact it would have on my hair in the morning and got out of my bed and made my way across the hallway towards Granger's dorm. I knocked quietly on her door, Incase she was awake. She wasn't. I opened the door to her dorm which to my surprise wasn't charmed locked. I walked over to Granger whom laid in her bed tossing and turning screaming out for her mother. 

For some foreign reason, my heart broke as tears streamed down her flushed cheeks as she screamed louder. I brought myself back into reality and sat down next to her. I put both my hands on her shoulders and shook her gently.

"Granger...Granger!" I yelled in hopes that she would wake up, though she didn't. I shook her more aggressively and yelled her name again, this time she woke up and burst into tears.


"I don't cut." Granger stated to my relief after a while of me holding her in my arms as she cried into my chest. I smiled and stared into her chocolate colored eyes for a while whilst processing what I were about to say to the girl with the bushy hair and bucked teeth I had thought I hated, looking at her now, her hair wasn't "Bushy" at all, nor were her teeth "Bucked". She was beautiful, anyone who thought otherwise must've been bloody blind.


"Yes?" Granger replied, her voice sounding much more steady than it had been before when she'd told me that she'd wanted everything to stop, which worried me slightly.

"I'm going to kiss you now." I stated and smiled at the sight of her cheeks turning crimson. I grew more and more nervous every second she remained silent just looking at me expressionless.

"Kiss me Malfoy." Granger said out of no where with a smile.

And I didn't have to be told twice, traced my thumb over bottom lip then placed my hand on her chin and pulled her closer to me. 

"Granger are you sur- 

I was interrupted immediately by Granger's warm lips pressing against mine, I ran a hand through her hair as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I pulled her closer to me so that there really wasn't any space between us, Granger slid her hand up my neck and into my hair, I placed my hand on her neck and pushed her closer to me, if that were possible,  my hand made its way up and down Granger's arm before blindly reaching the strap of her dark gray vest and sliding it down her arm, Granger didn't seem to notice but I did, and stopped it immediately before I could let myself go any further, I wanted to stop everything that was happening all together but I couldn't bring myself to pull away. Granger pulled away slightly and grinned.

"Just wait 'till your father hears about this." Granger giggled.

"Very funny Granger." I chuckled menacingly before pushing her down on the bed with my index finger, I towered over her small figure and pressed my lips to hers yet again. Something crossed my mind whilst she grew extremely stiff under my body. I smirked subconsciously.

"Granger. Are you a virgin?" 

Granger sighed and glared at me.

"Get off of me Malfoy." Granger rolled her eyes. I chuckled, despite my disappointment in myself, Granger was a surprisengly good kisser, and I just ruined any chance of continuing to kiss the good kisser.

"What's wrong?" I chuckled as I rolled off of her and laid next her on the bed.

"You had to spoil the moment didn't you?" Granger pouted.

"The moment? " I mocked.

"Yes Malfoy, The moment." Granger huffed.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, I stroked my knuckles over her forearm causing her to blush fiercely. "Well I'll just be going then." I stated, smirking to myself as I sat up and started to get up off of the edge of the bed but stopped when a cold hand entwined it's fingers in mine.

"Don't go." Granger said more seriously.

"Oh but I thought I ruined the moment?" I said as I turned around to face her and raised and eyebrow at her.

Her chocolate eyes connected with my gray ones for a slight second, I could have sworn that I saw a hint of desperation in her eyes. She really didn't want me to go, I wished I could help her dreams go away, after all I knew what she was going through and I wouldn't wish the process on anyone. But as it is, I'm going through almost the exact same thing, and if I can deal with it I know Hermione Granger can. But I'm not going to leave her, not now, and I'm not sure if this was for Granger's comfort or my own all I knew was that every instinct in my body was telling me to stay. 

"OK I'll stay with you." I stated softly as I laid down and propped myself up on one elbow so that I was facing her, but she looked away, glancing at any part of the room she could without glancing at me once. She looked at me and then threw the covers over her face. I pulled the blanket off of her face and smiled at her.

"Come here." I chuckled and pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her body as if I were protecting her, I don't know why but I felt like I needed to do that.

"Malfoy? Can I ask you a very odd question?" Granger asked, her voice muffled by my shirt.

"Go ahead." I said quietly as I played with a strand of  her hair repeatedly wrapping it around my finger.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Granger asked so quietly I barely heard her.

"Granger that isn't even merely a question, you're not're Gorgeous." I stated sternly. She didn't say anything after that, only, "goodnight Malfoy."

"Goodnight Granger."


Hermione's POV 

"You did what!?" Ginny asked in disbelief, but she wasn't mad, she wasn't even surprised which was odd, she just...being Ginny.

"I kissed Malfoy." I almost squeaked.

"When!?" Ginny giggled excitedly.

"Last night." I coughed awkwardly, knowing that she would take this completely the wrong way.

"Oh, I see." Ginny shifted awkwardly trying to keep a straight face and hold in her giggling.

"Did you at least use a protection spell?" Ginny blurted outcwith a huge grin plastered across her face like a poster. felt my eyes widen at such an assumption.

"Merlin Ginny. No! Just No! I did not do such a thing! It was just a kiss, a KISS!" I yelled causing several students in the library to send me dirty looks. 

"Oh, my bad. Are you still a..." Ginny trailed off still giggling like a small child who had  consumed too much sugar.

"Virgin?" I finished her sentence and arched an eyebrow at her.

"Well, um, yes." She admitted.

"Yes I am and I have no intention of changing that until I am ready. Not anyone else. Me." I said sternly and resumed reading the book that laid in front of me on the desk Ginny and I were sitting at.

"But what if Malfo-

"Sod off Gin!" I giggled as she put her hands up in surrender.

"Oh my god!" Ginny shrieked despite my telling her to leave.

"For merlin's sake Ginny, what?" I demanded frustrated. All I wanted to do was read my book in peace.

"You're DRAMIONE!" Ginny squealed causing yet more students to glance in our way.

"What?" I said flatly.

"Draco..Hermione...Dramione.." Ginny giggled.

"I know what you meant Ginny. But why? Just..why?" I sighed shaking my head at her childishness."

"And why do you have to meddle with my name?" I added.

"Uh, duh. Because Haco does not sound cute. At all." Ginny explained flatly.

"Haco?..." I raised and eyebrow.

"Draco her- Ginny started.

"You know what never mind." I chuckled. I continued read my book in hopes that Ginny would get bored and go and find Harry and pester him for a while. As much as I love Ginny to absolute pieces, she was bloody infuriating at times. Especially when it came to the male population of my life.

"Mione?" Ginny peered over my shoulder as I continued to read my book, it was rather interesting, and it was the only thing that could keep my mind off of last night. I kissed, Malfoy or Malfoy kissed me? I'm not certain, but one thing I was certain about was that I enjoyed it, I just don't know why or how I enjoyed it. Ginny pulled a chair out in front of me and sat herself down and looked at me in awe.

"Yes, Ginny?" I sighed knowing she was going to say something I wasn't going to like, of course I didn't know what she was going to say exactly  but I knew the subtext of the things she was going to say.

"I'm going to lunch with Ron and Harry" Ginny hesitated for a second before adding, "are you going to join us?" 

I thought about it for a second, before looking her in the eye, oh how I regretted doing that, she was so persuasive and manipulative, but she's Ginny Weasley.

Oh how I love Ginny Weasley.

"Okay, I'll go but on one condition?" I said sternly. Ginny's eyes lit up with excitement as I started levitating the rather large pile of books I had back onto their shelves.

"Yes?" Ginny asked enthusiastically as she also attended to the books.

"You don't pester me about eating, Draco already does enough of that." I sighed. I turned around to a jaw dropped Ginny clutching a book in her hands as if her life depended on it.

"Are you alright?" I arched an eyebrow at her in concern, completely oblivious as to why she was acting so strange all of a sudden.

"You just called Malfoy(  )Draco!" Ginny squeaked and my eyes widened. what had I gotten myself into?

"No-I-um..well that's his name isn't it?" I stuttered awkwardly as we made our way over to the entrance which was now the exit of the library. To my relief Ginny remained silent for the rest of our journey to the Great Hall, only glancing and smirking at me every now and then which made me uncomfortable but at least she wasn't blabbering on about..what did she call it? "Dramione" what kind,of name is that anyway? It's comletely and utterly pathetic.

 As we entered the overwhelmingly large room I spotted Both Harry and Ron chatting with Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas. Then a thought crossed my mind as Ginny and I sat ourselves down next to the boys, I had to have a meal with my fiancé everyday for the foreseen future. Oh How wonderful. 

"Alright Hermione?" Dean asked casually as he made up a plate for himself, I greeted him with a small nod, not really in the mood for a casual breakfast conversation, especially not today.

I glanced at Harry who seemed to be trying his best to avoid looking at me, as if I were some sort of disease he had to avoid. I miss Harry so much, I miss Harry and Ron I love them both to pieces I couldn't bare being apart form them for so long. It was killing me. I looked at the food on the table and bit my lip. I was going to regret this, but I'm doing this for my friends. It's the only way I can get them back now.

"Ginny? Could you pass the toast?" I asked politely, ignoring the gasps of surprisement from the five Gryffindor students as Ginny passed me the plate of toast hesitantly as she scanned my face carefully.

I looked at the plate of toast carefully trying my absolute best not to have a complete met down and embarrass myself in front of half of Hogwarts.

Breathe Hermione, it's just food. You're doing this for the people around you who love. You can do this. Eat. I reminded myself over and over again as I took a slice of toast and placed it down on my plate reluctantly. I started eating and occasionally joining in Ginny and Harry's conversation which must have meant that me eating made Harry realise that I'm at least trying.

I finished my food. Every bite of it. Which made me feel extremely nauseous. I glanced around the room bordly as the conversation between Harry and Ginny turned into a conversation about their sex life, I most definitely was not going to join in on that conversation.

There was still half an hour of lunch left and I had nothing to talk about and no one to talk with, I hadn't even brought a book with me today which was odd of me, considering I bring a spare book or two for reasons like this one in particular as Harry and Ginny spoke of their certain romances quite often.

 I snuck a glance at the Slytherin table, and unintentionally my eyes met his grey ones, why was he looking at me? How long had he been looking at me!? 

My nausea grew stronger as every second passed by, I pulled my eyes away from Malfoy's and turned back to dean and Seamus, my eyes widened at the sight of them holding hands, who knew? "Are you two betrothed!?" I blurted out with a large smile plastered across my face. 

"Well uh, yes and no." Seamus stated awkwardly.

"It's complecated." Dean said as he turned and smiled at Seamus.

"I won't tell anyone." I smiled at the two. Harry Ron and Ginny were far too involved in their conversation to have noticed what we were talking about. Seamus gave me a thankful smile and I nodded at him.

My nausea grew more and more stronger. I couldn't hold it in. I got up from my seat and sprinted down Great hall not caring about the several head's turning my way.


Ginny's POV

"Ginny?where are you going?" Ron asked as if it were any of his business. I had gotten up out of my chair as soon as I saw that Hermione and had rushed down the Great Hall and out of the hallyway.

"After Hermione of course!" I snapped.

"Ron, try not to be so idiotic for once mate." Harry rolled his eyes at Ron and gave me a sweet smile which made my knees melt. I can't believe I will be marrying this man. I glanced around the room noting that Hermione had ran out of the hall completely when I saw The sneaky Blonde Slytherin himself jog after her.

I turned towards the boys again and sat myself Bach down. Harry arched an eyebrow at me noting my smirk.

"Aren't you going after her?" Harry asked glancing at the entrance.

"Nope. I think she'll be well taken care of." I stated trying not to giggle like a small child.

"What are you on about?" Ron muttered.

"I'm not talking to you Ronald." I stated flatly.

"You just did mate." Ron pointed out snidely. 

I huffed and turned to Harry.


Draco's POV (a few minutes earlier)

I hooked eyes with her noting her confused expression carefully.

"You're staringgg" Blaise said in a high pitched tone.

"I don't care Blaise." I stated flatly not breaking eye contact with Granger.

"Can we just forget this whole thing? Please" Blaise asked more seriously.

Granger broke contact and turned to her "friends"  as she liked to call them when in reality they weren't really her friends at all, if they were she wouldn't look how she does now. I turned my focus onto the pleading Blaise beside me, it's rich how he expects me to forget everything he's done, yet he brings up the term Death eater pretty much every time we're acquainted.

"Sure Blaise." I rolled my eyes, though I meant it. I needed a male friend n my life even if he did talk shit and shag Pansy. Blaise's face lit up at my words but he remained calm and resumed talking.

"So" Blaise said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yes Blaise?" I asked reluctantly knowing he was going to talk about a touchy subject.

"How long have you fancied her then?" He asked resting his face on his hands as if waiting for details like a teenaged girl.

"What!?" I asked avoiding looking him in the eye. Blaise could see through anyone...not that I had anything for him to see through.

"Pfft, please. Ginny told me all the details so uh yeah. Unleash your secrets!" Blaise ordered with a large alarming Cheshire grin on his face.

"She's just she's I l-wait what? The weaselette? gossip with the weaselette?..." I asked holding back the burst of laughter threatening to blast out at any second.

"Problem?" Blaise stared deep into my none existent soul.

I put my hands up in surrender as I smirked. "No nope, not at all." 

"Um, Draco? A girl asked from behind me. Astoria Greengrass I think her name was.

"Preasent." I said making Blaise chuckle quietly.

"Isn't that Hermione Granger? Your betrothed?" She asked glancing toward the Gryffindor table.

"Yes wh-." I started before turning around to see a very pale Granger running toward the Entrence of the Great Hall.


"Well? Aren't you going to go after her?" Blasie asked smirking.

"Already there." I stated getting up from my chair.

I followed her out of the Hall and into the hallway. "Granger!" I yelled as I jogged after her. She ran into the girls lavatories without acknowledging me. I decided I would wait for her outside of the lavatories.

No matter the circumstance...

I would always wait for Granger.


(3110 Words)

okay, I know I said this was going to be emotional but I kind of took a turn in the direction I was going for because today has been an awful day and I really don't want to make a sad chapter, I will next time though, I know what I'm planning for the next chapter too. You yeah guys, sorry for the suspense and then not relieving your suspense XD

Until next time

~Leah 🖤

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