If Love Can Fade

By AlyssaRenaey

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"I was the girl who just couldn't love enough and he was the boy who loved a little too much" ~*~*~*~ Claire... More

If Love Can Fade
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

69 6 5
By AlyssaRenaey

The walk home wasn't as long as it had been this morning, especially with Payson as company. One conversation led to the next as we continued to mess around, not a single moment of silence. When we get to my house I unlock the door and lead the way to my room with Payson following close behind me.

"I love your room," she squeals. "It's so unique."

"Yeah, I guess." I laugh as I look around my room. It's really not much, but I had a lot of free time before school had started and I needed something to entertain myself. There's not a lot of space, but it's cozy. The walls are a simple cream color, mostly because I prefer more neutral colors rather than bright, vibrant colors, but it also looks very nice and clean. My king sized bed that's shoved into the corner is covered in lavender sheets, blankets, and pillows. My dresser is a little small, but my closet has a ton of room so I don't use my dresser much anyways. It's mostly filled with candy, extra pencils and paper, and other feminine products. The very bottom drawer is filled with my bras and panties. On top of the dresser is a big mirror, my favorite star shaped lamp, and a few pictures of my mom and me. My desk is very neat and well kept, I like to keep it clean so there is no chance of harming my laptop. It took almost two years to save up for it. The remainder of my room is decorated with many band posters, magazine/newspaper article, and maps.

"I think it's very creative, it all just seems to fit together." She scans across the room a few times before her gaze lands on one of the many maps. "What are all the markings?"

"Each marking represents a place I want to travel. Different cities in the UK, US, Australia, etcetera." I point to each of the maps. "I've always wanted to travel the world, take in as much as I can. Of course I'm still young, so it will be a few more years until I actually go anywhere, but I have my whole life ahead of me."

"I think it's awesome that you have such big dreams."

"Yeah, gives me something to look forward to in the future." I smile at her.

"Well, if you need a travel buddy in the future, you know who to come to." She says, pointing at her own smiling face.

"I'll keep that in mind for future reference."

"So do you play?" She walks over and picks up my guitar from the far corner of the room before handing it to me. She turns back and begins going through my music selection, consisting of over two hundred CDs and Vinyl's. I lost track awhile back, but whenever I got the chance to buy a new album, I took it and added it to my overflowing collection.

"Yeah, for almost eight years now." I was nine, almost ten when I first started. It was originally just a distraction, something to keep my mind off things. It wasn't long before I actually fell in love with the instrument. It's not the only one I've learned to play, but it is by far my favorite.

"Do you play any other instruments?" She asks, turning over one of the albums.

"Piano, violin, flute, and cello. I also know some percussion, but not much." I explain, adjusting my guitar to playing position. I only play a few notes, due to the fact that I haven't played in a few weeks and it's a little out of tune.

"Maybe you could play me a song?"

"Rain check," I suggest. I've never played in front of another person before and the thought scares me.

"I'll hold you to that. Now let's watch a movie?" I nod at her suggestion. "Do you have ice cream and popcorn?"

"Yeah, I think so." I walk out of my room with Payson next to me. I turn the light off behind the two of us before heading down to the kitchen in search of snacks.

We both help ourselves to a big bowl of ice cream and a bag of popcorn to share, half of which Payson adds to her ice cream, before we settle in to watch a movie. This new town is nowhere close to as bad as I thought it would be. Sure it's a bit of an adjustment, but once I'm settled in I'll be able get that new start that I desperately need and always wanted. Maybe I'll even be able to make a few friends to help pass the time.

I force myself out of bed the next morning. I rub at my burning eyes, exhausted from lack of sleep. Payson left after two full movies before promising that next time we would go to her house. I spent hours afterwards finishing my homework which had caused me to skip dinner. I went straight to bed when I was finished, but that didn't help much. I woke up almost two hours ago, unable to go back to sleep. Instead I resorted to counting multiple objects throughout my room like posters, outlets, writing objects. I even counted insects at one point, only because there was a spider on the wall and I was freaked out. As far as I could tell it was a lone wolf and I refused to bother it. Instead I stared at it until it was no longer in sight, which freaked me out even more. The thought of it slowly crawling towards me is what boosted me into action.

I decided against a morning shower, instead I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before proceeding with my usual morning routine. I didn't spend too much time getting ready today. I did, however, add a little more makeup than I usually would to hide the dark bags that are currently resting tiredly under my eyes. After mentally preparing myself to face the world, I grab my phone off charge and my backpack before making my way to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

"Good morning, sweetheart." My mom greets me from her seat at the table, setting down the newspaper she had been reading. "How'd you sleep?" She always has a way of knowing that something is up. She knows that I had a hard time sleeping and she wants me to open up to her instead of stressing, but she knows that I can't. It will end up the same way all the other conversations revolving around this topic do, crushed into oblivion.

"I slept just fine. What about you?" I ask, pouring myself a cup of coffee from the pot my mom had made before I came down. I add a bit of sugar and stir absentmindedly.

"Good." There's a slight pause before, sucking in a small breath, bracing herself. "Listen, I'm sorry about the other day. I pushed too hard when I knew that you wouldn't be able to take it all in at once. I should have given you time to think it over."

"Time." I echo.

"Yes, time. I know this is hard for you, but I still want you to think about it. You don't have to come up with an immediate answer, just think it over."

I trace my teeth with the tip of my tongue, keeping my calm. I know what she's suggesting, but I still have to ask just in case. There's still a little piece of me that hopes that one day she'll take my side. That she'll wake up and realize that I'm not lying, I didn't ask for any of this to happen. "Think about what, exactly?"

"Talking to your dad, give him another shot."

I finally lose it, my calm façade quickly slipping out of my grip. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"Just calm down, Claire. Let's just talk about it. We can invite him over for dinner and we can all sit down and have a civil conversation." She pleads.

"You are unbelievable!"

"He's your father."

"Mom," I take a moment to pull myself back together, I promised myself that I wasn't going to cry anymore. Not over him. "I think he lost the privilege to be called my father years ago." The venom in my voice surprises both me and my mom, she flinches back as if I had physically hit her and I take that as my queue to leave, grabbing my phone and bag in the process.

On my way out of the front door, I check the time on my phone only to realize that it's twenty till seven. That gives me over an hour before I have to be at school. There is no way I'm going back into my house, instead I'll waste my time walking around. It's not like there is anything better to do in this town. Rounding a corner, a familiar form materializes in front of me and I slow to a stop.

"Someone is perceptive today." The voice, which I recognize as Garrett's, drawls out. I quickly turn my face, obscuring it from his line of vision. I may be an expert at concealing the pain, but the minute someone realizes that something is wrong, that is when I break. I am not in the mood and Garrett is the last person I want to see me like this.

"Not today," I push past him, but he's quick to grab my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "Please."

"Have you been crying?" There's a hint of sincerity in his voice, but I'm not going to let that fool me. He's just going to use my weakness against me.

"That is none of your business." I yank my arm free and push past him, but I don't get too far away before he pulls me back and turns me so that were face to face. What is with him, why can't he just let me go in peace?

"Have you been crying?"

I swallow the knot in back of my throat. "No," I advert my eyes away from his, but it's difficult with him standing directly in front of me. I can almost feel his gaze on me, studying my movements. "Please, just let me go."

"Claire," the sound of my name rolling off of his lips is all it takes for me to break. It's always that moment when someone is about to ask 'What's wrong' and everything you've been holding in just all falls out. His voice was so sincere, so quiet and soft. My knees go weak and I drop to the ground. Garrett kneels next to me and wraps a firm arm around me, bringing me close to his chest. "It's okay," he whispers soothingly into my ear. I cry quietly into his soft, navy blue shirt. I'm not really sure how long we stay like this, me crying on the shoulder of an egotistical asshole, but once I calm down a bit he stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me toward what I suspect to be his house.

"Would you like some coffee?" He offers, as we enter the house. I take in the beautiful décor surrounding me. His house is very nice, his family obviously has money and great taste. I nod in his direction, not trusting myself to talk just yet. "Okay," he continues to lead me through his house and to a rather small, cozy kitchen. He sits me down at the table off to the left of the room before walking over and starting a fresh pot of coffee. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I just... I had an argument with my mom." I offer.

"It seems a little more complex than some silly argument with your mom." I expect to look up and find him laughing at me, like I'm some kind of sad pathetic joke. Instead, he studies me with curious eyes.

"She wants me to talk to my dad."

"And?" He asks, utterly confused. I look away, avoiding all eye contact. This is not happening, not right now and probably not ever. I'm not going to just open up and spill to some random stranger because he offered me a bit of attention.

"What are you doing up so early?" I ask, trying to divert the attention away from me.

Fortunately, he doesn't push the subject any further. "Well, I was getting ready to go over to a friend's place."

"At seven in the morning? It's a little early, don't you think?"

"He usually works night shifts, so he'll just now be getting home." He explains, before walking towards the door. "You are welcome to join if you like, it won't take long and then I can give you a ride to school." I nod, thankful for a distraction and follow him out of the house and to his car. The drive from his house to his friend's apartment wasn't long at all and Garrett was quiet the whole way there. When the car is parked, I get out and follow him up to the third door on the left and watch him knock. The door opens and a guy, in his early twenties, pops his head out with a goofy yet attractive grin.

"Where have you been hiding, man? I haven't seen you in weeks!" He laughs, pulling Garrett in for a quick hug.

"I've been around," Garrett replies as he pulls away with a giant smile plastered on his face. They share a few moments of silence, communicating with their eyes before his friend notices me silently standing off to the side.

"Who is your gorgeous lady friend over there?" He flashes a smile and sends a wink in my direction while he waits for Garrett's reply. Wait, let's back it up for a minute. Did he just call me gorgeous? As if. I'm average and boring and quite frankly a little flattered by the compliment. What can I say, I don't usually get compliments or any form of attention from attractive guys. However, judging by his ego we have a player in our midst.

"Oh, right. Derek this is Claire. Claire, this is my very good friend Derek."

"It's nice to meet you," I reply and offer him my hand. He takes my hands in his, leaning forward to plant a kiss of the back of it.

"The pleasure is all mine," He winks, causing me to giggle. "Please, come in. Make yourself at home" He steps back, giving the two of us enough space to get through his doorway and into is apartment. He follows in after us, shutting the door in the process. "So, what brings you to my humble abode?"

"Well, I actually have some stuff going on out of town. If you're available, I could use your help?" Garrett replies. Derek mimics his seriousness as he takes a seat across from him on the arm chair.


"As soon as I drop Claire off at school. I know it's last minute, but it just came up. We'll be back this afternoon at the latest."

After he drops me off? Why would he offer me a ride to school if he's not attending himself. Not only is it a waste of gas, but he could get caught dropping me off and get in trouble for skipping.

"Just give me a few minutes to gather a few things and I'll be set to go. I have to call off sick to work for tonight and we'll have to drop Callie off at the sitters on our way out." Derek's voice slowly dies away as he leaves us alone in the living room and enters another room off to the side.


"His dog, she's like his baby." Garrett explains before he releases a short but quiet whistle. I hear her nails on the hardwood floor before I see her scurrying out of the same room Derek entered a few moments ago. She quickly runs into Garrett's arms, happy to see him. He pets her head while she attacks him with wet, slobbery kisses. "I missed you too Cal," he laughs.

"I didn't know you weren't going to school, if I did I wouldn't have come along" I say, remembering what he said earlier. At the sound of my voice, Callie stops her assaults on Garrett. Her head snaps in my directions as if just realizing the new scent in the room. Within seconds, she's happily cuddled into my lap.

"What?" He asks, watching me pet Callie.

"If I knew that you weren't going to school, I would've just kept walking."

"Don't be silly, I don't mind giving you a ride. Besides, it's on my way out of town. I wouldn't have offered if it was an inconvenience." Instead of being snarky, I nod my head. No need to start an unnecessary argument over nothing. He's being civil with me today and there's no need to piss him off while I'm in some stranger's house.

Derek pops his head out a few minutes later, letting Garrett know that he'll be just another minute. Instead of waiting. Garrett hooks Callie up to a leash, grabs a bag from beside the door, along with two food bowls. "We can wait for him in the car." I stand up and follow him out of the apartment. While Garrett walks Callie around the front yard, I get in the backseat of his car. When the door opens, Callie hops in and settles down on my lap.

"You could have sit up front. You're going to be covered in dog hair." Garrett looks back at me through the rearview when he gets in and buckles his seatbelt.

"I don't mind, beside I'm smaller. Derek will probably be more comfortable up front rather than crowded back here." Garrett looks like he's about to object when the passenger door opens and Derek gets in,

Without further discussion the car lurches forward and onto the road. The dog sitter, Vanessa, only lives about a five minutes drive away from Derek's apartment. Garrett and I watch from our seats while he drops off Callie, probably explaining to Vanessa when he will be back. She waves at him with a kind smile as he walks away and then continues to lead Callie into her house. After Derek is safely back in his seat, Garrett restarts the car and is back on the road. Another five minutes or so and we are pulling into the parking lot outside of the school. I unbuckle my seatbelt before he parks and scoot close to the door, ready for a quick escape.

As soon as the car is in park, I open the door, "Thank you for the ride."

"Anytime, I'll see you tomorrow?" This was posed as a question, instead of a statement.

Was he asking permission or confirming that I'll see him in school tomorrow? Instead of confusing myself further, I answer with a simple nod as I push one foot out the door.

"It was nice meeting you, Derek" I say, before climbing the rest of the way out of the car. I shuffle in the direction of the school quickly, but quickly halt when I hear my name being called behind me.

"Wait!" I turn to see Garrett jogging towards me, "You forgot your bag."

I look down at my bag he's holding and reach out to grab it, heat rising in my cheeks.

How do I forget my bag when all my school essentials are in it? I would probably lose my head if it weren't attached. "Thanks," I reply in a voice just a little above that of a whisper, looping my arm through the strap on my bag.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he laughs, turning on heel and walking back to his car.

When I finally feel adjusted, I turn and start walking toward the main doors. Halfway through the parking lot, I'm met face to face with a girl who I recognize from my classes. Samantha, I think is her name.

"What do you think you're doing riding to school with my boyfriend?" She asks in an accusatory tone. Remembering back to what Payson mentioned the other day, Samantha is very possessive over Garrett.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was trespassing on someone else's territory," I retort.

"Well now you do, so stay away." She stomps her foot pathetically before strutting in the opposite direction. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and continue walking towards the front doors of the school. I don't want to be late and I still have to meet up with Payson in the cafeteria.


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