Crazy for Love

By TaylorCole94

691 8 7


Crazy for Love
Jerk off
New Look
New year

Hide and seek

42 0 1
By TaylorCole94

**Note: Maybe it's just me but I really didn't like my last chapter. I'm not sure whether or not I should delete or re-write it. hmmm....

     I've been really stressed out lately, and been gaining weight like crazy. My emotions have gone haywire. I'm an emotional wreck. To top it all off I had a research paper due by the end of the week for my physc class, and I haven't even started. Dave wasn't making things any better. 4 months and 22 days since we started whatever it was we have going on between us. Running my hand though my hair, I groaned in frustration. "Why me?" hooking up with Dave was probably one of the worst mistakes of my life. Dave’s just not my type of guy he is way too clingy. I would just tell him to fuck off but I feel bad he’s a nice guy he doesn’t deserve to be treated the way I’m treating him, but I’m not gonna lie though I do enjoy the attention I’m getting from him. I’m a bad person. I’ve spent the whole week ignoring him. The one guy, who treats me good, would be someone I have no interest in what so ever. I like him but at the same time I don't. Groaning I turn to lay flat on my stomach. I grab my laptop ready to start working. I need to focus and finish this paper.  30 mins later all I had was one page with too many mistakes. You could say I was beyond frustrated with myself because I know I'm capable of better work.

     All I need is a break and sometime to think. Dave text me letting me know he was on his way to pick me up to go see a movie. I hopped in the shower, and when I was done I got dressed. As much as I loved my short red hair I missed my long locks. When my hair started growing back I didn't bother cutting it again, I had added a few extensions for more length but kept my red hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror pleased with how I looked. The door bell rang pulling me out of my trance. I miss my grandma, I needed to go back home and visit her. I hated living in this apartment all alone but it was better then staying on campus. The dorms are horrible. Dave was standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "For me, what’s the special occasion?" I smiled up at him taking the flowers from his hand. He smiled down at me kissing me on my cheek before stepping in. "No reason, I just seen them and thought you would like them." I placed them in an empty vase and went to go sit down with him on my couch. "The movie doesn't start for a while so I thought I could come over early and we could talk." I nodded my head and moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer until I was sitting on his lap. "I really don't want to talk right now; I wanna just relax and not think." I rested my head on his shoulder he hugged me tighter making me feel safer. "You sure you don't want to talk about, what’s been stressing you out lately?" I looked back up at him; he stared back at me waiting for my response. I guess I really did want to talk to him; it was like I had no control over my mouth. "and to top it all off I have this paper due in a few days and I'm stuck I can't seem to be doing any right I can't focus." he listened quietly nodding his head. I really didn't think he was paying attention to what I was saying. Boys. "Well I think I could be able to help you with that paper, at least that will help take off some stress, and babe if you're really worried bout your weight you could always come to the gym with me we could work out together, but honestly I don't think you need to lose any weight your perfect the way you are I love your new curves especially that ass." I hit him on his arm when he went and grabbed at my butt. "Shut up!" I laughed and leaned down to kiss him. This is when I liked him he was sweet and funny always making me laugh. He pulled away staring up at me. "Whenever you need to talk all you gotta do is call me, I'm not like other guys Tiff I care about you." moments like this meant the most to me, I felt bad because I honestly don't think I deserve a guy like him, I keep pushing him away. I can't help it. I don't want things to end up like my previous relationships. He could do better. He got off the couch lifting me up. "Come one, we can go out tomorrow lets go work on your paper."

     Guys like Dave are really hard to find. He stayed up all night with me helping me with my paper. I don't deserve him. It was morning now. I could hear the birds out my window. I got off the bed and went to make him some breakfast, before I went to go get ready. I carried his tray of food into my room. He was wide awake when I walked in. I set the food in front of him. "For me? Really? Thank you baby." he tried to kiss me but I pulled away shaking my head. "No way morning breath." he laughed. "You've never cooked for me before I'm kind of scared to try it, you mad cause I made you do your paper instead of going out?" He had a serious look on his face but I could see the humor in his eyes. "Oh hush boy! It's my way of saying thank you for helping me, so shut up and eat." I sat down waiting for him to take a bite. He took his time, but he finally tired some of the French toast. "What do you think?" I was nervous. What if he doesn't like it? He kept a poker face on until he ate some more. "Babe this is the best thing I've ever eaten, I didn't know you could cook." The look on his face let me know he wasn't lying just to make me feel better. I was happy he enjoyed it. "Since you like it so much maybe I'll cook you something else if you stay for dinner." He nodded and took another bite of his food letting me know he would stay. I got ready for the day and went and ate some breakfast while I waited for him to get ready. Dave didn't need to go back to his place to get his stuff because he had some clothes he left at my place for when he slept over. I didn't have any classes today and neither did Dave. We had all day to hang out I guess this was my way of saying sorry for ignoring him all week. I finished my food and started washing the dishes. When Dave was done he came in and helped me finish cleaning up. "What do you want to do today?" We finished cleaning and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in for a kiss. "I don't know, I guess anything you want to do, I'm just happy I get to be with you." I replied shrugging my shoulders, and pulling him in for another kiss. We stood there for a while just kissing, until Dave's phone went off. "Yo, what’s up?" I pouted a bit sad that we were interrupted. Dave smiled down at me. "Aight I'll see if I could swing by." he hung up his phone and kissed me one more time before pulling away. "Teddy's having a lil get together at his house later around 6, you wanna go?"

     "Yeah, I guess, I'll make you dinner some other time then." I kissed him again. He smiled lifting me up and carrying me my room. We spent the rest of the day hanging out and getting to know more about each other. Since I made breakfast Dave made Lunch Turkey sandwiches. I'm in love with Turkey Sandwiches. I never laughed some much in my life, I like being with Dave. He made me happy. I think I deserve to feel happy right? I lied a bit Dave wasn't a mistake how could he be he's perfect to good for me. "What do you call this?" Dave pointed to me and himself. "Umm.. Two friends sitting down having lunch," I laughed nervous I didn't really get what he was asking. "So were just friends?" "Who occasionally sleep together," Dave scratched the back of his neck, and looked away. "You okay with that." I shrugged. I think I am? "Look Tiff, I like you a lot I can't help the way I feel about you, it doesn't matter to me if you my not feel the same way about me, I care about you, you're constantly on my mind, I want you to be my Girl, It's okay if you’re not ready right now, cause I'm willing to wait for you if you need time...." I placed my finger on his mouth to stop him from talking. "Of course I'll be your girl," I kissed him and he kissed me back. I really do like him. I deserve to be happy for once in my life.  We got ready to go to Teddy’s (drake look a like.) I texted Kasha to make sure she would be there. I walked out my bathroom bumped right into something. I heard Dave’s laughter. "Babe you alright" I rub my head and helped my off the floor. "Yeah," I look at him and look at what he was wearing. I smile and he smiles back at me. "We match." he said it before I could.

     It took us 45mins to get to Teddy's house. He's place was big, a mini mansion the landscape in front of the house was beautiful. Dave parked and got out to open the door for me. Kasha came out to greet us, and pulled me away from Dave telling him we would be in a sec. "What's up Kasha?" she had a worried look on her face. She took a while before speaking. "Before you go in there I have to warn you." I waited while she took in a breath. "Lauren and Brian are here." I had to take in deep breathes to calm my nerves. "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, I was bond to see the both of them sooner or later I already seen Brian might as well she her too." Kasha hugged me. "Girl I'm here for you if it's too much I got my car we can leave." I laughed. "Naw I'm good," We walk in the house and I started telling her about me and Dave. "Finally! Ya’ll should‘ve made this official months ago" When we stepped into the big room where everybody was I could feel her eyes on me. I glanced at her direction for a sec. I followed kasha to where Dave and Teddy were. I hugged Teddy "Sup Drake." he laughed and hugged me back "What's good little one." He thought he was funny making fun of my height. I took Dave's cup and took a sip. Umm.. Lemonade. Dave wrapped his arms around my waist pulled me into a kiss. Yeah we kiss a lot I know. "Uhh.. PDA ya'll know that there is like seven rooms in this house ya'll can go get one" Kasha and Teddy laughed, while Dave and I stopped and tired to hide my face I was blushing bright red. I had forgotten that we were surrounded by people I got lost in the moment. "Aww look at her." Teddy had gotten who was near us to look at me. Dave laughed and looked down at me smiling; he winked at me before lifting me up and carrying me bridal style. Everyone laughed. "Put me down," I whined sounding like a child. I hated that everyone had turned there attention to us. "Hey I was only doing what Kasha said." He put me down but still held on to me. Mostly everyone had stopped paying attention but Kasha and Teddy were still laughing. "Damn girl I never knew you could turn so red." "Hey stop laughing at my Girl, I think it's cute."

     Despite the fact that Lauren and Brian were there I was having fun. I got to know more of Dave's friends and they all seemed pretty cool. "So you and Dave huh?" I turned around to find Lauren standing behind me. I was hoping I wouldn't have to talk to her. "Yeah me and Dave." I walked past her heading back to where I was sitting before. Before I could walk too far Lauren grabbed my arm and stopped me. I glared at her letting her know I wasn't happy. She let go and put her hands up as if surrendering. "Listen, I know you still hate me, but I was hoping we could try and be nice when we're around each other, cause we hang with the same group of people now, Dave's my friend and all I'm asking is for us to at least try to get along with each other we don't have to be friends or anything."  I look at her thinking about what she just said, as much as I don't want to. I have to at least try to tolerate her because she's right now that I'm with Dave I'm prob going to be seeing a lot more of her around. "Okay." she smiled as if she were relieved. I walked away and took a sit between Kasha and Dave. Kasha Lean in and whispered "What was that about?" I whispered back.  "I'll tell you later."  

     I don't know how we started playing this game, we where college students still playing hide and seek. I was having fun. All the lights were shut off in Teddy's house and the place was big enough for all of us to hide in. I walked up the stairs and hide in one of the rooms closest to the stairs. I spent a good amount of time hiding in that spot. Until someone walked in a found me; I was it and it was my turn to find everyone. "One...two... three..." after I got to 30 I grabbed the flashlight Teddy gave me, and started searching. Honestly I sucked at this game it’s been 20 mins and still hadn't found anybody yet. Dave came out from where he was hiding laughing at me and Volunteered to be it. I walked and tried to find a new hiding spot. Someone pulled me into one of the rooms. "AHH!" "Hey it's just me." I stopped myself from yelling again. "What do you want?" "So it's like that now." I started to walk out till he pulled me back. Why does everybody keep doing that to me today? I was going to say something till he kissed me. I didn't stop it I kissed him back. I would never think that I would be here right now having a make-out session with Brian. Somehow we got on the bed and his shirt came off. Dave. I pushed him off. "The doors locked nobody's going to walk in don't worry" he tried to kiss me again but I stopped him this time. I took in a few breaths to calm myself down. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" "You kissed me back." I was pissed. "Yeah and I shouldn't have, I regret that I did, you have a girlfriend so what the fuck are you doing kissing me?" he laughed and got up and put his shirt back on. "So she did the same shit to you why do you care? And you're just going to sit there and act like you didn't feel nothing cause I know you did." "Two wrongs don't make a right; I know how it feels to be hurt like that so why would I do it? I have a Boyfriend who I like a lot. I can't believe this. Why would you try something like this?" I got off the bed and in his face; I wanted to punch him right in the face. I admit I did feel something but that's not enough to forget how he did me wrong. He knows I still have some feeling for him and he thinks he could play me like some game. Not this time. "Do you Love him like you love me? Because I know you don't. I never stopped loving you Tiff, and I'm not going to stop. Seeing you with him hurts me. I want you not Lauren." I slapped him I could help it "Are you serious? I LOVED you I don't still love you, and it's none of your business whether I love my Boyfriend or not. I know that I like him that's enough for me right now. and did you think I was going to drop him just because of some words you said but probably don't mean, You can't just play with people like that I'm not a fucking toy. I have feelings I'm real. I'd be stupid to let you back in again. I made that mistake once I’m not going through that again. And if every try that shit with me again I don't care I will personally fuck your whole life up" with that I walk out the room. It seemed like whenever I need him Dave was always there. He was the firs person I saw when I walked out the room and down the hall. "What's wrong babe?" he wipped away my tries. Was I really crying? I shock my head and he held on to me. "Can you bring me home?" He nodded and we walk out and into his car. He texted Teddy goodbye since everyone was still playing the game. We got to my house I told Dave to go back but he wouldn't leave me. I betrayed him tonight I don't deserve him. Should I tell him? He held on to me the whole night. "You know when you're ready I'm hear to listen you could tell me anything, I wanna help you Tiff I love you." I cried harder and held on to him tighter. To good to be true, I don't want to hurt him.                         

 Okay I spent alot of time working on this I hope you all like it...It would be nice to get some comments to let me know what you guys think about it.

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