By lipsync

158 7 0

Skylar Jones believes she's a Angel and has a destiny. But her parents never believe her. every time she trie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Stopping Series :(

Chapter 2

33 1 0
By lipsync



   I was confused at what just happened here. First ever since my birthday last year I've been having these strange dreams that i was flying with beautiful white wings. Then when i try to tell my parents and friends they think i'm crazy so they put me in a mental institute for two days and let me out! Then a stranger out of nowhere comes up to me and drops my gum and then ran like that super hero Flash and got me gum and ask me if i was Skylar Jones? What does he want with me? Then he says he's going to run to Arizona like an idiot and leaves in a flash.

   I just shake my head as i walked to my house. As i came to the walkway i see a big white van in the driveway and my front door is open. Three guys came out the house wearing white suits and behind them was my parents. I started to walk back when a big fat man in a white suit grabbed both my arms and push me to the floor. "WTF! Mom, Dad what's going on?" i yelled at my parents as the three men tried to put  a straight jacket on me. Again they tried. I kicked the first guy in the crotch and the second in the stomach. they both fell down and the third one had a tranquilizing gun in his hand and yell at me.

   "Don't try anything or else!" He said. I put my hands behind my back as the fat guy put the straight jacket on me. My parents were standing in front of me. "Oh Skylar we had to do this" Dad said putting his hand on my hair."No you didn't you wanted to! You guys hate me! I am an ANGEL!" I screamed. The fat guy was twirling his finger beside his head which is a sign that is saying i'm cuckoo. "No we don't and your not an angel. Your silly little dreams don't tell you your an angel! Angels don't even exist!" Mom said as she tried to kiss me on the forehead but i spit in her face."Oh save it mom." the men carried me away from my parents."Now am i going to Aurora Behavioral Health Care again" i said to the men as they put me in the van. "Bahaha no your going to Sheet mental institute in Oregon." The fat guy said in a hazy voice.

   "Fuck. My parents really found a institute far enough that they will probably have an excuse for not visiting. So chubby how long am i staying over there, Five, Six days like last time?" i asked snickering as i called him chubby."Hehe not even close darling. If i were you i would change your facebook status to where your living for the past 70 years" He said and the other guys chuckled. Ugh! I banged my head at the door of the van and knocked myself out. Aren't i soo smart!

   When i woke up i was in a white shirt up to my neck like a turtleneck and white pants. The first thing i thought was eww they changed me! They never changed me in Aurora Behavioral Health Care. I also notice that i wasn't wearing a straight jacket thank god. Lifted my pale hands and see i was wearing black fingerless gloves. what the hell is up with the gloves??

      I touch the fabric of the glove and it felt very rough. I shrugged and scratched my head. Something didn't felt right. i ran my hands threw my hair and It only lasted 5 seconds before my hands left my hair. My hair is short! I know from all that happen today I'm worrying about my hair but my hair is important! "WTF! CAN SOMEONE COME INSIDE HERE!!!" I screamed. I looked around the room. the walls were bloody red and the room looked big enough to throw a party in. I got up from the black chair i was sitting on and walk towards the only door in the room. I grabbed the knob and turned it and the door opened. huh the door is open? that's weird.  I thought.

   I walked out the door and into a long, white hallway. Suddenly Five guys in the hallway came running towards me and pushed me in the room. One of the guys which was Chubby put on a red straight jacket on me and pushed me on the chair. "Where da ya think ya going little red?" said one of the five guys who had a strong irish accent. "Well the door was open and-"

   "And what! you just decided to leave without anyone knowing!" Said a short man with a goatee."Um yes?" i said. The guy went up to me, glared at me for a few seconds then slapped me across the face. All you heard in the room was a big pow. I rubbed my face and started cursing."Who the hell do you think you are!" I yelled at the short guy's face. "I'm Larry! That's who I am" Larry said. "Well LARRY, you shouldn't be hitting the patients. I can sue you." I said trying to get up but two of the men pushed me down." Like if i care. I run the JOINT! now Tom and Jerry pick her up and bring her to Room D with the other new patients for the orientation. And Chubby follow me." Larry and Chubby walked out the room and Tom and Jerry picked me up and took me out the room.

Once i got into Room D I see about 10 other kids inside sitting, talking, and running around. There were kids in all ages. I say the youngest was a little blond girl about 7 talking to a girl with snow white hair about 19. Tom and Jerry let go of me and pushed me inside and locking the door. I looked around the room and it was pretty big, twice the size of my room with beautiful green curtains and a big view window in the back. It had 20 seats and a podium in the front with seats up front too. I walked to a random seat and sat down. I felt a lot of eyes looking at me so i put my Head on my lap. Then i felt a tap on my shoulder and i look up to see the little blond girl smiling at me.

"Hiya there! I'm Summer!" Summer extended her hand towards me and I shooked it smiling. "I'm Skylar but you can call me Sky" i said. "Okay Sky! And this is my sister Snow!" she said pointing to the girl with snow white hair. She got up and sat besides me and Summer did too. "S'up" She said."Nothing much just been brought here against my will but  either then that i'm good" I said and me and Snow laughed. "Huh? I'm confused?" Summer said as she fell off her chair. "I'm okay" she said cheerfully. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine!" I said."I am actually! I have magical powers!!! so does my sister!" she said. "That's cool! what's your power?" i said. " Weather manipulation! i have the ability to control or mentally affect the weather. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) or control the intensity of the weather but i like to keep it sunny alot!! It mostly depends on my mood!" she screamed and some of the patients snickered.

Snow rolled her eyes and told Summer to lower her voice."Aww come on Snow. What's your power." i said sarcastically. "You probably won't believe me anyway unless i show you." She said."Then why don't you come on!!" I said lightly punching her on the arm. She giggled. "K watch this and come closely" she whispered. Me and Summer smiled and came closer. Snow toke off her White fingerless  gloves and put her hands together and instantly in thin air a snowball appeared. "Holy moly that's epic." i said. "I love it when she does that!" Summer said. "Now watch this" Snow looked around to see if anyone was looking and threw the snowball at a buff looking boy in the front and we all giggled. He turned around and walked towards us. "Who in the F**king world threw whatever that was that hit me!"

"It was me D*ck head. Now whatcha gonna do about it" Snow stand up in front of the buff boy. His face grew angrier and he punched her in the face. The punch was so hard she slided all the way to the back of the room hitting her head on the window. Summer screamed and ran to Snow and the weather turned gray and it started to rain. The buffed kid started to laugh and gave his friends high fives. Then 20 guys in white suits came in shouting us to sit down. Everyone sat down but me because i was running to Snow to see if she was okay. Larry came in the room and yelled at us to sit down but Summer yelled at him."NO! you sit down! My sister is knocked out and your telling us to sit!" I looked at the window again and the sky was darker then before and i heard whooshing noises.

Larry started to walk over to us. "ugh what the hell just happen" moaned Snow. "Yay your alive!!!!" screamed Summer and hugged Snow. "But your not!" Larry slapped Summer the same way he slapped me earlier and she started to scream.I ran to her."Now get in your seats!!" He tried to punch Snow but she grabbed his fist and his fist started to turn to ice."DON'T EVER TOUCH MY SISTER!" she screamed and his whole body turned to ice and she smashed him to pieces and ran to Me and Summer. "Oh Summer wake up" she said and smacked summer in the face."Ah! teletubbies.. er i mean Snow!" she said and bear hugged Snow.

Every guy in the whit suits with tranquilizing guns surrounded us and all the other kids.Chubby came up to us."I don't know what happened here but your going to be in big trouble!" he yelled and as soon as the guys pulled the trigger they froze in mid air and so did the men. I looked at all of them and so did everyone else."Um Snow did you did that?" i asked. "No if i did they would of been covered with ice." she said as she touched the darts.

All of a sudden the windows glass shattered. We all ducked and screamed. When it was over we looked to see six people standing outside 2 of them i recognized. "Kassidy you didn't have to destroy the windows!" My friend Brooke said."AWW BUT IT'S JUST SO FUN USING SONIC BOOM!" she screamed so loud our ears were bursting. The six people stepped inside. "We are looking for Three people name Snow, Summer and Sky" a girl about 17 with glossy black hair and blue eyes said. Snow got up, toke a dart and threw it at her head but she dodged it."Don't say my name in your filthy mouth, Sight!" She screamed. "Yep that's Snow!"  a guy with a good tan and sexy hair said.

"Then that must be SKYYYYYYY" Kassidy screamed and ran towards me when Brooke raised her hands and Kassidy froze."That's so cool!" Summer said poking the frozen Kassidy. I looked at Brooke and she looked at me and we both ran towards each other hugging like freaks. "OMG how did you do all of that freezing time stuff and how did Kassidy break the windows and my ear drums i'm so confused!" i yelled. "Oh don't worry we'll explain on the hovercraft" she said. "HOVERCRAFT??!!?"




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