Phan Oneshots

By anon_shipper

142K 3.3K 3.1K

I get ideas. I write them. I get prompts. I write them. Smutty? Hell yeah! Fluffy. Hell to the yeah! ... More

tongue tied
tongue tied 2
snogging lessons
soul mates
percents 2
Stay away from lester
This Town
Pay attention to me
Stressed out
Beauty and the Beast
If you love someone...
The Dates
Admirateur secret
Coincedences and Destiny
The Prince's Lover
Their Game
I think I love you
Brat Part 1
Brat Part 2
Remembering You
Perfect Prince
The Grinch
I Love You
Happy New Year
Knock Knock
Round Two
Study of Love
Part 2
Dan walks into a bar
Disney Fan
Would You Rather...
Try again?
True Loves Kiss
Stupid Phil Lester
Queer Thoughts
Kissed a Boy
Trust In You
The boy next door
Arrangement 2
Here We Go Again
Vilian or Hero?
How it feels
Dresses and Skirts
Grandma knows best
Fanstastic Boyfriends
The End
Phan is Real

Easy with you

1.8K 48 24
By anon_shipper

There is no plan to this a t a l l im just typing and hoping for the best. cool.

Dan had trouble with a lot of things. Finding friends, finding relationships, math, gym, keeping jobs, talking and so  on and so on. The only thing that he seems to be good at is laying in bed watching youtube,movies binging tv shows,and eating. Something that's always been easy has been idolizing youtubers. That's easy for everyone so he never counted that as something he found easy. Stalking AmazingPhil was something he seemed to be expecially good at. He never actually thought that Phil would not only notice him but talk to him. Trying to talk to Phil over texts was hard enough but when they started to skype he honestly forgot the English language. Phil did enough talking for the two of them at first, letting Dan warm up to him. Suddenly, by some miracle, Dan was finding it shockingly easy to talk to him. What he was expecially good at was flirting with Phil. Never in his life was he able to flirt and at first he didn't even realize that what he was doing was, indeed, flirting. But there was no denying that the things they said to each other, the way they looked at the others pixalated face, was down right (sometimes filthy) flirting.
Phil had invited Dan over to his home many times and Dan always said that he had something or his parents said no. Just some excuse as to why he could not go. If Dan was certain of anything, it was that he would not be able to function around Phil. He would not be the same as he was on skype with Phil and he deffiniontly was too nervous to do most of the dirty stuff they had subtly hinted towards many times before. This time, however, there was no getting out of it; he is already on the train to Manchester. Phil stood nervously rocking on his feet, hands shoved into his jean pockets, fingers scratching a hole through the pockets. When he spotted Dan looking around just as nervous and rubbing his arm awkwardly, he almost stopped breathing. Phil thought Dan looked so beautiful on skype but he was downright gorgeous in person. Before he could function what he was even doing he was running (Dan!), barely giving the poor boy a chance to even prepare for the huge hug Phil engulfed him in. Dan dropped his duffel bag and wiggled his arms out of the embrace so he could wrap his arms around Phil's waist. It was easy from there.

Before they even knew it they had been living together, than moving all the way to London. They wrote a book, went on tour, wrote another book. Dan still found himself waking up in the middle of the night and thinking

'Holy shit. I'm living with AmazingPhil.'

Lately though Dan has been finding it hard to live with Phil after Sheila. Even as he just thought her name, her name still sounded venomous. Shiela has been dating Phil for two months now and she is the most insufferable human being Dan has ever come across. (And he has met a lot of unbearable people in his time.) He rolls his eyes as their friends say how sweet and amazing she is. They are just trying to not hurt Phil's feelings. He however was not worried about hurting his feelings. They are best friends, more than best friends actually. After you've lived together as long as they have, there is no worry about offending the other.

"Sheila, is coming over for dinner." Phil said with his usual smile on his face as he plopped down next to Dan on the office couch.

"oh, great." His voice dripping with sarcasm which was only increased with his over exaggerated eye roll. He leaned forward and pretended to not see Phil staring at him and just carried on playing his game.

"Can you at least try and act like you like her?" His voice offended and stern.

"Nope." Dan popped his 'p' and didn't elaborate why like he knew Phil wants.

"Will you at least be nice to her while she is here?"


"On what!" Phil through his hands up exasperated, "What will it take just for one peaceful meal between you?"

"tape her mouth shut and we just have dinner our normal way."

Phil ripped the controler out of Dan's hands and threw it down on the table beside him.

"Hey! Give it back!"

"No! Sheila is my girlfriend," Dan found himself flinching at the word 'girlfriend', "you are going to have to find a way to get along with her."

"Maybe if you acted like yourself when she was around I'd like her more." Dan said matter of factly and stood up leaving. He like to think it was a dramtic exit, like he just walked away casually from an explosion. But Phil chased after him.

"What do you mean! I act exactly the same as I always do."

"Maybe when your around my mother or your mother."

"You aren't even making sense." Phil was just a pitch lower than a shout and Dan was just sitting down turning on the TV in the lounge not even bothered. Phil was trying to remain calm.

"You act like the first time you met my mom when you are with her. It used to be amusing, now it is just plain annoying."

"I act like myself around your mom."

"Oh Mrs. Howell, you still don't look a day older than 25! Honestly what's your secret? Dan is starting to look older than you!" Dan said in a bad imitaion of Phil's exaggerated northern accent.

"I do not sound like that! Nor do I act like that."

"No? So you didn't say that my mom didn't look a day older than 25 than?" Dan said with a smile.

"Okay whatever! But I act like that all the time, so what if I act like that with Sheila?"

"Because with Sheila you kiss her ass like she's your mother in law. I dare say I know you better than her and you have never, not once, kissed my ass like that. Well, except for that time you wanted me to go to your aunt's wedding with you."

"That's because you aren't my girlfriend."

"I ain't a girl. I could never be your girlfriend, idiot, and no one else kisses their girlfriends asses like that. Unless they, you know, are legit kissing thei-"


Dan started laughing hystarically and was pleased that Phil started to join in.

"But seriously," He said when he calmed down, "When do you ever sit at the kitchen table to eat unless she is here."

Phil didn't answer.

"Just tell her I am vomiting violently and you will have to raincheck. Please? I can't handle polite Phil tonight."

His lips thinned as he thought, obviously weighing his options. "Okay fine. We can order Chinese, just let me put the iron away."

"You were going to iron your clothes. Phil..." He was out of sight before Dan could continue.


"What exactly about her is the problem though?" Phil decided to bring the subject back up later day.

"The way she talks like she is superior to everyone. When she talks to me and always looks at me like I am the lowest human being there is."

"I think you just misjudge her facial expressions."

"I bet I can call anyone and they will say the same thing."

"Okay fine. Do it." Dan pulled out his phone and called Louise. He put it on speaker and put his finger to his lips to make sure Phil will be quiet.

"Hello hello!"

"Hey, Lou."

"What can I do for ya?"

"Ugh, Sheila is coming over." Phil gave him a look, encouraging a look from Dan himself as if to say 'Shut the fuck up!'

"Oh man, good luck with Little Philip and her highness."
Phil gave a confused look at the phone.
"Yeah, I'll need it. I don't think I can handle changing into nice clothes just so she wont look at me like I am a fiend. I think I will fake sick."

Louise laughed, "True that. Honestly, last time I had to be with her, she legit scowled at my dress and looked at me as if to say 'umm really, wow.' It was as if I was some maid who stole a dress or something."

"I know right." Dan saw the look on Phil's face and his stomach lurched. "Well I better get going, I gotta figure out how imma get out of this."

"She isn't really like that - once she gets to know you - she is..."

"Phil, look," Dan put his hand on Phil's shoulder, "I'm not telling you to go and break up with her. You asked why I don't really like her. I told you why. You believe in fate and all that, maybe you are meant to make her a better person. If you two are meant to be than it will work out."

But as Dan said it, Phil had doubts about them working out.


The next couple days were normal, no sheila, and plenty of singing, tv and eating. They somehow ended up playing DDR and they were doing horribly because they were laughing so hard.

"I'm winning!" Phil yelled and at that moment Dan stepped on his foot. They went tumbling onto the couch.
"You did that on purpose!"

"Yeah? Prove it!" Dan was sweating and his hair unruly, face red from dancing. He had a giant smile on his face and it mirrored Phil's.  Phil punched Dan's arm causing Dan to retaliate. Causing a wrestling war. The weird music of DDR challenged their laughter and the DDR mat protected their back as they fell back onto it, breathing heavily.

They lay side by side, panting and trying to stop laughing. Phil turned his head to stare at Dan. He had his eyes closed and had a small smile on his face. Their knuckles were brushing by their sides and Phil had an urge to move the hair out of Dan's eyes, but he refrained. Not for long though. The urge was to strong. Dan turned to look in Phil's eyes and Phil's breath caught in his throat.

Everything was so easy with Dan. He never felt anything like he did with Dan when Phil was with Sheila, they hardly laughed. Everything was so boring in their relationship, after a while he got bored. He has lived with Dan for more years than he can even care to count, never getting bored with each other.

"Have you ever been in love?" The question caught Dan by surprise, he looked at Phil, stunned, and confused.

"Uhhh, I- why? You think you in love with..." Dan couldn't bring himself to say it. He didn't want to even think it.

"I don't know."

Dan stared into Phil's eyes and started to run his pointer finger on Phils hand. "Yeah," his voice came out thick and husky, "Yeah, I have."

"What's it like?"

"It's...It's like at first you feel like you are going to vomit and than you just realize that it is just your stomach jumping and your heart just swells and feels kind of heavy yet at the same time light. It's just...even the simplest things make you go crazy. Their hair all messed up in the morning, or their quirks and habits. Or a laugh they have maybe they do something so adorably cute that you just think they are the epitime of ectasy, of euphoria, just it's makes your heart feel kind of funny all the time you see their eyes and when they touch you or I don't know sorry."

Dan finally broke eye contact and at first started to pull his finger away but than left it and continued tracing.
"Sometimes I can't stop rambling to you, you just make everything so easy, like expressing my feelings you know."

"Yeah." Phil's voice was broken and raw.

"So, do you think you are?"


"In love, silly." As Dan's smile grew Phil's heart grew as well. "Yeah, I, I think I am pretty close to it."

Dan's smile dropped slowly but he forced it back. Phil didn't like that smile, it put him on edge, he liked his real smile.

"O-h, that's good. That's ahem. Well maybe you should talk to Sheila, so you can...yeah." Dan said slowly, stood up, and went to his room.

Phil realized that he hadn't even thought of Sheila until Dan had brought her up. "Yeah. I need to go talk to Sheila."


"What are you wearing?" was the first thing out of Sheila's mouth when she opened the door.

Phil looked down and back up at her, confused. "Umm clothes."

She scoffed and kept looking at his pokemon T shirt and joggers like they were scum. He suddenly realized how down felt and he didn't ever want Dan under that scrutiny ever again.

"Can I come in?" He asks, annoyence seeping into his voice.

"I didn't know you were coming. The house isn't clean."

"I don't mind, it's just a mess, Dan has too clean up mine all the time, I feel bad for him." Phil laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I've felt sorry for him too."

Phil's laughter stopped. The way she talks now sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard.

"I'm breaking up with you."

"No. I break up with you, that's how these things work."

Phil lifted his eyebrows and looked at her skeptfully. "Sorry that I am the first one to realize that some things are more important that a rich and pretty girl on my arm. Sorry but you are the biggest, most ungrateful, and egotistical person I have met. Explains your big head though."

He turned on his heel and left, laughing at she yelled at him to get back there. 


"Dan! Dan you will never believe!" He was still laughing as he got home, face full of glee. He felt like a weight had been lifted of his shoulders.

Dan was laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling in the lounge. "Back so soon? Thought you'd stay over." Dan droned.

Phil snorted, which caught Dan's attention. "That bitch wouldn't let me in when I am wearing joggers, are you kidding me, I wasn't planning on staying very long."

Dan's mouth was open in amazment. Not only had Phil actually cursed but it was about Sheila.

"Close your mouth you'll catch flies." Dan closed his mouth obediently.

"I broke up with Sheila, should of seen her face, oh my-"

"Wait what!" Dan said standing up. "You literally had said that you thought you were in love with her."

Phil took a step closer and smiled cheekily, "I never said, Sheila." Dan still looked confused and Phil decided that he was, indeed, very much in love with this boy. Probably has been for years. "Sheila's name was never even brought up. I guess she was implied." He shrugged, casually taking a step closer to Dan. Dan suddenly noticed how close they are and blushed a lovely shade of pink.

"I've always found the prospect of love hard. I had a hard time staying in relationships and even believing in love. But it was so effortless, to fall in love with you."

Dan stood shell shocked for a couple of seconds, seemingly paralyzed by the confession. "Me?" He whispered, not daring to believe it. Phil couldn't love him. He is nothing spectacular. "Yes." Phil whispered back holding Dan's chin gently.

"Why is everything so easy with you, Phil? Even this, when you confess your love and I am just standing here, letting you crowd my space like ive always let you. You made talking easy and living at Uni easy, moving in easy. Everything is so easy with you and it was so easy to fall in love with you and you are so stupid for not realizing it!."

"I know. I'm an idiot. I didn't know that what I was feeling was love."

"So uhh. Like, am I gonna replace Sheila. You know take her title."

"No." Phil said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh." Dan looked down and started shuffling his feet dejectedly.

"Your a boy, you could never be my girlfriend, idiot."

Dan's head shot up with a huge grin and he through his arms around Phil's neck. "You're such a spork!"

"And your soooo my boyfriend." Phil said cheekily and hugged back.



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