Uchiha families

By KiraKisa

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Luna Hatake is a kunoichi of the leaf with her best friend Shisui Uchiha. She is assigned to watch over young... More

Uchiha families
Chapter 2: Life and Death
Chapter 3: Settling in
Chapter 4: Marriage...Engaged?!
Chapter 5: Love
Chapter 6: Forgiven
Chapter 7: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 8: I'm Sorry
Chapter 9: Death of a Brother
Chapter 11: Loss
Chapter 12: Plant-like thing
Chapter 13: Akatsuki
Chapter 14: Un vs Hn
Chapter 15: Gaara
Chapter 16: The Amazing Fainting Kakashi!
Chapter 17: Teams and Annoyingly Late Jounins
Chapter 18: The Test

Chapter 10: Death

1K 32 2
By KiraKisa


I woke up and the sun was out. I rolled over and noticed Itachi was gone. I sighed, I wish I could pretend that last night didn't happen. But it did. Luckily we left Rozu with Grandma cat.

I laid in bed for awhile then I heard a knock on the door. "Yuki onee san, are you awake?" Sasuke said poking his head in.

I smiled. "You can come in Sasuke, I'm awake," I said. Sasuke smiled and ran in and then jumped on our bed.

"Onee san, mother said that I should check on you. She said that Itachi said that you may be sick. So she said something about 'the talk' and that I should make sure you're awake before she talks to you. And since you're awake I'm gonna go let her know." Sasuke said quickly. Then he ran out of the room.

I froze... 'The Talk..." Oh no.


"Well, that was awkward," I said to myself.

"What was awkward?" Itachi said walking into the room.

I turned redder than a tomato. "N-nothing."

He chuckled. But then he turned serious. "Are you ready for tonight?" He asked.

I nodded sadly. "I'm ready. But for now, why don't we go and hang out with Sasuke." He nodded.

We went downstairs and hanged out with the family. We decided to sit out on the porch when three members of the clan approached us.

I stood up. "Can I help you?" I asked them. They just ignored me.

"Itachi Uchiha?" One of them said.

Itachi came and stood next to me. "What can we help you with?" He asked.

They looked at me with distaste. "Not her. You on the other hand." Another said.

"Yuki is my wife. She is not leaving." Itachi said.

"Very well. Last night there was a meeting. There were two people missing from that meeting." The last one said.

"Why were you not there?" The first one asked.

Itachi remained silent. We both knew why he wasn't there last night. I went over and stood next to him.

"I understand that you have missions. And your father told us the same. But we will not treat you any differently." The other one said.

"I understand. It won't happen again." Itachi said.

I stood up. I had had enough. "Now please, leave," I said forcefully.

They glared at me. Apparently, they don't like me much. "There is another thing. It regards Shisui Uchiha. He was the other who wasn't at last nights meeting." The third one said.

"Shisui drowned. It appears to be suicide. He even left a note." The second one said.

"And us being the police, we investigated. This is the note as you can see, it appears he killed his sister before he drowned himself." The first one said.

I gasped because of the note, even if I did know truth, it didn't make it any easier. "Have you told their mother?" I asked.

They nodded. "Yes, she didn't handle it well. We told her as soon as we found the body. We checked in on her this morning..." The third said not finishing. 

"When we saw her. She was dead. Hanged herself." The first said. 

I gasped. I went over to Itachi and he hugged me close to him. I looked up at him. He nodded. "I'm sorry, but I need to be excused," I said.

"Of course Lady Yuki." The second said. They looked at me sadly. I thought they didn't like me?

I bowed then went inside. I passed Sasuke on my way in. I sighed he didn't need to witness what was going to happen next. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Mikoto chopping vegetables. She saw me, then she saw the tears. 

"Yuki, what's wrong." She asked.

"Mrs. Kagami is dead," I said sadly.

She gasped. "What happened?"

"Shisui committed suicide. And he killed himself. Along with Rozu. After she found out..."

"Oh no. I must tell Fugaku. Yuki ,go upstairs and rest. I'll have Itachi bring you your dinner." I nodded and headed upstairs.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to rest. I got to pack. I was almost finished with my things when Itachi walked in.

I looked at him and jumped. His eyes were different. "So that's what it looks like," I said thoughtfully. Then I got a good look and saw the sadness underneath them. "Oh Itachi, I'm so sorry," I said. I went over and hugged him. He put his face in my hair. His tears soon soaked through and into my top. 

After he calmed down, we continued to pack. He packed what we needed and put it in a scroll. Along with Rozu's things in another scroll.

After we finished we sat and watched the sunset. I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. But I knew that would be suspicious. So, for now, I had to accept it and deal with it.

I did, however, write a letter to Sasuke. Since we're faking my death... I wanted to say goodbye to him. I'll just say that Itachi let me do that. 

My sweet Sasuke,

I'm sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye to you. But I didn't really have the time before. I also didn't know I would be saying goodbye. But at least I get to say goodbye.

I'm sorry for Itachi. I wish things could be different. But they can't. I hope you won't hate me. I don't think I could bear it if you did...

I honestly don't know what I should say. The only thing I can think of is to say: I Love You Sasuke. And I always will. I hope you don't choose a path of revenge. So I'll ask you. Please don't choose that path. It's what my parents told me when they were killed, revenge only leads to more death and suffering. Even though it will be hard not to. Please try hard not too. Choose the path that's right for you. 

Make good friends. Don't break any hearts. Or at least not on purpose ;). I would suggest Naruto as a friend. You two will have something in common. And you'll both need a friend. And the little girl with the pink hair. She's sweet. I think her name is Sakura. Don't break her heart. Ok?

I don't know what else to say. That's a first, isn't it little ducky? I'm laughing right now thinking how you hate that nickname. There is one thing I should say. It may help. It may not. But it is this: I'm proud of you. And your parents are proud too. And yes, that includes your dad. And even if you don't want to hear it. Itachi is proud of you too. Even if he won't let it show. And even if he says he isn't. He is.

I suppose that's it. I wish I had more time with you and your family. If you see Luna again... Tell her I said hello, and that I'm sorry for her loss.

Ok, that is it. I guess. I think I had more to say than I thought. I love you so so so much Sasuke. I hope you know that. I will always love you. Even if it's from afar. And even if you don't see me. I will always love you.

I love you Sasuke.

Goodbye little ducky, I love you.

Your Onee san,
Yuki Shiro Uchiha

After I finished the letter I gave it to Itachi. Hopefully, all goes to plan. I looked up at him. And kissed him softly. "I'm ready." He nodded and went to go put on his gear. 

I got out my anatomy book. I opened it to the stomach section and found a spot that would look fatal. But wouldn't cause any permanent horrible damage.

Once I found that I got out the blood. We had been collecting it for a while. There needed to be enough so they thought I died. Problem is. There is a possibility that I could really die.

That all set. I was ready. And Itachi just walked in. "Are you ready?" He asked me.

I nodded. "I'm ready. Where are your parents? Are they outside?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'm sorry that you have to do this. I didn't think our life would be like this. You deserve so much more," Itachi said sadly, looking down.

I went over to him. And hugged him, making him look at me. "You don't have to be sorry. I love you, and I will do what I need to do."

He smiled at me. We walked to the main level, and into the main room. I stood against the wall in a corner. Itachi pulled out his katana. "This is going to hurt Yuki. Are you sure you want to do this? You can ways back out and stay with Sasuke." He said.

I smiled at him. "I won't change my mind. No matter how much you try to get me to. And I don't mind the pain. I've had worse." I said.

Itachi nodded and prepared his sword. "Wait!" He stopped. "In case this doesn't work the way we planned..." I kissed him quickly. "I love you, Itachi."

He looked at me. A tear falling down his face. "I love you, too, Yuki." He said.

Then he stabbed me with his sword. I gasped. The pain was horrible. But the look on his face was even more so. 

He pulled out the sword. I coughed and blood slowly dribbled down the side of my mouth. "Yuki! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Yuki." Itachi said. 

I slowly slid down the wall. "It's ok Itachi. It's going to be ok." I said softly. He caught me. Tears were now streaming down his face.

He laid me down on the floor. My blood pooling out slowly. He took the blood we had taken earlier and broke the bags. And now it looked like I bled out already.

I was slowly growing cold. My eyes were fluttering closed. Almost.

"Yuki! Try to stay awake ok? I love you don't leave me." Itachi said.

I smiled at him. Then darkness overtook me.


Itachi held his wife as she closed her eyes. A tear slowly falling down his face. 'Well, there's no turning back now.' He thought sadly.

The ANBU captain stood up and flashed to the meeting point. There he met the man in the mask. "Do we start?" The man asked. 

"Yes, but my family is mine," Itachi answered.

They moved silently through the night. From house to house. The majority of the clan was dead before anybody started to get suspicious.


Fugaku sensed something in the air. He ushered his wife inside. "Fugaku, what's wrong?" Mikoto asked her husband. 

"Something is wrong. Stay here Mikoto, with Yuki. I'm sure Itachi already knows."

His wife nodded. Fugaku stepped outside and was met with a horrid sight. Bodies of his clan were strewn everywhere. He saw his parents running towards him. Then his father fell in a flash of black. 

Then his mother fell.


Mikoto immediately went upstairs to find Yuki. But she couldn't find her. She went to the kitchen and still nothing. She was beginning to panic. Then she went into the main room and screamed. 

There she saw her daughter-in-law on the floor. Bleeding out, dead.


The man in the mask just struck down somebody trying to run when he heard a scream.

He smirked. And then he saw the head of the clan running towards his home. He looked around. It appeared that the clan was dead. The only ones left alive were the head members. His work here was done.


Itachi killed his grandparents when he heard his mother scream. He grimaced 'she must have found Yuki' he thought.

He saw his father running towards the house and followed him in.

When he arrived, he saw his mother holding Yuki. A distraught look on her face. And his father guarding the both of them.

Fugaku looked into the shadows and saw a figure, a man. "Who are you?!" He asked harshly.

Itachi stepped forward. His mother gasped. "Itachi! Why?!" She asked horrified.

Fugaku stood up. "To protect the village," Fugaku said.

"To protect the village from what?" Mikoto asked.

"From the Uchiha clan." Her husband answered darkly.

Itachi stepped forward. "I'm sorry. But..." He said quietly.

His parents looked at one another. They moved together to the middle of the room. "We understand," Fugaku said.

"And we're proud of you," Mikoto said.

Those were their last words.


Sasuke was walking home from school when he saw the bodies. Fearing the worse, he dropped his bag and ran towards his home.

When he got there he was met with a horrible sight. His parents and his beloved sister.

All dead.

Then he saw his brother step out of the shadows. He asked him what was going on. And then he put the pieces together.

"Why Itachi!!!!!" Sasuke cried.

"To test my strength." He answered.

"Why did you kill her?!?!?!!!" Sasuke questioned. Itachi didn't answer.

Then Itachi showed Sasuke what he did. Just worse. He showed Sasuke Yuki's death.

Yuki begging for him to stop. For him to not kill her. For him not to kill Sasuke. He watched as she accepted her fate and died a painful death.

Then Sasuke fell to the ground. Itachi called him weak. Then he left.

Then Sasuke followed.

And as a Sasuke laid on the ground he could of sworn he saw a tear fall down Itachi's face. Then the small boy passed out.

Itachi jumped down and landed next to his brother. By his hand, he gently placed the letter from Yuki.



I hardened my heart. If I didn't, I don't think I could stand this pain. As I approached the meeting sight, I saw the masked man. He held in his arms my beloved Yuki. "Is it done?" He asked. 

I nodded. "Give me Yuki," I said.

He hesitated. Then handed her over. "I will meet you in a week. Don't be late." He told me. Then he vanished.

I sighed and looked down at Yuki. Her white hair stained slightly with red, making it look pinkish.

I held her close to my body. Praying that she wouldn't die on me.

Then I ran into the night. Tears streaming down my face.


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