Mindless Behavior Love Story...

By MyAddiction16

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Mindless Behavior Love Story 2012 !

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By MyAddiction16

Mindless Behavior Love Story

Getting ready for rehearsal

Georgia- man yall take forever to get ready to rehearse

Alandra- well I always have to look good

Georgia- anyways is yall ready or what

ALL- yes

The music starts and we start to dance. Ne’Aiyra does the two pounder and falls. Alandra runs and pauses the music.

Alandra- how did you fall? We can’t put this video on you tube if you don’t know how to watch were you are stepping.

Chanel- Im with alandra. We need to get our stuff together. The auditions are in 3 days. We need to put in work

Nene- im sorry ok. Georgia was all up on my feet

Gege- umm no why is you even trying to lie

They all start arguing and alandra yells



Landra starts the music and they finish rehearsal

Nene- ugh im so hungry

Chanel- lets go get some food.

Gege- im feelin it

We all leave to go find some food. So we are walking down the streets of south central LA

Gege- Man it’s so nice today.

ALL- I know right

Gege’s POV

So we are walking down the street trying to find some place to eat then all of a sudden someone bumps into me. I am so pissed I don’t even bother looking up to see who it is I just started yelling in their face

Me- are you serious. You act like you can’t watch were you are going. Why do you think god gave you eyes? I-

I stop mid- sentence and look up. I notice that ray ray from mindless behavior is standing in front of me… I was so speechless I didn’t know what to say.

Ray ray- oh my gosh im so sorry

Me- oh my gosh. Your ray ray from mindless behavior

Alandra- um I think he knows that Georgia

Ray ray- are you ok

I stood there in silence just staring in his beautiful eyes

Chanel- umm hello earth to Georgia. Say something girl

Me- ooh im sorry I bumped into you. I should have been watching were I was going

Ray ray- naw its ok it’s my fault

The rest of mindless behavior walks up behind ray ray.

Prodigy- yo we need (stops in mid sentence) whoa who are these beautiful ladies right here.

Roc royal- yea who are they

Ray ray- um yea im sorry I forgot to catch you guy’s name. And you are

Me- im Georgia

Ne’Aiyra- and im Ne’Aiyra

Prodigy- wow that’s a really pretty and unique name Ne’Aiyra

Nene- (blushing) thnx

Princeton- and you are (he says kissing alandras hand)

Landra- im alandra

Roc royal- and you must be Chanel

Chanel- how did you know?

Roc- umm it says it on your shirt

Chanel- ohh yea I forgot

Ray ray- so um it was nice meeting you guys but like prodigy was saying before he got distracted

Prod- ohh yea im sorry

Ray ray- yea so we have to go but hopefully we will see you pretty ladies soon

All- okay

We all went our separate ways. Me and the girls decided to go and eat at the carnaubas


Me and the guys started to walk away from the girls we had just met

Prod- man did you see the way nene had on them red skinny jeans. She got mad style. Just the way I like em

Prince- Naw man did you see landra. Man I gotta make her my girl

Roc- Chanel is so beautiful. She seems like a nice girl I gotta get her number

Prod- so ray ray which one do you like

Me- I like gege. She seems really smart and confident. I want to get to know her better


Prod- is this the Mr. Player. The one who wants to get into every girl pants on the first day he sees them?

Prince- yea im with prod. I mean Im gonna try to get to know landra better but. Dang she got a body on her.

Roc- yall is just nasty. There is more than just sex in a relationship


Roc- what you know im right

Me- what ever

We continue to walk until we get to the restaurant

We get to the restaurant and we see the girls we just met.

Roc- aye aren’t those the girls we just met a couple minutes ago.

Prod- yea im gonna go and talk to nene

Prince- yea imma go and get landras number

Roc- me too

They all start walking towards the girls

Chanel POV

Me- omg roc royal is walking towards me

We all turn to to see mindless behavior walking towards our table

Roc- hey ladies it’s nice to see you again

Prod- yea what he said (he says staring at nene licking his lips)

Prince- hey landra can I talk to you in private for a minute

All girls- ohhh. Go head girl

Landra- shut up

Landra takes Princeton’s hand and walks out of the restaurant

Gege POV

Roc and prod sat down at the table talking to Chanel and nene. I get up from the table to give them some privacy

I start walking towards the bathroom until ray ray comes out of no where and starts talking to me

Ray- so I can see our friends don’t waist no time

Me- ohh yea

Ray- so um do you wanna talk or something

Me- umm sure

We go and get some cappuccinos and sit down

Me- so what are you guys doing here in LA

Ray- ohh well actually me and roc live here in LA so prod and prince came to stay with us while were on break

Me- ohh that’s cool

I started to sip on my cappuccino and I noticed that ray was staring at me

Me- what. Do I have something on my face???

Ray- huh? Oohh no it’s just that you’re so beautiful

Me- (blushing) thnx

Prince POV

Me and landra started walking down the side walk talking

Landra- so what do you wanna talk about

Me- I just wanna get to know you

Landra- well what do you wanna know

Me- everything

She looked up at me and smiled. Her smile was beautiful. I want to make her smile like that everyday

Back in the restaurant. Prod and nene were at a different table talking

Prod POV

Me and nene were sitting at a table talking when my phone started to ring

Nene- umm are you gonna get that

Me- nope it can’t be more important than what im doing right now

Nene- (smiling while looking down in her lap)

I just started to stare at her. I couldn’t help my self. Her smile was so original. When she smiled its like everything around me shut down

Nene- what? Is there something wrong?

Me- oh no im sorry. I just love the way you smile and the way your eyes sparkle

Nene- (blushing) thnx

Me- can I ask you something

Nene- sure what is it

Me- well I know it’s kinda soon but I was wondering if you would be my girl

The look on her face when I asked her to be my girl was priceless

Nene POV

Prod just asked me to be his girl… HIS girl. I am so speechless.

Me- y-y-yes I will be your girl

Prod- good so now I can do this

Prod leans in and kisses me. I just melted in my skin his juicy lips felt so moist and fruity like star burst

Prod- wow that was … wow

Me- I know that was amazing

Prod- c’mon lets go for a walk.

We stood up from the table and walked over to roc and Chanel’s table to tell them that we were leaving

Prod- aye roc we boutta head out. Imma catch up with yall later iight

Roc- whatever. Bye

We left out of the restaurant hand in hand. This was like a dream come true

End of POV


I was just sitting there getting to know Chanel. She was just telling me about herself

Me- so you go to a performing arts school?

Chanel- yea

Me- ohh das cool

Chanel- yupp

I started to stare in her eyes. Then I leaned in and I gave her a kiss. It felt like fireworks between our lips

Me- um Chanel. Would you be my girl?

Chanel- yes

We finished talking and went for a walk

Gege POV

Me and ray finished talking and then I noticed the time

Me- ohh wow I gotta get going

Ray- already

Me- yea im sorry

Ray- do you wanna hang out some time tomorrow

Me- yea sure meet me at my house at 4:00

Ray- ok cool

I gave him my address and I began to walk out side

Ray- wait gege can I walk you home

Me- sure

We left the restaurant and headed to my house

Landras POV

Me and Princeton continued to walk and talk. While we were walking he grabbed my hand I quickly looked at him

Prince- oh im sorry

Me- no it’s ok

Prince- Landra im really starting to like you and I was wondering if you wanna be my girl

Me- of course ill be your girl

Prince- cool so let’s head back to the restaurant

Me- um actually gege just txt me and said ray is walking her home so lets just meet them there

Prince- ok

We get to the house and see that every one is there. We all say our good byes to the boys and go inside the house

Chanel POV

We all plopped down on the couch and started talking at the same time

Me- ok one at a time

Landra- ok so me and prince were walking and talking then all of a sudden he grabbed my hand and then out of no where he asked me out

All- awwww

Landra- yea I know right

Nene- did you say yes

Landra- heck’s yea

Nene- my turn. Ok so me and prod were just sitting down talking and then he asked me out and I said yes the he leaned in and kissed me. It was like I just ran out of oxygen

Landra- wow

Nene- I know right

Me- ok so me and roc were just talking and he was just staring in my eyes and he just kissed me then he asked me out

All- omg this is CRAZYYY

Gege POV

Everyone is talking about how their little talks went

Landra- so gege did ray ask you out

Me- nope

All- WAT

Me- nope we just talked and the he was just staring at me then he said I had a beautiful smile. Then I noticed the time and he offered to walk me home. Ohh and he asked to take me out tomorrow

All- ok

Me- it’s not that big. But we need to hit the hay stack because I have to wake up and go to the mall


Me- whatever

All- can we come

Me- I don’t care

We all headed up stairs and went to bed

Next day

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock and it read 2:30

Me- omg I over slept

I hurried and ran to all the girls’ room and woke them up. We all got dressed and headed to the mall

Landra- can we go to areopostale

Me- yea lets go

I bought me some white skinny jeans and a purple cropped tee with purple flats. After we all got what we wanted we headed back to the house it was 3:30 when we walked through the door I hurried and got in the shower and got dressed.

As I was finishing my hair the door bell rang.

Landra- ill get it

She opened the door and all of mb was standing there

Landra- you can come in

They all walked in and sat down. The rest of the girls were in baggy sweat pants and tank tops.

Ray- so were is gege

Nene- she will be down in a minute.

I yelled down the stairs and said im coming

Ray- (whispering in prods ear) man I can’t stop shaking Im so nervous

Prod- man calm down. Just act normal

Nene- yea. My sister is not that special

Prod- but you are

Nene- aww

I started walking down the stairs and I looked and saw ray stand up

Me- im ready

Ray- wow you look… wow

Prod- man close yo mouth

Ray- shut up

We headed out the door to where ever ray was taking me

Me- so were are we going

Ray- it’s a surprise

Me- ok

We pulled up to the place and ray opened the door for me. I got out and he grabbed my hand and we walked in this restaurant.

Back at the house

Roc- so what do yall wanna do

Prince- (looking at alandra) 7 minutes in heaven

All- okay

Prince- okay the rules are that I will spin the bottle and who ever it lands on has to go in the closet and do what ever for 7 minutes. So ill go first

He spins the bottle and it lands on landra

Landra- lets go prince

Landra POV

I walk in the closet hand in hand with prince

Me- so what should we-

Before I can finish my sentence prince put his finger to my mouth

Prince- don’t worry ill lead the way

He starts kissing my lips and we began to make out. He moves his lips down my jaw line and makes his way to my neck. He picked me up and rapped my legs around his waist and continued kissing my neck

Me- wait prince. Im not ready yet. But trust me the time will come.

Prod yells from outside the closet

Prod- times up

We fix ourselves and walk out of the closet

We join the circle and sit back down

Prod- my turn

He spins the bottle and it lands on nene

Nene- ha-ha lets go baby

Prod- ha-ha see yall in a few

He says as nene leads him to the closet

Prod- you ready babe

Nene- of course

They start making out and nene is rubbing her hand all around prods body. Prod begins kissing nenes neck. While he is kissing her neck she began to take off his shirt. Before they can get any further Chanel yell times up

Prod walks out of the closet putting his shirt on. Nene is staring at Chanel with this mean look on her face

Chanel- wat

Nene- you know I was about to get it

Chanel- whatever

Roc- okay my turn

Back at the restaurant

Gege POV

We are walking to our table hand in hand. Ray pulls out my chair so that I could sit down.

Ray- so do you like

Me- omg this place is amazing how did you get us a private table here. This place is packed

Ray- I had to pull a few strings but it was all worth it

He says while staring at me

Me- (looking away) so what are we going to order

I began to look at the menu.

Me- wow this place is expensive

Ray- it doesn’t matter. I don’t mind the prices (he says while smiling)

We order our food and our drinks. The waiter brings our food and we begin to eat.

Ray- so how do you like your food.

Me- it’s really good (I say with my mouth filled with food)

Me- oh im sorry

Ray- (laughing) its ok. You look cute when you’re eating

Me- so umm what do you have planned next

Ray- im glad you asked

He pays for the food and we walk to the car hand in hand

We pull up to the place that ray is taking me.

Ray- okay before we go in here imma need you to put this blind fold on

Me- okay

I put the blind fold on and he leads me inside the building. We finally stop walking

Ray- are you ready

Me- yea

He takes the blind fold off and we are standing in this beautiful dance room. It’s decorated with purple and white flowers and streams. Beautiful music was playing

Me- wow this is so beautiful

Ray- do you like it

Me- nope. (I look into his eyes) I love it

He grabs my hands as we began to dance.

I put my arms around his neck as he grabs my waist.

Ray- are you enjoying yourself

Me- of course I am. You didn’t have to do all this for me. We aren’t even together

Ray- (mumbles) yet

Me- huh?

Ray- well about that…

He lets go of my waist and grabs my hands

Ray- gege ive been meaning to ask you this.

My heart started to race as he pulled out a box from his left pocket

Ray- Georgia, will you be my #1 girl

Me- (smiling really big) YES

He opened the box and there was a diamond necklace inside with an R on the front. He took it out and placed it around my neck.

Me- wow ray this is beautiful

Ray- just like you

He leaned in and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss ever. It’s like we were meant to be. We finished dancing and headed back to the house. We got out of the car and walked in the front door. All the girls were cuddled up with their boyfriends sleep.

Ray- wow

Me- I know lets just go to my room

He started to smile

Ray- are you sure

Me- yea. C’mon


She led me upstairs to her room. She opened the door and we sat down on her bed.

Me- wow this is a lot of purple

Gege- I know. It’s my favorite Color

Me- mine too

She began to take off her shoes and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She was so sexy.

Me- so what are we gonna do now

Gege- we can watch a movie

Me- okay

She got up and went to find a movie.

Gege- lets watch a scary movie

Me- ok

She put in the movie and we layed down on her bed. The movie ended and I looked over and she was sleeping. I rapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep.

Next day

Gege POV

I woke up and I felt warm arms around my waist. I look over and notice that ray was lying next to me under the covers. I look under the covers to make sure we still had our clothes on. Then I took a big sigh of relief. I softly kissed his cheek and went back to sleep.

20 minutes later I hear nene banging on my door

Me- come in dang. Why are you so loud?

Nene- why didn’t you…

She stopped mid sentence and noticed that ray was sleeping in my bed.


Me- it’s not what it looks like

Ray wakes up and notices what’s going on

Ray- ohh good morning

Nene- no. It’s not a good morning. Why are you in the bed with my sister?

Ray- well if you must know we were watching a movie and we fell asleep

Nene- why is you in the bed with this dude

Me- he’s not just some dude (turning to look at ray) he’s my boyfriend

Nene- ohhhh my bad. Well landra is making breakfast

Me- ok we will be down in a minute

Nene walks out of the room. Me and ray got up and walked to the kitchen hand in hand.

Landra- whoa what did yall do last night

Ray- yall got some nasty minds

Me- we watched a movie then we fell asleep.

All- mmhmm

Me- whatever

We all sat down and ate. Then ray got a txt from Keisha saying that they need to get home.

Ray- ohhh umm yo we need to get going

Prod- why I wanted to spend some alone time with my girl

Nene- aww

Ray- well we cant we need to go

We gave our boyfriends hugs and they left.

Landra- man Princeton is so fine

Chanel- girl my rocky is the best

Nene- prod is so sweet

Landra- so what’s up with you and ray Georgia

Me- why is yall so nosy

Nene- c’mon tell us about the date

Before I could tell them I got a txt from ray saying that he wants us to meet him and the guys at the bowling alley in an hour or two

Me- ill tell you guys later. Ray just txt me and said he want us to meet them at the bowling alley

All- ok

Landra- well we need to go to the mall

Me- we can’t go to the mall every time we go somewhere

Landra- but I have nothing to wear

Me- fine let’s go

We make our way to the mall and get what we need. Then we get to the house and get ready. As I finish my hair I get a txt from ray

Txt Convo

Ray- you ready babe

Me- yea we are almost ready

Ray- ok. We will be there in a minute ok

Me- ok ill see you soon bye

Ray- bye

End of txt convo

A couple of minutes later there is knock at the door.

Nene- ill get it

She opens the door and lets the boys in

Prod- wow nene you look good in them jeans girl.

Nene- thnx you don’t look to bad yourself

Landra and Chanel came down the stairs.

Roc&prince- wow

Landra&Chanel- thnx

Ray- where is gege

Me- im coming

I started walking down the stairs

Boys- DANG

Me- how do I look?

Roc- ……



Ray- you look amazing. (He says while staring at the boys)

Prod- (whispering) man you is luckier than lucky charms. And that’s lucky

Nene- (smacks prod head) that is my sister Negro

Prod- my bad baby

Nene- mmhmm

Me- so can we go

All- yea

We all got in the car and headed to the bowling alley. We gave them our shoe sizes and got our bowling balls.

Prince POV

Man landra is looking so good in them skinny jeans. I can’t wait to get in them. Wait no STOP. Prince you promised to be gentle with her. But she is so fine. No I can’t treat her like any other girl. Like she told me in the closet. The time will come

Me- landra do you know how to bowl?

Landra- umm not really. Can you show me?

Me- yeah. Let’s go and find a lane to bowl in

Landra- ok

I grabbed her hand and we went to the sixth lane. I took her green ball and placed it in her hands.

Me- ok. All you have to do is put your fingers in the holes.

I came up behind her and held her close. Her hands were on top of the ball. I placed my hands on top of hers and threw the ball.

Me- wow you got a strike

Landra- thnx to you

I stared into her beautiful dreamy eyes and kissed her soft lips. We kissed for 5 minutes then it turned into making out. A couple minutes later we stopped.

Me- (smiling) lets go and get something to drink



Prod POV

I sat there watching nene bowl. She was so beautiful. Ive never met a girl like her. She had that smile that made you want to smile. She finished bowling then it was my turn.

Nene- I bet you can’t beat my score

Me- I bet I can

Nene- ok then it’s a deal

Me- wat do I get if I win

Nene- ill give you a kiss

Me- ok

Nene- and wat do I get if I win

Me- ill cater to you for the rest of the day

Nene- ok it’s your turn

I rolled my ball praying that I would get a spare and I did

Me- ha-ha I won

Nene- so

Me- so where’s my kiss

She gave me a peck on the cheek

Me- wait that was not a kiss

Nene- yes it was. If you catch me you will get more

Me- what are you talking about

After I said that she took off running. I caught up to her and kissed her. The kiss was so amazing

Me- you’re so beautiful

Nene- I know

Im sorry I don’t feel like writing about Roc and Chanel. Ok back to the story…


Me and gege were sitting down talking until a couple of fans come to our table

Girl1- hey ray ray. You are so fine

Me- um hi but im kinda talking right now ok

Girl2- who is this chick. Is this yo girl? You can do way better

Gege- excuse me.

Me- gege calm down

Girl1- yea calm down before you get beat down

Before gege could reply nene and landra came over with prince and prod

Nene- is there a problem that needs to be fixed

Girl2- I know this trick ….

Before she could finish her sentence nene punched the girl in the face and she fell to the floor


Girl2- *****

The two girls walked away

Me- wow I didn’t see that coming

Nene- she shouldn’t have called me a trick

Gege- can we go now. Its getting late

Me- yea c’mon

We left the bowling alley and headed to the house. We said our good byes and the boys left.

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