Confilcting Pasts of Krinx

By BlarrDeHarr

9.9K 259 137

Many people wanted me to write this story, so here it is! Hopefully this is enough to satisfy people, this is... More

Deadly Thoughts
Steam Group
Such Horrible Things
Safe, Hopefully
Singing...... Vlog?
Feelings Part One
Feelings Part Two
Otaku Ranks
We Are One
Ch. 1 - 10 *Code At The End*

A Point In Madness

2.3K 27 7
By BlarrDeHarr

Just another day in my average life. No partner, no real close family members. The only thing that keeps me from being completely average is my job, Well, if you can consider that a job. I do get income, so I guess it's a job. If I need to buy something, I'll just go to the bank, take out some money, and buy it. Money isn't really that much of a problem, I mean, I could always use more, but I don't really need anymore. Well, time to check YouTube...

I tell myself as I walk into my office, or as some people call my 'study'. I sit down in my chair as my Skype rings (I don't have a Skype, so sorry if this is wrong..).

“Hey guys, why did you call?” I ask into my mic as I see my friend turn on his web-cam.

“Yeah, you wanna record for the YouTubes?” My other friend asked kind of quietly.

“Don't worry Cry, I live alone, remember?” Cry than turned on his face-cam. He always wore a mask, even if he were just with friends.

“Hey Minx?” Pewds asked me, looking into the Web-cam.

“Yeah?” I respond.

“Why don't you ever show your face, I mean, you refuse to buy a face cam, and Cry, he wears a mask, yet he bought a face cam, why not you? You could wear a mask!” Pewds asked, I felt fear strike through my very soul.

“I-uh...” I started but than quickly said, “Sorry guys, I-I need to go!” I than muted my mic and started to walk away.

“Really Man? You know better than that! I told you not to question me, I'm quite sure, Minx wouldn't want that either!” I heard Cry yelling at Pewds. I mean he was correct, no one can know my past...

“I'm sorry man! Curiosity just got the best of me! That's all! I will never ask again!” Pewds was pleading to, Cry? Shouldn't he be apologizing to me? “Could you ever forgive me?” Pewds asked in his adorable voice.

“Of course Pewds, that is, if you apologize to Minx...” Thank you Cry, you have always been my friend, even after what happened...

“Do I have to?” Pewds whined.

“Yes you do!” Cry yelled at him.

“But, Minx and I never really play together, we're not really friends...” Pewds was making excuses... but why? Why not just apologize and forget about it?

“Pewds really? What's wrong with Minx?Is it because of...” Cry trailed off, trying to find words in this guarded conversation.

“Yes it is Cry, now can you drop it? How could you have forgiven her so easily? After everything that she has put us through?” Wow. Harsh Pewds, Harsh.. “Even after she hurt you, you're just going to forgive her?” I was genuinely worried about Cry's response. Would he stick up for me? Or would he mock me behind my back like Pewds?

“I won't drop it, I didn't forgive easily, yet I have forgiven her. Yes after she put us through, after everything she put me through, I have no problem with Minx, if you do, than you're a dick. Now, will you drop it Pewds, before she comes back?” Cry asked, slightly aggressive.

“Do you mean If she comes back?” Pewds asked, ignoring Cry's question.

“Yeah. If she comes back...” Cry's voice was ruled by sadness.

They don't need you anymore...

You could kill yourself, no one would miss you...

I grabbed my head, trying to dismiss these thoughts. They still come after a year. After a year of my pain and torture... I really am sorry about what happened! Cry, I'M SO SORRY! I then turned on my mic and re-walked into my room.

“Hey guys..” I say, slightly depressed.

“Hey Minx” Both guys said at exactly the same time.

“Yea?” I ask, tentatively.

“How are you doing?” Cry asked me.

“It depends.. are we playing or not?” I ask.

“Then let's play!” Pewds screamed as we started the game.


Just saying, as always my stories are unedited, so sorry about any mistakes.

I might just update this one week, then TSOV the other week, to make it easier on me.

Every starting chapter of a new story will always be smaller then normal chapters.

~See you around!


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