League of Legends Jhin Fanfic...

By MayorWho

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Khada Jhin, The Golden Demon of Ionia, finds himself in Demacia on a mission, where things don't go exactly a... More

Chapter 1: A Dance With Death
Chapter 2: The Chase
Chapter 3: Paparazzi
Chapter 4: Old Debts
Chapter 5: Reunion
Chapter 6: A Unique Reward
Chapter 7: Stakes

Chapter 8: The Trial (Ending)

663 24 11
By MayorWho

Jhin was still kept in a cell, the same cell he was before in fact, but without the clothing. He put his head in his hands, somewhat frustrated.

"This is all just a waste of time," he thought, running his hands through his hair. There was no sign of Sona either, as Jhin overheard she was told to not enter the capitol building until the trial later in the day. It was now afternoon, Jhin waiting by himself for many hours still. He sang, he danced, and he thought, just like the last time his was in the dirty cell. Today though was his all deserved trial, that depicted whether he was free or put into Demacian jail, or even if he still had his life. Anxiety crept up on Jhin, just like the first time he was caught many, many years ago. Ionian prison was quite nice compared to others, especially Demacian prisons. He had heard stories and encounters there, as if waiting in one room wasn't enough torture. What he really missed though was his gun and mask. He could hear them calling out to him, pleading to be used, to be put back where they should go. Even if they were with Quinn, they screamed so loud.

Finally, the hour of the trial came. Jhin was escorted from his cell into the grand courtroom, quartz pillars on either side of the entrance, and a long judge's desk, where important officials were to stay. With the shoving of Quinn, he was placed on one side of the room, where Irelia was waiting for him. She frowned unhappily, nervous just like him as he sat down next to her. He'd never seen her in such a state, which made him strangely feel better. After a few minutes, the many Demacian Hero's entered, who held Jhin's fate in their hands.

The first one to enter was Jarvan IV and Garen. They sat down in their chairs, nobly nodding towards Irelia. Garen's breath hitched at the sight of Jhin smiling, to whatever position he was in, was still trying to scare his opponent. Next followed Fiora, and finally Sona, who avoided eye contact with either Ionian.

"One day..."Jhin thought deviously.""I'll make you speak". Something caught Jhin's eye at the last moment, as the door they entered through had reopened again, only for a second. Shyvanna appeared, lurking in the shadows on the sideline. Nervousness swept throughout her, and Jhin could tell she'd only done this a few times before. A few other people started to enter, sitting down in seats behind them; mere onlookers. With everyone's hearts racing, they began.

Quinn introduced each of the Demacians, bowing at each name she said. Jhin couldn't help but roll his eyes, snarling at the ignorance. Irelia jabbed him sharply with her elbow, making him grow patient suddenly. Once that was finished, Quinn announced the problem at hand.

"Khada Jhin, a notorious criminal, was found escaping a crime scene at Grand Gallery in the southern part of Demacia."

"Escaping?" Jhin said with no warning."You're implying my guiltiness."

"It's true though!" Quinn snapped, earning her a yell from Jarvan IV.

"Go on," he said, after the two were done glaring at each other.

"With blood on his clothes, and the late Eevie Essner in the garden, we have full jurisdiction to believe Khada Jhin, is guilty." She ended her statement with a nod, a smile creeping on her lips, as she continued.

"When I saw Jhin walk into his carriage, and Valor alarmed at the smell of blood on him, I questioned him, which he denied by running away, and shooting at me with his gun." She threw Whisper onto the table in front of the panel, almost denting its side. Jhin growled at the misuse of his gun, although was happy to see it again. Quinn also proceeded to dump his other belongings, guns, grenades, but there was something missing, that he couldn't help but smile at.

"He also escaped his capture, denying his first scheduled trial."

"Why waste time when I know I can just leave?" Jhin said, leaning back into his chair. Garen held a hand up, signalling Quinn to not reply to him.

"Mr. Khada, is it?" Fiora said, looking down at him."I see you are confident in your words. Why such courage?"

"Because I'm confident this is a waste of time," he said blandly. Fiora glared down at him, with even more sharpness than Quinn. Irelia jabbed him again, then whispered for him to be quiet.

"It is your turn to defend yourself," Shyvanna said quietly, and the whole room seemed to turn to her. Jarvan IV lightly smiled at her, then turned his attention back to Jhin, and nodded in approval.

"That night," Jhin started, a dreamy look in his eyes,"I was at the Grand Gallery, on research for Demacian history. I did, in fact, converse with Eevie, as she was a well known guide to the history of Demacia. After that, I relaxed, and enjoyed myself. Thirty minutes later I decided to walk into the garden, where I found her body beautifully draped in the petunias. You should have been there, it was well composed. Yes, I did touch her, explaining the blood on my hands and clothing. I knew though, if I stayed any longer, word would get out of my being, and, as now, I would be falsely accused. I decided my best effort was to get out of the building, and let the police deal with it, but I was stopped by Ms. Quinn. Yes 'running away' may have caused more suspicion, but I knew she would take me in if I didn't. And that leads to up here." The panel looked at each other, and knew that the story sounded somewhat stretched, but also some what believable. Quinn had her arms folded, shaking her head in disagreement.

"Can you please explain why you ran from your capture? If your story checks, we could have cleaned it up much quicker," Garen questioned

"The stage is set," Jhin thought, his smile growing wide. He glanced over at Irelia, who held her breath. Suddenly, Jhin stood from his chair, and slammed his hands onto the table. The sound rang throughout the quiet room, everyone jumping at the noise.

"It's not the why," Jhin started,"it's the how!" He pointed dramatically at Sona, whose eyes widened with fear.

"Your own Sona Buvelle helped me escape that night, giving me her comb!" He held out the golden comb she had given him the night of his escape. There was a slight gasp throughout the room, which made Jhin smile even more.

"Not only that, but she's betrayed you again." Everyone was looking at the now sobbing Sona, who tried, but utterly failed, to keep her posture. Confusion struck like a piano chord, as everyone tried to figure out what Jhin meant.

"She has allowed me to escape once more!" His voice was grand, as if he was on stage performing a dramatic monologue. Now everyone was even more confused, as Jhin slowly started to step backwards.

"Thank you all," he swooned,"for a teetering, yet worth it performance. It won't be the last, I promise you." He was about to take one final step back, but he stop.

"You've all awoken something deep inside of me," then he took a step back. For a split second there was dead silence, and then it happened. A giant explosion of purple smoke and sparks lit the air, just like one of his signature traps, only bigger. Shouts and screams rose up, as people coughed while trying to calm everybody at once. People rushed in and out, chaos reigning in such a stable place. Finally, the shouts and smoke died down, leaving the chair next to Irelia empty, and the gun on the table, gone.

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