Fake It For Me (New Version)

By Paranilla

917 30 0

She's an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. He's a famous singer worldwide. So, how did they end up datin... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

280 4 0
By Paranilla

-Chapter 1

"Woo-hoo! Let's get this party started!" My younger sister, Lindsey, shouts loudly. "Can you believe that we have the rest of the day to ourselves? Mom and dad are stupid for leaving us for a day. They should have hired someone to watch over us. I'm ready to get all the fun started."

"Lindsey, keep your screeching down," I order, shaking my head as I keep my eyes on the road. "We will not be alone for a long time, remember? They're coming back in a few hours and we have to pick them up at the airport."

"You're such a buzz kill, Amy," she replies, laughing. "You need to lighten up and learn to live a little. How about we go and do something fun to loosen you up?"

Lindsey lives in her perfect little world most of the time. She's always imaging what it would be like to walk the red carpets or to own her own makeup line. She probably thinks about it a lot because she is the kind of girl Hollywood loves to have in it. Blonde, pretty, and a future bombshell.

"I don't need to loosen up. I need to drive."

I'm always getting stuck watching her and I hate dealing with her constant 'I want to have fun' personality. We're the exact opposite of each other, which probably shocks her friends once they meet me. I'm the kind of girl who wants to stay inside and learn more about this universe from books. I love being within the safety of the house walls.

"If I promise that this will be the only crazy thing we do today, will you lighten up?" Lindsey asks me. Earlier today, I promised to take her shopping. So, I'm doing that right now.

"Why would I need you to make a promise?" I look over at her quickly and back at the road, pressing down on the brakes. Why do people randomly stop on the road? Nothing is on it so get driving!

"I promise not to do anything crazy today as long as we go shopping." What is going through her mind right now? "Oh, turn once you get up to the light. Then you have to turn left so we can get into the mall parking lot."

"I know how to get to the mall. I'm not uncool." No, I look uncool in society's eyes.

I slow down as we approach the light and I look over to the right. I turn on the turn signal and turn to the right. Now, let's hurry up and get to the mall so I can get my parents and get rid of Lindsey!

"You look so serious when you're driving."

"Driving is a serious thing. Take care of your own life and someone else's life. This is a huge responsibility and you will have to have it once I am no longer with you. You still only have your temps," I reply, looking at her for a second. "I will turn now."

I put the turn signal on and turn left, going into the mall parking lot. The malls are getting emptier and emptier as times goes on. People are way too lazy to go out and shop. I understand because I hate going out into the world but I rather shop in a store than online. I can't trust what people are selling online. I could end up with something that makes me look like a space blob.

"That spot is open!" Lindsey exclaims, pointing to a spot. I look over, staring at it. That is darn close to the front!

I turn right and then turn left, entering the spot. "How did I do?"

"Perfect enough," she answers. She doesn't care at all does she? She wants to shop!


"What? No one will damage your precious little car!"

I scoff. "This brat," I mutter out, rolling my eyes.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing. Let's get out now." I have already parked it thanks to subconsciously doing it. It is just something I do once I enter a parking spot after making the car park good enough in it.

I pull the keys out and put them onto my lap. "Don't forget your purse," I tell Lindsey. I swear, I'm not coming back to get it for her if she leaves it in the car. She can suffer and watch me pretend to shop.

She unbuckles her seat-belt and grabs her purple purse, holding up the sparkly little thing. "I have it." She smiles, probably trying to mock me.

We don't always get along but we do love each other. My mother always told me I couldn't be in a room with Lindsey because we are just so different. However, we try to make it work since I'm the only one with the driver's license right now.

Lindsey opens the door, placing her fair legs out the door. "I am just glad you're doing this for me. Did my begging work earlier?"

"Your puppy dog look accomplished nothing, Lindsey. I only took you here so you could leave me alone afterwards. Besides, mom and dad wanted me to have bonding time with you. They said we should get along more by the time they get back." I unbuckle my seat-belt and open the door. I pick up my keys and get out the door, closing it as I move out of the way.

"Darn it! I guess my star power didn't shine through."

"What star power?"

She laughs cutely. "Forget it, Amy," she answers. "Hey, make sure you call Jake. He will probably want to know what we all want for dinner. I can't believe he works for us."

"He loves it because he can see you."

"Just call him." Doesn't she like to hear the truth?

"I will."

She moves towards me, smiling brightly with her bubblegum pink lips. "You need to learn how to be the life of the party, Amy. I should teach you that one day so you don't have to sit inside and be all awkward. Reading a book in your room isn't very exciting."

"It is when the book is great." I've been reading a book by some Christian book writer and it is a good series. It has action, mystery, and romance. It is everything I need in one book.

"You need to actually have fun with something that isn't for reading. How about friends? Do you even know what those are?"

"I know what friends are. I have them when I'm at school. You know, College?"

"Oh, right?" She nods her head. That sounded more like a question than a response. "Don't you ever want to hang out with them? Go to a movie or something with them, Amy?"


"That is more of a question than an answer."

"So what? It isn't a big deal."

"It's not a big deal?" She shakes her head. "Really? It isn't?"

I shrug. "You know it isn't a big deal."

"I will have to teach you to have fun. This is sad."

"How is it sad that I prefer staying inside?" I ask, moving closer to her while holding out the keys. I press the lock button and the car beeps. Good car.

"We should start with your clothes. Your clothes scream that you're plain and dull," she tells me, moving with me as we approach where we should cross legally. I will not break the law just to get inside a mall.

"Plain and dull?"

"Yeah, that is what they're screaming at me right now. I should turn you into someone who dresses hip and young. You know, trendy?"


She laughs. "Fit in with the times, Amy. It is a lot nicer to fit in than to stand out in the crowd. You want to be someone that looks good no matter what but doesn't drag too much attention to herself. You don't want your outfit bringing you bad attention, right?"

"I guess." I don't like it when people stare at me.

"You're wearing a sweater despite it not being winter and blue jeans."

"The sweater is from our late grandma and she passed it down. It should honor you that I'm wearing something by someone who was so beautiful and sweet!"

"Oh, my bad!" She says, obviously not sorry.

"Oh, I just remembered something!" I look around as we cross. "Our parents left a list behind for me to give Jake. They want to throw a party for some potential investors to help get them interested in them. They figure if they show off that they care and value their company, they might invest into their company."

"The family company is full of stars. Who knew our parents would make all kinds of brands around here?"

Our parents are people who run a company that makes clothes, makeup, and other things for celebrities. They even help with CDs, movies, etc. Anything that a celebrity wants, they help with. It is an all-around company and is darn unique. It is called Make-U-Star.

"Jake should find a real job so he doesn't have to live like this with us."

"He does it because our parents have done so much for him."

When Jake was younger, his parents died in a car accident. Our parents took him in and raised him, paying for every little thing because they loved and adored his parents. They were high school friends, so it made sense. Now that Jake is older, he has worked for us instead of just getting free money for high school. He gets paid and uses it for school and other things he needs.

We step up over the side, approaching the doors to the mall. "Do you think they will buy some nice wine for the party?" Lindsey asks me, sounding curious.

"You're not getting anything like that to drink so keep dreaming," I answer, grabbing the door handle and pulling the door open. "Go in."

"Alright." She enters and I follow her in, letting the door close behind me. I will not stand there and wait for people to hold it open for. I don't have that kind of time.

"Why do you want to drink anyway?"

"Just to try it. You drink sometimes."

"Only sips."

"I know. I have seen you drink."

"It helps me reduce my stress."

She stops and looks around. "What store should we pop into first? I want to look at some trendy, sparkly dresses," she asks. She looks like a lost little girl right now.

"How about the one over there?" I point to a store with a bunch of mannequins wearing swimsuits. "That may have something cool to wear."

"Swimsuits? This early?"

I laugh. "I doubt that is all they sell. Come on, let's check it out before judging it too harshly," I order, moving towards the store.

She follows, her heels clicking against the mall floor. "You don't have to go so fast. Usually you're slow, Amy."

"I know that I walk super slow, Lindsey."

We approach the store and I step in, going by the security devices. I don't like it when stores have them because they're loud and annoying but they help stop criminals from getting away with some free goodies. I wish they wouldn't go off so much at stores.

"Dresses!" Lindsey moves by me, rushing over to a rack of clothes. "I see a ton of sparkles! Oh, my goodness! This dress is to die for! Look, Amy!" She pulls out a sparkly blue dress. It is one dress.

"That is nice."

"You look bored. Come on!" She motions for me to get closer. "I will pick out an outfit for you and we will get it. Then you will change into it before we leave the mall and we will show it to mom and dad."

"Why would I want to do that? You know I hate shopping for clothes."

"Which is why you wear hand-me-downs." She turns to the rack, putting the sparkly blue number back, and she looks through a few dresses. "Hm...this one might do even though it is a one piece."

She pulls it out and holds it out to me. It is a shirt with sparkles and patterns on it and a red attached bottom that would show a bit of legs if someone were to put it on. Does she seriously want me to wear that? I don't like the look of my legs!

"You look like you hate it."

"I don't hate it," I say.

"You hate it."

"I don't want to show off my legs," I state.

"Hey, your pocket is glowing! Is that Jake?" She moves closer, putting her free hand down into my pocket.


"Sorry, I want to see your phone. Why don't you have it on vibrate? Why does it have to be on silent, Amy?" She pulls it out after a second and slides the screen and selects the answer button. She lifts it to her ear. "Hello? Oh, we're shopping. What? They will arrive any moment? Why didn't you tell us?"


"We have to get to the airport soon! Make whatever you think I want for dinner, okay? Thanks, Jake! Bye!" She hangs up and she holds out the phone. "They will need us any moment at the airport. We need to hurry up and grab out some clothes and get going."

"And I'll change into that."



We step into the airport, wearing our near outfits. A few people look over at us, staring at us like we're celebrities. Didn't Lindsey tell me I would blend in more? Why are people staring at me now?

"We look hot don't we?" Lindsey asks, practically shrieking.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You look pretty in that outfit, Amy. You should really wear stuff like that more because it brings out your natural beauty," she says, complimenting me.


She moves closer and links her arm with mine, holding onto me gently. "We should stick together like this. Many people are here and I would hate to get separated from you," she tells me, smiling brightly. I look away from her, staring in front of us.

"You're strange." She's my dork.

"Huh? What is going over there? They have cameras. Did someone famous come here today?" Lindsey asks randomly.

I look around, noticing the people holding cameras. "I don't think anyone famous was supposed to come here today. At least, no one in the media seems to be here yet."

"Important media."

"Right. My bad."

The paparazzi are stalkers. I feel bad for the people who are really, famous. They get surrounded by them so fast and it causes a lot of issues. Not that not so famous people don't have that problem not that bad as someone on the level of that one person from Canada I don't want to name.

"I can't see where mom and dad are because of them! They're hogging up all the room!" Lindsey whines. "I want them to get lost!"

"Same, Lindsey," I reply.

"Don't we have laws against this kind of crap? This is sickening! Oh, goodness! That girl has a Bazooka cam!" Lindsey points.

I grab her hand and push it down. "Pointing is darn rude." Not going to lie, I point at things myself. But I feel like being a hypocrite right now.

"We should walk that way, Amy. I believe mom and dad will come from that way," she says, pointing to the right. "Okay?"


She removes herself from me and moves to the right. I follow her as we dodge a few ladies with cameras. I wonder who the unlucky famous person is.

"Lindsey, wait up!" I exclaim as she moves faster. She can't hear me can she?

I move faster, trying to keep up with Lindsey. THUD! What in the world? Did I bump into someone? Ouch, my arm!

I grab my arm with my free hand and look over, my eyes meeting eyes that are covered by sunglasses. The guy looks down at my arm and I look away, cheeks heating. This is awkward. Did I run into him or did he run into me?

I can't even see his face. His hair is pushed up and is a reddish brown color. He seems to wear a simple outfit that is purely laid-back. He doesn't seem the type to run into someone.

"I'm sorry," I say, apologizing. I don't know if I ran into him or if he ran into me but the thing to do is to apologize right away. I look back over.

"No, I should be the one who is sorry," he says, his voice soft but deep. He seems to have a slight accent, but it doesn't seem to make him hard to understand. "I ran into you because I wasn't paying attention."

"It is fine, don't worry about it."

He smiles, looking like he wants to laugh. "That is odd. You don't want the apology?"

"No, I don't need one. Accidents happen."

"But you apologized."

"Because it is a habit of mine."

He looks me over, nodding his head. "Well, I should let you go now. You don't seem to need medical help. You don't want to sue me, right?"

I laugh and shake my head. "No, I don't want to sue you," I answer. "Anyways, thank you for checking on me. I will go and catch up with my sister. I need to find her and some other people."

"Take care. Don't let someone run into you again."

"I won't."

I move around him and look ahead, looking for Amy. "Ah!"

I feel someone grab me, pulling me closer to them. Did I seriously almost wipe out on the airport floor? That is very embarrassing to picture! All the cameras here would have caught it and I'm sure it would make the news if I would have tripped!

I turn my head, meeting that guy's face again. "You..."

"You shouldn't walk around in high heels. They're bad for your feet," he tells me, smiling. He helps me back up. "Now take care."

I nod my head. "Thanks for saving me from embarrassing myself. Not that I haven't embarrassed myself," I mutter out, looking down. I bet he finds me to be a huge embarrassment.

"What did you say?"


"No problem. Take care."

He moves away from me and goes off, heading towards the cameras. I feel bad for him. He will be run over by them for whoever they are waiting for.

"Hey, what was that about?"

I look over, meeting Lindsey's eyes. "I have found you!"

"No, I found you. Look, I have mom and dad with me!" She points behind her and I look over at my mom and dad. "So, who was that? I never have hot hunks save me from being nearly on the ground. Did you almost kill yourself with your heels?"

"I wouldn't have died, Lindsey. I would have face planted."

"Did you get his name? Did you get a number?"

I shake my head as they stop in front of me. "No, I didn't ask for that because I was looking for you and I didn't want to lose you. Besides, I don't need random guy's number and name. That is darn creepy to ask for!"

"Is it?" My dad asks. "I asked for your mother's number back down and got her house number. I had to call her when everyone went to bed. That is how we hooked up back then."

"Dad, this is different," Lindsey tells him. "This is about some random hunk at the airport, not mom."

"They are right." My mom nods. "How about we get home and rest? Let's forget about Amy nearly face planting onto the floor."


I seriously hate my life.

"Next time you should get a guy's number instead of making them flee," Lindsey suggests.

Yeah, I'll do that. Totally.

"Let's just get home," I mutter out.

A/n: This is chapter one of the rewritten version of the rewrite. It should have less errors. I have changed the style of writing a bit to reflect how I currently write stories. This sounds way better than the original chapter version I had posted so I hope you enjoy. I won't be editing the original as the is the original and it has a different storyline than this one in a way. I want you to be able to see the difference in writing and parts of the story. If you don't know, I changed a character name. I will mention it later on.

Also, this was originally titled "Let's Date" when I first started writing it. Then I found out something and had to change the name of it which is how it is the current title. I would mention specifics but it was settled ages ago. Thank you and enjoy. :)

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