Little Wolf

By Multijoys

27.4K 1.8K 382

Ulric Wolcott, know as Little Wolf by his friends and family, has no boundary between man and wolf. His Nativ... More

Ch 1 Wolf Song
Ch 2 Wolf's out of the bag
Ch 3 Connected
Ch 4 The Wolf Side of the Family
Ch 5 A Father/Son talk
Ch 6 Being Man
Ch 7 Being Wolf
Ch 8 Man of a Beast
Ch 9 Celebrating Life
Ch 10 On My Own
Ch 11 Long Legs and a Sandy Circle
Ch 12 An Invitation or Two
Ch 13 Fight Club
Ch 14 Just a Run
Ch 15 What the Wolf Wants
Ch 16 Dad's Visit
Ch 17 The Wolf Shows Out
Ch 18 Wolf In the Smoke
Ch 19 Date Night
Ch 20 Yard Party
Ch 21 Forest Fire
Ch 22 Man-instinct
Ch 23 A Visit Home
Ch 24 The Power of Stories
Ch 25 Wolf Pointe
Ch 26 Spirit Wolf
Ch 27 A True Pack
Ch 28 By the Fire
Ch 29 Omega
Ch 30 A Glimpse to the Future
Ch 31 Special Training
Ch 32 Lobo
Ch 33 5k Marathon
Ch 34 Sister Wolf
Ch 35 Council Meeting, pt1
Ch 36 Council Meeting, pt2
Ch 37 Family
Ch 38 All of Me
Ch 39 Detour
Ch 40 The Hunted and the Prey
Ch 41 Trapped
Ch 42 Contact
Ch 43 Rescue
Ch 44 Wolves
Ch 45 Challenge
Ch 46 Interlude
Ch 47 The Other King
Ch 48 No More Sheep
Ch 49 Anna
Ch 50 Sister
Ch 51 One with the Tribe
Ch 52 Sister's Prelude
Ch 53 Sister's Story
Ch 55 Alpha Tammy
Ch 56 Wolf Dance
Ch 57 The Pack Hunt
Ch 58 The Alpha Plays
Ch 59 Brother Wolf
Ch 60 Epilogue
Author's Note
Pancakes, for real!

Ch 54 Full Moon Run

225 22 1
By Multijoys

We had worked the crowd, repeating again and again how people could join her, or I should say, our, Wolfpack micro-nation. One council member asked me to meet with them later. I agreed of course, telling them I wasn't sure how long it would take me to meet with the wolves that were waiting. We finally made it back to our home.

Sister's mother was true to her word, telling Sister there was one more thing lined up for tonight. Sister started to tell her mother that she was too tired to do anything else.

I was a bit wore out myself, drinking my tea to help calm my nerves. For Sister to admit to being tired was unheard of. I was practically shocked, as were her parents. Her dad put a hand on his wife's shoulder, leaning close to whisper something to her before walking away.

I sat back, wondering if her mother would honor my request.

"Tammy, I know tonight has been a long and exciting time. I'm so proud of you! Your storytelling was fabulous and the shadow puppetry was amazing! I don't know how they managed to pull it off so perfectly! I'll admit, normally I would insist on you heading right to bed. I don't want you to miss tonight's special surprise because of me."

Her mother paused, struggling to hold back tears that came too easily for her. Sister glanced away from her mother to me for a second. I kept my poker face on, revealing nothing. She rolled her eyes at me before focusing once more on her mother.

"Brother asked me," her mother said, "and it is hard enough for me to let you go, but you deserve tonight, and maybe we both need to know what it feels like for me to let you go, even if I'm going to hold you tight when you get back and make your life miserable for the next week or two with over-mothering."

Her mother managed a slight chuckle through her tears, hugging her daughter tight.

"You sure it's ok? Really ok?"

"Yes, Tammy, I'm sure. I probably won't sleep all night, but I want you to go."

Her mother gave her a little shove my way when her father came back out carrying a small bag. I was impressed with her mother's honesty about how she felt.

Sister's eyes got big when she saw my bike. I held out the extra helmet, hastily painted white just for her. She didn't say a word as my dad helped her with it. I put her bag in my saddlebag. The other side was full of tea. By the time we were on the bike, Lone Wolf was pulling up next to me with Mac behind him. I rolled off slowly so she would have time to wave goodbye to her parents.

Her arms held me tight as I picked up speed. A few more bikes and atv's joined us as we went off-road, getting as close to Wolf's Pointe as we could with vehicles. There would come a point where the terrain was just too steep for any vehicle to travel it safely.

When we reached that point, there was already a large collection of bikes and atv's. We had already passed a few trucks that could go no further. Anna and Running Elk were waiting for us. There were wolves in the woods as well.

Mac was off before anyone, growling at Anna for being there. His diatribe stopped with one of her fingers touching his chest.

"Do not!" was all she said, giving it a minute before glancing at Sister.

"Yeah, but she's a damn wolf," he muttered.

Sister threw him a look, giggling at his cussing and his embarrassment.

"It's ok Mac, I am a damn wolf."


She looked at me all innocent while Mac chuckled.

"No more hanging with Mac if he's going to be influencing you to use words like that! Your mother will have an absolute cow if you go back talking like that!" I exclaimed, faking indignation but still being serious in my reproach to her.

"I would never talk like that in front of my mom! Have you ever had your mouth washed out? Totally nasty! Besides," she added cheekily, "we could eat the cow."

I chuckled, couldn't help it, as Mac let out a loud guffaw, slapping Sister on the shoulder, making it look like a harder hit than it was. She still threw him a dirty look for it though.

"Now Lil' Sis, you remember that talk we had about enforcers?"

"Yeah, you told me you weren't one even though you fit the description!"

Sister glared at him, practically tapping her toe in frustration. I pulled out her bag and my backpack full of tea. Mac glared back at her, scowling. They were in a way very similar with their brusque personalities.

Eddie pulled up, distracting them, barely managing his bike. He had this huge backpack strapped to the rear seat backrest. I didn't even want to know what was in it. Knowing them, probably a whole frigging arsenal. I was really going to have to have a talk with Mac. Sometime after Sister was done with him though. She wasn't one to back down.

Mac finally pointed at Lone Wolf, who had gone off to the side to shift. I wondered if he was trying to spare Sister or Mac from the sight of his transformation. He had shifted in record time for him. I suspected he had spent all his free time shifting to hone the skill. His human bulk made for an enormous wolf, almost fictional in its size.

"Now that," declared Mac, "is your enforcer. My bro and I, we're a team, see? He will give his life to keep you safe, and while he's doing that, I'm killing the s.o.b. that's trying to take you out. You do what he says, right when he says, no questions asked. Now, we worked this out earlier. See that?"

Mac pointed to Lone Wolf, who was pointing to his own back with his snout.

"He looks at you and does that, you climb on him and lean down tight against him. You grab deep handfuls of that fur around his neck..."

"It's called a ruff, and I'm not riding a wolf..."

Mac picked her up and plopped her down on top of Lone Wolf. She had no choice but to strattle him. She looked at me indignantly.


"I'm not carrying you," I said as I slipped on the unfortunately orange doggie backpack full of tea as I shifted. "And your mom would have a hissy if she heard we made you climb a mountain tonight. Trust Lone Wolf. It's the only way to get you there in time."

"Where? And in time for what? Brother!" she called out, but I was already moving. I stopped after a short distance waiting for them to catch up.

Mac shouldered the big backpack as if it was nothing, motioning Anna ahead of him. Lone Wolf moved and Sister screeched, but leaned forward to place her arms around his neck. Running Elk brought up the rear for now, handling Sister's small bag and his own backpack.

I watched Eddie pull out a small pup tent, practically throwing it up in the air to have it come down already formed up. He positioned it in the center of the bikes, settling himself down. Rear guard, I thought, sighing at Mac's military mind. With all of the wolves in the woods, I couldn't really blame him.

Soon Lone Wolf and I were shoulder to shoulder. I guided him to the easier paths, taking the slightly more difficult ways myself. When we could move easily side by side, I kept myself against Sister's leg, often looking over at her. Sometimes her eyes were closed, other times she tried to look at the wolves around us. I think she tried to count them at one point but finally gave up, sinking back into Lone Wolf's fur.

"Your midnight run, Sister," I growled out softly at one point. Her smile didn't have the excitement I'd anticipated, but it held more satisfaction and contentment than I ever could have imagined. No matter when I looked at her, that content smile shone back at me.

I also looked at the wolves around me. I had no idea where they all came from. The ones I knew ran close to us. Many of our wolves approached Lone Wolf as we ran, making a point of bumping Sister's leg. They alternated, so while I was always on her one side, someone else was always on her other.

Sister caught my eye when we reached a small field. Lone Wolf snorted, making a small leap forward, picking up speed. I laughed, pretending to race him. Our pack ran around us. I was gratified to see Sister's grin. I could imagine what she might be saying through our imaginary pack mind-link:

Our Midnight Run Brother! Do you see our wolves? There are so many beautiful ones! And a pack of white ones!

I could practically hear her go on about how the woods looked in the moonlight, the friends around us, and the fact that despite her protestations she was thrilled to be riding a wolf!

Once when I paused and looked at some of the strange wolves that ran with us, I felt Spirit Wolf within me, filled with satisfaction. I glanced at Sister. I had a feeling her story had more truth to it than anyone might have realized. Lobo had mentioned a gathering of wolves when we first met. I was in awe at the number of wolves I saw. There must be at least a hundred.

When we were close to the pointe I let Sister get off Lone Wolf. I chuckled at how many four-legged wolves wore shorts. Once we reached our campsite, a procession started. One after another shifted to greet Sister before going back to wolf.

She greeted each of them while I watched her for signs of strain or exhaustion. Some men she merely grasped hands with, holding out both of hers. Others she pulled in close, pulling them down to her level if needed, pressing her cheek to theirs like in the stories she reads.

A few approached her as wolves, careful to stay respectful. No one wanted to challenge the big wolf that stayed close, obviously on guard duty, or the group of us that ranged along the sides and behind her.

When Businessman's daughter Princess came up to her, Sister oohhh'ed at her shift. Princess had perfected the movement that released the catch on her cape, allowing the folded material to fall down as she stood. Like me, she remained fur covered until she had adjusted the fastenings to make a robe type dress of her cloak. Her movements were smooth, and I was sure she was going to make a fortune selling cloaks to female werewolves. It was a fascinating transformation to watch.

"Us girls have to watch out for each other," Princess said, hugging Sister tight.

"Definitely!" replied Sister as she hugged back.

They shared a grin before Princess motioned her pack forward.

"This is my father, and these are my personal guard," she added as the two young men and two older wolves came forward. The way they rotated around Princess to greet Sister one by one was educational. Her personal guards were not merely honorary, taking their duty seriously. Any wolf that invaded that circle could expect an attack.

There was already a fire going, with a single tent for Sister off to the side. Our old canvas bag was stretched out by the fire, and no one dared take that spot. Old Grey waited until Sister was up by the fire before he did his seamless shift, no shorts for the old wolf. He gave a nod to me while he was still wolf, and a quick nod to Sister after he shifted.

"Spanish Wolf," he called out, "speak to all of the legend you once told."

The old man melted back into a wolf, shifting only to speak as usual. He had two wolves cuddling up to him, with Lucian, our shy wolf from before, behind him.

Sister looked at me, trying not to giggle at the old man's momentary nakedness. I shook my head imperceptibly, looking sternly at her as I set my backpack by the tent.

"In a moment, Lobo," I called out. "I want to show Sister what I brought her up here for."

I stayed at half shift, heavier fur and more wolf on the bottom half than I usually had instead of shorts. I took her hand, amazed anew at how totally fearless she was in the company of so many wolves.  They cleared a path as we walked toward the pointe, finally standing on the stone outcropping that provided such a majestic view.

"It had to be tonight, Sister," I said, pointing up. The full moon bathed the woods below in a soft glow. Somehow I knew there were still a few wolves in those lower woods, summoned by Spirit Wolf, who were unable or unwilling to find their way to this height.

Sister leaned against me. My furred arm held her tight.

"Good thing I'm not afraid of heights," she finally said, loud and teasing. "Brother, its beautiful, all of it! I had no idea you knew so many wolves! Your pack is huge!"

"Sister, you do not understand. I do not know most of these wolves. A few, from the first gathering a year ago, more, from when I was rescued, but not this many."

I paused, looking behind us where so many unknown wolves gathered in a loose crowd, careful of personal space.

"They came for you, Sister, this gathering of wolves. You should invite them into your pack, our pack, which is Spirit Wolf's pack. Speak to them Sister," I told her quietly for her alone to hear.

I led her back toward the gathering. Now she was nervous, glancing up at me.

"What should I say?"

"Close your eyes. Picture the werewolves in all those stories you read. Go tell them what they need to hear."

She did as I said, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she looked up at me with a sigh.

"Brother, I love you, but you still don't know anything!"

She looked out at the gathered wolves, putting her hands on her hips, taking a deep breath.

Oh boy, I thought, what am I unleashing on these wolves?

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