The golden boy changed me

By lewis_styles

34.1K 918 155

The Mortal Instruments AU Clary Fray has a horrible life at home but to top it all off she is considered an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17: Epilogue

Chapter 10

1.8K 43 8
By lewis_styles

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter so late... I was having a lot of wattpad troubles. :(
Chapter 10

When it was time to leave the park I had Jace drop me off at Simon's house, giving him a goodnight kiss and a promise to text him later.

I knocked on the door and to my utter surprise, it was Izzy who answered it. She was dressed in sweats yet somehow still looked like a model. When she saw me she started to blush and gave me a small greeting.

"Oh! Um... Hi, Clary! What are you doing here?" She stammered.

I gave her a patronizing look. "I could ask you the same thing. Is Simon home?" She didn't have to answer because right then Simon's unruly hair popped up behind her.

"I have a twenty but not a ten. Do you have any change?" He looked up," Oh Clary! You aren't the pizza guy. Where were you today?" His face was scrunched up with worry and I instantly felt a twinge of guilt.

I didn't tell him where I was. I gave him a look that said I would explain later, once Izzy had left. He gave a slight nod and turned to Izzy but before he could say anything Izzy grabbed my hands and pulled me inside.

"Come on in. We were about to start watching Star Wars. Simon promised he would show me what it was." Izzy said brightly. I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled in my throat. Izzy? Watching Star Wars? This I had to see.

"Pass me another slice," Simon grumbled from my right. We were sitting on the couch watching the final movie. Izzy was between Simon and me, her head in his lap.

"Simon you ate the last piece three hours ago." There was a sigh of disappointment and I heard Izzy yawn. She slowly got up and seemed dazed. She checked her phone and jumped.

"I've got 6 missed calls and 14 texts from Alec! He probably thinks I'm dead or something! I'm sorry Simon but I have to go! I had so much fun." With that, she bent down and gave him a kiss. Feeling embarrassed I turned away until I felt Izzy hug me. "Bye Clary see you tomorrow at
school or I guess just later today."

I chuckled silently and turned to see Simon sitting dazed, his hand touching his lip. I waved my hand in front of his face and he snapped out of it.

"Sorry for not telling you where I was Simon. I totally forgot. I went to see my mom and then I went for a walk and just got distracted." I slowly came to a stop after seeing the look of disbelief on his face.

"You're trying to tell me you got distracted for TWO WHOLE DAYS? 'cause that's how long you were gone, Clary. Shit, I had thought something horrible had happened! You show up to my house injured and crying then disappear for two days! Was it Jonathan? Clary, I'm not as
dumb as I seem. It was obvious something was up when you kept asking to stay over all summer. Did you really think your best friend wouldn't notice the bruises? I just thought it would be better if I let you handle it. I gave you your space but if he is still hurting
you I can't sit around and watch."

I stared at him in shock. He knew. Did I just have a sign on my forehead that read, " ABUSED"? I couldn't find the words to say so I just wrapped my arms around him and muttered, "I am so sorry." I slowly started to cry and he held onto me until it passed. I looked at the TV and realized the movie was over and the screen was blue.

I took a deep breath and looked back at Simon. He was there for me all this time and I had abandoned him without a second thought for a boy I hadn't even known for a week. Simon pulled back and looked me in the eyes, "You can tell me anything. I have been here for you since we were little kids; I'm not going to leave now."

"You saw the bruises and cuts and you know that it's Jonathan's fault. I just felt if I told everything to you that you would treat me differently," he tried to argue this but I held up my hand to stop him. "Let me finish. I felt that it made me less of a person but recently I have come to see that it isn't my fault. The only thing we can do is avoid him. If anyone else finds out I will be taken away and won't be able to see you or anyone anymore."

He stared me down with the same reaction Jace had; resigned with my logic yet unhappy with how much sense it made. Then I found myself comparing Jace and Simon, though the two were nothing alike. Jace was a jock and cocky, while Simon was lanky and socially awkward. Then I
found myself thinking of Izzy and I was jealous. She was becoming really close to Simon when I needed him most. She had the ability to take away the two people that actually cared about me.

Simon broke my train of thought by suggesting we go to bed. It was pretty late and I would probably have to go to school tomorrow. Once we were upstairs I laid down on Simon's bed while he was in the shower. With my phone pulled out I started to text Jace.

Clary: Hey : ) How are you?

Jace: Hey. I'm fine. Just came home to find my brother making out with his boyfriend on the table. I think I'm scarred for life.

Clary: I wish you were here. I actually saw your sister was awkward. I also told Simon about Jonathan.

Jace: Well that explains why she came home late. What did you tell him?

Clary: I told him that he hurt me and I can't-do anything because I'll have to leave.
Jace: How did he take it?

Clary: He said he had guessed something was going on.

Clary: Oh I have to go. Simon is coming. See you tomorrow.

Jace: See you, Clary. Sweet dreams.

I set down my phone and snuggled into the blankets. Simon came and laid down next to me. Most people think it's strange that Simon and I have sleepovers but for us it's become normal. When we share a bed it's not romantic but more like a brother and sister.

Or at least how a brother and sister should be, I think to myself grimly.

The next morning Simon waited for me to sneak into the apartment and pick up some clean clothes. When I was dressed and ready we made our way to school. I didn't know what to expect. Would Jace acknowledge me at all? I decided not to get my hopes up as I made my way inside.

I walked into my art class and sat down. Tessa walked up to me and started telling me about how today was the last day to finish the project and that I could come in during lunch to work on it if I needed. I thanked her and picked up my brush, twirling it in my fingers while I inspected my painting. I didn't see a lot that needed to be done.

An idea popped into my head so quickly I almost gasped. It would be perfect. My painting was already made up of swirling gray and black with a red line dancing through the center. I dipped my brush in the gold paint and slowly painted a thin line that twirled with the red, intertwining.


Izzy was talking to me non-stop about Simon. I mostly tuned it out until she grabbed my arm, a look of panic on her face. "Clary, do you think Simon likes me? Will he ask me out?"

At this, I was silent for a moment. I knew Simon liked her from the kiss last night. I had assumed they were already dating. I thought about Simon's personality before answering, "Izzy I saw you and Simon kiss last night and he wouldn't kiss you unless it meant something. But I think that he will be too scared to ask you out in case you say no. You have to take charge and ask him out."

She nodded in understanding as we made our way into the cafeteria.
What I saw made me freeze. It was like everything was in slow motion. My world came slowly crashing down, because there, in the middle of the cafeteria was Jace.

Jace, with the head cheerleader sitting on his lap kissing like there was no one else in the room. They came up for air and I saw Jace's head turn and his eyes locked with mine. He was up for a second, pushing Aline from his lap but it was too late. I was already gone.

I ran without a destination in mind. I ended up in the art room.

"Oh, Clary! I didn't know you were coming in for lunch! I thought you
finished your painting." I had walked in on Tessa talking to a man with dark hair and blue eyes. For some reason, he reminded me of Jace but I couldn't say why.

"Is it alright if I work on something else then? Just to clear my head?" Tessa nodded and told me I was always welcome to work on something in here. I walked over to the supply closet and got out some paper and charcoal.

I lost track of time and soon the bell was ringing. I wasn't going to go back to class with Jace around. I quickly shoved the paper in my bag without looking at it and walked out the door, furious with Jace. How could he sit there and kiss another girl when just last night it was me he was kissing? He probably didn't mean anything he said. It was probably a dare from one of his friends.

I was rushing to the front door, almost there, when I saw a dark headed figure approaching me. "Hey, Clary!" Sebastian called out. I slowly stopped just to see what he wanted. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me sometime?" Jace's face instantly popped into my head. He wouldn't want me to say yes.

"Yeah that'd be great," I replied." See you later."

I ran through New York and came to a stop in front of my apartment. Without thinking about Jonathan, I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. I was halfway to my room when I noticed Jonathan blocking the door. While I was thinking about Jace it never once occurred to me that he would be home.

He started to walk towards me and I backed up against the wall, dropping my bag. In the back of my mind, I noticed that the contents had spilled onto the floor.

"Dear sister, I didn't like it when you had your friend beat me up. But look. He isn't here. He can't save you from me again." It took everything I had to not scream as Jonathan came even closer.

Why did Jace have to be such an ass?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ muhahaha hehe sorry lol

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