Danganronpa: Despair's Fallen...

By Fayklore1

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A fanfiction of the game and anime Danganronpa, the story takes place some years after The Tragedy that took... More

Chapter 1 - Despair's Front Door
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Your Prison
Chapter 3 - A New Place To Call Hell
Chapter 4 - Unmasking the Events
Chapter 5 - Closing the Curtains
Chapter 6 - Ascending Further
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Development
Chapter 8 - Bound
Chapter 9 - The Villain
Chapter 10 - Blowing Away The Dust
Chapter 11 - The Track to Death
Chapter 12 - Sorrow and Silence
Chapter 13 - Transmission Received
Chapter 14 - Flesh to Bone
Chapter 15 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 16 - Uncovered Truth
Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials
Chapter 19 - The Mastermind
Chapter 20 - The Start of Chaos
Epilogue - It's Never Over

Chapter 17 - No Stops Along The Way

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By Fayklore1

The infirmary doors open, Abby walking into the infirmary itself to keep them open while Lexi walks in with a drink and a bit of bread which she keeps on her lap as she sits beside Adam's bed who is sitting on the far right bed.

Adam had a bandage wrapped around his head like an eye patch would have gone around to cover his left eye as tightly as he could, with Joy gone Abby had done her best to do it herself.

"It's funny how all these beds have been used by different people now" Simon said as he walked into the infirmary, followed by Marcus and Carlos.

Abby and Lexi stayed quiet as they kept an eye on the motionless Adam.

"I find that funny, if you were curious" came a mutter from Adam's mouth who seemed to be staring up at the roof.

Lexi almost stood up in shock, but didn't so the food wouldn't fall, but Abby was immediately running for Adam's opposite side, rubbing his cheek gently.

"Are you feeling ok, you need to rest more."

Adam stayed still as his remaining right eye looked over to Abby, his mouth growing a light smile as he stared at the girl.

"You know, I've noticed you caring about me alot, as well as Lexi who I believe is to my left, correct? Sorry, I can't see over there properly, and moving hurts me right now."

Lexi let out a slight cough, "Y-yeah, I'm right here."

"Good, because I just want to say I'm happy that you two are here. I'm happy that everyone's here honestly, don't get me right guys, I just am thankful for the company alot."

Everyone, even the guys in front of the bed, were caught in a slight amount of shock, but soon they all let out a small giggle each, Abby lowering her face down to Adam so she could place a kiss on Adam's cheek which caused everyone to grow quiet again, even Adam who tried turning to the girl only to groan in pain.

"D-don't move, you said it hurt remember?" Abby said, trying her best to not look over at Lexi who was holding the food she had prepared unusually tightly.

"Y-yeah, I know. Sorry, t-thank you" Adam said as he smiled lightly and closed his eyes.

"So, Jacob did this, right?" Adam said.

Everyone gave off a nod, but Marco was the one who confirmed it with his voice since Adam had his eyes closed.

"Did he explain why, I just find it odd, he doesn't seem like the type to just try hurting someone so randomly."

"He said it was instinct, that idiot. He should be here making food personally and caring for you to prove if he's sorry!" Abby said.

Lexi clenched the plate in her hands a little more, "I-I wanted to make this no matter what, so he wouldn't have been able to make food either way."

Adam tried looking towards Lexi using only his eye but he only managed to see the top of her brown hair which he assumed was all let out to hang down her face like usual.

"I prefer the cooking of the Ultimate Cook, anyway" Adam said as he tried smiling.

He had only just now realized how she must feel after seeing Abby kiss his cheek, his silence was proof of that.

There was a knock on the door and everyone except Lexi and Adam were immediately straightening up, but no one looked towards the source. The door opened and Jacob peeked inside only to see Abby hold something up and immediately throw it towards Jacob. Jacob couldn't tell what it was in time before he ducked behind te door, but the object shattered against the wall, far from where Jacob had been, proving it had been glass.

"Are you trying to fucking kill me?!" Jacob said as he stuck his head back, only for something else to be thrown at him, a needle hitting and stabbing itself into the wall.

Jacob decided to stay behind the door until he heard Adam ask Abby to stop and let him in.

"F-fine, but he better be grateful" Abby said as she made sure to not face Jacob and only look down at Adam.

Jacob slowly stepped in and, seeing that no one was going to copy his actions from before, straightened up with his hands slipping into his pockets. He didn't speak at first, he only looked down at Adam who he noticed couldn't move properly.

"I see you're at least alive, I'm glad about that."

"Y-you're glad?" Abby said as she tried her best to not turn to the boy, "He is in pain from your stupid stunt!"

"I'm sorry for that, alright! I swear I don't usually do those kind of things, it was completely out of my peaceful nature."

"Then why did you do it, Jacob. I remember you did this on our first meeting too, why suddenly do it again now? Did something trigger you on the fourth floor?"

Jacob looked off to the door of the infirmary as he tried his best to speak, "I don't have an excuse that will benefit you all, and I know that, but I got worried. I read those letters, and I saw the bodies too. I don't know what else I could've been after all that."

"I can understand that, but that's no excuse to just throw something as dangerous as a small die at someone, that could've damaged a vital area such as his neck or maybe his ear" Simon said.

"I know that, alright?" Jacob said, "I originally went to the library just to read, it calms me down, but seeing the door open without warning freaked me out and so I tossed a dangerous item."

Everyone gently lowered their heads with a sigh as Carlos hesitantly patted Jacobs back with his left hand, "Just try and make up for it, that's the best advice I can give right now."

Jacob gave off a slight stare towards Carlos without making it too obvious, then stepped forward to get the boys hand off his back.

"I plan to, so if it's alright with you all I'd like to stay here and keep an eye on Adam, this is my fault and I should be the one to care for him at the very least."

Everyone grew hesitant but the first to move was Lexi, she stood to her feet and walked over to Jacob, handing him the plate of food.

"Here, I made this for him, i-if you're staying then at least feed him this. He finds it painful to move so he'll need to be fed."

Jacob hesitantly took the plate and Lexi, making sure he had it properly grasped, ran out of the room with Simon, Marco and Carlos staring at her, while Abby kept her face down at Adam.

"What's up with her?" Carlos said, and once Marco whispered in his ear, Carlos' eyes widened and he had to cover his mouth.

Marco nudged his chest, Carlos feeling like the big man's strength was going to kill him with just a nudge so with a light gasp in pain Carlos stepped away, covering his chest.

"Don't hurt me like that, goddamn that hurt" Carlos said.

"Then don't laugh, she must be hurt, that's not funny" Marco said, he began walking for the door and opened the left one for him, "I'm going to check up on her."

He left the room and headed for the dormitories as Jacob tried taking the seat beside Adam but Abby was already sitting down at it. Jacob stared down at the food in his hands, hoping Abby would realize he couldn't stand while holding the plate, but she took the plate from his hands too and picked the bread up from the plate so she could bring it towards Adams mouth but the boy didn't try eating it.

"I'm not hungry, Abby. Sorry" Adam said.

Jacob stood in his place, shrugged his shoulders, and decided to seat on one of the seats on the opposite side of the room.

"Are you feeling alright at least?" Jacob said.

"Don't talk, you've said enough" Abby said, but Adam simply glared at her until she dropped her head.

"I could be doing better, thanks for asking at least."

Silence filled the room as Adam looked up at the roof and Jacob lifted his right leg over his left one.

The silence continued for another twenty minutes, Abby still trying to feed Adam who refused, and Jacob trying to think of something to say, but soon enough Jacob stood to his feet slowly and headed for the door, unable to miss the heavy sigh from Abby in relief.

"I'm going to see if I can help cook dinner, get some sleep mate" Jacob said and he left the room to Adam and Abby.

Lexi was enclosed in her room, or at least Jacob thought that since he could clearly hear her from inside sobbing. He knocked on her door, and with her confirmation he pushed the door open slowly before closing it after him.

"Are you feeling alright, Lexi?" he said.

He could see, even though she had wiped them, her eyes were red. It seemed she was more hurt over Abby than he had expected.

"Y-yeah, just wanted some rest is all. Did something happen?"

Jacob shook his head, "No, I was just curious if I could help cook dinner, is all. It's around two PM due to our Pals so it seems like a good time to decide what we should cook later."

Lexi stood to her feet and pulled out her PAL from her back pocket, the time reading '2:09 PM' in the top left corner. She slid it back into her back pocket and wiped her eyes again.

"I could use some help, yes please, if you don't mind."

Jacob let out a smile and opened the door wide, "Cool, I'll be waiting until you're ready then, alright?"

Lexi gave off a small nod and watched Jacob exit her room before she laid back on her bed and continued to rub the pillow on her eyes as she gripped it tightly, growling to herself while the tears continued.

A few hours went by, Marco and Simon had decided to eat a little before going to the fourth floor to read some more of those books in the Principles Office but when they returned for dinner, nothing was worth reporting on except for a few troublesome kids who a few years ago, due to the teachers reports, caused a few students to be injured with baseball bats.

Another teachers report was about a few of the girls letting some guys in an upper class to theirs control them in exchange for money. The report did not go into what term of control it meant but everyone had a bad feeling of which type it actually meant.

There were a few others, small reports on troublesome kids in classes and also delinquents or people showing up late with excuses, but the worst case Marco and Simon had found so far was about someone getting into the school network and getting access to the students records, learning information about them not usually allowed to others except for the Principle. It was soon found the person who did this was a boy with a crush on a certain girl and he wanted to know her name and address, the girl ended up moving schools and homes because he kept showing up daily asking for her.

"Geez, there were some troublesome kids, weren't there?" Abby said as she overheard Marco and Simon while sitting at her table impatiently.

She turned her head to the kitchen doors, "Is dinner going to be ready soon, I need to make sure Adam eats soon."

Inside the kitchen, Lexi almost dropped the spoon she was stirring the pasta with but Jacob held onto her hand before she could, expecting her response very clearly.

"Relax, alright?" Jacob said, and then he faced the kitchens door, "It'll be ready soon, be quiet!"

Abby bit her lip lightly and grunted as she turned to face her table properly.

Jacob and Lexi got the pasta sauce ready, and began serving up 6 bowls, one for each person here, then as Jacob slipped one of his hands into his right pocket he picked up a 7th bowl with his left hand, his right hand coming back out of his pocket to hold the other end of the bowl properly as he walked out of the kitchen and headed for the dormitory doors.

"Hey, where are you going with that?" Abby said.

Jacob turned to the girl, seeing her standing up from a table with Carlos opposite her. Marco was sitting at a different able with Simon beside him, and Lexi was along, staring at Jacob as she hate from her bowl, making sure to keep Jacob's bowl opposite her so it was warm.

"Oh, me? I'm going to feed the hungry man in the infirmary. Don't worry though, you don't need to get up, I'm sure he doesn't need you to be there continuously, sometimes bros need bros."

Jacob used hsi right eye to wink towards Lexi, hoping she liked that he stopped Abby from keeping to Adam, and he smiled upon noticing her letting a small smile rise from her face which she concealed by taking a bunch of pasta in her mouth.

"I said I would bring it to him though, asshole!" Abby said.

She ran around the tables for Jacob but he was out of the building faster than she could move, and by the time she was out the doors he was already out of sight so she decided to just stop and eat her own dinner.

"Idiot..." she said, her eyes noticing the smiling Lexi but she ignored her.

"Thanks for bringing this to me" Adam said as he opened his mouth for a spoonful of pasta which Jacob made sure to get in Adam's mouth properly.

"Eh, I may as well help somehow, right?" Jacob said as he let out a laugh, "I am sorry though, honest."

Adam swallowed the pasta and smiled, "I know. Stop apologizing. At least if we get out here I can get a cool ass eye patch for my eye."

Jacob scoffed slightly as he took another spoonful of pasta but didn't bring it to Adam's mouth just yet.

"Yeah, I can imagine that, I'll make it pink just so people laugh."

Adam growled lightly but he opened his mouth as Jacob moved the spoon towards him, the pasta being swallowed down perfectly.

"So Lexi and you cooked this?" he said, "It tastes very good."

"Thanks, I only cooked the sauce though" Jacob said.

Adam tried moving a little to get comfortable, his body sitting up to get comfortable, "That's good still."

"Your body doesn't hurt when you move anymore? Guess the resting helped."

Adam smiled and went to move his hand as to rub his hair but he let it rest on his lap as he winced in pain, "Haven't rested enough just yet, it would seem."

Jacob scooped up the last of the pasta and Adam ate it down quickly before licking his lips.

"Thanks for that, hopefully Abby isn't too hurt over what you did" Adam said.

Jacob stood to his fee and sighed a little, "She's not the main one hurt, Lexi was crying in her room when I asked her if I could help cooking, she clearly didn't like Abby giving you alot of attention."

Adam grew silent as he lowered his head, "I was worried about that, is she at least a little alright now?"

"I made her smile when I took the food instead of Abby, so there's that."

Adam laughed, "That's good at least, I think I'll try sleeping a little, you try getting some rest and stop letting the fourth floor trouble you alright?"

Jacob lowered his head a little "Yeah I could use that, I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

Adam nodded and laid back down, pulling the blanket over the top of him as Jacob left the room.

When Jacob came back to the dormitory, only Marcus was in the room and even then he was a little sleepy.

Jacob came up behind him and patted his shoulder which caused Marco to shake awake slightly, "You alright, you could use some sleep mate" Jacob said.

Marco looked around, finding no one around, "Oh everyone went to bed. It's only 7:30 or something though."

"It's been a long day, mate. Let's call it a night, tomorrow we can explore the fourth floor properly, alright?"

Marco hesitantly gave off a small nod and stood up so he could walk to his room while Jacob walked towards Lexi's. He gave her door a knock and slowly opened it at her word but only peeked his head in.

"Feeling any better now?" Jacob said.

Lexi stared at him from her bed which she was laying on with her stomach below her, "What do you mean, I've been fine."

Jacob smiled, "If you say so, we'll talk tomorrow ok? I'll help cook again too."

Lexi waved goodbye as Jacob pulled his head back out and closed the door.


DAY 13


The day started off with yawning and back problems, just a normal day to the 5 students in the dormitory this morning. Breakfast was made individually, everyone eating down as fast possible. Today was going to be a day of reading, exploring and clue solving hopefully.

"Guessing Carlos is sleeping in?" Abby said as she looked around.

Everyone else looked around, no sign of Carlos to be seen, so they all simply nodded in agreement as they took their dishes up and handed them to Jacob who offered to put them in the dish washer.

"So I'm guessing we're all going to be reading the books in the Principles Officer?" Jacob said as he came back out after turning the dish washer on.

"It's faster than two people reading them, the sooner we find a hidden hint of how to get out, the better" Lexi said.

She was most definitely better than yesterday, she was smiling at the very last and that only grew when she saw Jacob.

"Good to hear it, let's get started early, alright?"

Everyone agreed and after finishing their drinks they headed for the fourth floor.

Their feet hit the fourth floor and with the door to the Principles officer opening their eyes immediately fell dead.

The desk in the centre of the room had a figure underneath it, a figure shaking in their own arms as they were tearing their own shirt off, a shirt covered in red blood.

"C-Carlos?" Simon said as he saw the figure properly.

Carlos looked around to the five students in the doorway and tried standing up but his head it the desk.

He covered his head while holding back the pain and moved from under the desk to stand up properly.

"H-hold on, alright? Don't stare at me like that! I didn't do anything!"

Abby's and Lexi's eyes were highly dilated, and immediately they both ran down the stairs together.

"We need to check every single room..." Jacob said as he pushed his hands into his pocket, but when Marco and Simon didn't move he raised his voice, "now!"

They both moved from their position and started checking the fourth floor rooms first as Jacob moved up to Carlos, but didn't make contact.

"You better hope you're right."

It took only a couple of minutes but it was Simon who found and alerted Marco, Jacob and Carlos. They all met up outside the Control Room in the second floor area, outside of the room were Lexi and Abby on the floor almost as if they were passed out but on further investigation they were still awake, just unable to move properly.

"What's happened to them?" Jacob said.

Simon didn't answer, he simply pointed towards the door leading into the Control Room.

Jacob took a hole of the handle and opened it wide, his eyes immediately dilating at the view inside. The floor was covered by spikes which had been covered in dripping blood. The walls of the control room were dyed red just like the spikes, the blood on the walls stained into them almost, and on top of the spikes themselves was the mutilated young boy they all had known just yesterday, Adam.

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