Forbidden love

By Prettypsycholover

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What is love when you're not allowed to..? More

Forbidden love
You're gonna marry me, no matter what
Crossing the line
Marry me
I love you too


545 15 10
By Prettypsycholover

Jack just stand there, frozen, staring into the blank space in front of him.
"Uhm... Puddin'?" Harleen didn't even know how long it had taken already. She hadn't this reaction in her mind when she told him she was pregnant.
"You.. you're pregnant..? Ho-how did you.. did you do that?" A soft confused voice rolled over his lips, those red lips from always wearing dark red lipstick.
"Remember when you got knocked out in your sleep? Well I uhm... I jerked you off and got your Holy milk planted in my belly by a doctor! We're gonna have a baby, Puddin'!"
She's too happy.. how can she be this happy?! There's growing a thing inside of her that's gonna come out and annoy the shit out of us!
Jack thought.. but all his thoughts were pushed down by one bigger thought: FUCK.

"You did what?! Why would you even do that?!" Jack barked at the smaller girl with venom in his words.
"I-I thought you'd be... be happy!" Harleen began to sweat a little.
"I'm done with you!" A harsh voice followed by a hard slap. Jack didn't mean to slap her, he really didn't, but it felt great. All those times he wanted to do it, all the frustrations because of her, he hated her.

Tears rolled out of Harleen's eyes, eyes that where clear blue turned now into real oceans filled with water. Everybody who was waiting for a piece of cake looked at him with a blaming look. That was the moment Jack snapped, he wanted to grab the cake knife and slit her little throat. But instead of that.. he was calm. He cupped Harleen's head and made her look at him.
"Sssh... it's okay..." his voice calm and soft. "I'm gonna help you okay? I'm gonna be there for you... but don't ever dare to touch my private part ever again, or I'll kill you and you're unborn child..." it was dark, how could something so dark come out so soft and gentle? It made Harleen stop crying and everybody's attention was at the cake again.

"I hate you... and you know that... but I can't just leave you while you're pregnant, even if you knocked me out to make it..."
Harleen smiled after her husband said that. It was all going the way she's planned it would. She would get pregnant, Jack wouldn't leave her, she would have a husband and when the kid would turn 18 she would divorce and get all Jack's money. She knew she was the biggest bitch on the whole wedding and she liked it. She was the leader here, even if people didn't notice it. She had control over her husband, his money, and his friendships. And she would tear it all apart the moment she could.

"Puddin', you have to be around me all the time, you never know when the baby comes or when I need help... that means you can't see Bruce for at least nine months..."
there was it again, a frozen stare, not knowing where to look at but just looking somewhere. Jack had a hard time not seeing Bruce for four days, not even thinking about nine months.
"I can't... I need to see him..." he tried to sound strong but it sounded more like a soft whimper. Harleen shook her head.
"Oh Puddin'..." she stroke Jack's cheek. "Such a pretty face... and still so dumb and innocent... you know he doesn't really want you... he only wants to be able to tear apart that small heart of yours..." she smiled softly and walked away, leavingJack staring into nothing.
"I... I guess so..?" Jack mumbled after a while, not knowing what to do or say. Harleen got the talent to manipulate him, to make his brain shut off for a second, to restart his way of thinking. She was dangerous for him and everybody knew it.

"Hey." Bruce placed his one hand on Jack's shoulder while he was holding a plate of cake in his other hand. "Got some cake for you, you must be hungry.." he smiles softly, making Jack even more confused.
"I-I.... I uh... I'm..." Jack's brain had a complete break down just the moment before all his lights turned off. The last thing he felt were two strong arms, trying to catch him for falling to the ground.

Harleen ran to the two. "What did you do?! Did you kill him?!" She yelled at Bruce while he was slowly laying Jack down.
"Harleen, shut the fuck up for a second, would you? Quick, five mea pillow or something soft.." Bruce commanded, holding Jack's head up.
After a minute Harleen still just stood there and watched.
"You really are a wife of nothing..." Bruce spoke softly while sitting down and putting Jack's head on his lap.
"At least I don't knock out the groom..." she said with a voice full of disgust. "Let me handle this, he's my husband and I'm gonna make sure he'll never talk to you again."

Bruce stroked the green soft hair, looking at the relaxed, peaceful face in his lap. "I didn't knock him out... he had a breakdown..." he said softly while stroking the pale face.
"I'm sure it's because of you! You tell him you love him while you don't even care!" Harleen's voice made Bruce's ears ring just a second before he snapped.
"It's because of you! You're always telling him what to do, you even told him he had to marry you! Can't you see he's unhappy with you?! Can't you fucking see nobody likes you, even your boyfriend hates you! All these people are here because they're friends of Jack or because they pity you for being such an awful person! So get the hell out of here you bitch!" His face showed pure anger just before it softened because of a little movement in his lap.

Two emerald green eyes showed up and looked up, straight into ocean blue eyes. A soft smile appeared on Jacks face, his complete face screamed "in love". Bruce slowly bent down a bit and planted a soft kiss on the smaller man's forehead, just where dark green ended and pale white skin began. Everybody looked at them, they could feel the love between the two man.

An annoyed look appeared on Harleen's face. She couldn't take it anymore. She came closer and kicked Jack in his stomach, then in his face and then an attempt on his crotch but Bruce already got ahold of her leg. He stood up and took Harleen by her arm, pulling her out of the room.
"Listen!" He barked at her when they came outside. "Nobody wants you here! Go the fuck away! Jack doesn't care about you!"
"Oh yeah? Then why did he make me pregnant?!" She yelled at Bruce's face. Bruce completely froze. His world seemed to be falling apart.  The man he loved has made a woman he didn't love pregnant.

Bruce rushed in and lifted Jack up by his collar of his suit. "Why did you make her pregnant?!" His voice was shaking while tears ran down his cheeks.
"B-Bruce... it's not... it's not what you think!" Jack tried to explain but Bruce didn't give him more time.
"If you don't love me, just say it! Don't make another person pregna-"
"Bruce I didn't do it!"
Bruce looked at his lover with a questioning look before putting him down.
"I didn't make her pregnant.... she took my sperm when she had knocked me out and planted it inside her... I swear I didn't know it, I love you, I would make you pregnant instead of her, I swear!" Jack quickly explained and grabbed Bruce's hands. Bruce couldn't hold it and began to chuckle. "You can't get me pregnant, I'm a man, remember?" He kissed Jack on his nose. "I believe you..."

"Bruce..." Jack said softly after letting go of his lover's hands. "I love you... and I want to spend my whole life with you..." he kneeled down on one knee and took his ring off to hold it in front of him. "Bruce Wayne... will you make me the happiest man on earth? Will you marry me?"
Bruce covered his mouth with both his hands. "You know I will!" He said smiling. Jack shove the ring on Bruce's finger, the ring was actually too big for Jack but it perfectly fitted on Bruce's finger. He stood up and before he could say anything Bruce already wrapped his arms around him and kissed him passionately.

"I love you!"
"I love you too!"

Jack looked at the priest, the priest nodded and Jack took Bruce's hand and lead him to the altar.
"Jack, you only have one ring.." Bruce whispered, getting a wink as reply.

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