Variety |Edward Cullen|

By cCherishh_

180K 4.8K 670

Variety โžค The state of being different; the absence of normality. Iris holds the power of manipulation agains... More

P r o l o g u e - Sebastian
P r o l o g u e - Alexander
P r o l o g u e - Iris
P r o l o g u e - Caroline
P r o l o g u e - Robin
T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E


4.2K 147 15
By cCherishh_


Iris was sprawled out across her bed with her comforter on the floor. She had spent all of Sunday night in bed watching Television and hadn't stepped a foot out of bed.

"Alright. That's enough, get out of bed." Sebastian fretted barging into Iris's room. Where Iris had spent all night watching TV, Sebastian had spent the night overpowered by Iris's uncontrollable thoughts. 

The group had usually been well aware of Sebastian's telepathic powers and at least tried to control their thoughts when it came to their emotions but Iris as it seemed didn't care anymore, which meant that Sebastian was left with an aching migraine. He had had enough.

"What." Iris asked sitting up.

"The Guilt, the pain, the anger. I really can't take it anymore, so either you get up or I go get Edward Cullen right now and bring him here." Sebastian threatened. Iris scoffed in reply falling back onto her bed.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me Iris. Now get up you're going to 'school' today." Sebastian voiced muttering out his annoyance as he walked out of Iris's room.

Iris stared up at the ceiling of the room, she wasn't sure if Sebastian was bluffing or not but he wasn't one to lie and she didn't want to take the chance. So she shuffled her way off her bed and made her way to her bathroom to get ready for the day.


Walking through the halls of Forks High School Iris sped up after looking at the time on her watch. She had been walking with her head down ever since she stepped out of Robin's car trying to keep a low profile. 

Coming face to face with her Biology classroom door Iris sighed and walked in, she felt nothing but relief when she found her desk empty, he wasn't here yet. Iris wasn't ready to face him yet.

The teacher was placing microscopes and boxes on each desk.

Class hadn't begun yet so she sat at her desk, mentally bracing herself for the moment he would walk into the room. 

She sat still until she felt the seat next to her shift, instead of the same reaction occurring her magic felt at ease, like she was meant to be near Edward and she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Hello." Edward voiced. Iris still with her eyes strained towards the top of her desk raised her eyebrow. She was surprised that he even acknowledged her existence.

"My name is Edward Cullen." He continued.

"We've already been through this." Iris noted finally looking at him with an annoyed expression. She knew she was supposed to be nice and become his friend but she couldn't help herself. 

The way he gracefully spoke without a single stutter kind of annoyed her.

"That encounter didn't exactly end well. I hoped we could start anew." He replied his lips twitching into an invisible smile.

Iris nodded in response before turning to the front of the classroom towards the teacher who was explaining what the class would be doing for the next hour.

"Get started." Mr Banner requested. The class, once again was filled with a calm chatter.

"Ladies first, partner." Iris insisted gesturing towards the microscope and the box on their desk. The instructions were simple, each table had to name every mitosis sample given to them before the hour ended.

Edward let out a laugh drawing the attention of other students that sat around the duo before reaching for the box and snapping the first slide under the microscope. He barely took a glance into the microscope before figuring out his answer.


"Are you sure about that. You took a two second glance." Iris observed as Edward shook his head at her with smile.

"I'm sure." Instead of arguing with him she wrote down his answer on her sheet and went to have her turn. Back at the Institute she had taken eleven classes everyday, half of them were mundane subjects like Chemistry, Biology and Geometry while the other half where supernatural classes like Knowledge which was were students went to learn how to hold discipline over their powers by learning everything about them. 

Students took the class to discover, reshape or deepen the knowledge of their magic. Because of those mundane classes she wasn't completely in dark on what to do.

"Prophase." Iris concluded.

"Do you mind if I check." Edward asked and was met with an eye roll from Iris.

"You don't trust my knowledge." Iris joked. Edward shrugged in response and took a glance into the eye of the microscope before writing his answer down.

"Was I wrong." Iris continued.

"You weren't wrong." Edward replied looking at Iris his smile still intact. The two continued with sharing laughs and completing the work early. The rest of the hour consisted of the two talking. Iris didn't think talking to him would be this easy but she was glad it was.



Laying on the grounds of La Push beach was not how Sebastian thought he would be spending his day. He had decided to stay back from school because he didn't want to have to deal with Iris and Edward's obsessive inner monologue. 

'Oh what should I do. Will she still be mad.' 'Should I try and talk to her.' "Will he even show up.' He knew that was what he would hear from both of them if he went to school and he didn't want another migraine.

Sighing he sat up and roamed his eyes around the beach which was almost deserted besides a few people here and there. His eyes stopped at a little girl and her mother playing at the edge of water. 

He often wondered how he would have grown up if he was human. He wouldn't have to deal with demons trying to kill him most his life, or extreme hours of training and studying at the Institute but he also wouldn't have his family, his friends or his purpose in life. 

Glancing at his phone he saw that the School day wasn't even close to ending so he decided he might as well walk around. Placing his phone back in his pocket he looked up to see a ball hurdling towards his face, outstretching his arms he caught the ball before it hit him with his inhuman reflexes before groaning, he was going to have to talk to people now.

"Oh God. I'm sorry my friend doesn't have the best aim." A girl cried out running towards him while gesturing to the small group behind him.

"Just get the ball." The girls friends yelled back.

"Ignore him. Nice catch by the way." She continued grabbing the ball out of his hands and going to walk away before halting and turning back to him.

"Would you like to join us." She asked nodding her head to her group of friends. Instead of replying Sebastian just stared at her. Her mind was racing but unlike other times it didn't seem to give him a headache which confused him. 

He was brought back from his thoughts by the girl's hand that was waving in front of his face.

"Are you okay. The ball didn't hit you did it." She questioned. Breathing in he finally replied.

"No. I'm fine."

"Then would you like to join us." She repeated. He didn't know if it was because of the shock or because he wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying but he nodded in response and began following her.

She led him towards her friends and he finally took into context what he agreed to and exhaled. He wasn't as bothered as he thought he should be because he didn't exactly have anywhere to go so he kept following her. 

Sebastian took in her appearance, her black hair reached down to the middle of her back. Just as he was about to look away she turned around and there eyes met before she turned back.

'Alright, inviting a stranger to hangout might not be your best idea of the day Leah.' she thought and Sebastian smiled, at least she wasn't stupid.

Reaching her group of friends Leah made her way towards the tallest man as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder after throwing the ball towards one of the others.

"Guys this is-" Leah started before she realised she had no idea who he was. She had never seen him around town before.

"Sebastian." Sebastian finished nodding his towards her as a thank you gesture.

"Right. Sebastian I'm Leah. This is Sam." She continued pointing towards the man with his arm around her. "Thats Paul and he's Jared."

Sebastian went to shake their hands but was met with smirks. 'Do people still shake hands.' they thought. Shrugging he sat on a rock as Jared and Paul continued kicking the ball around.

"So Sebastian are you new around here." Sam asked. He was sort of confused as to why his girlfriend invited a stranger to join them.

"Yes. I live up in Forks with a couple friends." Sebastian answered his eyes focused on Leah who was staring up Sam.

"Friends? What are you like sixteen. Where are your parents." Sam questioned. He was completely aware of Sebastian staring Leah and he wasn't exactly thrilled. 

Sebastian knew what Sam was thinking but he wasn't staring at Leah because he was interested although she was beautiful, he was still trying to figure out why he felt so calm near her.

Her thoughts were as wild as anyone else's but he didn't feel like he's mind was going to explode like he usually did.

"Seventeen actually. Our parents sent us here after an accident happened back home." He explained telling the lie he and his friends had come up with if asked this question.

"What type of accident could end in parents sending a bunch of kids to live alone." Sam grunted tightening his arm around Leah who's eyes had left his face and where now staring into Sebastian's lightning blue eyes with confusion.

"I believe that's non of your business." Sebastian replied looking away from Leah and towards Sam who was shaking, now Sebastian was confused but instead of staying and seeing what would happen next he decided to leave.

"I think I should leave."

"Yeah. Maybe you should." Sam snapped. Sebastian just gave him his biggest smile, nodded at Leah who nodded back her eyes still clouded with confusion and walked away towards the car pack.



Robin stood near Angela's locker waiting patiently as she retrieved her books for their last period. The two had spent all day together after realising that their schedules were almost identical and had gotten to love each others company. 

Angela took subtle glances at Robin who was trying to impersonate a teacher that had called them out in class for talking, she was doing a bad job but Angela didn't care. She felt surprisingly comfortable with Robin even though she had known her for less than seven days.

Angela didn't know how but one moment she was staring at Robin as she ranted and next she was pulling her towards her.

Their lips crashed together and Robin froze she didn't know how to react but she didn't protest. Finally urging into the kiss Robin started to enjoy it, Angela's lips felt soft, like she was diving in a pool of marshmallows.

Making their way through the halls their lips still connected Robins back slapped against the girls bathroom door as Angela pushed her in, their bodies collapsing against the closest wall.

There were a lot of things that Angela liked about Robin already. Her shiny blood red hair was her favourite but at this moment it had to be the taste of her lips. They tasted like the sweet flavour of strawberries.

"What if someone walks-." Robin tried explaining before Angela attached her lips to hers again.

The two stood there feeling every part of each other when a bell rung through the school. Angela froze and realised what she was doing before pushing Robin away from her. Angela then ran out the door leaving Robin stood in the bathroom confused.

"Angela!" Robin called. Sighing she slid down the wall and sat on the ground catching her breath. 'That was a first.' she thought. 



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