Danganronpa: Despair's Fallen...

By Fayklore1

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A fanfiction of the game and anime Danganronpa, the story takes place some years after The Tragedy that took... More

Chapter 1 - Despair's Front Door
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Your Prison
Chapter 3 - A New Place To Call Hell
Chapter 4 - Unmasking the Events
Chapter 5 - Closing the Curtains
Chapter 6 - Ascending Further
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Development
Chapter 8 - Bound
Chapter 9 - The Villain
Chapter 10 - Blowing Away The Dust
Chapter 11 - The Track to Death
Chapter 12 - Sorrow and Silence
Chapter 14 - Flesh to Bone
Chapter 15 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 16 - Uncovered Truth
Chapter 17 - No Stops Along The Way
Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials
Chapter 19 - The Mastermind
Chapter 20 - The Start of Chaos
Epilogue - It's Never Over

Chapter 13 - Transmission Received

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By Fayklore1

"We're facing a big threat here, we need to give it our full attention!" said the man second from the right on the side of the large table which was closer to the window.

"We're not aware of their type of weaponry! Going in will be senseless and futile, we will lose before we have any way of winning!" the woman opposite him said.

"We can simply use the old information from The Tragedy then, he confirmed that the same monsters during that time have returned under the control of this unknown group" another woman said.

"Before he disappeared that is," a second man said, "have we any news with that?"

From the right end of the table came a cough, and Jerry put his cup of coffee down as he leant forward, "sadly Marshall has been unable to get in contact with us, we may need to be more careful than expected."

Everyone made an unsettling noise under their breath but calmly relaxed and rested their hands back on the table.

"Alright, we should at least prepare our forces in case we need to defend ourselves, can we agree on that?" a third man said from the opposite end of the table from Jerry.

"Agreed, I will have my soldiers do what is necessary" a third woman said.

Jerry made a smile as he looked at everyone, "The armies strongest forces working against their threat, I'm sure we will succeed."

The six army generals stood up from the table and begin pulling their phones out so as they made their leave they could call up their individual bases to list the required tactics needed to be done.

Around an hour after the meeting, one of the generals made his way into a small room on the third floor of the Police Headquarters. He was the man who had been sitting opposite Jerry, his name being Paul.

There was a girl in the room looking through reports on the table. She had very long black hair, and her clothes were a bright white, like a lab coat, but instead of the clothing itself being a coat, it was a simple shirt that had buttons down the middle and a raised colour. Her fingernails were long and purple, and her face had clear make up.

"Sophie, why did you call me?" Paul said as he took a seat beside the girl and peeked over to the papers she was looking through.

Sophie put a finger on her lips, making sure Paul could see her, and then slid a booklet towards him. Paul opened it up and found papers and pictures clipped inside.

The pictures were a bird's eye view of each military base surrounding the city. They were positioned 5 to 10 miles away from the city's borders, and each of them consisted of a large area covered with tents and vehicles.

Under the photos, several pages of writing were found.

'The army has given their help to defend this threat from the unknown terrorist group who have given no name thus far, but we do know that they have purposefully led us to places of unnatural and unknown belonging. But that is not the reason we write this. We write to you because we have a worrisome situation to reveal. The soldiers who were sent to the underground facility we discovered those days ago, they reported they were unable to enter due to a gate that didn't remove itself no matter how much explosives were attached and detonated. Those same eight soldiers have disappeared from our eyes and ears since. Each soldier in or group has had a chip installed in their body to detect their life signals when away, so if they die we know who has died, but their life signal is still active. We are unable to track their signal back to them due to a distortion in the network, but we have realised their heartbeat is very different. We can't explain how, only that it is much more relaxed and calm than any heartbeat we have experienced, as if they have grown emotionless all together. We send you this because we are worried this unknown terrorist group is using what we fear is mind control on our soldiers. Scientists in the army and other connected networks have been working on mind control for years, and this is highly illegal of me to say this but if I am right, then breaking the law is better than letting this continue. Mind controlling a person not only relaxes the body, it makes them lose control to points of unknown. They will do anything you tell them, and if this terrorist group has accomplished this, then we are in danger. I have attached a second note to this one, it explains meeting points for us, I wish to make a plan in person, thank you.'

The note was long, but efficient. Paul took the second note and read at the address before putting it in his pocket.

"Will you be fine cleaning this up, Sophie?"

Sophie raised her head only slightly but simply nodded and lowered her head again, her face covered by her hair.

"Good, thank you" Paul said, and he left the room.

The air was cold at night, and with no one around it felt lonesome but Paul was used to it as a captain. He spent nights and nights working on paper work, as he had for years, so standing here on the pier in the cold night, with only a couple of tall lights around him brightened around him, Paul actually felt relaxed.

"So you made it" said a soft, girlish tone.

Paul instantly felt his foot give way under him and he nearly fell, but his hand was caught by the soft touch of the girl who had walked up behind him, her purple fingernails rubbing on his skin.

Sophie's face, compared to before Paul thought, seemed to be a bit different, possibly a bit more make up or just less of it.

"Oh, yeah. Next time don't scare me please."

"And how would I do that, exactly?" Sophie said, remaining still as her hand kept holding onto Pauls.

"I-I don't know, message me in advance, or maybe don't be so close when you let me know."

"I will keep that in mind, but I hope you don't plan to get off topic much, this is important after all, it's for the future."

Paul gave off a sigh as he forcibly shook his hand from Sophie, "Yeah, so what was your plan exactly?"

"First of all there is something I haven't told you, or more I lied about it but only because it would be dangerous to write about it in that note."

"About what exactly? Were you worried someone might see it besides me?"

Sophie simply stared into Paul's eyes, "We have been able to track the signals, and they are making their way to their original bases like normal. There heartbeats are still the same as last time, the unnatural beat, and no matter how much we try and search there is no way a normal person can have such a relaxed heartbeat for such a long time that easily."

"So you are certain it's mind control, but why are they heading back?"

"It's just a guess, but I feel whoever is behind this is going to use them to wipe out the army protecting the city, if they do that then no one will have the power to fight what happens next."

Paul lowered his head slightly and thought back to what Jerry had told him about the underground facility, and how the same robotic devices from the times of the tragedy had appeared there.

"And the Tragedy could repeat, right?"

Sophie gave a soft nod, "We need to decide who will be a fake."

Pauls head tilted slightly, "A fake to what?"

"They will hide away and then come out and pretend to be one of the mind controlled."

"But the heartbeat will be clearly different, and the terrorist will most likely know they're pretending if they actually are as smart as we think they are!"

"Yet if we don't do this, we don't get a chance to find the terrorists themselves, we die and the city falls too."

Paul looked aside for a while and thought for a few seconds as Sophie stared towards him, then he turned his head back.

"How about Miles? He is trained enough to be able to take on a few trained people at once in a brawl, and he has expert knowledge on the basic weapons and some advanced weapons too, I'm sure he'd have a chance alone."

Sophie gave a nod again, "Agreed, I shall contact him."

Sophie reached out for Paul who didn't dare move, but instead seemed to straighten up in shock. Her hand patted his jacket as she tried giving off a smile but it was very smile.

"Go home, get rest."

She took her hand off and began walking away from the pier.

Paul's room, for the temporary use while he was here, was a small apartment. He locked the door which had a chain lock and a lock on the doorknob, then proceeded to remove his jacket and lay it on the table before moving to his bed.

Before he fell asleep he proceeded to think about what had happened with his talk to Sophie, if she was right about the bases going to be wiped out, was it right to just not do anything besides go with her plan. If the bases were to fall, that would be a loss for everyone, right?

Paul ended the thought, he had worked so much today with the meeting the paperwork before and after that he wished to just sleep, even though a rather dangerous outcome could be happening, but he wasn't sleeping for long. He soon awoke to the sound of a strange, out of the world laugh. His eyes shot open, his eyes meeting with the roof above his bed but as he looked down at his body he noticed his stomach was bleeding, and a metal claw was poking out as if it had stabbed through from underneath. The pain didn't seem to hit him but his eyes did meet with another thing in his room, a small creature like a bear, half of its body white, and the other black, and its hand right paw was reaching under the bear.

Paul tried moving around but the pain hit instantly and he screamed as the bear laughed.

"Such a lowly life, trying to escape death. Just let it overcome you!"

Paul growled and tried moving himself up and off the claw, ignoring the pain as much as he could, but the claw simply pushed itself up even more and Paul screamed out again before falling back down.

"T-this shouldn't be impossible!" Paul said as he recognized the creature from its looks, "You shouldn't be possible anymore!"

Monokuma let out a laugh as the claw began spinning nice and slow, its metal rubbing over Pauls stomachs insides gently.

"It's only impossible because you're thinking logically," Monokuma said in it's relaxed tone, "throw logic out the window and you have the gateway to everything and anything! Don't you agree?!"

Paul clenched his hands as he let out a final scream as tens of small pieces of metal were shot from the claws sides like bullets. They hit Pauls body, causing holes over his skin, including his forehead, and his voice grew silent along with his body.

The claw was pulled back and Monokuma took his paw from under the bed before he let out another laugh and footsteps were heard from inside the apartment. Monokuma's size instantly became smaller, the size of a circular bottle lid with the black and white colour over it, and soon enough a girls hand came down and picked it up.

Their legs marched back and forth, left and right, guns strapped to their sides and a small bag strapped to each of their backs. Their hands were kept to their sides and their faces were filled with no emotion which matched the state of their relaxed bodies.

The eight soldiers entered through the main gate of military base zero which was positioned seven miles north east of the city in an open desert terrain which had no sign of life with the next few kilometres besides the base itself.

The soldiers were not noticed since the hour was beyond midnight and the only men awake were the two men at the gate who happily welcomed these soldiers in since they all had the right identification. There were other people working naturally, but they were inside the tens of barracks among the base so no one saw the soldiers as they entered their own barracks and came to their bedding areas.

They took the bags off their backs and out of them they brought out a plastic bag each that had contained small circular devices with a black and white colour to them.

"Activate them, they will do what is needed."

The girls voice came from an earpiece on each of the soldiers ears, and without hesitation they took the circular devices out of the plastic bags, throwing them to the ground as light as possible, and watched the devices grow from a small circle shaped object into 5 foot tall, half white and half black bear like figures with their right eyes made into a red lightning bolt.

"Join me outside immediately" the girls voice said from the earpiece and so each soldier stood to their feet so they could follow the bear creatures outside.

The military base had a tall outpost in the centre of the area, it stood 20 feet in the air and consisted of a 10 metre thick post in the ground which rose high into the ground for the first 15 feet, then it shaped into a large circular dome of glass for a view. As the soldiers spiralled up the staircase leading up to the dome they noticed bleeding corpses in the air but they simply stepped over or on them to continue. Blood covered the walls and the railings and even some steps but the soldiers continued until they reached the glass domed room of the outpost.

One girl stood in the room, her dark blue, pixie cut hair covering a little of hair head and Blue Denim shorts, revealing most of her legs but her body was completely covered by the white overcoat that reached to her waist. Either side of her laid two dead soldiers who's hands were raised to the glass and nails in their hands but since half the nail was still sticking out of them it was clear it hadn't been hammered in completely yet.

"You can come closer, watch as this part of the worlds force is taken out."

The soldiers followed the girls voices order and so they stood behind her with their eyes looking out the glass dome. The land below was swarming with soldiers who had awoken in their sleep, most of them were unconscious on the ground as other soldiers were racing around, firing guns at the bears that ran after them. The bears frequently had their right paw disappear into their arms and blue rings were shot out that hit the soldiers as fast as bullets. One second the rings were out of the bears, and the next the soldier it hit was on the ground and not moving.

Soon every soldier in the base was down and the bears were placing earpieces on their ears, the earpieces exposing sharp metals on them which clasped onto the skin of the wearer, and thus the bears turned back into their small circular form that they originated from.

"That was easy, but the easier the better I suppose" the girl said as she walked from her post at the window and made her way to the stairs.

"Miss" said a man from the back of the outpost, and Jerry from the police department stepped from his spot in the back.

"What is it, I'm busy" the girl said.

"I have no doubt we will take out the military protecting this city, but this world is filled with thousands of other forces stronger than this one, have you thought that far?"

The girl let out a smile as she turned to Jerry and placed her hands on her waist, "Naturally. I never said I was destroyed the military, I am simply going to use them for my own wants. I'll upgrade these Monokuma bots using the military's tools to make them far greater than that despair lunatic every could, then we'll see how the rest of the world reacts."

"They'll declare war, it's how humans think."

"Then war it is, I don't care as long as it ends, this world has reached it's expiry date."

The girl then pointed at the soldiers who were standing in their places still, "There are two bodies on the glass, I want you to hammer the nails in and do nothing else."

Jerry let out a gasp in shock as he ran for the stairs as the girl proceeded to walk down them, "But if they do that!"

"Then hurry on now, don't want to get in the way now, do we?"

Jerry quickly ran down the stairs as the soldiers took hammers from the floor and the nails on the dead bodies hands were smashed through to the glass dome itself causing cracks. The cracks spread through the glass and soon the whole thing shattered into large pieces which fell but as the glass fell so did the pieces of glass above the soldiers and their bodies were repeatedly cut by falling glass which caused them to fall of the outpost and collide with the earth below them.

"Had they reached their expiry date as well?" Jerry said from the backseat of black limousine with the girl in front of him who was drinking a martini.

"Naturally everything has an expiry point, just like you."

She stared right into Jerry's eyes as she said that, causing him to shiver up but her gaze lifted and she laughed out while the window behind her opened and she threw her glass out the window.

"Unlike them, though, you are more important, I need you until the end, so relax."

Jerry attempted to relax, and so he took a glass from the tray beside him and prepared himself his own martini as the girl picked her feet up and started humming away to the music playing through the car.

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