Danganronpa: Despair's Fallen...

Od Fayklore1

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A fanfiction of the game and anime Danganronpa, the story takes place some years after The Tragedy that took... Více

Chapter 1 - Despair's Front Door
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Your Prison
Chapter 3 - A New Place To Call Hell
Chapter 4 - Unmasking the Events
Chapter 5 - Closing the Curtains
Chapter 6 - Ascending Further
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Development
Chapter 9 - The Villain
Chapter 10 - Blowing Away The Dust
Chapter 11 - The Track to Death
Chapter 12 - Sorrow and Silence
Chapter 13 - Transmission Received
Chapter 14 - Flesh to Bone
Chapter 15 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 16 - Uncovered Truth
Chapter 17 - No Stops Along The Way
Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials
Chapter 19 - The Mastermind
Chapter 20 - The Start of Chaos
Epilogue - It's Never Over

Chapter 8 - Bound

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Od Fayklore1

"Do you have to always be separate from everyone else?" Adam said.

He was standing outside of the dormitories, against the back wall, with Marcus sitting on a chair stolen from the cafeteria, his head positioned upwards so he can stare up at the top of the dome.

"I don't see the difference of being here than being in there, besides the fact my brain cells die a little more the longer I'm around those idiots."

Adam gave a soft sigh and began walking for the school before Marcus called out to him.

"Where are you going all by yourself?" he said.

Adam turned back to the man, "I'm going to be looking around the second floor one more time."

"Why, we checked it already didn't we?"

Adam gave a shrug, "Like you said, I see no difference in exploring than staying here, besides the fact staying here means we accomplish nothing," and with that he walked off to the school doors.

"Smartass" Marcus said once he noticed Adam walk into the school building he decided to follow.

The second floor was still the same, though Adam didn't expect any change. He explored through the rooms as they all had before. The library had too many books to check, and the control panel seemed too small to hide anything important. He spent a while checking the gymnasium and the cages of different balls but it seemed no secrets were too obvious for him to notice.

The classrooms were empty as well like the other ones on the first floor, so all that was left was the Biology Room.

The room wore too much white, it had white tables on the right side with white desks connected to the walls on the left and the front of the room. White cupboards were on top of the white desks but as Adam checked them all they were empty.

The desks were covered with Bunsen Burners used for chemicals as well as scalpels and needles but nothing of major worry unless someone was a few good dagger thrower.

Adam decided to check the bottom cupboards and so one by one he opened them up. Nothing were in the first three but the fourth cupboard some more extra Bunsen Burners inside. The fifth cupboard had a pile of scalpels in a container and then the six had a book. It was a red book, the cover was blank and it seemed to be really dusty. Adam placed the book on the desks top and opened it wide to look through.

"School records?"

The book was filled with records of the students here in this area right now. He saw Jacob's name and a picture of possibly a year ago, there was Marcus and Joseph, even Rachel and Lisa, and he recognized himself of course.

The book contained their birthdates, ultimate titles, short descriptions of their life from birth and any schools they attended. Their blood type, height, weight, and other characteristics were here too.

There was also another name here too.

"Taylah Shink, the ultimate painter?" Adam said.

The book detailed this Taylah girl as the classes mentor, their teacher at the school, or at least she would've been.

"What is this doing here and not in the library?" Adam said and took the book in his arm so he could show it to Jacob personally.

"What have you found there?" came a voice from behind Adam.

Adam recognized it as Marcus immediately but didn't bother making eye contact as he turned around.

"Just a book, I'm going to show it to Jacob."

Adam attempted to make his way past Marcus but man pushed Adam back to the desk where his back was hit, causing his arms to drop the book and Marcus leaning down to pick it up.

"Ah, student records" he said as he looked through, "What was this doing here I wonder."

Adam winced in pain as he growled and straightened up.

"Goddammit Marcus, give it back!"

Marcus began whistling to himself as he licked his finger to flip the page, paying Adam no attention. Adam attempted to grab the book again but his stomach was met with Marcus' right shoe and his back met with the desk again causing Adam to fall to his knees.

"Stop trying to take it, Adam. What use is it to you?"

"What use is it to you, as well?"

Marcus made a sly smile, "I'm alot smarter than you Adam, this information could be useful to us."

"It's just details about everyone, what do you expect to find something so simple?"

Adam attempted to get to his feet by holding onto the desk. Marcus didn't stop him, instead he turned for the entrance and walked out. His hand closed the door and once Adam had it opened, his back hurting incredibly, Marcus was around the corner. Adam tried following the man but he had disappeared into a classroom and when Adam tried opening it the handle wouldn't move.

"Locked, darn it!" he said, "open it up Marcus!"

Marcus didn't respond and so after three unsuccessful tugs at the door, Adam ran for the dormitories.

Adam told Jacob everything. The book he'd found, what was detailed inside, and how Marcus had taken it and locked himself in the classroom. Jacob tugged at the classroom as hard as he could but it wouldn't open.

"Goddammit Marcus, what are you doing!?" Jacob said.

No response.

Jacob hit the door with his fist and attempted to break it open but from behind them came a menacing, familiar laugh and they turned to see Monokuma who's face switched from laughter to anger fast.

"No breaking the doors!" he said with his arms raised, and the two kids jumped back in surprise as Monokuma's face switched to glee faster than expected.

"But," he said, "I will open it if you give me a little bit of something!"

Jacob focused back on the door and ignored him.

"We're not killing another, fuck off!" Adam said.

"Aw" Monokuma said in sadness and he slowly walked away, disappearing around the corner.

The two attempted to open the door some more but Jacob soon recommended they stop, and so with that they left for the dormitories.

Jacob has gotten Marco's agreement to join him tonight for the venture into the shed. Marco was resting in the dining area with Jacob after the man had spent the past few hours exercising in the gym with Frankie.

"So he's still exercising then?" Jacob said.

Marco gave a nod, "It seems he's taken to it. I'm surprised, usually someone who sits down planning blueprints and the like all day is the type to hate exercise."

"Well he doesn't just plan blueprints," Jacob said, "I believe he mentioned he built things personally too. One of them being a fully automated robot with its own Artificial Intelligence."

Marco waved his hand slightly, "Eh, I'm not within the same world as you to understand what those even mean. I am more the type to fight than think."

Lexi came out of the kitchen a few minutes afterwards, lasagne in her hands which excited Abby greatly and soon everyone was eating away. Marcus hadn't arrived back, but Simon was back from the library now, a book in his hand again.

"Why does a director like reading so much as you, wouldn't it be more understandable if you preferred movies?" Benedict said.
Simon finished reading his page before putting his book down, "That would be ridiculous, I read books for ideas. It gives me ideas of a setting, of angles in camera points, and also how things look. There's so much a book can tell you that a movie can't."

"But a movie is showing you everything though" Stacey said.

"Wrong," Simon said, "A movie shows you one angle, one thing at a time. Yes it may change the angle but it will never show the same scene from different angles. A book tells you what's going on and lets you imagine what's happening from any angle you wish. It doesn't give you the information, it gives you the details to make that information for yourself."

Marco shrugged again, "Once again, I prefer the fighting side of life, not the mental side."

Jacob let out a small laugh as they continued eating.

It was 9:30 PM and so Jacob and Marco made their way out of their rooms. The dining area was empty except for Simon who was reading.

"Did everyone else leave?" Jacob said.

Simon finished his page again and looked up, "Well Frankie came back I think temporarily, I saw him for a second. Joseph is still in the art room I believe and Marcus, well I haven't seen him. They're the only people I'm unaccounted for, but everyone else entered their rooms a while ago."

Jacob gave him a nod as Simon went back to his book peacefully.

"Let's head out" Jacob said."

The button was there as Joseph had said, fitted behind a rack in the shed, and with a slight push of it the floor below them began sliding down little by little then moving forward to reveal a staircase.

"A secret passage, isn't this fascinating" Jacob said and began making his way down slowly.

"Wait, what if it's booby trapped?" Marco said, "I know staircases are a great trick for booby traps."

Jacob looked up at Marco then back down, "I doubt it, let's go shall we?"

Marco gave an unsatisfied look in Jacob's direction but slowly travelled down the stairs after Jacob, keeping a safe distance behind the boy in case he turned out wrong, but thankfully they got the flooring safely.

"It's really dark here" Marco said.

Jacob travelled along the right side of the wall, his hands feeling for a switch for the light while Marco did the same for the left half of the wall.

"Ah here it is" Jacob said, and with a flick of his wrist the switch turned the lights on.

It took a few seconds but the long room was soon brightened by tonnes of lights. The room seemed to be around 100 metres in distance and 20 metres in width, with the ceiling towering over them; and every piece of flooring ahead of Jacob and Marco was filled with giant versions of Monokuma's.

"What is this?" Marco said with his face going pale.

Jacob's face was growing pale as well but he stayed quiet as he viewed the area and began walking through the rows of Monokuma giants.

They must've spend around ten minutes exploring before they reached the end of the room, and there was nothing they found besides alot of space and alot of questions.

"Could this be the same things that caused the Tragedy?" Marco said.

"No, those were definitely destroyed. I think the person behind this rebuilt these himself. He really is dedicated."

"Then he wants to use them again?"

"It would seem so. Did you find anything that we could use to destroy them?"

Marco shook his head and tried pushing his weight onto of them but they seemed alot heavier than him which was obvious.

"Even if we did push them over somehow, we would be caught in the landslide or explosion. We won't want that."

Marco let out a sigh as he walked away from the giant Monokuma's, taking a deep breath to concentrate.

"Should we tell the other, it is important after all."

Jacob shook his head slowly, "I think if we did then they would hurry to see and that would get attention from Monokuma."

There was a bit of laughter from around the two, Jacob giving off a sigh and watching as Monokuma walked out from behind one of the giant Monokuma's.

"You may be the strategist, mister. But I am the beary best at keeping my eye on everything!"

"Stop it with the puns and tell us what this place is please" Jacob said.

"Of course I will!" Monokuma said as he raised his hands, "This place is the home of my brothers, the same brothers who will take your world and turn it into yesterdays paper plates in the bin!"

Jacob looked over as he frowned, "But if you have all this, why do you need us?"

Monokuma grinned and leant in close as Jacob crouched in hopes to mock the teddy bear but it didn't work.

"You all are necessary in the same field, for the Tragedy to return I need your help. And trust me, I know it will work."

Monokuma looked to his wrist, no watch seen by either Jacob or Marco but yet Monokuma's eyes were widened almost.

"Oh my, it's almost ten PM, you guys better hurry!"

He disappeared and so the TV that must've been hidden in this room began blaring with the bell noise while Jacob and Marco ran for the stairs.

"It's ten PM for everyone! I believe that means you all must pack up and head to bed."

Jacob and Marco got to the stairs but as they climbed their feet up they noticed someone at the top.

"I hope you all have a very good sleep, and hopefully tomorrow will be even better!"

The figuring at the top of the stairs seem to throw something down, and as it landed in front of Jacob and Marco there was smoke and dust escaping from it.

"Sleep well!" Monokuma said.

The TV switched off and Jacob and Marco felt themselves falling down the stairs and landing with a big bang which caused them to lose consciousness, leaving them alone in the darkness as the lights turned themselves off.




Adam's door swung open nice and slow the next morning, his face was full of sleepiness and his mind wanted nothing but coffee. His feet dragged him to the kitchen and so he prepared the sugar, the coffee, the hot water and the milk and finally he sat in the dining area with his drink.

"Did you sleep well?" came Abby's voice as she came from her room.

Adam simply nodded as he took a sip of his drink and smile.

The two of them talked over random topics for a while as Lexi made joined them, soon followed by Benedict and Stacey, once again coming from Stacey's room, and Marcus was seen as well which got Adam's attention.

"Marcus, where is that book from yesterday?!" Adam said as he stood up quickly.

Marcus glared his eyes towards the boy but didn't respond, in fact he seemed worried.

"Isn't there usually more people awake by now?" Marcus said.

Adam didn't want to change the topic, but the man was right. Marco was usually up around this time, the same for Jacob.

"Maybe they are still sleeping?" Adam said.

Marcus shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, but it wouldn't hurt to look for them."

Samuel, Simon and Carlos were out of their rooms right at those words, having overheard him.

"Did someone go missing?" Samuel said.

"Not missing, gosh" Adam said, "Just they might've gotten up earlier than usual.

"I'm going to check the school, can you two idiots join me just in case?" Marcus said as he pointed at Samuel and Carlos.

Samuel and Carlos grunted, "Only if you don't call us idiots" Carlos said.

"Fine, then simpletons."

"Better!" Samuel said with a grin but Carlos' elbow hit his chest.

"It's not better!"

Marcus let out a sigh as he walked out of the dormitories and so Samuel and Carlos hurried after him.

Adam went to follow himself but he was stopped by Simon, "I don't think they will be in the school, they left around 9:30 for the shed."

"The shed, why though?"

Simon gave a shrug but Adam didn't ask again, he left the dormitory and headed for the shed.

The shed was the same as before. There were three racks on the walls, all filled with little items, but then there was the hole in the ground revealing a staircase.

"Was this here before?" Adam said, then he shook his head, "No, definitely not."

He heard a slight noise from below, and then a person calling out to him.

"Adam..." the voice said.

"Jacob?" Adam said and slowly made his way down the stairs and into the darkness until his eyes met with Jacob and Marco leaning against the railing on the flooring.

"What are you two doing down here?" Adam said.

Jacob tried to stand with a smile but as he got to his feet his leg seemed to make him wince in pain little by little. Marco however seemed to be fine.

"I've been through worse, but you should get him to the infirmary" Marco said.

Adam helped Jacob up the stairs little by little as the two of them explained about the area they were in. Adam was shocked to know there were giant Monokuma's under the flooring but once they reached the top of the stairway that feeling was erased forever.

"Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong!"

The bell, the same bell they had heard four days ago, was echoing through the room. Adam's face, and not just his but Jacob's and Marco's too, were pale.

"C-check it out" Jacob said to Adam and Marco immediately took the boy in his arms in exchange but Adam didn't move.

"Adam!" Jacob said.

Adam returned to consciousness and looked around before giving a nod and ran off for the school immediately.

Marcus and the other two had been checking the school, most likely they had seen something, and Adam was worried he knew what it was.

He entered the Entrance Hall and moved to the hallway. His feet took him to the second flooring and his eyes looked down the hall to the closed door of the control panel room with Marcus, Samuel and Carlos sitting outside. Adam walked up slowly as the three of them seemed to be doing their best to not look at each other, they didn't even stop him as Adam opened the door.

The door opened slowly and all Adam could see before him was, hanging by a rope mid-air, a body with their clothes soaked in blood The rope had bound their hands behind them and was attached to a light on the wall to keep the body elevated. Adam slowly walked inside and tried turning the body around no matter how much his mind told him not to, and so his eyes met with the face of Joseph whose neck had been stabbed into with a scalpel.


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